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Caution: Strong Black Women Ahead! We are two females from different walks of life but we both share a common goal: We're just trying to figure this thing called life out. Navigating your twenty-somethings can be stressful enough with careers, dating and trying to have a functional social life. We want to create a safe space where we can talk about social issues, especially ones plaguing our own community, women's health and of course, comment on entertainment's trending topics.
27 Episodes
Why does nothing go right when we try to get together and do a thing?Ashlyn and Che get together (pre-Corona Madness) to discuss the concept of friendship and hoped to bring some of their girls along for the ride. Two no-shows ain’t gonna stop the show though! We grade ourselves on how effective our friendship is and ask about the signs of ending friendships. Oh, and of course, there’s a quiz or two. Follow Us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: WTBTPodEmail us listener letters/questions at We may just read them aloud on the show!
Brown eyes. Check. Tall(er than me). Check. Got a job. CHECK!Everyone has a mental checklist when it comes to their dating preferences and Ashlyn and Che are no different. Some may call it vain but we like what we like. Obviously, we’re not gonna agree on everything though. That would be a boring episode...and we’d have a lot more exes in common.Speed dating anyone?Follow Us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: WTBTPodEmail us listener letters/questions and Reading Nook suggestions at may just read them aloud on the show!
Dealing with depression on your own can be daunting enough but for some reason, we crave romantic connections on top of all of it. But what if they don’t understand.Che and Ashlyn know the trials and tribulations of dating while juggling their depression firsthand and woo, do we have some doozies! Naturally, you’re going to be apprehensive about letting your guard down and getting all the way real with your significant other but who knows, they may surprise you!What’s important is the fact that you put yourself first and BE VOCAL about how you’re feeling. No one wins when you fight the battle alone.Follow Us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaa Twitter: WTBTPodEmail us listener letters/questions at We may just read them aloud on the show!
The internet needs to learn where the chill button is. In the age of social media, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with trying to portray that “perfect life”. We can’t all be influencers.Ashlyn and Che tackle one of the hardest questions when it comes to adulting: How to stop being so overwhelmed! It can take a toll on your mental health and your overall success. Sometimes you just need to have a safe word to take you out of your tailspin before you end up with more clothes than you can fit in your closet!Follow Us on      Instagram: @willtherebetequilaa     Twitter: WTBTPodEmail us listener letters/questions at . We may just read them aloud on the show!
What do you get when Che has too much caffeine in one sitting? This episode!This week, Ashlyn and Che discuss how to manage your inner dialogue and how that little voice in your head can make or break your growth. Focus on the present and don’t worry about the past or future; you’re not going back there and it hasn’t happened yet. Positive thinking in the present can change everything.Follow Us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: WTBTPodEmail us listener letters/questions at . We may just read them aloud on the show!
What good is having a podcast if you can't debate with your guests! We’ve got Ashlyn’s boyfriend Aaron in the hot seat this week and he gives us his takes on everything from dating to career and of course. Mental Health. You've gotta be up on your mental health if you're dealing with Ashlyn...just kidding, sorta.Follow us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
Tequila can give anyone some liquid courage but is it enough to help you confront your fears? This week, Ashlyn and Che peel back the layers of how fear has played a role in their adulting experience so far. Careful: It gets deep.Follow us on: Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
Anyone feel like that Drake and Trey Songz track really spoke to them? Just us? This week, Ashlyn and Che discuss their definitions of success and how it measures up to that of society. Should we all just give up our day jobs and become Fashion Nova brand ambassadors?Follow us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
Ashlyn and Che reflect on books that they've come across in their past and ones that they hope to pick up soon. Nothing beats knowledge or skills you can get from a good book! One with actual pages, hopefully.Follow us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions/Reading Nook suggestions at
*bell rings* Welcome to Health 101! Ashlyn steps in as the teacher in the front of the class while Che feels a bit under the weather (Yes, again) but that doesn't stop her from talking sex ed. Let's be kinder to ourselves in 2020!Follow us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
No hot shots this week! We've got bigger fish to fry. Ashlyn andChe chat about the importance of self-care and how to go about dating yourself. You know youdeserve it sis.Follow us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
We made it...I think. Ashlyn and Che are coming into the new year with fresh eyes but it's natural to lose sight of the resolutions that ton set three days ago. We talk how to keep your promises to yourself and build lasting motivation. Oh, and Che learns a new word!Follow us on Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
And just like that, Will There Be Tequila has made it to the end of 2019! Ashlyn and Che reflect on the past year (and the last decade) and talk the good, bad, and the ugly. With Che leaving trash relationships and Ashlyn wanting a fat ass in the new year, 2020 smells like new ideas, new adventures and new money! Putting it into the universe now.Follow us:Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
This week’s episode is definitely a treat! Although Che is still recovering from what sounded and felt like the plague, she decided to make some adult moves. This week, the girls discuss the concept of self worth and how one can feel like they have something to prove. So much to unpack...Follow us: Instagram: @willtherebetequilaa Twitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
Che has thrown candy canes and garland up everywhere in the bar and Ashlyn could not be any less happy. This week, the girls share their respective Christmas traditions and reflect on Christmas past (sans ghosts). Holiday this or that causes some divides and we may end some friendships with these questions.Follow us:Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPodEmail us your questions at
What a strange world we live in! Ashlyn and Che talk double standards when it comes to sex and parents’ reaction to their children being sexual active. We don’t condone parental hymen inspections unlike SOME PEOPLE.Follow us:Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPod Email us your questions at
This adulting thing is GHETTO! This week, Ashlyn and Che talk about adulting and the unrealistic expectations that come along with it. We’re just winging shit, can we live?! Follow us: Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPod Email us your questions at
Ashlyn and Che discuss love languages this week and who knew there were names for how you show your love. We talk about how our love language affects others and how others’ love languages affect us.Follow us: Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPod Email us your questions at
#Ghosted | Episode 9

#Ghosted | Episode 9


This week, Ashlyn and Che take on one of the many downfalls of dating: ghosting. *cues up audience boo track* Sometimes, there could be other components at play when it comes to ghosting. But does that make ghosting someone ok? We take a trip down memory lane to remember all of our old ghost stories.Link to article: Follow us: Instagram: @willtherebetequilaaTwitter: @WTBTPod Email us your questions at
We got our first guest!! So what it’s Che’s little brother, we’re not talking to ourselves anymore. Ashlyn and Che (plus Darius) reflect on their respective college experiences and compare notes about the big decisions that go along with being a college student. We’ve also got HBCUConfession screenshots!  Follow us: Instagram: @willtherebetequilaa Twitter: @WTBTPod Email us your questions at
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