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The Impostor Syndrome Files
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The Impostor Syndrome Files

Author: Kim Meninger

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Do you ever feel like a fraud? Are you living with chronic self-doubt? Do you question whether you deserve to be in your role? If so, you're not alone! As a leadership coach and lifelong struggler with impostor syndrome, I wanted to create a space where professionals can tell their personal stories and unburden themselves of the silent shame that comes with this experience. I also wanted listeners to be able to hear themselves in others and realize that they are not alone. On this podcast, we'll share the stories of professionals from different backgrounds who've struggled with and learned to manage impostor syndrome. We'll also learn from experts on how to better manage ourselves and our environments to minimize the overall threat of impostor syndrome. Let's erase the stigma and stop feeling ashamed of these very normal experiences. And let's come together to share our challenges and strategize how to effectively rise above them.

219 Episodes
Humans Have Limits

Humans Have Limits


In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about setting more realistic expectations for ourselves. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves these days to know everything, do everything, be everything. But, even if that were realistic, which it’s not, the world is moving at such a rapid pace that it’s impossible to keep up. My guest this week, Steve McCready, is a coach and psychotherapist who reminds us that humans have limits. And that to do the extraordinary things we want to do,...
Learn Before You Leap

Learn Before You Leap


In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about pivoting to a second act. Many of us dream of changing careers but we stop short for a number of reasons – our careers are tied to our identities and we don’t feel we can walk away, we don’t believe we can make a living doing what we really want to do, we are afraid of the unknown, and much more. My guest this week is Shannon Russell, a career transition coach who supports professionals in pivoting towards their second act. Here we...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about neurodivergence. As DEI initiatives have expanded to include more of a focus on neurodivergence, we’ve learned more about what it means to be neurodivergent in the workplace. Examples include ADHD, autism spectrum disorder or dyslexia. But from an inclusion standpoint, challenges remain for neurodivergent and neurotypical professionals alike. This week, I talk with Dr. Matt Zakreski, a clinical psychologist who specializes in worki...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about reconnecting with our creativity by becoming a beginner again. As children, we are constantly pushed outside of our comfort zones. But as adults with more control over how we spend our time, we often avoid trying new things unless we’re guaranteed to do them well. This week, I’m talking with Cliff Goldmacher, a professional songwriter and music producer, about his unique approach to helping teams explore their innate creativity. Cl...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about staying confident while looking for a new job. This is difficult under the best of circumstances but is particularly true when you’ve lost your job. How do you stay connected to your strengths and bring your best self to the search process when you still have lots of unresolved feelings? My guest this week, Debra Boggs, is the founder and CEO of D&S Executive Career Management. Here we talk about how to confidently navigate you...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about managing up. For professionals with impostor syndrome or self-doubt, managing up can be a big challenge. Many of us prefer to keep our heads down, do good work and avoid the politics. Unfortunately, if your goal is advancement, that strategy won’t get you there. My guest this week, Roberta Matuson, is an executive coach and author of the book, Suddenly in Charge: Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around. Here she shares he...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the importance of helping men to become more emotionally connected. My guest this week is Mike Cameron, leadership coach and author of the book, Becoming A Better Man: When "Something's Gotta Change", Maybe It's You! Here Mike shares his personal journey from financial entrepreneur to coaching men to improve their mental health by becoming more emotionally connected, which began with the murder of his girlfriend by her ex-boyfriend...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about overcoming self-doubt. Self-doubt gets in our way more often than we think. It creeps up on us in big and small ways that keep us from leaving our comfort zones, even when those comfort zones are making us miserable. My guest this week is Amy Bernstein, author of the upcoming book Wrangling the Doubt Monster: Fighting Fears, Finding Inspiration. Amy shares her own story of pivoting from a career in government to a full-time writer ...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about letting go of our scripts at work. We all have scripts that guide our behavior in the workplace. These scripts might be internally generated based on past experiences and influences. Or they might be dictated by external forces, such as our manager, who tells us how to show up in certain situations. When we adhere too closely to these scripts, we lose our authenticity and our ability to build trust with those around us. This week, ...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the absence of career satisfaction that so many of us feel and the effects of that on our confidence, mental health and overall well-being. My guest this week, Anthony Kuo, is a career satisfaction coach who shares strategies we can all use to thrive at work. Anthony shares his personal journey of feeling pressured to do things he was good at, even though he didn’t enjoy them. He also teaches us how to spot not just the red flags, ...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about power. Power is an abstract concept -- it’s hard to put your finger on. But we all know when power is empowering or disenfranchising. And when the power dynamics aren’t designed to empower, everyone loses. This week, I talk with Dr. Tanji Reed Marshall, an educator and consultant who has done fascinating work on power. Here we chat about the importance of mindfully building or re-building your power structure to foster greater equi...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about trauma. If you experience grief or trauma, you may be given a pep talk, told how strong you are, or otherwise encouraged to put the past behind you. We feel pressured to get back up again and move on. But our minds and bodies don’t work that way. Our symptoms might be physical, emotional, mental or more and we might not even realize they’re connected to the traumatic event. And these events might not be recent. They might stem back...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about how to stop settling for mediocrity in our careers. If you’re tolerating work that’s “just okay,” you’ve internalized a belief that work is supposed to suck, or you’re making things harder than they need to be, you’re not alone. This week, I talk with Elena Pastore, a leadership and career coach, about how to think differently about how we manage our careers. We explore actionable steps you can take to feel more empowered and less ...
Redefining Confidence

Redefining Confidence


In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about building confidence by better understanding our bodies. Many of us think of confidence as a belief in how amazing we are and an absence of self-doubt. But if we define confidence in this way, we’ll never achieve it because it’s not realistic. This week, I talk with Zeina Habib, an embodied coach, trainer and project manager, about how to strengthen our confidence. She offers practical tips for how to tune into your body’s sensation...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the general sense so many of us have that something is missing from our careers. Maybe we feel it but can’t pinpoint it. Or, maybe it’s staring us in the face. Often it shows up as burnout, overwhelm or the constant need to prove ourselves. And, typically, when this occurs, it’s because we’ve given our power away. This week, I talk with Melani Dziire, a leadership coach and former internal audit executive about her experience trans...
There Is Only One Me

There Is Only One Me


In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about our natural tendency to compare ourselves to others, which often leads us to dismiss what we uniquely bring to the world. This week, I talk with Juan Taveras, an HR and DEI leader, about his journey in the DEI space, as well as his perspectives on the future of DEI. We also talk about the responsibility and opportunity each of us has to do our own DEI work. And, finally, we talk about how Juan has navigated impostor syndrome as a n...
We Are in Charge

We Are in Charge


In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about self-awareness. Most of us don’t know ourselves as well as we think we do. Self-awareness is hard work. It requires time we might think we don’t have. It might mean facing some truths that scare us. But self-awareness is critical to our self-trust and self-empowerment. This week, I talk with Zovig Garboushian, an executive coach, speaker and trainer, about the ways in which self-awareness unlocks our power and puts us back in charg...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about how to better understand and manage our feelings. Do you know the difference between your feelings and intuition? For many of us, it can be difficult to tell them apart. Here I talk with Joanna Armstrong, an emotional relief expert, about how to interpret our feelings and use them as information to guide us forward. We also talk about how our feelings generally reflect the rules of society whereas our intuition helps us define our ...
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the constant need that so many of us feel to prove ourselves. And with that need often comes the belief that we’re not doing enough. This insidious way of thinking is pervasive in the workplace, particularly among women and members of marginalized groups. But what if you get to decide what’s enough? This week, I’m talking with Jamie Lee, a fellow executive coach who helps women who hate office politics get promoted. She and I explo...
Changing Your Story

Changing Your Story


In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the role our stories play in our confidence journeys. When we’re doing something scary, or experiencing self-doubt, too often, our story is one of disempowerment – I don’t belong here, or I’m not good enough. It’s a fluke, or there’s been a huge mistake. But what happens when we change the story? My guest this week, Jodi Flynn, is the CEO and founder of Women Taking the Lead. Here we talk about the impact of our stories and what we...
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