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Legends of the Craft

Author: Bros. Matias Cumsille and Aksel Suvari

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Legends of the Craft explores Science, Religion and Philosoohy in search of the hidden wisdom of Nature. From historical tales of heroism and courage to great works of literature, no legend will go unexamined by Brothers Matias Cumsille and Aksel Suvari in their quest for Masonic inspiration. For too long the philosophy of the Craft has grown stagnant and stale. By resurrecting the ancient legends of our past and studying the masterpieces of the modern age we can determine the future course of Masonry as it endeavors to accomplish the Great Work!

38 Episodes
Freemasonry is an ancient occult science that trains its practitioner in the exploration of inner worlds. Dreams are the primary method by which we encounter worlds beyond the material in which new realities can be explored beyond the limitations of the material plane. But how does one cross the threshold and become a practicing dreamer?
The Root Races is the name for a concept which originated in the writings of Helena Blavatsky and was taken up and propagated by the early followers of Theosophy. It describes the evolution of human consciousness on the earth and the many cycles through which it progresses. What connection does this idea have to Freemasonry and how can it help us understand the role of the Ancient Mysteries?
Freemasonry is said to have its origins in "time immemorial" but what is this immaterial substance "time"? Why does its contemplation lead to the establishment of the Mysteries? Join Brothers Matias and Aksel as they attempt to answer these questions and many more in a far-ranging discussion on how humanity's understanding of time itself has been shaped throughout the centuries by occult and esoteric teachings.
It is often said that Freemasonry's origins belong to "time immemorial" and that our Craft stretches back to the institution of the Ancient Mysteries. But where exactly do these threads lead us? In this episode of Legends of the Craft join Brothers Matias and Aksel as they journey backwards to the very beginning of civilization - Sumeria - and the mythic tale of the goddess Inanna. Could the mysteries of Inanna be the origin of Masonic ritual?
Charles W. Leadbeater was a Freemason and a towering figure of the occult world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Reviled by some, adored by many others, he was certainly a controversial figure in his own lifetime. But his contributions to occult knowledge, Co-Masonry, the Theosophical Society and the Liberal Catholic Church not only vivified those institutions but inspired thousands around the world. Does this man deserve the scorn he so often receives?
Anderson's Constitutions, penned in 1723, form the foundation of modern Freemasonry. Much has been written about the historical veracity of this document, its origins, authenticity and its worth to the Craft. But very little has been said about what this document is exhorting Freemasons to do. Anderson's Constitutions give us the outline of an ancient honor code, a code which a Freemason is bound to live by and uphold. What does this code entail and how should the Freemason enact the strictures of Anderson's Constitutions in his daily life?
Postmodernism, and its offspring Critical Theory, is a 20th Century philosophy that emerged in Europe following the World Wars. Critical of modernity and of narrative in all its forms, Postmodernism is a deconstructive philosophy that seeks to break down all grand structures and lay bare the systems of power that create and maintain them. How can the Freemason interpret Postmodernism and what does this philosophy, if anything, have in common with the sublime doctrines of Masonry?
On this episode Bro. Matias and Bro. Aksel discuss Thomas More's masterpiece Utopia. Published in 1516 the book revolutionized Western political thought for centuries. In it, More describes a world completely at odds with his own, having solved the material and spiritual problems that plagued Europe at the time. What wisdom can be found in this treatise and how can we trace the philosophy of Freemasonry within the social structure laid out in Utopia?
On this episode Bro. Matias and Bro. Aksel discuss a very influential piece of Hermetic philosophy: the Kybalion. Written in 1908, its origins are shrouded in mystery. Allegedly authored by the "Three Initiates", the text explains the basic principles of Hermetic Thought. What hidden link to Freemasonry does it contain and how can its principles be adapted by the modern Mason?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel discuss the long-standing animosity between the philosophies of Atheism and Freemasonry - its origins, its effects on the Craft today and the future of Atheism in the 21st century. Can an Atheist become a Freemason or are the two philosophies completely incompatible?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel discuss the Four Cardinal Virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. The Four Cardinal Virtues are often thought of as Christian theology but they pre-date the religion but several centuries and form the moral foundation of Freemasonry. Are these virtues still necessary in forming the modern moral compass?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel are joined by Bro. Katie for a discussion of the Hero's Journey and its connection to the Craft of Freemasonry. The Hero's Journey, popularized by Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces is a psychological system that describes cycles of all world mythology and storytelling and addresses the processes by which individuals grow and evolve. Does The Hero's Journey mirror the techniques and traditions of Freemasonry in explaining human evolution?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel discuss the accusation that Freemasonry is a cult. For decades if not centuries Freemasons have been accused of concealing a massive cult behind a structure of impenetrable secrecy and deceit that usurps the world's religions and warps the minds of its members. Where does this belief come from and how does the ancient fraternity of Freemasonry differ in every way from true, harmful cults?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel discuss the many forms of anarchist philosophy and its connections to Freemasonry. From the industrial revolution and the Paris Commune to the founding of the American Federation of Human Rights and into the modern day, anarchy and its principles can be seen to have profoundly impacted the development of modern Co-Masonic thought.
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel explore the ancient philosophy of Stoicism and its many connections the virtues and ethics that are found in the rituals and traditions of Freemasonry. Were the ancient Stoics prototypical masons and does their philosophy of determination, perseverance, and competence persist in Universal Co-Masonry?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel explore the mystery of the Druze of Lebanon and their connections to the Phoenicians, Atlantis and the building of King solomon's Temple. Are they a secretive sect of Muslims or a refuge for persecuted mystics from around the world with connections to Tibet, China, and the mysteries of the East?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel explore the mythology, accusations and allegations both for and against the incredible claims made about Cagliostro, his abilities and his achievements. Was he a mystical snake oil salesman or could he have been a true Adept, an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood dispatched on a mission to regenerate Freemasonry?
On this episode Brothers Matias and Katie discuss the founding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and its connections to Freemasonry. They shed light on the initiation and Masonic career of Joseph Smith and the Temple Endowment ceremonies and their connection to Masonic Ritual.
On this episode Brothers Matias and Patrick discuss the concept of the Seven-fold Nature of Man and its relevance to the teachings of Freemasonry.
On this episode Brothers Matias and Aksel discuss the difference between the Left and the Right Hand Path of Magic and show how Freemasonry aligns itself on the magical plane to use ceremony and ritual to accomplish its magical goal.
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