28:19 Podcast

Converts don’t change the world, disciples change the world. The 28:19 Podcast challenged us to be more than a casual follower of Christ. We’re called to be disciples and to make disciples. We’ll discover how discipleship affects our views and perspective on current topics and issues.

28:19 Podcast - Episode #26 - Why Should I Serve?

Is it possible to be a disciple of Christ and not serve? What good is all the learning and training if you don't put it to use? In today's episode Pastor George and Rosie will discuss the importance of serving. Jesus is our ultimate example to live a life that serves others. Jesus even said that He came to serve and not to be served.


28:19 Podcast #25 - Your Attitude Makes a Difference

Your attitude is often times the difference between success and failure in life. In today's episode we'll discuss the keys to developing an attitude that elevates us in every aspect of life. Remember this. Your attitude will always determine your altitude.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #24 - How to Start Off the New Year Right

It's a brand new year and many are looking to start off the new year right! In today's episode we'll discover 3 steps you can take to ensure that you start strong and more importantly finish strong. Are you ready for the best year of your life? Let's go!


28:19 Podcast - Episode #23 - Discipleship Testimony with Bobby Palma

In this episode we will hear how discipleship has changed a life, a marriage and a family. Bobby Palma has a powerful testimony that will encourage and inspire you to engage in discipleship.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #22 - An Attitude of Gratitude

In today's episode we'll discover the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. In today's culture, it's normal to complain and be critical about all the things that could be wrong in our lives but it takes a different mindset and heart to have an attitude of gratitude. Let's dive in. God bless.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #21 - Overcoming Fear

God has not given us a spirit of fear! In this episode, Pastor George and Rosie will discuss how fear can paralyze us and keep us from moving forward but more importantly we’ll discover how to overcome the spirit of fear in our lives.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #20 - Building a Family Altar

In our latest episode Pastor George and Rosie discuss the importance of having a family altar time at home. What is it? How do you create one and what does a family altar produce in your family? Get ready to be blessed by today’s episode.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #19 - Discipleship and the Gospel

In today’s podcast, Pastor George shares on the responsibility that disciples have to preach the Gospel. There were many times that Jesus send His disciples out to pray for the sick, cast out demons and to announce the Good News, or the Gospel, of the Kingdom of God. Just as the original 12 were sent, so are we. We are sent to proclaim the Good News to everyone, everywhere.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #18 - Discipleship and Endurance

One of the things that is required to be effective as a disciple of Christ is endurance. There are many times when our flesh wants to give up and throw in the towel but endurance causes us to keep going. Jesus before He was arrested told His disciples, “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” This is why endurance is necessary. We must not allow the weakness of our flesh to determine our next step. We must endure! 


28:19 Podcast - Episode #17 - Deception and truth

As disciples we are called to walk in the Spirit of Truth. The Bible tells us that it's the truth that sets us from. On the contrary, there is a spirit of deception that has caused many to drift from their faith. Deceptio will lead people into captivity that then brings destruction. Let's open our heart to what God has for us.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #16 - Important Question to Ask

Discipleship is the process that God uses to grow us into solid, mature believers. Discipleship is not a one-man task. In today’s episode, Pastor George and Rosie will address some important questions as it pertains to discipleship. These simple yet thought provoking questions will help us understand where we are at in the discipleship process.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #15 - The Process of Discipleship - Part 2

In this episode Pastor George and Rosie continue their discussion on the process of discipleship. Discipleship brings transformation and strength in the life of the believer. There is no growth without going through a process of discipleship.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #14 - The Process of Discipleship - Part 1

A caterpillar doesn’t need a miracle to become a butterfly. It just needs a process. What a powerful statement! This statement can be true of discipleship as well. All that is needed to become a disciple is a process. In this episode we will learn the process that we must go through in order to become a disciple of Christ. Without going through the process makes discipleship impossible.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #13 - Special Guest: Pastor Sergio De La Mora

We’re honored to have Pastor Sergio De La Mora with us today on the 28:19 podcast. Pastor Sergio is a dynamic speaker, author, mentor to pastors and leaders and a successful business owner. In today’s episode, Pastor Sergio shares his heart on the importance of discipleship in the church today. It’s a powerful episode that will challenge us to embrace the mandate to make disciples. 


28:19 Podcast - Episode #12 - Special Guest: Rudy Molina

In today’s episode, Pastor George welcomes his big brother, Rudy Molina, to share on his journey to rediscover his faith in Christ. It’s a story that demonstrates what happens when you don’t give up praying for the people that you love. More importantly, it’s a story about God’s relentless pursuit and love for us.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #11 - Family and Discipleship Part 2

In today’s episode we continue discussing the importance of discipleship in the home with your family. Our faith is something that must be passed down from generation to generation. How is that accomplished? Intentional discipleship is the answer.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #10 - Family and Discipleship Part 1

Are we making disciples at home? That is an important question that we in the church must ask ourselves. Statistics are showing that with every passing generation, the connection to and involvement in a local church is declining at an alarming rate. What is the answer? Discipleship. We must learn to pass on our faith to those closest to us, our family.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #9 - Marriage and Discipleship

Pastor George and Rosie continue to discuss how discipleship affects our marriage. Marriage requires that the husband and wife make the right investments in each other. It’s important that we learn to consider our spouses needs above our own. Today’s podcast will challenge you to make the right investments to insure a strong and healthy marriage.


28:19 Podcast #8 - Marriage and Discipleship

In today’s podcast Pastor George and Rosie discuss how our lives as disciples affect our marriage. Hebrews 13:4 tells us that we are to hold marriage in high honor. God would never tell us to value something that He doesn’t find special. This episode is filled with great practical knowledge for those who are married but also for those who aspire to be married one day. Listen in and be blessed.


28:19 Podcast - Episode #7 - The Cost of Discipleship

Discipleship is not easy. It is a difficult process and can only happen when we choose to pick up our cross as we follow Christ. Discipleship requires a death to self on a daily basis so that we can live our lives in and through Christ. In this episode we will discover the cost of discipleship demands less of us and more of Christ.


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