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CartoonSmart Tutorials

Author: Justin Dike

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A humorous video podcast from Topics will include: iOS / tvOS game development with Xcode, Swift and Sprite Kit, plus anything to do with illustration, character design, animation, or Adobe software (Flash / Animate in particular). These are a bit of a spoof on our usual material (okay, very much a spoof), but we dare you NOT to learn at least something in these videos tutorials. Videos range from 30mb to 50mb (relatively small).
70 Episodes
SceneKit, ARKit and Swift 4 – Basics Tutorial – Part 2 – Hit Testing In this second video in our SceneKit and ARKit basics series, we’ll look at a few SCNActions used to delay adding content to the scene, and most importantly, we’ll talk about hit testing. By the end of the video, you’ll be able to tap the screen, […]
SceneKit and ARKik – Basics Tutorial – Part 1 In this first video tutorial using the ARKit and SceneKit template, we’ll remove the starting assets and build a simple box and ball scene. We will use Swift 4 to program the ball to have a physics body affected by gravity so it then drops onto the box, which has a […]
Adobe Animate CC 2018 – Basic Tutorials – Part 1 In this Adobe Animate basics video tutorial, we’ll discuss the selection and sub-selection tools, which are essential for manipulation vector points in the program (as well as selecting things). We’ll also cover some helpful preferences (like contact-sensitive selection) and some other beginner concepts.  
How to Ink then Shade a Clothing Heavy Comic Book Character – Part 2 In this second video we’ll ink and shade the clothing of the character we sketched in part 1. Subscribers can continue watching Part 3 in this series here.
How to Ink then Shade a Clothing Heavy Comic Book Character – Part 1 The initial sketch of a comic book character illustration we’ll color and shade in future video tutorials. Recorded in real time.
How to Draw, Shade and Color a Male Comic Book Character’s Face using Procreate A fun off-the-cuff video tutorial on how to draw using Procreate and (optionally) an iPad Pro. This lesson I’ll draw a comic book style male character in a typical “stare down” pose.  Recorded in real time (not a speed drawing).
Build an iMessage App Part 14 – Adding a Resend Button Finally we’ll polish off the tutorial series by adding a resend button to the app. This way once a user has completed their masterpieces and saved them, all they’ll need to do on the intro screen is scroll to their previously saved image and hit resend. Hosts: Justin Dike […]
Build an iMessage App Part 13 – Refining the Picker Wheels In this Swift 3 video tutorial, we’ll make the picker columns / components respond more intuitively. Hosts: Justin Dike
Build an iMessage App Part 12 – Adding the “Sayings” Images In this video we’ll add the secondary image to the image container. Hosts: Justin Dike
Build an iMessage App Part 11 – Saving the Image to Send as an MSMessage and as Data to Retrieve In this Swift 3 tutorial we’ll save everything in our image container as data (which can be saved to the User Defaults), then insert the image into the conversation as an MSMessage. Hosts: Justin Dike
Build an iMessage App Part 10 – Rotating with a UISlider and Going Back to Intro Screen In this video tutorial, we’ll rotate the main emoji image using a UISlider, then write the Swift 3 code to go back to the initial starting screen of the app Hosts: Justin Dike
Introduction to Sprite Kit – Part 8 – Changing zPositions at Runtime and Making a Custom Class In this final video, we’ll use the update method to check where the player is and then change the zPosition (layering) of buildings based on that value. This will make it look like the player is visually in front of or in back […]
Build an iMessage App Part 9 – Scaling with a UISlider and Saving the Scale to User Defaults In this video tutorial, we’ll scale the main emoji image using a UISlider, then save the scale value as a preference in the user defaults (formerly the NSUserDefaults) Hosts: Justin Dike
Introduction to Sprite Kit with Swift 3 – Part 7 – Detecting Physics Contacts Between Bodies In this video tutorial, we’ll add an SKPhysicsContactDelegate to the class, then add a didBegin contact statement to listen out for physics notifications from bodies. This requires setting the categoryBitMask and contactTestBitMask on the player and a hypothetical building object that we add this […]
Build an iMessage App Part 8 – Re-positioning the Emoji from the Last Location Saved in the User Defaults In this Swift 3 video tutorial we’ll discuss how to reposition the emoji in the image container based on the last location the user had moved it to. This is done by saving the x and y location in the User defaults Hosts: […]
Introduction to Sprite Kit with Swift 3 – Part 6 – Gesture Recognizers In this video tutorial we’ll add Swipe, Tap and Rotation gestures recognizers to the scene. We’ll discuss properties and related functions for each, as well as converting radians to degrees and removing all gestures from the scene. Hosts: Justin Dike    
Build an iMessage App Part 7 – Customizing the Emoji Picker and Adding an Image Container In this Swift 3 and iMessage video tutorial, we’ll add an image container which will house the main emoji image and secondary “saying” image, which ultimately get saved and sent in the MSMessage.   Hosts: Justin Dike
Introduction to Sprite Kit – Part 5 – Short Interlude to look at a Cross Platform Project We’ll take a short break from the previous project and explore the Cross Platform Sprite Kit template included with Xcode. This is a project that has an iOS, tvOS, WatchOS and MacOS Target. The neat thing about this template is all four device […]
Introduction to Sprite Kit with Swift 3 – Part 4 – Action Groups / Sequences and Run Blocks In this video, we’ll continue working with SKActions, by changing the previous lesson’s walk actions into a sequence of actions. This will allow you to run code at the end of a sequence. In this example, when the player begins walking we’ll […]
Build an iMessage App Part 6 – Customizing the Emoji Picker and Adding an Image Container In this Swift 3 and iMessage tutorial, we’ll add an image container which will house the main emoji image and secondary “saying” image, which ultimately get saved and sent in the MSMessage.   Hosts: Justin Dike    