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Author: Jo Peters The Unicorn Coach

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We help you to WIN the Marathon of Motherhood. Each week we will have an expert sharing their knowledge, wisdom, and tips on how to navigate motherhood from pregnancy to the first 18 months of your baby. After having an amazing pregnancy despite de odds of being a geriatric mom (37 years old) and then having a very traumatic experience in my 4th trimester, I dedicate my life to sharing and help other mamas to do everything good I did during pregnancy and be prepare and avoid all the mistakes I did during the 4th trimester which lead me to postpartum depression and anxiety. Join us every week Support this podcast:
72 Episodes
MOMFIT with Jo Peters, helping YOU to win the Marathon of Motherhood with burnout, on this episode learn about FLOW sustainable self-care system for mothers. Feed your body, mind, and spirit, Love yourself and your season of life, Own your time and space, and Weed out what's not working so you can welcome something new 3 Takeaways from today's episode: 1. How to incorporate FLOW into their daily lives 2. Why you can't WAIT to start taking care of yourself 3. How to create small, sustainable habits that will make a difference so you can reclaim time, energy, an creativity. --- Support this podcast:
Parenting with a narcissist is HARD PERIOD! in today's show, we are discussing how you can preserve your sanity! In MOMFIT with Jo Peters, helping YOU to win the Marathon of Motherhood with burnout, 3 Takeaways from today's episode: 1. You cannot co-parent with a narcissist so choose parallel parenting 2. The best strategy against a narcissist is a regulated nervous system 3. Your genuine connection with your children is the antidote to narcissist's attempt to manipulate your children against you. A little more about Nisanka: Nisanka is a Trauma Aware Life Coach, a Holistic Practitioner, a mother, a poet, a writer and a narcissistic abuse survivor. She helps parents who parent with a narcissistic partner or ex to preserve sanity, take their life back and support their children. Nisanka’s experience of growing up in highly narcissistic environments and later being in narcissistic relationships led her to reflect on her own life at a point when she was severely depressed and suffering from C-PTSD. Since then she has been healing from her inner child wounds and narcissistic abuse to build a thriving life for her and her daughter. Nisanka was in teaching before she changed her career to become a Coach. She lives in the UK in a small town closer to Brighton. She enjoys nature walks, cooking, stand up comedy and writing poems. --- Support this podcast:
In MOMFIT with Jo Peters, helping YOU to win the Marathon of Motherhood with burnout, today we are talking about: "Prioritizing Yourself as a Mother: Why it's important and how to actually do it. " with guest with Rachel Newman 3 Takeaways from today's episode: 1. Prioritizing yourself is taking care of your family. 2. A deeper understanding of what it means to take care of yourself. 3. Practical tips and guidance on how to make yourself a priority every day. A little more about Rachel: Rachel is an author and certified life coach. Her specialty is helping moms prioritize themselves and create joy in motherhood. Rachel is a mom to 3, a 5 year old and 3 year old twins. After earning a BA and MA in German, Rachel taught German and wrote curricula for 8 years. Upon the arrival of their twins, she transitioned into full-time momming. Desperate to find meaning and rediscover herself in the chaos of raising young children, Rachel developed systems to maximize her time, reorient her mindset, and prioritize herself. She shares these strategies in MomME and is building a community of support for other moms at so they, too, can find joy in young motherhood. After two and a half years thriving as a stay-at-home mom, Rachel is now back in education at her alma mater, Texas Tech University, in Lubbock, Texas. --- Support this podcast:
MOMFIT with Jo Peters Helping YOU to win the Marathon of Motherhood with burnout Topic: "Overcoming feelings of failure, guilt and shame in parenting" with guest Tania Lopez Tania's Favorite Quote: "I love curiosity before conclusion" 3 Takeaways from today's episode: How to overcome feelings of failure; How to overcome feelings of guilt and How to overcome feelings of shame. A little more about Tania: Tania helps mums and dads take parenting challenges in their stride. She works with parents who are at their wits end because their children challenge them at every turn by refusing to listen to them and have regular meltdowns. Tania loves to bring joy and fun back into the family. She does this through a combination of hypnotherapy and coaching so she can address both the conscious and unconscious processes at play. Tania is an experienced and qualified teacher, counsellor and hypnotherapist and has over 20 years experience of working with families. --- Support this podcast:
MOMFIT con Jo Peters Ayudandote a ganar la maraton de la maternidad con el tema de hoy: La depresión y la ansiedad posparto una realidad que pocos discuten con nuestra invitada especial Alexis Scales -Aprendaecómo defenderte durante el embarazo -Formas de ayudar con la ansiedad y la depresión posparto -Pedir ayuda está bien Para el mundo eres una madre, pero para tu familia eres el mundo. --- Support this podcast:
MOMFIT con Jo Peters Ayudandote a ganar la maraton de la maternidad con el tema de hoy: "La maternidad en tiempos "anti maternos" de redes " --- Support this podcast:
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Kate McCauley is the founder and CEO of Danu, LLC. Kate starts the mindset shift to manage stress by building everyday habits to be happier and healthier at home and at work. She does this through 1:1 coaching, workshops, and keynote speaking engagements. With 20 years of experience in education, Kate can guide you on your journey with love and a keeping-it-real mentality. 3 takeaways: How to shift your mindset & retrain your brain.1. Habit Stacking 2. Flip the scrip by using I statements3. How to speak to yourself & out loud to be confident. (Mantras) --- Support this podcast:
Your Purpose Success and Confidence Coach, Shelley Meche’tte is a Certified Life Purpose Coach and Int’l EmpowHERment Speaker. Shelley is extremely passionate and dedicated to empowering women through strategized personal and professional development. She is also a best-selling author and founder of the women’s organization, The PowHERful Woman. Shelley challenges women to take responsibility for the actions (both productive and counter-productive) of the person staring back at them in the mirror, while reminding them of the fact that they are POWERFUL...valuable, and unique; with MORE to offer than just their physical appearance.A California native, Shelley studied Psychology and Theater Arts at Cal State University Northridge. Extreme attention to detail afforded her the opportunity to share her proficiencies with the likes of such companies as Warner Bros., Walt Disney, and Saban Entertainment.Shelley specializes in decluttering her clients' thoughts to connect their gifts and talents to their passion, providing a successful Purpose Plan and Life Strategies for personal empowerment and success.Shelley has had the privilege of sharing her message of personal accountability and wholeness as a guest on several online shows, including Coffee Talk, Power of Attorney, A Queen’s Roundtable, and Woman Unmasked; as well as on various empowerment platforms such as The PowHERful Woman Conference, The Hey Girlfriend Luncheon, Black Business Women Rock Nationally, Woman II Woman and more. Some of her features include CBS, NBC, ABC, The CW, Yahoo, Bustle, Shondaland, WW, Legal Zoom, Ask Men, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, Voyage LA, The Daily Boss, UpJourney, the cover of the online magazines, Glambitious and Sister2Sister 2.0 and more. She has also been a guest on Bakersfield Now News, Peace of Mind with actress Taraji P. Henson, The Claudia Jordan Show, BYU Radio, I Heart Radio, Kourting Happiness, and The YES! Show.Shelley is the author of the book 70 Days of Happy: Life is BETTER When You Smile and PowHER Minds: Reflective Thoughts Designed for the Everyday PowHER Woman and Her Legacies. She is also a collaborative author of the book She Shall Rise: Empowerment for the Kingdom Woman and Amazon's #1 Best Selling book Women Inspiring Nations.In 2021, Shelley and her daughter became the hosts of their own talk show, The Shelley and Bree Show, currently airing on Roku on the ViZD Channel. Also in 2021, Shelley was named one of the Top 25 Business Women by Courageous Woman Magazine.Shelley is passionate about motivating, empowering, and building the self-awareness of women; helping them to unapologetically unleash their greatness; while offering simple strategies that will assist them in taking back control of their own lives. She believes that broken women raise broken girls who become our next generation of brokenness. Therefore, she provides the success tools needed for women to break that cycle so that they are able to walk in confidence, power, and PURPOSE!Shelley Meche’tte is an ordained Minister. She has been married since 2002 and is the mother of 2 amazing Legacies (daughters). How to create a PERSONALIZE self-care plan that works for replenishment. 2. How to discover purpose. 3. How to avoid mommy burnout --- Support this podcast:
We will be talking with Jessica about Tongue tie and how this can affect things like breastfeeding, feeding, reflux, sleep and the implications for infancy all the way to adulthood. Tongue tie is common, affecting nearly between 4% and 11%t of all newborns. It is three times more common among boys than girls and frequently runs in families.  Jessica Miller is a myofunctional therapist and a registered massage therapist. She has specialized training in manual osteopathy and craniosacral therapy. She is on a mission to support whole body health and family health by supporting oral motor health and airway. In babies, this type of dysfunction can show up as difficulty with feeding, reflux and more.  In adults it can show up as jaw pain, clenching, grinding, snoring, headaches and mouth breathing. Jessica is the mother of two littles. She has navigated tongue tie treatment in herself, for her daughters and with her clients. She believes that curiosity is one of the most important skills in motherhood and in navigating a health journey. Sometimes you have to look far and wide to find the most helpful and relevant answers. Jessica has a free facebook group to keep this conversation going. It's called Tongue Gymnastics Myofunctional therapy. #realmoms #momlifeunfiltered #newmama #momprobs #momstruggles #mommyproblems #mamahood #realmotherhood #motherhoodjourney #firsttimemom #healthcoach #motherhood --- Support this podcast:
We are going to discuss what it means to be Selfish and selflessness and how that can impact your family beyond what you ever thought! "Make your life reflect more of you, not less."  1. How selflessness can bad for us and our kids   2. Why we and our kids benefit from being selfish parents   3. Three to five tips to be a selfish parent Tina is a certified life and mindset coach and the founder of Selfish Mama. Her struggles with mom guilt and work/life imbalance led her to pursue a more flexible career as a life coach. But life coaching proved to be more than just a new career; it completely transformed her beliefs and her approach to life and parenting. She now actively creates a life that reflects MORE of her, not LESS, and knows it's a significant factor to her mental wellness. She lives life on her terms and is dedicated to helping other mamas do the same. Her life currently includes homeschooling her teen daughter, amateur nature photography, and lots and lots of coffee. #momselfcare #momssupportmoms #mominspiration #firsttimemama #realmoms #maternalmentalhealth #mothertobe #simplymamahood #momhacks #emotionalwellness #mommyproblems #momentsinmotherhood #pregnancyjourney #momlifebelike #motherhood --- Support this podcast:
Hypnobirthing is one of the most powerful tools to prepare yourself for a natural and amazing birth experience, we will be talking with Liv about what Hypnobirthing really is and sharing when and how you as a mom can start planning your birth experience like you wanted it and deserve it!  “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”--C. Jung O'Livia (Liv) provides the greatest quality of care while empowering and promoting independence among individuals. Her approach is holistic and combines Energy Work, Intuitive Healing, and Mind-Body skills. These interventions include Yogic Techniques, Somatic Work, EFT, Mindfulness, Meditative Practices, Progressive Relaxation Techniques, Hypnosis, and Therapeutic Imagery.   In addition to the above techniques, she also utilizes coaching, behavior modification strategies, Motivational Interviewing, and other therapeutic interventions to provide clients with optimal behavior change and mindset improvement.   O’Livia is a Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Guide, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Holistic Behavior Coach, Reiki Level II Practitioner, and Certified Clinical Hypnotist.  In her Hypnotherapeutic work, she specializes in teaching relaxation techniques and pain management for childbirth and labor, and hypnosis for trauma, anxiety, and phobias (e.g., systematic desensitization, reframing, stress inoculation, exposure therapeutic techniques, etc.). #painfreebirth #tipsformom #empoweringmoms #expectingababy #positivebirth #preggolife #newmama #momhacks #momprobs #pregnancyjourney #healthypregnancy #pregnancy --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, we will discuss how to use gentle parenting to facilitate emotionally mature children's development.   I have the pleasure to talk with Stacey Sellar: Best-selling author and double certified coach, Stacey Yates Sellar created Happier By The Minute to break down the research and the rigor of Positive Psychology and Conscious Parenting into bite size morsels; easy to digest for busy, stressed parents. Her motivational content began with one-minute videos and grew into a top-rated happiness Podcast, masterclasses, workshops, private and group coaching and international speaking engagements. She has been published in 3 international best-selling books, including Ignite Your Parenting. Stacey already had 20 years of personal improvement and child development experience but when she became a mom of a child with learning differences and ADHD she immersed herself even deeper into research and application. She had such great success with her children that she knew she had to share the secrets of her success with other parents. With over 10k followers, she has positively impacted thousands of parents and children; improving relationships, decreasing stress and, hopefully, saving children from years of therapy later in life ;0) In 2020, her metamorphic journey through the Conscious Parenting Method Certification Course with Dr. Shefali led her to quit her 16year career as an executive in a multi-million dollar business and leave the of Silicon Valley bubble. She is living her dream as a full time mom and part time coach as she and her husband Barry travel and world school their 2 boys Dashiel (10) and Declan (. They currently reside in Greece…for now. #femalehealthcoach #momover30 #mypregnancyjourney #momselfcare #pregnantbump #birthpreparation #emotionalfreedom #momlifeisthebest #realmoms #emotionalsupport #motherhoodunfiltered #newmoms #momtruth #firsttimemom --- Support this podcast:
We are discussing how Motherhood is on-the-job training. We also discuss Dr. Jess's favorite tips to ensure you successfully win the marathon of Motherhood! Dr. Jess Daigle is a board-certified pediatrician, Nicu, and pediatric hospitalist, and the Founder/CEO of Mom & Me MD, an in-home & virtual concierge practice designed to deliver 1:1 personalized care to newborns and their mothers during the 4th trimester, to make the transition home after birth easier and less overwhelming. “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”  - Joseph Campbell #motherhood #firsttimemomproblems #tipsformom #birthexperience #positivebirthexperience #healthypregnancyjourney #momover30 #pregnancylifestyle  #firsttimemoms #embracemotherhood  --- Support this podcast:
On this fun episode, Joanna & Trish discuss practical tips to use stress to your ADVANTAGE and benefit, they also explain the different types of stress and why NOT all of them are "bad" for you. If you are experiencing some stress this episode will give you the answers you are being looking for!!!! Cheers --- Support this podcast:
Is your partner getting on your NERVES? Are you getting close to have an atomic explosion?    Join Joanna & Trish as they discuss tips to improve your relationships despite the additional time we all are spending with our families....   We got this! --- Support this podcast:
When we are in the middle of a crisis, and everything around us seems chaotic, is when we need the most to use tools and practices to help us to "survive" and move forward. This video was recorded during the Covid_19 pandemic, and we are sharing 10 tips to help YOU to stay balance, stable, and SPIRAL UP specially through challenging times... ENJOY!!! --- Support this podcast:
Join us as we shared our own experience with money, our best strategies and tips to have the best relationship with abundance and wealth. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode we are talking about 3 main topics:  *What is the first LOVE you need to take care of...  *What you can do if you are READY to WELCOME love into your life!!  *How to keep LOVE warm and strong in your current relationship   BONUS: a couple of sex tips.. Yeah you heard us right, we are talking about EVERYTHING, no taboos allowed in this channel! --- Support this podcast:
In MOMFIT with Jo Peters, helping YOU to win the Marathon of Motherhood with burnout, 3 Takeaways from today's episode: Leading with empathy is a game-changer Living as an example for flexibility is key Laughing can be a great way to re-direct and re-connect. --- Support this podcast:
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