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Small Height, Big Insight

Author: Deloris Kuhn

Subscribed: 2Played: 6


Small Height, Big Insight is a podcast about my personal experiences and fun topics from my blog site. I love being able to share my message with the world and hoping that maybe someone will listen to one of the episodes and be able to relate. New addition to the podcast is Friday night's in the cigar lounge which come out every Friday, where me and my boyfriend talk about interesting and fun topics.
64 Episodes
Why do we build up our own confidence to later psych ourselves out.  I believe everyone in their lives will come across those moments when they feel so confidence about something then will talk themselves out of it. So we need to spend more time not talking ourselves out of the things in life we really want to do. Go for your dreams without ever giving up. 
There are so many moments in our lives that we will end up in those what if moments, then we will end up thinking why not?? In this episode i dive straight head into these two topics and how they connect together! 



Happy new years guys!
What's your why??

What's your why??


What's your why in life? Why do you do the thing you do? What are you passionate about? On today's episode I talk about why your why is so important and how you should always follow your dreams or goals to get closer to that why. So today I want you to stop and think about your why and think about if the path you are on in life right now is going in that direction of your why.
Sharing your story

Sharing your story


You might never realize how important your story is until you tell it to the world. Telling your story to the world can be scary but your story might help someone going through the same problems or situations in life. I've learned to love sharing my story with the world and after listening to this episode you might just learn how important sharing your story with the world is too. 
Going through a season

Going through a season


I'm back yes i know it's been a month since I've recorded a new episode that's why today's episode is so important. Everyone is going through a different season in life. Some seasons are good and others are bad. When we are going through a bad season in our life's, we feel like it's never going to end like right now going through this pandemic. So i hope this episode will help you getting through whatever season in life you might be going through. 
Have you ever played a impractical joke on someone? Or have you ever had a impractical joke played on you? Sometimes they can be fun & sometimes they can be taken to far. This week we discuss how we've been involved in an impractical joke on someone else at work and how it might have been taken to far. So hopefully you enjoy this episode also share with us if you've ever been involved or had a impractical joke played on you and how that made you feel?? Also if you think they can be fun to do or have bad endings??
Life is hard

Life is hard


Life is hard but that's okay because if life was supposed to be easier everyone would be happy.  So today's episode i talk about how life's been somewhat crazy and hard for me with taking on a new position at work also becoming a new beachbody coach. So hopefully you will give and listen. Also enjoy. Feel free to stop over by my instagram page @smallheightbiginsight and let me know things in your life have been for you??
Why do we drive a car after drinking to much? Why do we steal from a store instead of just buying the things we need? In today's episode we discuss why we think people do bad things. Have you ever done something in your life that you knew was bad but still did it anyways?? I think we all have. So hopefully you will enjoy this episode and after listening remember to go over to our Instagram pages and let us know why you think people do bad things and if you've ever done anything bad that you regret??   
Did you know that part of the reason you don't think your good enough at something or think you could ever achieve your dreams is because I've came up with some type of lie that you've made yourself believe. We make up these lies about why we can do the things we love in life and start to strongly believe them, well i'm here to help you stop lying to yourself. I share with you some lies people will tell themselves and what you can do to help get yourself out of that lying rut. 
Some people like to create beautiful things and there are the people who love destruction. Right now in the world we are surround by so much destruction we forget to see the beautiful things people can make and do. This is why I thought this topic would be interesting to cover with everything that's going on right now in the world. But as Ken reminds me sometimes destruction can lead to good things happening in the world. So hopefully you'll give this episode a listen and join us next week because we are going to be discussing Why people do things they know that are bad??? Also after listening to this episode remember to go over to our Instagram pages @smallheightbiginsight & @inthecigarlounge and let me know which side you are on. Are you more with Creation or Destruction?? 
A lot of people will get down on their self's for having an off/bad day. But i'm here to tell you that it's okay, your absolutely allowed to have a  off/bad day. Don't let it get you down, just always remember that tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities to change your life and have a better day then the day before.   
Tattoo's and relationships can sometimes go hand and hand. Well this weeks episode is special because we have our very first guest Jeremiah which happens to be one of our co-workers and biggest fan! We discuss how many and what kind of tattoo's we have then dive into the different types of relationships we have also we discuss how your tattoo's you have can relate to different types of relationships and have means behind them. So after listening to this episode please go over to our Instagram pages @smallheightbiginsight or @inthecigarlounge and leave your comments on the kind of tattoo's you have and what relationships mean to you. Also if any of your tattoo's have in any means behind them about certain relationships in your life. Remember to go follow Jeremiah on Instagram for some beautiful pictures @jeremiah_shipley or just type in Wisco life photography! Always remember to Grab a stogie & enjoy the lounge! 
Confidence is a beautiful thing to have once you have found it. Self confidence can making you feel more like a attractive, strong, and independent person. So if you need a confidence boost give this episode a listen and hopefully it will give you that great boost you've been looking for! 
We are discussing another current events to update you on how we are doing and how it's been since our state decided to reopen.  Also we share some of the things that are happening in our lives. So enjoy this episode and let us know what's going on in your state? Let us also know what's going on in your lives as well? Anything new or exciting? So feel free to go over to our Instagram pages @smallheightbiginsight & @inthecigarlounge and leave comments. Also if you want to go over and watch our YouTube page and give our video a watch. Always remember to Grab a stogie & enjoy the lounge! 
Learning to be patient can be hard when life's moving so fast and we want things to just happen for us right now. We need to learn to slow down and learn that good things come to those who wait. So take a second to give this episode a listen and hopefully after listening you will learning to take sometime in life. Take a moment to be patient and learning to wait to the good things in life to come to you. 
Have you ever noticed how TV shows have changed over the years since you were a child?? Well this week we discuss all the different shows we used to watch when we were growing up in the 90's and which ones were our favorites. Also how we feel like the shows that are on TV now are so much different from the shows back in the day. Which ones are your favorites? What kinda of TV shows did you watch when you were growing up? And do you think they have changed over the years? After listening to this episode remember to go over to our Instagram pages @smallheightbiginsight & @inthecigarlounge, or over to the YouTube channel to leave comments. So we can start interacting with everyone. Always remember to Grab a stogie and enjoy the lounge!  
Why is it we think failure is such a bad thing, when in reality failure is a big part of growth and success. The next time you fail don't give up, tell your self failure is leading me to my success. Always remember that Good things come in small packages! Also please remember to go over to my Instagram page @smallheightbiginsight and leave a comment on if your liking my episodes so far and if there are any other topics you would like to hear me talk about. 
Everyone has a pet peeve of some type, so for this weeks episode we share our insight on some of our pet peeves. So what's your's?? Please remember after listening to this episode to go over and comment on our Instagram pages @smallheightbiginsight & @inthecigarlounge. Also feel free to follow us as well. 
Finding your JOY!

Finding your JOY!


What does joy mean to you? Have you felt any type of pure joy within the last month?? If someone were to sit down with you today & ask you what joy meant to you or what today brought you joy would you be able to come up with something?? I feel like so many people would have a hard time coming up with something that brings them pure joy or joy at all. So i share my insight on Joy and what it means to me.  Like always please do go over to my Instagram page @smallheightbiginsight and leave a comment. Let me know what brings you pure joy and what it means to you. Always remember that Good things come in small packages!
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