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Author: Johnny Vasallo

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Welcome to Salty! A combination of Sass, Clash, and updates about my life or the world around us.
16 Episodes
This one is about you! Yes, you! Are you feeling down about yourself? Do you need a reminder on loving yourself? The majority of people are dealing with low self-esteem, and today's episode will give you some tools on how to build yourself back up! High self-esteem is a crucial concept to master, so take these tips with you! A 4:11 on boosting your self-esteem!
I have returned once again to give you the tea. Although Miss Rona has not put her claws on me quite yet, I decided that it was time for me to make an entrance. Tune in to find out about a wild trend that you didn't know was yours and find some self-love, even if it comes in smaller sizes! 
Join me in my new venture of fitness! Also, allow me to spill the tea about my new job and the things that make me salty.
Finals season is over and it is time to jump into this summer with a splash! Introducing Summer Salty, a flaming segment about self-exploration and finding yourself. Let's spill some tea and talk about our new experiences. Remember, it can be very rewarding to try something new!
Lash Out: Episode 12

Lash Out: Episode 12


You're roots are showing and it's the petty kind. You may throw shade or say things you may not need to, what can you do? Also, more updates about college boy life!
Toothless: Episode 11

Toothless: Episode 11


My wisdom teeth are out and the medicine is in. Let's see how this goes!!!
Political Opinions might not be the best opinion to share to customers. Things could get escalated!
Haven't made a New Years Resolution yet? Here's how!
Spread Holiday cheer and be kind to each other. Plus, don't be a meanie, be loving!
Are dates not working for you? Me neither! Also, I'm getting my teeth pulled and my dates keep biting the dust!
It's finals week and I am exploring the controversial nativity scene at the Claremont United Methodist Church. Students, keep fighting to do well and hold your families close! One day, this country will be open to everyone who seeks the best life for themselves and their families!
Don't allow people's views to get in the way of your success! Update: It turns out my Botany professor is racist!
I keep getting involved in crazy adventures all because I am trying to be social. I also had some dessert that made me really hyper! Overall, it was an interesting day!
There's an Omen in Gilmer, Texas! Find out what it could mean and more! Also, a new study may have you excited to learn, especially if you go to a public school!
Bitter: Episode 2

Bitter: Episode 2


Today is a quick session, exploring something sour and ending on something artistic. It's loud but pretty interesting! Stay tuned for more!
This is my first podcast ever and I will start talking about different subjects as I continue with this project. It only gets better from this point on! I will explore a little bit about voting and I will provide a basic introduction to the show, I hope you enjoy it! Much love!
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