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The Healthy Mouth Movement Podcast

Author: Sheree Wertz

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I help parents and caregivers of children with special needs sort through all the conflicting information out there, making it easier to free up time to create fun family focused oral health habits with simple tips, tricks and bright ideas to reduce cavities and design a healthy mouth routine that has your kids begging you to brush let them brush their teeth. Understanding how oral health is connected to overall health will help reduce disease, save time, money and heartache.
226 Episodes
In this engaging episode, I had a chance to sit down with a very important guest, Zoe Klein. She is a social worker and maternal health provider specializing in supporting mothers through pregnancy, postpartum, and early childhood. Together, we've explored the challenges faced by new mothers, the societal pressure around parenting, and the importance of advocating for one's own choices and well-being. Join us as we unpack the often-unspoken realities of early parenthood and the need for compassionate support systems. Key Takeaways -Parents often receive blame instead of support when their children face issues like sleep apnea or feeding difficulties.-Importance of empowering and educating parents respectfully, rather than blaming them.-Mothers should follow their instincts and seek support that aligns with their parenting values.-Symptoms of postpartum challenges include anxiety, stress from family dynamics, and changes in personal relationships.-Support should focus on helping mothers rediscover themselves and make informed parenting choices without judgment.-Modern parenting emphasizes emotional focus and flexibility.-New mothers often need guidance to balance emotional connection with parental authority.-The importance of creating supportive, non-competitive environments for new mothers.-Mothers should be encouraged to reach out for help and know that seeking support is a strength, not a failure. Connect with ZoeIG at @‌mamas.and.littles. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
In this episode of the Healthy Mouth Movement Podcast, we welcome back Shirley Gutkowski, a renowned figure in the dental hygiene field with decades of experience. Shirley is an Oral Facial Myofunctional Therapist at Primal Air and is passionate about addressing under-discussed issues like snoring, sleep apnea, and early childhood oral health. We delve into the importance of early intervention for oral issues, the collaboration among dental professionals, and Shirley's upcoming book, "More Than Just a Kissing Spot: Your New Baby's Space." Key Takeaways: -Importance of identifying and addressing oral issues like tongue ties and improper latch in infancy to prevent long-term health problems.-Dental hygienists are trained to focus on prevention, but systemic constraints often limit their ability to perform preventive care. More autonomy for dental hygienists could improve patient outcomes.-The healthcare system often prioritizes symptom management over preventive care, leading to undiagnosed conditions like sleep apnea and untreated issues such as tongue ties.-Parents, especially mothers, should trust their instincts and persist in seeking proper care for their children, even if it means consulting multiple specialists.-Effective treatment often involves collaboration among various healthcare providers, including myofunctional therapists, chiropractors, and dental professionals.-There's a need for more education and professional curiosity in the field to address and research these under-discussed issues, particularly in degree completion and postgraduate programs. Learn More About ShirleyWebsite: Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Are you or someone you love struggling to get a good night's sleep? Do you wake up feeling groggy, with a dry mouth, or perhaps even a headache? If so, you're not alone. Many people wrestle with sleep issues, and one potential solution that's gaining attention is mouth taping.Mouth taping involves placing a piece of tape over the mouth before sleeping, encouraging nasal breathing throughout the night. While it may seem unconventional, there's growing evidence supporting its efficacy in improving sleep quality. Snoring is a common issue that disrupts sleep for both the snorer and their partner. Breathing through an open mouth exacerbates snoring by drying out and narrowing the airways, leading to turbulence in the nose, mouth, and throat. This turbulence creates the disruptive noise associated with snoring, making bedtime a challenge. In this episode, we delve into the intriguing practice of mouth taping and its potential to revolutionize your sleep quality. Key Takeaways: -Mouth taping encourages nasal breathing, which has numerous benefits for sleep and overall health.-Nasal breathing promotes deeper, more restorative sleep, reduces snoring, and helps prevent dry mouth and associated oral health issues.-Mouth taping helps decrease or eliminate disruptive snoring by promoting nasal breathing.-Nasal breathing maintains oral moisture and pH balance, reducing the risk of tooth decay and bad breath.-By keeping the mouth closed, mouth taping helps maintain a healthy oral environment and prevents dry mouth-related discomfort.-Nasal breathing increases nitric oxide production, aiding in oxygen absorption and improving breathing efficiency.-Nasal breathing engages the diaphragm more deeply, reducing stress and lowering blood pressure.  Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
When you sleep, do you breathe through your mouth or through your nose? Many of us have never given this question any thought. In this episode, we're tackling a seemingly harmless habit that actually packs a punch when it comes to your health: breathing through your mouth while you sleep. We'll break down what exactly mouth breathing is, how it can seriously mess with your well-being, and most importantly, what you can do to stop it and improve your sleep and overall health. So, if you've ever wondered why you wake up feeling groggy or with a dry mouth, this episode is for you. Let's dive in! Key Takeaways: -How a person can tell if they are mouth breathing at night.-Discover how mouth breathing affects your sleep quality, leading to issues like snoring, dry mouth, and reduced restorative sleep.-Mouth breathing at night is associated with a multitude of issues that affect everything from daily energy levels to long-term health.-Understand the broader health consequences of chronic mouth breathing, including dental hygiene deterioration and increased risk of respiratory illnesses.-Learn about the physiological benefits of nose breathing, including improved nitric oxide production, stress reduction, and better oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange.-Constantly waking up feeling congested is another common problem associated with breathing through your mouth while you sleep.- By finding a way to keep your mouth closed while you sleep, there’s a very good chance that your snoring will disappear.-The parasympathetic response, also known as the “relaxation response,” is a physiological response that can help counteract the negative effects of the body’s “fight or flight” response.- When you breathe out of your mouth, you are actually expelling too much carbon dioxide.-If you use a CPAP device for sleep apnea, discover why mouth breathing can undermine its effectiveness and what solutions are available.- Somnifix Strips gently hold your lips together while you sleep, preventing you from mouth breathing and facilitating nose breathing instead. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Today, we're joined by Rachel Ely, a mom of four and founder of Nourished Mom Wellness. Rachel's journey to becoming a nutrition coach began with her own struggles with weight after having children With her compassionate approach, Rachel dives into her personal journey of reclaiming wellness after facing the challenges of postpartum weight gain. As a fellow mom, Rachel understands the struggles and pressures we all face in balancing health and family. Through her story, she offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for incorporating healthy habits into our busy lives. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to prioritize your well-being, because, just like Rachel, you deserve to feel your best! Key Takeaways:-Embrace small, sustainable changes rather than aiming for a total lifestyle overhaul.-Find strategies to navigate busy schedules, such as meal prepping and utilizing grocery delivery services.-Adopt a balanced approach to nutrition, focusing on macros and the plate method.-Seek enjoyable forms of exercise and accountability to stay on track with wellness goals. Connect with RachelEmail: rely71011@gmail.comWebsite: Account: Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Today, we're thrilled to host Darlene, a remarkable individual with a powerful story of healing following a cancer diagnosis. With a rich background in early childhood education spanning over 25 years, Darlene has transitioned into a passionate advocate for wellness. She emphasizes the significance of attuning to our bodies and nurturing our energy for holistic well-being. Let's dive into Darlene's journey and discover how she guides individuals towards a deeper connection with their body and mind. Key Takeaways: Importance of Intuition: Darlene emphasizes the significance of following one's intuition, especially during challenging times like her cancer diagnosis. Listening to her inner guidance led her to discover energy healing practices like Reiki, which profoundly impacted her healing journey. Body-Mind Connection: Through her experience and practice, Darlene highlights the crucial connection between the body and mind. She helps individuals become their own advocates by fostering a deep understanding of their physical and emotional needs. Daily Self-Care Practices: Implementing simple yet effective self-care routines, such as mindful breathing, grounding exercises, and gratitude practices, can significantly improve overall well-being. These practices help regulate the nervous system and promote a sense of calm and balance. Energy Protection: Instead of using the term "protection," Darlene encourages individuals to cultivate awareness and surround themselves with loving energy. Visualizing a gentle, loving light surrounding the body helps maintain energetic boundaries without instilling fear or contraction. Nurturing Energy Reserves: Recognizing the importance of preserving one's energy, especially for caregivers and parents, Darlene teaches techniques to replenish and reclaim energy reserves. By establishing healthy boundaries and practicing self-compassion, individuals can better serve themselves and others.  Connect With Our GuestFacebook: darlene.sochin@gmail.comWebsite - Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
In this enlightening episode, we delve into the often-overlooked connection between oral health and overall wellness, particularly focusing on how issues within the gut can significantly impact dental health, and vice versa. Join us as we break down complex medical relationships into actionable insights that could potentially transform our approach to health and wellness. Key Takeaways: -There is a bidirectional relationship between the gut and the mouth. Problems in the gut can lead to oral health issues and, conversely, oral problems can exacerbate or even cause gut issues.-Poor oral health, such as the presence of cavities and gum disease, can be an indicator of broader health issues.-Cavities are not just common; they are a preventable disease linked to an imbalance in pH levels in the mouth, which also hints at possible pH imbalances in the gut.-Common conditions like acid reflux are often treated symptomatically, without addressing potential long-term consequences to dental health.-Financial burden of dental treatments could be voided with early intervention and proper gut health management. Insurance coverage gaps mean that many beneficial treatments are not accessible to those who need them the most.-The lack of communication between dental and medical professionals, which can lead to fragmented care and missed diagnoses.-Real-life stories about misdiagnoses and the journey to better health underscore the need for a holistic approach to health that includes both dental and medical insights.-Practical advice on maintaining a healthy balance between oral and gut health, including dietary tips, the importance of regular check-ups, and being proactive about discussing all health concerns with healthcare providers. About the Guest Deborah Bigda is a dedicated entrepreneur and motivational speaker known as the Queen of Hope. With over 28 years of marriage and motherhood to four children, she brings a wealth of personal experience to her role. Deborah champions the empowerment of women, guiding them to live vibrant lives filled with passion and purpose. She adopts a holistic approach to coaching, emphasizing mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial health. Through individual and group coaching, as well as retreats, Deborah helps women overcome challenges, fostering resilience and a joyful pursuit of their aspirations. Her goal is to inspire women to thrive and build strong financial legacies. For more info, visit Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
In this episode, we delve into the significance of Oral Cancer Awareness Month in April and explore essential insights into cancer therapies. Drawing from personal experiences with cancer, we aim to shed light on the challenges faced by patients both before and after treatment. Key topics discussed include the interdisciplinary approach to cancer treatment, specific guidelines for breast cancer patients, oral complications and side effects, dental guidelines for patients undergoing breast cancer treatment, and common side effects of cancer therapies. If you found this episode insightful, leave a comment and share your thoughts. Stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. Remember, taking ownership of your health is key to a happy, healthy life. Takeaways:-Understanding the interdisciplinary nature of cancer treatment is crucial for creating a cohesive plan for patients' overall health and well-being.-Breast cancer treatments vary depending on hormone status, with pre and postmenopausal patients undergoing different protocols.-Oral health complications such as dry mouth, mucositis, and fungal infections are common among cancer patients and require proactive management.-Dental professionals play a vital role in ensuring the oral health and well-being of patients undergoing cancer treatment, adhering to specific guidelines and precautions.-Addressing and preventing oral side effects early can significantly improve the quality of life for cancer patients during treatment. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Welcome back to the Healthy Mouth Movement podcast, where we dive deep into topics that matter most to your financial health, freedom, and wealth. Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Jaree Bowers, who will enlighten us on achieving financial security with zero loss strategies. In a world where financial stability is paramount, Jaree sheds light on innovative approaches to safeguarding your hard-earned money. Key Takeaways: -Zero Loss Strategies: Jaree introduces the concept of zero loss strategies, emphasizing the importance of protecting your wealth without compromising on growth potential. These strategies offer a unique opportunity to navigate financial markets with confidence, ensuring that your assets remain intact even during market downturns. -Financial Education: Through her platform, Jaree aims to democratize financial knowledge and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their financial future. By offering free education and resources, she equips her audience with the tools needed to build a lasting financial legacy. -Living Benefits: Jaree highlights the significance of living benefits, a crucial aspect often overlooked in traditional financial planning. These benefits provide individuals with financial support in times of need, offering peace of mind and stability during challenging circumstances such as illness or injury. -Investing in Yourself: The conversation underscores the importance of prioritizing self-insurance and investing in one's well-being. By leveraging the  term life insurance with living benefits, individuals can secure their future while safeguarding against unforeseen events, thereby ensuring financial resilience and stability. Connect With Jaree:LinkedIn: Five Rings Financial – Turning Aspirations into AchievementsPhone: 303-904-8500Email: Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Our children look up to us, mirroring our behaviors and habits. It's crucial that we set them on the path to success by fostering healthy habits, starting with the basics of breathing and eating. Today, we're diving deep into the topic of child health, exploring how the habits we instill in our children from an early age can profoundly impact their well-being for years to come. Key Takeaways: -Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children's habits and behaviors, serving as powerful role models for healthy living.-Breathing and eating are fundamental aspects of life, and the habits formed in these areas can significantly impact overall health and well-being.-Breastfeeding not only provides essential nutrients but also aids in the development of the upper jaw, promoting proper airway development and nasal breathing.-Sensory issues, such as tongue ties, can affect a child's ability to breastfeed effectively and may require intervention from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional.-Myomunchie, a medical-grade silicone tool, can help infants develop facial muscles and promote healthy chewing, nasal breathing, and swallowing habits.-Tongue ties, if left untreated, can lead to a range of issues, including speech difficulties, behavioral issues, and sleep disorders, highlighting the importance of early detection and intervention.-Proper nasal hygiene, including nasal irrigation and breathing exercises, can support respiratory health and reduce the risk of infections and illnesses.-Nutritional supplements, such as vitamin C, D, and zinc, can bolster the immune system and promote overall health, particularly during flu season.-Epigenetic factors, influenced by lifestyle choices and habits, can play a significant role in gene expression and cellular function, highlighting the importance of cultivating a healthy environment for our children to thrive. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Welcome back to the Healthy Mouth Movement Podcast, where we delve deep into the intricate world of dental health and its interconnectedness with overall well-being. Today's episode is a captivating exploration of picky eating, transcending mere taste preferences to unravel the complex web of sensory sensitivities and physiological nuances. Join us as we challenge conventional views on picky eating, offering a holistic perspective that goes beyond the surface level, shedding light on the profound impact sensory processing issues can have on individuals' dietary habits. Key Takeaways:-Picky eating extends beyond taste preferences, encompassing sensory sensitivities and physiological complexities.-Sensory food aversions can be rooted in sensory processing disorders, leading to challenges in eating, breathing, and swallowing.-Parents often face misconceptions about picky eating, with many attributing it to behavioral issues rather than underlying physiological factors.-Tongue ties, breathing difficulties, and myofunctional disorders can contribute to picky eating behaviors and should be addressed early on.-Understanding the full sensory experience of eating is crucial in developing effective strategies to manage picky eating and promote healthier dietary habits.-Early intervention and seeking appropriate care are essential in mitigating the long-term impact of picky eating on overall health and well-being. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Welcome to another episode where we delve into the intricacies of health and wellness. In today's episode, we'll explore a fascinating topic that often goes unnoticed: the role of the tongue in influencing our overall health. Join us as we uncover the hidden connections between your tongue and various health issues.Your tongue might be the unsung hero or the silent culprit behind your health concerns. By understanding its role and taking proactive steps to maintain its health, you can unlock better overall well-being. So, the next time you brush your teeth, take a moment to assess your tongue—it might hold the key to optimizing your health. Key Takeaways:-Often overshadowed by diet and exercise, the tongue plays a crucial role in our health. Beyond taste and speech, it affects oral hygiene, digestion, and even respiratory functions.-Pay attention to signs like a coated tongue, persistent bad breath, or changes in texture/color, as these could indicate underlying health issues. It may include bacterial overgrowth, nutritional deficiencies, or neuromuscular problems.-Traditional medicine practices like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine recognize the tongue as a diagnostic tool for assessing overall health.-Modern medicine may not utilize this method, it underscores the tongue's importance in health monitoring.-Practicing proper oral hygiene, staying hydrated, consuming a balanced diet, and regular dental checkups are essential for tongue health. Additionally, being mindful of breathing patterns, especially mouth breathing, can prevent various health issues. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Welcome to the Healthy Mouth Movement podcast! Today, we're excited to welcome Mary Kay Tanka as our special guest to shed light on Drive with Aroga. Mary Kay brings her wealth of knowledge to discuss this fantastic product and its benefits. With her expertise, you'll gain valuable insights into how Drive offers more than just energy—it provides sustainable energy that's free from the crashes associated with caffeine. Mary Kay delves into the components of Drive, emphasizing its support for mood, mitochondria, and metabolism. She breaks down the importance of vitamin B in enhancing mitochondrial function and highlights how Drive delivers higher doses of B vitamins. Additionally, Mary Kay touches on the inclusion of mood-supporting herbs in Drive's formula. Throughout our conversation, the convenience of Drive's packaging is highlighted. It offers daily packets containing three capsules. Each capsule plays a role in supporting overall health, cellular function, and sustained energy levels, making it an easy addition to your daily routine. Key Takeaways:- Mary Kay shares her personal journey of using Aroga products to support her health, emphasizing their safety, efficacy, and ability to complement conventional medicine.-The importance of listening to one's body and making informed choices to support optimal health and well-being.-Learn about the concept of epigenetics, emphasizing how lifestyle choices can influence gene expression and health outcomes.-Aroga Drive is positioned as a whole food-based supplement that supports the body's natural processes, providing clean energy and supporting cellular health without synthetic additives or fillers. Check the product here: here: Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Welcome to a thought-provoking episode where we dive deep into the heart of our healthcare model, often described as a "sick care system," and its impact on the well-being of our families. Today, we're shedding light on the critical yet often overlooked aspect of children's health: sleep. This episode is a call to action for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to recognize the individual needs of each child, especially when it comes to their sleep and overall health. By understanding the limitations of our healthcare system, the importance of sleep, and the power of our instincts, we can begin to advocate for a more personalized approach to health and well-being. Remember, when it comes to your child's health, you are not alone. Join us as we explore the complexities of children's health and sleep, reminding us that when it comes to our well-being, one size does not fit all. . Reach out, ask questions, and let's navigate these challenges together. Key Takeaways: -Our current system focuses on treating symptoms rather than prevention, leaving many families struggling to find the care they need.-Sleep is not just a luxury; it's a fundamental aspect of health for both children and adults, with 50% of the population not getting the sleep they require. Ignoring signs of sleep deprivation and other health warnings can lead to more significant issues. It's crucial to be attuned to what our bodies are telling us.-While social media offers a platform for parents to share and seek advice, it's essential to approach the information with caution and verify its accuracy.-An overview of common sleep disorders, including night terrors, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome, and the importance of proper diagnosis and management.-The significance of being proactive in seeking help and information for your child's health issues, rather than waiting for them to "outgrow" the problem. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
The first 1000 days of a baby's life is important. This time is crucial for setting up their overall health, including the health of their teeth and gums. Learn how starting good habits early can help your child have healthy teeth for life.For more tips and information on how to look after your child's teeth from the very beginning, make sure to follow our podcast and check out our website. Let's take this journey together to give our kids the healthiest start in life.Join us next time as we keep exploring how to care for your child's teeth and gums from day one and beyond. Key Takeaways:-Prenatal Oral Health: Your dental health during pregnancy can affect your baby's future smile. Seeing a dentist regularly and keeping your mouth clean are key first steps.-Infant Oral Care: Begin with gentle cleaning of the gums and move to brushing with a soft toothbrush and a tiny bit of fluoride toothpaste as teeth come in.-The Role of Nutrition: Breastfeeding and eating well help keep your baby's mouth healthy. Watch out for bottle use and too much sugar to avoid tooth decay.-Managing Habits: Keep an eye on pacifier use and thumb-sucking to prevent problems with how teeth line up later on.-Early Dental Visits Matter: Book your baby's first dental appointment around their first birthday to keep their oral health on track. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
In this episode, we explore the profound impact of sleep (or the lack thereof) on our physical and mental health. From chronic sleep deprivation to the benefits of Myofunctional Therapy and practical tips for improving sleep quality, we cover everything you need to know to help you and your children achieve a restful night's sleep. Ready to transform your sleep and overall health? Consider scheduling a consultation with a Myofunctional Therapy specialist to explore personalized strategies for better sleep. Key Takeaways: -Understand how sleep deprivation mirrors the symptoms of a 0.10% blood alcohol level, affecting motor skills, judgment, and emotional regulation.-Discover the similarities between sleep-deprived behaviors and ADHD symptoms in children.-Learn how Myofunctional Therapy can improve sleep quality by addressing the muscles of the face, mouth, tongue, and throat to enhance respiratory function.-R.E.A.L sleep routine: Routine, Environment, Activity, and Light management to support better sleep.-Nutritional support for sleep: The role of magnesium, chamomile tea, melatonin, and other supplements.-Stress reduction techniques and the importance of reducing cortisol levels before bedtime. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Today, we delve deep into the critical topic of a child's craniofacial growth and development - a foundation for lifelong health and wellbeing. Our discussion will uncover the intricacies of facial growth, the importance of early identification of potential issues, and how these can significantly impact not just comfort and appearance but overall health, including sleep, behavior, and even cognitive development. Are you concerned about your child's craniofacial development? Do you want to ensure they have the best start for a healthy life? Schedule a 15-minute call with us to discuss how we can support your child's health journey. Remember, a healthy mouth is just the beginning of a healthy, happy life. Share this episode to spread awareness and join us in the movement towards better health for our children and future generations. Until next time, keep smiling, keep healthy. Key Takeaways: -Misalignments in teeth or jaw structure can lead to broader health issues, such as eating, speaking, and sleep disorders, and their indirect links to ADHD and sleep-disordered breathing.-Changes during the agricultural revolution have influenced our craniofacial development and it is  important to  address these issues early.-The critical role of nursing, bottle feeding, and the introduction of solid foods in developing a healthy cranial-facial structure.-Myofunctional therapy and oral facial exercises can aid in correcting developmental issues, emphasizing the function of the tongue and its impact on the airway.-The early detection and intervention prevents more invasive treatments later in life and supports overall wellbeing. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Welcome to the latest episode of the Healthy Mouth Movement Podcast. In this episode, we explore the often overlooked yet crucial aspects of well-being: mouth breathing and sleep patterns. We look into how these elements are deeply interconnected with our overall health and happiness. Join us as we discuss the importance of adopting healthy habits in breathing and sleep to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life. Key Takeaways-Mouth breathing, especially during sleep, can lead to numerous health issues, including reduced oxygen absorption, dental health problems, and sleep disturbances. It's crucial to understand its impact on overall health and take steps to mitigate it.-Sleep is not just rest but a state of repair and reju venation for the body. Poor sleep can exacerbate mouth breathing issues and lead to a weakened immune system, mental health struggles, and cognitive impairments.-Mouth breathing and poor sleep quality form a detrimental cycle, impacting stress levels, mood, energy, and overall health.-Regular sleep patterns are essential in reducing the risk of chronic diseases and cognitive decline.-Adequate oxygen levels are vital for brain function and physiological health.-Mouth breathing can significantly reduce brain oxygen levels, leading to various health issues.-Emphasizing nasal breathing, creating a conducive sleep environment, and seeking professional help for sleep disorders are key strategies.-Lifestyle choices such as hydration, diet, and mindfulness practices are also crucial.
Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits


Good oral health promotes a beautiful smile. A beautiful smile promotes self-esteem. Self-esteem promotes confidence. Confidence promotes a successful life.  It’s all linked together.If you're like me, you were taught you need to brush floss, use a fluoride toothpaste and visit your dentist regularly to prevent cavities. Well, here's the thing. While that's true , it is  just a small piece of the puzzle. There's more to the story than what we have been told and we are learning more and more every year.In this episode, I will share about my personal journey battling oral health issues and facing a cancer diagnosis. We'll explore the importance of proactive dental care, the impact of habits on your health, and the value of being your own health advocate. Join us as we delve into how a healthy mouth can lead to a healthier life and learn about an engaging self-guided workshop aimed at empowering you to take control of your well-being.Join me in the Healthy Habits Workshop, where we'll delve deeper into understanding the connections between your oral health and overall well-being. Discover actionable steps to create lasting habits that promote a healthy life. You can access it here (  See you inside!Key Takeaways:-Maintaining good health is a lifelong journey that requires proactive habits.-We often take our health for granted until problems arise, leading to costly treatments.-Changing our mindset and habits can shift us from reactive to proactive health management.-Regular maintenance and self-checks for our health are essential, just like we do for our homes and cars.-Pay attention to early warning signs, even if medical tests initially indicate no issues.-There are various preventive tests available, such as blood tests, poop tests, and thermography, that can detect imbalances and health issues before symptoms appear.-Taking responsibility for our health is crucial, and being informed empowers us to make better choices.-Traditional medicine often treats symptoms but may not address the root causes of health issues.-Being your own advocate for health is essential, as doctors may not always listen or consider holistic approaches.-Our bodies are interconnected systems, and balance is key to overall health.-Diet, water quality, and breathing habits can all impact oral and overall health.-Prevention is key, and early signs of dental issues should not be ignored.-Good oral health contributes to self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.-Motivation is linked to confidence in our actions and the development of healthy habits.-Developing confidence and competency in healthy habits takes practice and consistency.-It takes approximately 66 days to create a habit, and starting with small changes can lead to lasting improvements in health.-The power to take control of your health is in your hands, and it's essential to be proactive and informed. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
Today, we dive deep into the vital and intricate connection between oral health and overall well-being. This episode is dedicated to unraveling the critical relationship between the health of your mouth and the health of your entire body. We'll explore how oral bacteria influence the bloodstream and the role of chronic inflammation caused by poor oral hygiene. Our holistic journey today will illuminate the significant impact that maintaining oral health has on your body's overall health, emphasizing that oral health is not an isolated aspect of our wellbeing but a crucial gateway to understanding and nurturing the health of our entire body. A healthy mouth is a vital component of a healthy body, paving the way for a life of harmony and well-being. Key Takeaways: -Understanding the mouth-body connection and its implications on overall well-being.-How oral bacteria can affect the bloodstream and influence systemic health.-Exploring the link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular health.-The reciprocal relationship between managing diabetes and maintaining oral health.-Understanding the two-way relationship between osteoporosis and oral health.-How regular dental check-ups contribute to comprehensive health care.-The importance of these fundamental habits for oral and overall health.-Investigating the connection between dental health and cognitive well-being.-Recognizing the mouth as a critical factor in the body's microbiome balance.-Understanding the links between oral health and conditions like COPD and pneumonia. Book a consultation today:I am always here to help answer any question and schedule a 15 minute call with me. If I can not help, I can get you to a provider that can.
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