DiscoverFinding Genius Podcast
Finding Genius Podcast

Finding Genius Podcast

Author: Richard Jacobs

Subscribed: 3,170Played: 93,356


Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more.

Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s).
3798 Episodes
How do our crop production systems work in tandem with plant pathology to form the best farming techniques? By focusing on disease control and sustainable farming techniques, better production techniques can be developed. Press play to learn: Why crop rotation is vital in sustainable farming How non-tillage techniques can benefit soil nutrients What the future of farming may look like Don M. Huber, a Professor Emeritus at Purdue University, shares his life of work and research on plant pathology and crop production techniques. Farming at every level requires an understanding of techniques that allows food production to work in concert with nature to optimize the processes. buy flexeril online buy flexeril over the counter online pharmacyWhile not all techniques are sustainable, crop rotation is one of the most prevalent and significantly beneficial techniques available to producers. buy udenafil online buy udenafil over the counter online pharmacy Recognizing the dynamic between all aspects of production is vital since everything from pathogens to nutrition can drastically alter the efficacy of farming. buy fildena online buy fildena over the counter online pharmacyNamely, the nutrition in the soil and available for future years is critical and can ensure a successful future. To learn more, a great resource is a best-selling book: Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease. Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
In this conversation, we connect with Dr. Momo Vuyisich, the Founding CSO and Head of Clinical Research at Viome Life Sciences. Boasting more than 25 years of R&D experience in biology, chemistry, and bioinformatics, Dr. Vuyisich is an entrepreneur-scientist on a mission to turn scientific discoveries into technologies that improve humanity – and build a healthier future free of chronic diseases and cancers… Dr. Vuyisich is a microbiologist and biochemist with skills spanning diverse biological fields, technology development and commercialization, drug discovery, biotech start-ups, and more. Drawing from his unique background, Dr. Vuyisich contributes to Viome’s primary goal of preventing/curing chronic diseases and cancers and slowing down aging.  How is Viome challenging the current medical-healthcare industrial paradigm and pushing the boundaries of modern science? Tune in to see for yourself! Jump in now to learn about: What led Dr. Vuyisich to pursue work in this intriguing field.  Why academic research and pharmaceutical companies don't necessarily contribute to improving people’s health.  What makes Viome different from other biological companies.  The factors that determine the health of the human body.  To follow along with Dr. Vuyisich’s work with Viome, click here! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
In this episode, we sit down with Jeremy Hurewitz, the author of Sell Like a Spy: The Art of Persuasion from the World of Espionage and a policy advisor on National Security for the Joseph Rainey Center. Building his career around former CIA case officers, FBI agents, and other intelligence operatives, Jeremy is an espionage expert who believes that we can learn more about communication and the art of influence from spies – and use them to our advantage in real-life situations. By tapping into his diverse background, Jeremey dives into corporate sales and security to teach us how to build relationships, persuade others, and sell anything. Are you ready to learn how to better connect, entice, and make deals in business and everyday life? Tune in now to sharpen your skills and equip yourself with the knowledge of a bonafide spy… In this discussion, we cover: How Jeremy began his career as a corporate spy. Common misconceptions about the intelligence sector.  Why CIA case officers are so good at connecting with people. The importance of listening to your instincts.   To learn more about Jeremy and the Sell Like a Spy program, click here! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Can high-risk health conditions such as cancer and heart disease be prevented by taking essential fatty acids plus specific vitamins and minerals? Brian Peskin, the world’s “leading physiologic EFA expert,” joins the podcast to discuss the role of essential fatty acids in the body’s metabolic pathways and how to take charge of your health. Brian understands science and systems very well. With an MIT degree in Electrical Engineering, he is highly knowledgeable in complex mathematics, engineering and physics, probability and statistics, and biochemistry and physiology. His diverse background has led him to develop an incredibly unique perspective on health and nutrition — and even a way to conquer cancer… Jump in now to find out:  What the root cause of most diseases is.  What EFAs are, and how they impact the body.  What DHA is, and what happens if you take too much of it.  Why skin cancer is running so rampant. To explore Brian's groundbreaking research further, click here. Also, check out EZtrek® for a new, patented medical food, and use the code GENIUS1 to enjoy 10% off your first order! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
In this episode, we discuss the biology and the individual behavior of trees with Dr. Chuck Cannon, a Senior Scientist in Ecological Evolution at The Morton Arboretum. As an expert in forest evolution, wildlife, and conservation, Dr. Cannon brings a unique set of skills and knowledge to the Arboretum. Currently, his work focuses on two primary research questions:  How can we ensure that tree species maintain resilience and adaptability in rapidly changing, human-dominated environments, and how do naturally occurring hybridization and genetic exchange among interfertile species contribute to this process? Can new technologies provide novel insights into tree biology, and how can the application of innovative tools and techniques overcome the challenges of studying trees?  In addition to diving into these questions, we explore:  How Dr. Cannon’s work shifted from primate research to the biology of trees.  How a forest is defined, and how this environment is created.  The ways that trees can indicate environmental quality.  What we can learn from trees.  The biggest threats that trees face.  Want to learn more about Dr. Cannon and his fascinating work with trees? Click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Ken McCarthy returns to the podcast to share his insights and strategies for leveraging digital marketing opportunities. With decades of experience in the business world, Ken uses his diverse background to help others succeed in their professional endeavors. What makes his approach unique? He joins us to explain… Ken is an internationally recognized activist, educator, and entrepreneur who has been pioneering internet-based direct response strategies since the early '90s. He employs evidence-based protocols to identify different types of audiences and capture their attention. This direct marketing tactic has helped countless businesses attract, maintain, and grow their client base. Today, Ken joins us to share his secrets! In this conversation, we explore: The importance of being an expert in all markets.  How to identify and market to your audience. The four segments of the marketplace. What “hyper-responsives” are and their role in the marketplace.   Want to find out more about Ken and his important work? Click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Today, we sit down with William Sargent, a NOVA consultant and the winner of the Boston Globe's Winship Award. He joins us in this episode to discuss his work as a renowned author and scientist covering subjects such as marine biology, fishing, diving, underwater photography, global warming, and more. William has written a whopping 27 books about science and the environment. These include World on Edge: Covid-19, Climate Change, Ukraine and Solutions, and Storm Surge: A Coastal Village Battles the Rising Atlantic. His distinct insight is informed by years of research and personal interaction with the issues he tackles… In this episode, you will learn about: What a scientific author does. How severe storms can impact beaches, and how they compare to sea level rise. Insights from journalists regarding the current war in Ukraine. The potential origins of COVID-19. William is determined to bridge the gap between science and storytelling – and the success he has achieved is fascinating. Wondering how his work has contributed to scientific narratives around the world? Tune in now! To find out more about William and his work, click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Today we connect with Judith Curry to discuss various climate change issues. As a renowned climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Judith’s research covers a range of topics; but her views on climate change are not necessarily considered mainstream… Over the years, Judith has published over a hundred scientific papers and co-edited several major works. While she accepts that the planet is warming, she is skeptical about whether or not it is human-generated – and asserts that trying to reduce emissions may be pointless. So what is climate change being caused by, and is the mainstream narrative accurate? Judith sits down to address this and much more! In this episode, we cover: Whether or not the mainstream climate narrative is valid. How the issue of natural climate change has been trivialized.  Why rapidly turning away from fossil fuels is dangerous. The difference between electric and gas vehicles.  To find out more about Judith and her work, click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Ice is an important facet of Earth’s climate system. Since ice affects our climate and sea levels, understanding the way ice sheets develop and change over time helps us better predict the future of our planet. So, what are researchers finding? Dr. Alexander Robel joins the podcast to enlighten us… Dr. Robel is an Assistant Professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech University, and serves as the head of the Ice and Climate research group. By studying the causes of ice sheet change, Dr. Robel is on a mission to develop conceptual, mathematical, and computational tools to predict future changes.. In this episode, we talk about: What happens when glaciers melt. Where glaciers and ice sheets tend to form, and why they melt.  What “sea ice” is, and where it forms.  How computer models are used in Dr. Robel’s research.   Want to learn more about Dr. Robel and his research? Click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Joining us today to address issues surrounding climate science is William Happer. William is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Princeton University.  He is also a long-term member of the JASON advisory group, where he played an integral role in the development of adaptive optics. As a pioneer in the world of physics, William has focused his research on atomic physics, optics, and spectroscopy. This greatly informs his approach to topics such as climate change – giving him the scientific tools necessary to disprove any inaccurate claims being made by politicians and scientists alike… Join the discussion now to learn more about: How politics can impact climate science. What the carbon dioxide levels are today versus 500 million years ago. The potential consequences of banning fossil fuels. The real reason why storm damages are more severe. While this is certainly a dividing issue, making your mind up for yourself is important. Tune in to learn about this subject from an alternative perspective! To learn more about William and his work, click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcast:
Joining us in this episode to discuss climate science is Andrew Dessler. Andrew is the Director of the Texas Center for Climate Studies. He is also a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and holder of the Reta A. Haynes Chair in Geoscience at Texas A&M University. Andrew wants to know how climate change is going to affect humans in the future. In order to unpack this area of interest, he spends his time researching topics such as climate change policy, climate impacts, atmospheric chemistry, and global climate physics. Tune in now to uncover: The research tools Andrew is using to predict the future impacts of climate change. What we can do to mitigate future climate challenges. One way the U.S. could largely transition away from fossil fuels. How electricity usage is being affected by climate change. So, what will the future hold for humans as the climate continues to transform? What can we do to prepare for a warmer future? Andrew answers these questions and others like them in this insightful conversation about climate change! Click here to learn more about Andrew and his work as a climate scientist! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcast:
Are the factors affecting air temperature what we previously thought? Based on physical evidence, there may be different culprits at hand. Listen in to learn: Major projections that may be filled with error The most significant factors affecting air temperature What major models are based on Patrick Frank, Scientific Affiliate at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, shares his experience researching climate change, the real reasons behind it, and the possible consequences. In recent years, the story of climate change has been centered on greenhouse gasses and a few other key factors. However, these factors may be based on errored evidence. Even with extensive modeled evidence and published studies, the evidence may be more akin to statistics than science. Due to this, the real causes and effects of climate change and rising air temperature may vary from what we have been told. To learn more, visit Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcast:
Has climate change permanently shifted biodiversity, or can we make a course correction? While we may have done irreparable damage in some areas, we may still be able to fight the effects of climate change. buy silvitra online buy silvitra over the counter online pharmacy Listen up to learn: How some species have adapted to their new environmental struggles The consequences of a species' changed behavior How one animal's behavior changes the remainder of the ecosystem Luisa Diele-Viegas, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Federal University of Alagoas, shares her work researching how climate change has affected biodiversity. Much of the focus of the effects of climate change has focused on its impact on humans. However, if we take a closer look, the effects on biodiversity may be more severe than we initially thought. Since many animals have adopted behaviors to shield themselves from higher temperatures, they may not be able to carry out the resource gathering and reproduction necessary to sustain their species. If we cannot correct some of the damage already done, entire ecosystems may be changed for the worse. To learn more, search for Diele-Viegas LM on social media. Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcast:
In this episode, we connect once again with Benson Agbortogo, an investor, profit consultant, and the author of The Business System that Never Fails: How To Build A Business With God's Blessing. He is also the founder of Consistent Profit Tree, an institution that helps business owners and entrepreneurs in the construction and service industry generate more profit while working fewer hours.  Benson is on a mission to eradicate poverty using Christ-centered principles. Since moving to the United States from Africa more than 20 years ago, he has helped countless individuals achieve both personal and professional goals. Now, he is joining us to discuss the “Four Dimensions of Vision” – a useful framework designed to help people make decisions and evaluate them in the context of their lives…   Tune in now to learn: How the universal principles of God can help individuals and businesses grow.  How to become a “victor of your knowledge.” The benefits of breaking down time into smaller chunks. Get started on your journey to personal and professional growth by visiting the Consistent Profit Tree website or scheduling an appointment with Benson here! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Peter A. McCullough to discuss the harmful SARS-CoV-2s pike protein and how to detoxify it from your body. Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and the President of the McCullough Foundation who brings science-backed information to the COVID narrative.  Is the vaccine dangerous? What health complications are vaccinated individuals facing? Dr. McCullough, who has been skeptical of the COVID crisis from the beginning, has conducted thorough research and developed the “McCullough Protocol” to successfully treat countless patients. Now, he is addressing the concerns associated with vaccine-related injuries – and you may be surprised to see what he’s found…  Jump in to learn about:  How Dr. McCullough’s protocols have helped people overcome COVID vaccine symptoms.  Complications associated with the COVID vaccine, and how long they take to develop.  The differences between Dr. McCullough and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s perspectives on COVID.  The current social landscape surrounding COVID-19.  You can find out more about Dr. McCullough and the McCullough Foundation by clicking here. Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Today, we are joined by Courtney Stairs to discuss the fascinating world of protists. These unique organisms, which are neither animals, land plants, fungi, nor bacteria, represent a vastly unexplored biomass on our planet – and Courtney is on a mission to learn as much as she can about them… Courtney focuses her research on discovering how microbial eukaryotes – a.k.a “protists” – have evolved to thrive in low-oxygen environments. How do they thrive in challenging ecosystems? What does this tell us about how different organisms communicate and interact? Tune in now to expand your scientific knowledge! In this conversation, we explore:  What protists are.  Why protists are considered a “biologist’s playground.”  Examples of harmful microbial eukaryotes.  How protists are able to thrive without oxygen.  To learn more about Courtney and her work, click here now! Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
In this episode, we are joined by Matthew M. Kurtz, an associate professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and Behavior at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT, where he is also Chair of the Neuroscience and Behavior Program.  Publishing over 50 academic papers and chapters on topics related to cognition and rehabilitation in schizophrenia, Matthew is at the forefront of cutting-edge treatment for the severely mentally ill. He is also the author of Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Where Is the Progress?, a book that analyzes how diagnostic classifications and core pathology views limit schizophrenia treatment – advocating for individually tailored, multimodal treatments for distinct disorder features… Dive in to learn about: Facts about schizophrenia that aren’t commonly known.  The persistent problems that schizophrenia patients face.  How schizophrenia can impact problem-solving and language skills.  The ways that schizophrenia can be passed down between family members. How has Matthew’s research impacted the conventional treatment of neuropsychological deficits in schizophrenia? Click play to see for yourself! You can find out more about Matthew’s work with the Schizophrenia Cognition Lab here.  Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection. pisode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Meet Scott Frohman, the CEO and founder of Odyssey Elixir. Scott is an entrepreneur with a passion for health and wellness. What began as an exploration of adaptogenic mushrooms turned into an all-out business venture when he realized the powerful results they produced. Now, he is on a mission to share these discoveries with the world – and the results are inspiring… Scott has been involved in the natural products industry for years, so he knows a good supplement when he sees one. By harnessing the power of functional mushrooms, he has brought euphoria, clarity, and lasting energy to the wellness routines of many. What sets Odyssey Elixir apart from other energy beverage lines? Tune in to see for yourself! Offer: Odyssey’s beverages offer holistic support with organic, delicious drinks infused with adaptogenic mushrooms like Lion's Mane and Cordyceps, promoting Energy, Endurance, Focus, Immunity, and Mood. Enjoy flavors like passion fruit, orange, guava, and blackberry, and get 15% off your first order. Shop Now: In this conversation, we cover: What Scott’s background in business is, and what led him to start Odyssey Elixir. How mushrooms can provide a more sustainable source of energy. The ways that mushrooms can improve mood, clarity, and focus. What cordyceps are, and how they impact the body and mind.  How Odyssey compares to other energy drinks.  To learn more about Scott and Odyssey Elixir, click here now Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
What physiological responses do trees have to environmental factors? By “chasing carbon dioxide molecules around,” John Seiler has gained fascinating insights into the world of tree physiology, and he joins us to share his knowledge… Dr. John Seiler is a Professor and Tree Physiology Specialist at Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment. Here, he studies the environmental stress that affects woody plant physiology, including water and pollutant stresses. From soil health to photosynthesis, Dr. Seiler is on a mission to better understand how trees adapt to and survive under various environmental conditions – ultimately contributing to the sustainability and health of our forests. Dive in now to explore:  How Dr. Seiler measures carbon dioxide and photosynthesis levels.  The ways that roots provide trees with essential nutrients.  How to maintain and improve carbon-heavy soils. The various forms that carbon dioxide can take.  Want to learn more about the nature of trees and their environments? To find out more on Dr. Seiler, click here now! pisode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Have you ever taken a sip of water and immediately regretted it because it tasted awful? What about the water that tastes good but isn't good for you? What makes water drinkable? All your questions about water quality and contamination will be answered in this episode, where we’re joined by Peter J. Vikesland, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech. Over his decades-long career, his work has revolved primarily around drinking water treatment and contaminant remediation. Tune in to explore: The use of lasers and nanomaterials to detect antibiotic-resistant bacteria and pathogenic viruses in drinking water Whether most water facilities have the equipment necessary to detect low levels of PFAS ("forever chemicals") in drinking water  Common contaminants found in drinking water, including pharmaceuticals and nanoplastics The most ideal way to conduct water sampling and why the technology isn’t there yet Interested in learning more? Press play and visit Peter J. Vikesland | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Virginia Tech ( Take advantage of a 5% discount on Ekster accessories by using the code FINDINGGENIUS. Enhance your style and functionality with premium accessories. Visit to explore latest collection. Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
Comments (741)

William Smith

Loved this episode and love this podcast!

May 20th

Henry McCulloch

What a great podcast

May 20th

Jeffrey Neill

Enjoy the podcast. I always learn something new!

May 20th

James Ketter

This podcast is so informative

May 20th

Marvin Scott

I never miss an episode so I’m always in the know. Thanks!

May 20th

Gonzalo Deangelis

Just wrapped up the Doomberg episode. When can we expect to hear from him again? LOL Another fantastic pod, as usual.

Apr 28th

Amos Roper

I have heard Doomberg on other podcasts as a guest, but what sets this show apart is Richard's insightful questioning. He does not just passively listen he asks the very questions that echo in listeners minds as they tune in.

Apr 28th

Raymond Jackson

Here we go! Doomberg is back on Finding Genius. I can't even express how thrilled I am.

Apr 28th

Nathan Soo

As a homesteader myself, I regularly tune in to 7-8 podcasts, but this one stands out as my favorite. Richard welcomes everyone, from newcomers to seasoned homesteaders, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of various perspectives.

Apr 24th

Jeremiah Wilkins

Avi Kumar explained the science of marketing in a great way. 10/10 for this Podcast.

Apr 24th

Erick Harrison

I started following your show after listening to Dr. Bill McGraw's episode

Apr 2nd

Ron Fernandez

Brilliant show

Apr 2nd

Travis Spiller

Richard your show is great

Apr 2nd

Victor Davies

This may sound weird but this is the podcast I have been looking for for decades. Can you imagine that? Looking for a detailed in-depth scientific explanation of cellular mystery for 60 years and finally finding it now. Imagine how wonderful this feels to me? Thank you thank you thank you keep up the good work.

Feb 23rd

Donald Norman

Nice to find your show. This is my favorite genre.

Feb 22nd

Chad Keller

I just finished the Wolfgang Smith Podcast. I missed his evidence for his premise of an objective world, incidently immagined to look the same way as humans experience it . W/o that evidence all the rest are hust claims motivated by an apriori theist worldview.

Feb 22nd

James Burks

Why are interviews so lengthy? In my opinion, interviews should be a maximum of 30 minutes.

Feb 20th

Ian Cooperman

Safe drinking water is a fundamental human right for everyone. Let's appreciate all those who are working tirelessly to ensure this basic necessity reaches people.

Feb 19th

Micheal Fernandez

Interesting information. I'm a gardener. Thank you!

Feb 18th

Richard Hatton

Can we shift the focus away from religion? Your podcast used to be captivating, but now it's simply exasperating.

Feb 17th