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The Conscious Investor

Author: Julie Holly

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Chasing after Financial Freedom often bankrupts other parts of life. 

That’s why the Conscious Investor Podcast goes beyond Financial Freedom and helps investors cultivate Personal Freedom by featuring experts in the core areas of health, mindset, and investing. 

If you’re looking to grow financially, if you long to unleash your full potential, and build a life of meaning without bankrupting the most important parts of  life then this show is for you!

521 Episodes
With the recession on the horizon, there is a stress that many are feeling. What does this mean for real estate? How will this affect my investments? my investors? There are so many looming questions that are causing more stress than necessary. It’s all an economic cycle and with the proper tactics, you can protect yourself and your investors while still getting the returns you want. Rod Khleif dives into the numbers and tells why it’s all gonna be ok, especially for yo...
Investing isn’t all easy buttons, and it’s not a simple process, especially as you build your portfolio, or a company, or even just learn about the world of real estate investing. Fumbling through can cripple your confidence to where you find yourself listening to that inner critic and allowing it to stop you from taking your next step. In this Monday mindset episode, I want to talk with you about 3 acknowledgments that can help you build your confidence. And recognize your weak spots s...
Yes, there is a ton of information out there. Yes, it may even seem like the market is flooded but there are still so many that don’t know how amazing the multifamily space is! If we don’t share our knowledge with those in our circle or outside our comfort circle, how will the next amazing investor discover and educate themselves? Stepping out of your own comfort zones to go live on Facebook, start a meet-up group, and share that incredible deal or to discuss the mistake that you m...
There is a lot going on in the world today. Some good some a lot worse, and that can cause some serious disruption within our own minds. From making fear-based decisions to explosive thoughts that cause even more fear. As you go through your days, what are you doing to take charge of that? To stomp those thoughts?Join me in today's Monday mindset and find out 3 questions to ask yourself when facing the world’s struggles and how you can overcome those plaguing thoughts.To find out more a...
The journey you’re on is not a waste of time. Within each moment you are learning. Even if you fail, even if you mess up, and even if you lose a deal, it’s all information and knowledge that you have gained. It may be the moment you say, “I won’t do that again” or it may be the moment you realize you spent 10 times longer on a project than you should have. Yet one thing we can all agree on is building community within the real estate space is a necessity for everyone's growth. Elsa...
Two and a half years ago this podcast was born, and since then there has been a tremendous amount of growth! As I grew you grew and the journey has been exceptional. So much has changed and formed all from the moment I realized a podcast was the key to expanding and meeting other amazing investors! Since that day we have shifted into The Conscious Investor and the growth continues to amaze! With continued exceptional guests telling real-life stories of struggles and success....
Amazing investors, have you considered the amazing possibilities found in RV parks? As odd as it may sound it can be a bit more complex compared to other investment opportunities, however, there is major cash flow potential. Before you jump into making a deal though, there is always due diligence. The common question amongst many investors, new and old, is how do you vet a deal?Sam Wilson is a seasoned investor, exploring the parking lot spaces, all the way up to RV parks. He even...
From the time we are young, we always have “wants” We want the next cool pair of shoes, the latest album from our favorite artist, or even a puppy. Some of our parents would choose to say if you want it you have to earn the money for it. So, when my daughter came to me with the desire to get a Cavalier King Charles, we did just that. We made an agreement that she had to come up with a portion of the cost little did we know we have a little budding entrepreneur in the family....
The life lessons we experience sets us up for gaining knowledge. What we do with that knowledge depends on You. At times, we as investors, go through our fair share of challenges and struggles that change the path or adjust our mindset. As we share the tales of experience what impact are you leaving on the real estate world? Andrew Knutzman a Commercial & Multifamily Roofing Specialist, Real Estate Investor, and whole-hearted Christian follower integrates his love of Christ into his ...
As investors, many of us have a mentor that helps us grow and guides us through the obstacles we are facing and will face but do you know who you are following and why you are following them? You have expectations of yourself but are you putting your head down and following your mentor so closely that you lose sight of your own path? Keep your eyes up and your mind aware The amount of growth you gain is up to you, your mentor is there to guide you. However, whether you are the ment...
Being a part of the Real Estate space allows for so much opportunity. From Single-Family homes, utilizing the Burr method, fix and flips and of course, a favorite, Multi-family. In each facet, there is the possibility of making money or losing money. Recognizing your own strength and gaining education through experience and research determines your outcome. You may be asking yourself how can I make the most money in real estate? Join Flint Jamison and me as we have an amazin...
It begins with acknowledgment, It begins where there’s an issue, and you start questioning the premises. When you see yourself pushing things away that you would like, stop and ask yourself, why? Is it hard to believe that our self-image is based on our belief system and that it determines our results in life? If you’re not being your authentic self are you building trust with those you wish to invest with? For a person to invest and give you their hard-earned money, you have to provide...
As many investors know starting out can be challenging and awkward for example; Starting conversations with people you don't know, taking the leap into the first deal, and learning to say “yes” to experiences outside your comfort zone. Then, as you progress and build your portfolio, how often do you stop and look at the amount of progress you have made? Are you recognizing your own value? Evelyn Ling has been an investor for over 2 years and the sky's the limit for what she can do...
When we are born we don't come with a life manual or how your life is supposed to be lived guide. We join the world and then what…? What is your purpose? What is your reason to be here on this earth? If someone told you that YOU are the author of YOUR life and you have the power to define your own success and even write the operations manual, how would that make you feel? Would you define success differently than society does? What would you do with the power to change...
How can you create a tax-free wealth strategy? With control, clarity, and confidence. If we don't understand where we want to go, it's very difficult to take any action at all or to feel confident about taking action. The place to begin is with education. Adam Doran, an Investment Adviser Representative, joins me today to bring clarity and answer some very important questions on how to build a tax-free wealth strategy. From his own educational process to how to vet someo...
We all struggle in life. There is no denying that. After something has happened that affects your emotions in a negative way the feelings are there, and they are raw, and fresh in the mind. How do you move on that? How can you get passed the negative? My emotions are not unique and my experiences are not very unique. They are very common to all people. Please join me as I discuss simple ways, that I use, to pull yourself out of a slump. To find out more about partn...
Stepping into the investing world takes a certain mindset. You will face struggles, mistakes, learning curves, and much much more. It can be a very challenging space, however, combined with the right mindset, a strong “why” and the determination to never give up, there is no reason you can’t accomplish what you are aiming for. Michael Blank is a full-time entrepreneur, investor, and coach. With no trouble taking action Michael began his investing journey many years ago. Since...
History teaches us that humankind loves “easy” but easy times aren’t what makes us the best versions of ourselves. It is within experience that we discover our true selves and true capabilities. This episode is unlike many others. A wholesome conversation between two very authentic people. A conversation about history, life, and truth. If you enjoyed this conversation and want to find out more about Alex and what he does you can find him on Facebook, Instagram, Linked-in ...
Are you a young, sophisticated investor who is just finding your way? Still trying to figure out some of the rules/ laws of accreditation, 506 B and 506 C offerings? It can be challenging trying to keep up with the laws, especially as they change over the years. Compared to 1982 or even 2019, Things have changed and unless you know who to talk to, or who to connect with, you may find yourself out of the loop and possibly miss out on a huge opportunity. Today, Mauricio Rauld, ...
Are you afraid of damaging your child? Always questioning that your parenting isn't working the way you want it to? Being a parent isn't easy. The challenges and struggles that come with each individual child can be overwhelming and exhausting! By being a parent you have been gifted with a human to raise and every parent hopes that we don't screw it up. Sara Turkmani joins me today to talk about conscious parenting. Providing guidance to parents because there's a lot of blame...
Comments (2)

Laura Nicolaisen

Julie not only brings up how to attain an investing mindset, but how to strengthen and build a positive mindset in regards to whose energy you may want to allow into your life. I would highly recommend this podcast to current invesors and those looking to know more about what it could look like to be a passive investor.

Feb 18th

Lindsay Sutherland

I love Julie's enthusiasm and the amazing content on this show! thanks for being here.

Oct 30th