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Born of Wonder

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"We make idols of our concepts but wisdom is born of wonder."

Host Katie Marquette takes listeners on a sound-rich, audio adventure for your ears, exploring beauty, aesthetics, theology, literature, and art.
108 Episodes
A 'check in' hello episode from Katie - with some life things she's really enjoying - including discovering a smartphone middle ground that allows you to disconnect (without giving up all the smartphone conveniences - it's not airplane mode!). Discussions on embracing eccentricities, the things that bring you joy (and how that brings joy to others), and how to get a 'new house' feeling without the new house. Beautiful music (straight from the vinyl!) to close us out! Happy Spring! Recommendation: Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, also known as the Pastoral Symphony   Stay tuned for upcoming episode with Grace E. Kelley!  Find her on substack:  Get her book!    --- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ---
Les Miserables is one of those profound stories that somehow encompasses the full depth of human experience. We have birth, death, falling in love, disappointment, justice, despair, young revolutionary zeal, forgiveness, and heavenly hope. From Valjean’s first encounter with the Bishop - who forgives him, undeservedly so - to Valjean’s own forgiveness of Javert (and Javert’s inability to accept his mercy) - this a story of love offered, received, and sometimes (tragically) rejected. It is a story that promises the often miserable human condition always has the hope of redemption, if not in this life, “somewhere beyond the barricade.” Today on the podcast I am joined by The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism, was published in December 2023 with En Route Books and Media. You can also find her writing on Substack (Love of Literature), where she shares essays on finding goodness, truth, and beauty in literature and art. Her two essays on Les Miserables: “The Economy of Love” “He is not Here. He Has Risen.”   *Special thank you to my husband, Chris, for his piano renditions of some of my favorite Les Mis melodies throughout this episode. --- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  --- Connect with Maddie online:  Instagram: @love_ofliterature   Read her book! The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism    Recommendation: Irish Wonders by D.R. McAnally, Jr.
When you first encounter the liturgical year, it can be completely overwhelming. There is a saint's feast day every day! What season are we in again? Is it Eastertide? Ordinary Time? Who can keep track? Here to help us make sense of all this - and inspire us to live a rooted, embodied, seasonal, in-tune, life - is Hearthstone Fables. Kristin is a beautiful writer, rooted in story and history, and she beautifully weaves the rhythms of the agrarian year with the rhythms of the Church. She makes connections we may never have thought of (stay tuned for the discussion on the nativities of Christ and St. John the Baptist!) and brings a genuine joy to the liturgical year that makes the discovery of feast days and ancient traditions seem not overwhelming, but exciting, - delightful! A treasure trove to be explored.  On the podcast, Kristin discusses how to feel rooted, both in place and in faith, in a modern age opposed to both. Also discussions on how to find community, make the liturgical year a living reality, and how to celebrate with presence and tradition no matter whether you’re in an urban or agricultural setting.  An inspiring and convicting conversation to ground us in story, celebration, tradition, and art.  --- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ---
Love her, hate her, you can't ignore her: Taylor Swift is a global phenomena. Today on the podcast, Katie is joined by Rachel Sherlock to discuss the power of girlhood, joy, dressing up, collective experience, and what the Eras Tour and Taylor Swift as an artist can offer a culture starved for meaning, unity, and good old fashioned fun. Plus - their favorite Swift songs, how they became fans, what era they are, and so many good deep dives for true Swift fans. If you're a Swiftie, this is a real treat, and if you're not, tune in and understand what all the fuss is about! (and get excited for her new album - dropping at the end of this week!) *special shout-out to my husband Chris for his great piano covers of Taylor’s songs, “Wildest Dreams” and “You are in Love” on this episode! --- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  --- Find Rachel Sherlock online:  @seekingwatson Listen to her podcast! --> Risking Enchantment  --- Articles we discuss: What the Taylor concert was really like.  The Fellowship of Taylor Swift
Today on the podcast Dr. Larry Chapp - former professor and current popular blogger, writer, theologian and founder of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm - joins us to talk all about Dorothy Day. We discuss her radical politics, her orthodox faith, and what she has to offer a world so at odds with itself. Dorothy Day saw her politics, and her love for the poor, as completely inseparable from her Christian faith - it informed everything she did and everything she stood for. We speak about how to return to a truly 'lived' Christianity, even when it makes us a bit 'weird.' What is the role of money? How much should we even have materially speaking? Is there a deep tension with serving the poor and also being a responsible parent? All this plus a practical discussion on how we can help others and follow Christ's foundational commandment to always care for those in need.  --- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ---   Dr. Chapp's blog -  Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm - 
Happy 100 episodes! To celebrate, we're launching off into space - exploring that 'Love which moves the sun and other stars' - guided by Gustav Holst's epic 7 part orchestral suite 'The Planets.' We'll visit each planet and hear its accompanying musical movement while also learning some fascinating facts (how old are you in Mercury years? Did you know the sun rises twice on Venus in a day? etc). This is a chance to wonder and stand in awe of the world (and other worlds), reminding us of the vast mystery we are all a part of. We'll also hear a beautiful Les Miserables-inspired violin medley at the very end (courtesy of Lindsey Stirling - who has an asteroid named for her if you were wondering). Happy stargazing!   ---- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ----   Story Orchestra - The Planets   Gustav Holst - 'The Planets'   Planet facts courtesy of    S2:12 EP21: Look to the Stars   Other music from Blue Dot Sessions Rocket sound effect courtesy of    Lindsey Stirling - Les Miserables Medley
Happy first day of Spring! Happy feast of St. Joseph! Today we'll hear the magical, sad, beautiful story of Persephone and how she became the wife of Hades, God of the Underworld. Persephone's yearly return to the Earth promises not only a good harvest and a blooming spring but the ultimate hope of resurrection and immortality. This episode is also filled with beautiful immersive music and you'll hear why Katie thinks classical music (and art generally) should always be open for reinterpretation and creative engagement.    ---- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  --- Spring 1 - Max Richter Vivaldi Recomposed   Story from Bullfinch's Mythology - Persephone and Cerce   Sound effects courtesy of FreeSound   Recommendation: Niklas Liepe - GoldBergHain (Quodlibet on "Kraut und Rüben haben mich vertrieben")
Happy St. Patrick's Day week! Today on the podcast we'll be exploring a medley of stories, with audio taken from the many episodes I've done in the past on Celtic legends and folklore, including the story of Oisin and Niamh and the land of Tir na Nog, the land of Eternal Youth, and Oisin's famed debate with St. Patrick. We'll learn about the abandoned Irish island of Blasket and get lost in some eerie beautiful Selkie stories. We will also explore the famous and outstandingly beautiful Book of Kells - what was once described as 'the work of angels, not of man.' We'll hear about one of Ireland's patron saints' St. Columbia and how he rebuked the Loch Ness Monster and at the end of the episode we'll enjoy some Yeats poetry readings.  If you'd like to really get in the Irish spirit, I hope you'll consider joining me and Christy Isinger in Ireland this coming October!  May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. ---- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ----   Discussions -  "TÍR NA NÓG: THE STORY OF NIAMH AND OISÍN" "AN OLD WOMAN'S REFLECTIONS" BY PEIG SAYERS  "THE PEOPLE OF THE SEA" BY DAVID THOMPSON "SONG OF THE SEA" MOVIE - TRAILER -    Music:   "The Road to Lisdoonvarna and Scollay's" - Pinniped  - Free Music Archive "Fanny Power" - Slainte - Free Music Archive "Mike in the Wilderness" - played by Katie Marquette Guitar and piano music underneath poetry - played by Chris Marquette   Recommendation:  The Poetry of William Butler Yeats "The Stolen Child" - "When You are Old" -    "Bobby Kennedy for President" 4 part series on Netflix    Book of Kells Digitized    The Book of Kells: An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin
Why do we read? Is it for edification, intellectual stimulation, or even just 'to be a smart person?' How many of our reasons are linked to a real joy in reading - like when we were kids - the kind of reading that you had you flipping the pages at night, lying out on a blanket all afternoon, the kind that had you lost stories and falling in love with characters that became completely real to you? Today I'm sharing some practical tips about how to fall in love with reading again and how important reading is - for our kids, for our family, even for our physical and mental health. Three cheers for books!    ---- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ----   The Kesh Jig/The Monaghan/Morrison's Jig (Medley) "A Fine Imitation" by Amber Brock "The Secret Book of Flora Lea" by Patti Callahan Henry  Kristin Hannah books ("The Nightingale" "The Great Alone" etc.)    “Reading is everything. Reading makes me feel like I've accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. Reading makes me smarter. Reading gives me something to talk about later on. Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficit disorder medicates itself. Reading is escape, and the opposite of escape; it's a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it's a way of making contact with someone else's imagination after a day that's all too real. Reading is grist. Reading is bliss.” ― Nora Ephron 
The Nordic Theory of Love asserts that unhealthy dependencies inhibit our ability to truly love one another - that true love thrives under circumstances that establish independence and equality. Understanding this theory is key to understanding the economic and social policies in Nordic countries, policies that continuously have them topping out the rankings in the World Happiness Report. Nordic societies put in place social safety nets - including universal access to family leave, childcare, healthcare, and education - in order to free individuals from cycles of dependency and live more authentically. Or at least that is the theory. Does it work? Finnish journalist and author Anu Partanen is here to explain how all these policies play out in Nordic societies and why she thinks they actually could work, especially at the state level, in the USA. I ask her all the questions I've always wanted to know about Nordic countries - How do businesses keep running if everyone is continuously taking off for maternity leave? What about those infamous wait times when you go the doctor? Is this really just a culture obsessed with conformity? I hope this conversation gives you a lot to think about and I would love to hear your thoughts! Guest: Anu Partanen, author of the Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life ---- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024! 
Today on the podcast I'm joined by my friend Rachel Remmes to discuss good food, cooking, writing, and discovering our authentic passions in a world full of distractions and mixed motivations. You'll get some great recipes and cooking tips as well as some broader personal reflections about how to establish a life that reflects our true joys and desires.    Rachel Remmes is a recovering academic and passionate at-home chef who lives in New York City with her husband and three young children. Although she has been cooking avidly for as long as she can remember, in October 2023 she launched a substack - Can't Help But Cook. Her goal with this substack is to reignite an appreciation for at-home cooking by learning the fundamentals all while teaching her readers how to correctly salt meat and poach fish along the way.   Rachel, who earned a masters in art history, views cooking as a creative art form that adds beauty and meaning to our lives in the same way as a good book or a stunning painting. Readers of her substack can enjoy her two published cookbook reviews. Additionally they can anticipate more cookbooks reviews this year, along with theoretical dinner guest conversations, including one with writer/director, Greta Gerwig, and another with the 20th-centuty Norwegian novelist, Sigrid Undset.   Music Courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions  ------ Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  ----   Follow Rachel on Substack: Can't Help But Cook    Rachel's Recommended Recipes: Molly Baz Pastrami Roast Chicken    Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas   Pasta alla Buttera   Other Recs from Rachel:   "Wanting" by Luke Burgis   Monk Manuel    MCode
Here during Valentine's Day Week, we're celebrating one of life's biggest joys: Friendship, a love that is often much devalued in our modern society. While friendship might be unnecessary in the most basic biological sense (we need parents, we need spouses, in ways that we don’t need friends), it is precisely that lack of obligation that has the potential to elevate friendship to an extraordinarily high, even near divine, place in our lives. We're going to celebrate with audio clips giving us a chance to meditate on great friendships like Anne Shirley and Diana Barry, Elphaba and Glinda, C.S. Lewis and the Inklings, Jesus and His disciples. After the main episode stay tuned for a bonus chat with Christy Isinger, all about the amazing friendships you develop when traveling on a pilgrimage - if you've been thinking about signing up for our Ireland 2024 trip, now is the time! Stay tuned for more details.    All the Pilgrimage Details here!    Video chat with Christy Isinger and More Pilgrimage Info    “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”  -C.S. Lewis “No longer will I call you servants… Indeed, I have called you friends" John 15:15   Anne of Green Gables (1985)    C.S. Lewis "The Four Loves"   "Friendship is Unnecessary" Substack Essay   "For Good" from Wicked   Song Recommendation: "Down by the Water" by Abigail Lappell    Find me at  Subscribe on Substack:           
We're launching Season 7 of the podcast by reclaiming the power, wonder, and absurdity of classic fairy tales. This is a sound immersive episode leading us into an underground kingdom - the streets are lined with trees with diamond leaves - there are enchanted princes rowing boats - the door is locked, but every night the princesses' shoes are in pieces - where are they going to dance every night? Fall into beautiful stories again - and then hear some stirring music from Dvorak - and get excited for a full season of wonder, awe, and joy :) Cheers!      ------- Visit: /  Come to Ireland with me!  Download the brochure / Commonly asked questions / Sign up!    The Twelve Dancing Princesses by The Brothers Grimm Music Courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions Sound Effects Courtesy of FreeSound   Recommendation:  Bagatelles, Op. 47: No. 1, Allegretto scherzando
Very exciting announcement for 2024!!!  This year I’m partnering with Select International to lead a truly phenomenal, unforgettable tour through the saint scattered hills of Ireland. I will have an incredible co-leader partner in the podcaster and writer Christy Isinger. Tune in for all the details, the backstory of how this came about, how you can support me in this endeavor (prayers, spreading the word etc), the importance of going on adventures, and some new year 'hellos' and plans for the next season!  come join us on the Irish Wisdom and Wonder Tour Oct 2-11 2024! Download the brochure Sign up! Born of Wonder Ireland Trip Details  Word of the Year  Saint of the Year 
Thank you everyone for listening and making season 6 of the podcast such a success! We're wrapping up this season with some beautiful music, end of year reflections (2 kids, no social media, more writing! A lot happening, a lot more to come), Advent listening recommendations, St. Nick's Traditions, and some encouragement to 'begin anew' always. Remember, Christmas is all about second chances. We all get to start again. What a gift that is. Wishing everyone a very Happy Advent, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!  ---- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack Support Born of Wonder on Patreon ------- End Titles - Rachel Portman Rhapsody on a theme of Pagnanini by Daniel Trifonov In the Bleak Midwinter by Bert Jansch    Advent Ep Recs: S2:16 EP25: The Winter Solstice and Embracing the Darkness  S2:14 EP23: Advent with Maria von Trapp S4:22 EP64: Advent, The Battle of Helm’s Deep, and Light in the Darkness S4:23 EP65: Christmas is All About Second Chances   Dominican House of Studies - Gregorian Chant Album - My Spotify Wrapped Top Listening  
Animals understand that winter is a time for retreat and rest. They know that surviving the harshness of winter means living differently - sometimes even entering a liminal state of being: hibernation. And while human beings don't hibernate per say, there's a lot we can learn from the rhythms of the natural world. Whether it's ignoring 'clock time,' embracing 'denning,' or 'The Watch,' there are many ways to encourage a joyful engagement with our body and mind's need for seasonal rest. As Shakespeare wrote - 'a sad tale's best for winter' - there's something about this time of year that merges the melancholy with the imaginative, the darkness with the light. Instead of hiding from the contradictions, let's embrace them.  special thanks to Chris Marquette for his piano playing on this episode!  ---- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack Support Born of Wonder on Patreon -------   The Art of Hibernation by Katherine May    What Is Hibernation?'s%20metabolism%20slows,to%20survive%20being%20frozen%20solid.    Good King Wenceslaus - Lincoln Cathedral Choir    The Real Story of Good King Wenceslaus
S6:14 EP90: Ode to Joy

S6:14 EP90: Ode to Joy


Today on the podcast we're celebrating - JOY! Beethoven composed his iconic 9th Symphony after he had gone completely deaf, a beautiful miracle in and of itself. We'll hear the original poem by Friederich Schiller - 'Do you feel the Creator's Presence? / Seek Him beyond the Stars! / He must live beyond the Stars.' This is an episode to put headphones on and turn the volume way up. An invitation to pause, listen, and rejoice. Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday week! Happy Thanksgiving!  ---- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack Support Born of Wonder on Patreon -------     Ode to Joy by Friederich Schiller Joy, thou shining spark of God, Daughter of Elysium, With fiery rapture, goddess, We approach thy shrine! Your magic reunites those Whom stern custom has parted;* All men will become brothers* Under your protective wing. Let the man who has had the fortune To be a helper to his friend, And the man who has won a noble woman, Join in our chorus of jubilation! Yes, even if he holds but one soul As his own in all the world! But let the man who knows nothing of this Steal away alone and in sorrow. All the world's creatures draw Draughts of joy from nature; Both the just and the unjust Follow in her gentle footsteps. She gave us kisses and wine And a friend loyal unto death; She gave the joy of life to the lowliest, And to the angels who dwell with God. Joyous, as His suns speed Through the glorious order of Heaven, Hasten, brothers, on your way Exultant as a knight victorious. Be embraced, all ye millions! With a kiss for all the world! Brothers, beyond the stars Surely dwells a loving Father. Do you kneel before Him, oh millions? Do you feel the Creator's presence? Seek Him beyond the stars! He must dwell beyond the stars.   Beethoven Symphony No. 9 - Mvt. 4 - Barenboim/West-Eastern Divan Orchestra 
Medieval Christians talked about Jesus in ways that can shock us today - Jesus as Mother, as Lover. These evocative ways of viewing Christ can open us up to a surprisingly rich and imaginative spirituality. Today on the podcast Katie is joined by Dr. Grace Hamman, author of the excellent new book, "Jesus through Medieval Eyes: Beholding Christ with the Artists, Mystics, and Theologians of the Middle Ages." We'll discuss the unique spirituality of the medieval world - the saints, monastics, and mystics who wrote of Christ in strange and beautiful allegories, and what all of this can teach us today.    ---- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack Support Born of Wonder on Patreon -------   Hildegard of Bingen - O viridissima virga | The Marian Consort    The Big Pond / PRX: Hildegard of Bingen   Jesus Through Medieval Eyes: Beholding Christ with the Artists, Mystics, and Theologians of the Middle Ages by Dr. Grace Hamman    Follow along with Grace online:     Old Books with Grace Podcast     Medievalish Newsletter on Substack     Instagram @oldbookswithgrace X / Twitter @GraceHammanPhd
For many people in the US Daylight Savings Time means short days and long nights. How do we find joy and thrive during seasons of waning light and early darkness? On this podcast we'll talk about finding Light in the Darkness - Cozy traditions to embrace 'hygge' - and how it's important to not live in denial of (both spiritual and physical) seasons. Learning to embrace the darkness can mean embracing Joy in all of life's ups and downs. I hope this helps you to enjoy this coming season with a spirit of warmth and joy.    ---- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack Support Born of Wonder on Patreon ------- Santa Lucia procession  Santa Lucia - English Translation Night comes with heavy steps through our land, calling. Sunlight, the earth forgets; shadows are falling. However dark the night, rising with candles bright, Santa Lucia!  Santa Lucia! Though long may be the night, hope, she is bringing, Hear now, the maid in white, silently winging, Hushed wonder in the air, Lights glowing in her hair, Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! "The darkness soon shall flee valleys in shadow, Sunlight I can foresee, over over the meadows, The sun will come again!  Rise in the sky to reign!" Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Translated from Swedish by Tamsyn Spackman   Wintering by Katherine May    Hygge: The Danish Art of Living Cozily    The Gael - From Last of the Mohicans 
Happy All Hallow's Eve - a chance to meditate on those things we usually keep 'in the dark.' We'll learn a bit about the tradition of Souling and Soul Cakes and then revisit an episode all about Praying for the Dead. We'll do a deep dive into the eerie melancholy and beauty of graveyards and why we should go pray, read poetry, and spend time in churchyards among the Dead.  Why graveyards can be peaceful and romantic - the importance of 'memento mori' - and three famous 'graveyard poems.' Ending the episode with some fantastic music from some bluegrass loving Friars.    Happy Triduum!    Soul Cake Recipe:    --- "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." Macabees 12:46   Prayer for Eternal Rest (The Requiem Prayer) Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen ----  Leave a review for the podcast on iTunes and leave a star rating on Spotify!   Support the podcast on Patreon:   -----   Requiem Prayer - Gregorian Chant   Rite for Mass in Graveyards   "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray   - Church of St. Giles,_Stoke_Poges#/media/File:St._Giles_Stoke_Poges_1.jpg    "In a disused graveyard" by Robert Frost   "The Moon and the Yew Tree" by Sylvia Plath   "Offering Mass for Sylvia Plath and The Beauty of Allhallowtide"    Music: Blue Dot Sessions   British Countryside on an Autumn Morning:    Recommendation:   Hillbilly Thomists   "Sweet Prospect"
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