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633 Episodes
亞伯拉罕被稱為信心之父。你是否曾經想過亞伯拉罕為什麼對上帝有如此大的信心? 你是否也想擁有強大的信心?
亚伯拉罕被试验是在他所最关切的事上,----神与他的立约:土地、祝福、子孙  蒙召试验出于神, 试验的形式:拾取吗哪---试验他们遵不遵守神的法度             四十年的旷野----试验以色列民,叫他们终久享福。 出现假先知-----试验以色列民是否尽心尽性爱神   申十三 3 未灭尽迦南人-----试验是否遵守神的道   士二 22
How do we become men and women of faith? It’s not automatic when we become followers of Christ. We become men and women who #LiveByFaith when we are tested by God through the uncertainties and difficulties in life, and we obey Him even when God asks us to give up what we love. Then, your faith is strengthened as you see God’s power working miracles in your life. Praise pre recorded on January 19, 2020
Read Genesis 18:22 - 33 to see how Abraham prayed to God
Rev. William Jonathan Ong reminds us that “We must leave our average behind to experience God’s extraordinary.” Is God calling you to do something extraordinary? Are you reluctant to do it because it would mean leaving your comfort zone? Our God is the same God Abraham trusted when he left his comfortable life to go live in a place he has never been. God kept His promise of blessing to Abraham – just like He will bless you so that you can bless others when you heed God’s call. Read Genesis 12: 1 - 3 to see how Abraham has blessed and bless others. Response Song Build My Life by Passion
Has God ever urged you to do something you feel unprepared for, or to take up a daunting responsibility? You delay, or you try to get out of it. You don’t want to do it because it’s out of your comfort zone. Guess what? God’s plans for you are inconceivably grand that He needs to mold you into the right shape. He needs to stretch you out, to pinch some parts, and to cut off what’s unnecessary. These steps cause pain and discomfort; but without the pain and discomfort, you will not be ready to fulfill God’s purpose in your life. Be like Abraham and obey God with complete faith that He will always keep His promises. Read Genesis 11:1 - 9 to see what happen to the tower of Babel Response Song Reign In Us by Starfield
What are you known for, and are you proud of that? Noah was known as a man of integrity and a man who walked with God. He was physically and spiritually fit. He started building the ark when he was 500 years old, and he stayed faithful to God for 100 years while building the ark. He trusted in God’s plan. Because he kept His focus on God, God used Noah to do extraordinary things. If your heart is in the right place, you too, just like Noah, can do great things for God. Are you ready for the next great adventure God will ask you to do? Read Genesis 7:1-16 to see what extra ordinary thing God did to Noah. Response Song So Will I - Hillsong
What angers you the most in our society today? Is it kidnapping children to harvest their organs, or corruption in the highest levels of government, or pedophiles? Now look in the mirror and think of your own sins. Do these anger you too? Do you feel ashamed of your insatiable need to own what others have? How about your neglect in paying your debts, or when you blame others for failures which are your responsibility? Sin, whether big or small, is still unholy in God’s eyes. Accept responsibility for your sins and surrender your life to God. Jesus freely offers forgiveness. Read Genesis 3:1 - 24 to see how to breaking free from the cycle of sin   Response Song Through The Precious Blood – Sovereign Grace Music
In the book of Genesis, we see how God created a perfect world out of nothing. Day and night, sky and sea, majestic mountains and lush greenery, sun and moon, chirping birds and gigantic whales, man and woman. He can create such magnificence out of His infinite wisdom, yet He loves each one of us unconditionally such that He prepares and provides for our every need. So why do we worry? Why do we run after what the world can give us? Let us worship our Creator by giving Him first place in our lives. Let us be reminded that our primary purpose in life is to love and serve God.    Read Genesis 1:1 - 31 to see the God Who created EVERYTHING out of nothing to do the impossible!
What is your defining quality? Is it your fashion style, or your sense of humor, or your excellence in what you do? If you say that you are a Christian, your defining quality should be love – a love that overlooks faults but does not tolerate sin. Your loving actions can draw people to Christ.  Remember, the Christian life is a life completely lived out through Jesus, in Jesus, and for Jesus! Read Colossians 3:1 - 4:1 to see Paul's Epistle to the Colossians
Jesus Christ, by His death and resurrection, fulfilled all of God’s laws so we would be set free from the power of sin and death. He defeated all the powers of this world. This means that we don’t have to do anything else after we have invited Him to be our Lord and Savior. We don’t have to pray to angels or spirits; we don’t have to follow superstitious customs as a back-up to our prayers; we don’t have to walk barefoot behind any carved image or touch the carved image to be blessed. Get to know Jesus and His will through the Bible, so you won’t be deceived by false teachings. Read Colossians 2: 6 - 23 to see Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Response Song In Christ Alone - Brian Littrell
What common cultural practices do you do? Do you say “good luck” to a friend about to face something difficult? Do you have “fortune plants” or golden frog figurines in the house so that you will have a prosperous life? Do you choose “good” dates to get married? If we say that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, we don’t need to add anything to His sacrifice on the cross for our sins. We do not need to live in fear and submit to superstitious practices because Jesus is the Lord of creation and redemption. Read Colossians 1:9 -23 to see Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Response Song Oh The Deep Deep Love / Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - Sovereign Grace Music
Discover how breakdowns and breakthroughs became Paul's driving force in actively being a messenger of the gospel and how it should drive Christians today! Join our community: Facebook: Facebook Group: Instagram: Spotify: Viber:
"靠着基督夸胜",是一个福音使者不变的信念和确据,如何真实忠心的传讲福音信息更是一个福音使者重要托付和使命。别人能从我们身上看到什么,比我们说了什么更加重要,让我们靠着基督能在各处显扬那因着"认识基督"而有的馨香之气。 Stay updated with us through 有關教會最新的動態,請關注以下的平台 Facebook: Facebook Group: Instagram: Spotify: Viber:
已故林道亮院長常說:「我們信主的人都是小基督」。 保羅說我們是天國的大使,是代表基督的,要將基督彰顯出來。保羅在哥林多後書讓我們看到他如何在他的生命及服事上讓他的元帥耶穌基督帶領而發出基督的香氣。別人從你身上有否「聞到」基督的香氣? Stay updated with us through 有關教會最新的動態,請關注以下的平台 Facebook: Facebook Group: Instagram: Spotify: Viber:
Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth is a heartfelt letter stemming from the issues he faced with this church he planted and dearly loved. Paul's enemies, the so-called “Super Apostles”, are discrediting his authority as an apostle on the grounds of his afflictions. Little did they know how God is equipping Paul through his sufferings. Join our community: Facebook: Facebook Group: Instagram: Spotify: Viber:
我们都活在一个充满苦难的大幻世界里,所谓「家家有本难念的经,人人均有难言的愁!」我们曾经伤害过别人,也曾被人伤害过,因此我们都需要安慰! 1. 患难中认识安慰人的上帝(对上帝) 2. 患难中经历上帝的安慰(对自己) 3. 患难中分享上帝的安慰(对别人) Stay updated with us through 有關教會最新的動態,請關注以下的平台 Facebook: Facebook Group: Instagram: Spotify: Viber:
我們都活在一個充滿苦難的大幻世界裏,所謂「家家有本難念的經,人人均有難言的愁!」我們曾經傷害過別人,也曾被人傷害過,因此我們都需要安慰! 1. 患難中認識安慰人的上帝(對上帝) 2. 患難中經歷上帝的安慰(對自己) 3. 患難中分享上帝的安慰(對別人) Stay updated with us through 有關教會最新的動態,請關注以下的平台 Facebook: Facebook Group: Instagram: Spotify: Viber:
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