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Messianic Messages with Izzy (Video Bible Teachings)
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Messianic Messages with Izzy (Video Bible Teachings)


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What happens when disciples who are all hearing from Yeshua get together? Snapshot of gatherings in early Yeshua movement. Danger of reading your church into the text. Early Christians went to Temple and synagogue when they could, but primarily gathered in homes in Jerusalem, Phillipi, Ephesus, Rome, Corinth, Colossae, and elsewhere. Time wasn't the sacred service hour on Sunday morning, it was Saturday night! Figurehead verse of the house church movement describing gatherings of disciples where each one had a gift, knew what it was, and contributed. Shaul's letter assumes that each person had a relationship with the Master, that the Ruach was present and moving, that they were gathered in a circle, not in rows facing the front, so that it was participatory and not spectator oriented and led by the Spirit rather than someone at the front, that it was an open meeting and not programmed or canned, and that it was small so that eveyone could be involved. Choice growing groups face to become huge and become less participatory, or multiply into a network of groups. Multiplication like a birth, not divorce.
171 Episodes
Story about three siblings living in the burbs of Jerusalem, how one of them gets sick and died, and how Yeshua comes and brings him back to life. Picture of Jewish burial and mourning customs from Talmud and Midrash, quoting John Lightfoot, John Gill, and Alfred Edersheim.
True story about some blinged up rich dudes and a poverty stricken threadbare widow, both giving money for a good cause. Teaching from Luke 21-22 and Leviticus 21-24, parashat Emor. What Yeshua thought. Yeshua is a people watcher. Some are haves, some havenots. Some are cheap, some are generous. You have to look deeper then dollar figures and clothing styles. Yeshua is a social commentator and he'll talk to you if you hang out with him. Sacrificial giving gets his attention. Yeshua sacrificially gave everything including comfort in paradise with his Father, his mom and brothers, his hometown, his reputation, his privacy to the ancient version of paparazzi, his time and emotional energy, and his life, and his Holy Spirit. Our response. Yeshua wants all your stuff. Overview of readings. Luke, Yeshua the prophet and the destruction of Jerusalem. Watching mouse traps on YouTube. Praying for strength to stand. Fruit of the vine, pri ha gafen. But a sword, the theological basis for gun ownership haha. Standing by the Master in his trials. Bad friends betraying and disowning you. Kangaroo court. Instructions for cohanim. Understanding holiness, kedushah, being kadosh. Pictured by engagement, being dedicated. Converse of holiness pictured by sand, flutes, tunnels, and corpses, all related in Hebrew. Good news that God makes us holy. How to have the bottle of extra virgin olive oil dumped on you. Moadim as dates, rendezvouses. Law forever. Take time off work. Oil for the lamp, dozen huge chalot, and story about a guy with an Egyptian dad and an Israeli mom who took God's name and was executed for it.
Teaching on Genesis 25-28 and Matthew 13-14. Quote from Iranaeus that resonates with Izzy's speaking style and hopes. Connection between Isaac's hundredfold harvest and the seeds on the good soil that produce a hundred times as much. Evaluation of majority of Messianic communities in the area of making disciples. High median believer age, teachings and midrash not geared for new believers. Messianic Judaism wrestling with lower influx of new Jewish disciples than seen in the 1970's. Overview of body of Christ in Prince Albert's effectiveness in reaching the city. The Sunday morning church crowd is not reaching the Saturday night casino and bar crowd. Important and highly personal talk for Izzy who is wrestling with failure to quantifiably make talmidim. We will be evaluated for how we've accomplished the mission to make disciples. The Master's parable about the unfruitful tree that was cut down. Understanding fruitfulness from the Hebrew perspective as a powerful and virile bull. Corporate business parallel as end results and the bottomline. Physical fruitfulness equals babies and spiritual fruitfulness equals baby disciples. Shaul and Shimon Kefa called their proteges their sons. Way to fruitfulness based on the story of Yitzchak and Rivkah. Start with honesty and desire. Be real about your productivity of lack thereof, and desire to change. What's your dream for your city. Grow in intimate abiding with Yeshua. Imagine a women trying to get pregnant without a man. Unpacking the Hebrew verb to entreat. Taking responsibility for your situation and asking instead of blaming. Be ready for the unexpected and uncomfortable. How to be a new wineskin. Getting out of your comfort zone. Westerners focus on quantity over quality. Think outside the box and focus on quality discipleship. What does the Father want to prune from your life. Time wasters and restucturing your schedule. Becoming the kind of disciple you'd want to reproduce. Jewish institution of discipleship. Plug for HaYesod by First Fruits Of Zion. Making disciples built into Jewish DNA. Quotes from Pirkei Avot and Midrash Rabbah. Isaiah 53 precedes Isaiah 54. Metaphorically building the huge addition on your house. Be message of Mashiach focused and new covenant oriented. Don't get sucked into religions and humanistic systems devoid of the power of God. Persevere, press on, don't get discouraged, your dreams for your city will come true. Unpacking the Hebrew term for barren as uprooted, hamstrung, socially isolated from fear or anger, and materialistic.
What happens when disciples who are all hearing from Yeshua get together? Snapshot of gatherings in early Yeshua movement. Danger of reading your church into the text. Early Christians went to Temple and synagogue when they could, but primarily gathered in homes in Jerusalem, Phillipi, Ephesus, Rome, Corinth, Colossae, and elsewhere. Time wasn't the sacred service hour on Sunday morning, it was Saturday night! Figurehead verse of the house church movement describing gatherings of disciples where each one had a gift, knew what it was, and contributed. Shaul's letter assumes that each person had a relationship with the Master, that the Ruach was present and moving, that they were gathered in a circle, not in rows facing the front, so that it was participatory and not spectator oriented and led by the Spirit rather than someone at the front, that it was an open meeting and not programmed or canned, and that it was small so that eveyone could be involved. Choice growing groups face to become huge and become less participatory, or multiply into a network of groups. Multiplication like a birth, not divorce.
The danger of hearing Yeshua's voice is becoming overly independent, individualistic, anarchistic. Yeshua doesn't speak to everyone about everything. He leads through leaders that he speaks to and through. His kingdom is not a democracy. Breakdown of the functions of apostles, prophets, and teachers. Apostle from Hebrew shalach to send, all about mission and goal oriented. Prophet from Hebrew navi, spokesperson experiencing messages, dreams, visions, often artistic or musical. Teacher from Hebrew yarah to shoot an arrow, pointing in a direction and giving impetus, sometimes uncomfortable. Practical assignment, pray and then look for the apostles, prophets, and teachers in your fellowship, and in your city and area. Listen to them, take them seriously, receive them as gifts from Messiah.
The letter from Dear John, as he was nicknamed by the other disciples. What is the anointing? Greek chrisma, related to christos and christianos, root of charisma and charismatic. Hebrew mischah, related to mashiach and meshichi, messiah and messianic. Halmark of a Christian or Messianic should be an experience of the anointing of Yeshua's spirit. How to get the anointing, an open, humble, trusting relationship with Yeshua. Where is the anointing, in you. Story in Darren Patrick's book Church Planter about Alex Early starting Four Corners Church in a gay bar, and the atheist lesbian owner coming into relationship with God and feeling that he was inside her. What does the anointing do, teaches you. Pathway of safety from deception, antidote to lies and false teaching. Corollary, you don't need anyone to teach you. Challenge to teach baby believers to learn from the anointing. Result of the anointing, a deepening relationship with Yeshua, staying in his teachings, life in union and communion with him. Fall in love with the bridegroom.
The how of hearing Yeshua's voice, through his Spirit. Unpacking Hebrew term for Spirit of Truth, Ruach ha Emet. Wind or breath. Is truth impersonal facts, or relational faithfulness? Hebrew root of truth emet is aman, meaning doorposts, faithful, lasting, and covenant. Yeshua's attractive offer to people hurting and disillusioned by broken friendships and failed relationships. Suicidal season in Izzy's life because people come and go. The mothering of the Spirit, pictured by nursing and carrying child on hip. The Holy Spirit is Yeshua's Spirit. How to grow in your relationship with Yeshua's Spirit, and hear the voice of the Ruach more clearly and frequently. Recognize Yeshua as the giver and say yes. Desire it. Relinquish control and become flexible and spontaneous. Ask. Listen, be quiet, cultivate inner silence. Disclaimer, the Holy Spirit always agrees with the Bible. Story of young man who hung out around a hooker's house and ended up getting seduced. Story of Tom Brown, wilderness survivalist, teaching his children to watch and listen in the forest.
How to have a relationship with Yeshua where you hear his voice and receive revelation from him, and how to gather as a community to cultivate and celebrate that relationship. Words to leaders, "let my people go" and "get out of the way". Torah-based communities need leaders though. Leaders not always present when groups in a network gather in homes across city. Lesson on transition from organisms including babies, plants, and caterpillars, communities grow and change. Lesson from construction site, time to lay foundation and time to build. Prophecy of covenant relationship in Jeremiah. Highlight, each individual knowing Yahweh personally. Results of relationship where the soul hears Yeshua voice. He knows you, you follow him individually and corporately, he gives life to your dead heart, and you're safe and secure, never to be lost or snatched from him. Danger of being deceived by doctrines of demons, false teachers, lying prophets. Solution, know the man who is truth, cultivate that relationship where you're hearing his voice.
How to prep for and tell a story from Scripture to your child or grandchild, friend, or neighbor. Grow a storytelling culture in your community. Religious world's challenge to get out of the ghetto, secular world's challenge to stop the busyness. Restructuring priorities and schedule to go after lost people, have meaningful conversations. Tips for telling a story to individuals and suggested questions to encourage discussion and enhance the friendship. Picture worth thousand words, story worth thousand pictures. True stories about churches in Idaho with Real Life ministries raising up and training leaders from their own communities, alternative to denominational and seminary model. Join the restoryation! Quote from N. T. Wright on how to change a worldview, by replacing people's stories with better ones. Let's get people telling stories and make disciples who will go make more disciples, reaching new neighborhoods and social networks that we never could by ourselves.
How to prep to tell the stories of Scripture word of mouth, how to tell them in a group setting, and how to follow up with questions that get people freely thinking and talking. Telling the stories of the Bible is a mitzvah, a command of God! It doesn't just happen, it takes planning, intentionality, and practice. See Brass Tacks resource for storytellers and facilitators of gatherings at Story of man practicing telling a story on his unbelieving son and how it transformed his son's life. Exclamation marks look like clubs. Question marks look like hooks. Don't club your audience with your points, agenda, and thoughts. Ask questions to engage them, get the hooked, draw the understanding out of them. Suggested questions to kick off group discussion.
Telling the stories from God's word, word of mouth, to people from other religions. Welcome people from other religious cultures to your city and neighborhood instead of fearing them. Yeshua sent them because you're his body and he wants you to reach out and tell his stories. True account of restaurant owner missionary who told Muslims Bible stories about God's power and saw them and their wives believe in Yeshua. Tell stories to postmoderns, who are more open to hearing something from you if it's personal. Caesar Kalinowski with Soma Communities in Seattle, Washington who started a storytelling night at a coffee shop, and finished the evening with a Bible story. Learning pyramid diagram from National Training Laboratories. Conclusion, the emperor of how we teach people is naked!
The talk where the rubber meets the road and things get dirty, but you get somewhere. Everyone is a storyteller! Start with family, neighbors, coworkers, friends. Why telling stories is an effective way to engage and disciple children. Why a story is something that anyone from any religious background or education can understand. Why even atheists and agnostics are more open to a story than to points and disembodied concepts. Don't defend your sword, use it!
How is a return to telling word of mouth stories from God's Word an integral part of Torah, Jewish roots, and the prophetic restoration message? Five reasons for getting back to this. Torah was originally communicated orally.Telling the story of the Exodus, Haggadah, at Passover. Gospels were originally communicated orally, primarily as stories. Yeshua always told stories to mixed crowds and discipleship means imitating him. Reaching the massive niche market of nonliterate people in North America and globally. Statistics of 50 nonliterates in India who were equipped to tell 85 stories and went on to make 9,122 disciples and start 370 churches in a year. Candid confession from pastor Avery Willis: "They remember my stories better than my points!" Anyone can do it. What is a story? Technical and simple breakdown of "Once upon a time…" Five big questions stories attempt to answer. Stories as myth. Brain research on what happens when you hear a story you relate to.
Three reasons why most people don't preach the Gospel: don't know how, expect professionals to do it, or don't have any nonreligious friends. How telling God's stories, word of mouth, is the solution to this problem. How is someone saved and changed from the inside out? How is a culture transformed? By hearing God's Word, God's stories, and believing it. Breakdown of parallels between God's word and swords, snow, and seeds, and what happens when you tell a story from the Scriptures. Story from Truth That Sticks by Avery Willis about Randy Proctor telling a story at a Cowboy Church in Oklahoma about Israel's escape through the Sea of Reeds and asking a few questions and how God saved people through that story. Challenge to be intentional about friendships with nonreligious people.
How do you get God's word to stick in people's minds and change their lives? Shocking statistics from the Barna Group: roughly half of people claiming to be Christians believe that Satan doesn't exist, Jesus sinned, and the Holy Spirit isn't real. Third of people say that the Bible is true, and the Quran and book of Mormon. People are bombarded with truth claims, everybody's preaching to them through the media. How do we punch through the clutter? Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point says, by making your message sticky. Entertainment industry greatest influence on Western World, why? Sticky stories. Why be smart, strategic, cunning? Answers from Chip and Dan Heath, professor at Stanford and researcher at Harvard, respectively, on how to make your message stick. Story about little boy who got it.
Over half of Scripture is written in story form. And the other sections have stories behind them. Do you read, discuss, and teach them in context, or chop and sew them into a horrifying Frankensteinish theological monster? What Sesame Street and the children's blurb before the sermon has to teach you. Surprising statistics concerning Biblical illiteracy in North America and what to do about it.
Half of North Americans don't read books. Not that they can't, they don't. Two-third of people around the world don't read books. How are you going to communicate Yeshua's story to them? How are you going to disciple them? Story from Truth that Sticks by Avery Willis about Scott the Stonemason.
com First revolutionary talk in a string on the power of telling the stories of Scripture word of mouth to change the world. True story of Red and Viv, i.e. Adam and Eve, and the tribe they started and how they would stop every seven days to tell the stories of how they got there, why there was evil in the world, and why weeds grew in the fields. True story of a virgin teenager having a baby boy that grew up to start a movement by sending his disciples to tell his stories to the world. Historical overview of how you got the Torah and Gospels.
Starts & Stops Toward A Perfect World - Shemini Atzeret Talk
What a wind undermining the sand granules under a water bottle until it tips has to teach you about how to change the world. Foundational undermining and the sudden gradual shift. Sapping, strategic digging under wall in medieval castles and bulwarks until collapse. In Jeremiah's prophetic call, plucking up breaking down destroying and overthrowing prededed building and planting. Yeshua taught that a person must be emptied before they can be filled. Applies individually, social, politically, and corporately. Succumbing to temptation until sudden collapse. Izzy's crisis in how we gather. End of the gladiatorial sports. How Yeshua flipped the Roman Empire. The grassroots movement that broke the power of Roman Catholicism. Abolition of slavery. How to take down abortion not through political process, legislation, the courts, and mass media campaigns, through invididual relationships and transformation. Dissolution of Communism in Russia. Back to Jerusalem movement in China, pest strategy of operating as ants, termites, grasshoppers, worms, and frogs. Chinese web traffic to
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