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Switch To Solar Experience

Author: Brent Attaway

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We help homeowners make the switch to solar by providing the latest updates, the most current financing options and help you avoid the most dangerous pitfalls with choosing the right solar system, install company, and financing.
22 Episodes
One of our clients, Jackie Madrid switched to solar power earlier this year and has seen incredible savings on her power bill without having to spend any money to get solar panels installed on her roof. She did this by getting a Power Purchase Agreement that not only lowers your monthly power bill but also sets your monthly bill at a fixed rate so there are no surprises when you check your utility statement.  Jackie shares her experience during the process of getting solar installed, how much she is saving now, and has some great advice for anyone who is thinking about going solar.
When you install a solar battery as part of your home solar energy system, you can actually store the extra energy your solar panels produce at home instead of feeding it back into the electricity grid. While solar batteries can offer a powerful economic benefit for homeowners, the cost of a battery may not make financial sense for everyone.  In this episode, you will learn more about the cost and benefits of installing a solar battery for your home.
The absolute fastest and cheapest way to get into solar without any of your own money out of pocket is going with a Power Purchase Agreement. In this episode, we walk you through the process of getting solar and how long it takes to get it installed and activated.
Nick looked into other solar companies and had a hard time getting qualified because he didn't have great credit. It's common not to get approved when applying for solar with a low credit score. This is why we partnered with a credit repair agency that helps repair credit while getting solar.  We got Nick qualified for solar and helped repair his credit, so much so that he's selling his home, bought a new one, and is getting solar on both houses.
A big concern or question people ask is, how can I get solar with poor or low credit? Is that even possible? 700 or 650 is the magic number in most loans or financing options, but what if you have a credit score below 650? As of July 2020, we now have an option for you where you can get solar, even if you have a credit score lower than 650.
Can you still get solar right now and benefit from it? Will it hurt or slow down your moving process? Should you or should you not get solar before you move? The answer in most cases would be to go ahead and get solar. Here's why.
One of the hardest things people have a hard time understanding is being able to get solar installed on your roof without paying anything out of pocket. It almost sounds too good to be true, as Michelle says in this interview.  Choosing to go solar with a power purchase agreement allows you to get your power at a cheaper (fixed) rate while also being able to use the same amount of energy. Watch the interview on YouTube:
You should be able to live comfortably without having to worry about a high power bill.  Because Michelle switched to solar, she can now use her AC without getting an astronomical bill, which is something she hasn't been able to do in the 20 years of living in her home.  She's now saving at least $200 a month using solar, is enjoying a nice cool home, and it didn't cost a dime out of her pocket. See if your home qualifies for solar:
In this interview with Jose Cravo, he shares tips on what he has done to his home to reduce his power bill and opens up about why he chose to finally go solar after looking into it for about two years.
If you're someone who thinks solar isn't worth getting because you have a small home and a low power bill, this episode is for you. We interviewed Laura Carmona, one of our latest clients, and she shares her story about why she chose to switch to solar even with living in a small community home and having an average power bill of $80-$100/mo.
Is it worth your trouble for the solar savings? How much savings will you see?  This is a big deal if you're not seeing a whole lot of savings. Maybe you've seen a quote and think it's not worth making the switch to solar because the savings were that much.  If you're a homeowner in California, you've probably seen several quotes because most homeowners have looked into solar before.  Even if you're not going to save a lot of money, this tale of two homeowners will show you why it's essential to do it now rather than later. It's pretty straightforward and actually almost comical to us why somebody would waste their money like this.
This topic is a fun one to discuss because we love technology. Many people think switching to solar is too good to be true with all the savings you see for zero out-of-pocket and startup costs. We agree with you, but how is this possible? What're the shenanigans going on here? Watch the video here:
We get a lot of questions regarding on and off-grid solar. In this episode, we are going to cover both. We're also going to cover batteries and when and why you would need them. Text the word BILL to (619) 304-0123 for a free solar quote.
The question you should be asking when looking into solar is how much does solar energy cost per kilowatt-hour, not the cost for the system. Here's why. Watch the video here: See if our home qualifies for solar in just under a minute:
Here are 20 reasons why you should switch to solar energy and why it's so important to be looking into this seriously, whether it's for the money savings, the environment, or whether it's just because it's the cool thing to do.
Due to the virus, we're home a lot more now and we're using a lot more energy which raises our power bill. Here are some energy-saving tips on how you can reduce the amount of energy you use.  We are also offering a grant that we put together for those who are in need of some financial assistance during this time. Upon getting approved for solar, we will pay your connection fee and new solar bill for 12 months meaning your very first payment won't be until sometime in 2021 and there is no cost whatsoever to make the switch to solar.  This is a grant and you will not have to pay anything back. You need to be a homeowner and have a credit score of 650 or above to be approved. Some who apply will be eligible for $1500 that can be used towards other bills.  We hope this helps more people during this time. We're in this together! Text the word ASSIST to (619) 304-0123 to apply or visit
Any time you are choosing to make the switch to solar, you're going to have some solar panels installed on your roof, an inverter on the side of your home, and you're going to have some conduit or wiring running.  In this video, I'll break all of this down for you to help you understand how they all work together. Watch the video here:
In this episode, I break down the simple math to determine how many solar panels you would need to power your home by using the kilowatt-hours you use which can be found in the graph on your power bill. Watch the video here:
No matter what you choose, whether you get solar through a loan, or a power purchase agreement, you’re going to save money.  If you didn’t know, the rates are going to hike up on your utility bill. SDG&E’s rates on average, now, don’t quote me here, but I know they are over a 4% annual increase every year. The same with PG&E, by the way, because they’re trying to maintain a big power grid. Fires and mistakes happen. They’ve got to maintain that.  Mostly, all the costs have to take care of that. When you have solar on your roof, how many problems are happening, and how costly are they? Not that costly. Your increase, if there is even an increase in your loan or interest, it’s not near as much.  You’re always going to be saving at least 20%. If you have a power bill that’s over $300 – $500, you’re going to save more than likely, 40% a month, so why wouldn’t you decide that switching to solar would be a good idea? That’s a lot of money.  We’re talking tens of thousands of dollars in a minimum of just a few years that you’re saving. Watch the video here:
When you own, you have to be smart enough to maintain and monitor your system. You don't want to suddenly get a surprise true-up bill from SDG&E saying, "Hey, by the way, your system produced this much. You used this much, and you owe us this much money." That's what I would watch out for. If you're overwhelmed and don't want to worry about the maintenance or monitoring of your system, and you just want cheaper power, then a power purchase agreement is the way to go.  If you want to own it and are OK with putting twenty-five grand into a system right now and seeing it come back later, then owning it is a great option. You can just pay somebody to maintain and monitor it for you. Watch the video here: We can lower your power bill by up to 60%. Click the link below and take this quiz to see if you qualify for a lower power bill:
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