Claim Ownership


Author: Cherie Cochrane

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A Podcast that gives advice on life changes such as dealing with the loss of a spouse or aging parents.
18 Episodes
Huge apologies for being gone so long. It has been a crazy fall. Lot’s to get you caught up on though. We have some video for you to check out this time. Will be working on gettting a better webcam for the next show. Topics for Todays Podcast Include: An Interesting Transition Camper Cabin Vegas […]
Becoming the senior member of a family is daunting but it is all part of the new normal. I have been busy since the last show and have accomplished much.. Ohh and we do have another wild cat story for you. A New Normal Snow Blower Sale – Cleanup Zachary – Alexandria The Talk Trampoline […]
Cherie gets us caught up on what is happening and talks about “The New Normal” plus a host of other topics. This has been an amazing month in revelations not only from getting ready for the estate sale, to what is happening with the grand children and recent medical discoveries. New Website Design The New […]
CCAST-2009-04-18 #37

CCAST-2009-04-18 #37


With the passing of my mom, I have had my hands full this past month. Todd and I get caught up in a big way. Here are the topics from today’s show. Columbus – Shopping Guest on Judys Blast from Past Train Syndrome Martha – Backed up Farther than some have gone forward Glenn Beck […]
We catch up with Cherie from the time she left Hawaii went back to Virgina and then home to Michigan. This episode covers the following topics. Homeward Bound Hospice Hospital x2 PC Trouble To-do Visit from Ghost In this episode I think you all will understand that we may be coming to a new juncture […]
The past two months have been for a word busy. We talk about the death of my father and the rapid decline of my mother over the past month.  I also share some insights that you need to listen to on making sure that you are prepared for before a loved on passes. This is […]
This episode of the Cherie Cast we talk about what happens when you go from being real busy to moderately busy in the day to day life of running a business alone. We cover the task list that is never shared. Cherie also covers her recent trip to the east coast and a wide conversation […]
This is a special edition of the CherieCast it is a 2-3 part show. This show specifically focuses on the the Late Robert George Cochrane and is a tribute about his life. Cherie and Todd share some thoughts about him and his life. This show is meant to be documentation for the Grand Children so […]
CCAST-2008-08-09 #32

CCAST-2008-08-09 #32


Sorry for the long absence we have been crazy busy. Lots of good Tidbits in this show.
We recorded the show live on Mogulus today and will be trying to get Cherie’s Webcam up in the stream next go around. Had a few small technical difficulties hope the Audio turned out ok. Topics today include: Natalie Graduation Punks with No Respect Issues with GrandParents 99 Birthday of my Dad The call form […]
CCAST-2008-05-03 #29

CCAST-2008-05-03 #29


This is a live recording of the CherieCast aka Cherie and Todd are in the same location. We cover some great topics today. Composting Country Style Research on Essential Oils Quiet on the Home Front Trucker Tom Deck being Finished after 2 years The Produce Freeze Going HD Andy McCaskey
CCAST-2008-04-04 #28

CCAST-2008-04-04 #28


This is one of our most revealing shows yet. I really feel we have moved into territory here and I think you are going to be as shocked as we where. Why am I here? Minister Alcohol – Drug Abuse – Grief and Recovery We were not prepared for Anger and Accusations Preparation for the […]
CCAST-2008-03-15 #27

CCAST-2008-03-15 #27


It has been a long time since we recorded a show and it was primarily due to some hardware issues Todd was having on his end. But expect Todd and I to put out back to back shows to get you caught up with things. Lots of great tidbits today. Endeavor and my Experience at […]
CCAST-2008-01-20 #26

CCAST-2008-01-20 #26


Cherie catches you up on the what has been happening with therapy for the granddaughter. Parents in hospital and travels two and from Virginia. She also shares with Todd what she thinks could have been a visit from Dad in the form of some mysterious light activity.
CCAST-2007-12-09 #25

CCAST-2007-12-09 #25


Cherie gets you caught up on whats been happening and Todd shares a little bit with what is happening with him in Hawaii. When People you know are in need Closets full of Computers Podcast Conversations Help Boredom First Weekend without anything to do and what to do Heather Gorringe Compost Pit Dealing with older […]
CCAST-2007-11-04 #24

CCAST-2007-11-04 #24


Cherie gets you caught up on what has been happening since her return from Hawaii and the fun adventures she has had with a very special podcaster she meet at the Podcast and New Media Expo who came out and spent some time with her last week! Catching up at Home Danger Living At Home […]
CCAST-2007-10-09 #23

CCAST-2007-10-09 #23


Another great Cherie Cast where we share some very cool stuff that has happened since Cherie has been in Hawaii and some things leading up to it. Physic Retirement Ceremony Tia Gunn More Expo Talk Hawaii Adventures Plus a great deal more. Tune in and if you have comments send them to
CCAST-2007-10-03 #22

CCAST-2007-10-03 #22


This is the first time we have recorded the Cherie Cast with Cherie in the Studio. Enjoy the show and expect another one to be put up in few days. Pain Control Whack on the Head The Touch Grandson acting as Medium Happy to be on Vacation Some Podcast Expo Coverage
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