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He Said, She Said
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He Said, She Said

Author: Melinda Poitras

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Taking time and making space to collaborate, celebrate, and communicate ideas from the books and bros who make me who I am. May every conversation call us to draw near to the Friend who sticks closer than a brother.
56 Episodes
Present Over Perfect, the idol of competence, making a difference with your words, etc.
Seasons of loneliness, the masterpiece He’s painting, new names, how He is worthy of His, etc.
Pleas for help, prayers, peace passing understanding, etc.
Chewing gum, fixing cars, practicing patience, etc.
Working in the field, working it in the field, driving fast, taking chances, etc.
Making jokes, saying names, clapping for fairies, etc.
Locking in, living now, black diamonds, etc.
Motivation, Writing, Oat Goats, etc.
Thumbelina, best friends, getting through and moving on, etc.
Being a girl, being a governess, being an absolute gem, etc.
DM's, marriage, and dreaming out loud.
Problems like Maria, bringing music back to the house, being used, etc.
Illegal spreadsheets, the enneagram, orange couches, etc.
Marco Polo, finding “the one,” underwear, etc.
Mother’s Day, bridesmaids, fake funerals, etc.
Dr. Seuss, unlimited flour, etc.
This One's About Risk

This One's About Risk


Board games, beautiful endings, etc.
Panic attacks, promises, our shocking lack of control, etc.
Disney movies, shoes, dreaming and singing, etc.
Steadiness, Singleness, What We Can Do in the Meantime, etc.