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The Murid Talks Podcast

Author: The Murid Talks

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Two spiritual aspirants' conversation about God, Man and the Cosmos

Instagram: @muridtalks
35 Episodes
In this episode we explore how the statement 'I AM' is both that of Being and Consciousness. But what are the implications for such a realization? If Being encompasses all there is entailing its Infinite nature, can we say the same for Consciousness? If so, how can we realize such a truth and what does it mean for our own internal sense of self? This episode seeks to uncover these questions and we hope you enjoy in its exploration.
The Perennial Wisdom affirms the Transcendent Unity of Traditions which views all divine traditions as having one underlying and eternal metaphysical core. Each tradition is a unique expression of the primordial Truth which by its infinite nature manifests diversely in each civilization and by extension each individual. Tune in to explore the Metaphysical foundations that validate such a pluralistic outlook. Don't forget to enjoy, like and share the podcast to other seekers. We wish you all peace and love
As we approach the holiday season in 2022, we explore the concept of the virginal conception and birth in Traditional doctrines through the history of our Lady Mary. The virgin in Metaphysics presents to us a paradox of both emptiness and fullness, void and light. Taking Mary's history as our basis, we explore how the symbolism of her story can be transposed not only to the religious sphere but to the cosmic as well as the Universal/Spiritual domain (which matters the most for those in seeking). Mary is a representation of the inner heart, the Shekinah which is the dwelling of the Divine presence. She is a model of those who wish to empty themselves so as to receive the fullness of Divine Light. As always we send you greeting and love and appreciate you for tuning into the episode. Please do share to other aspirants as well. Peace
When discussing God and the cosmos, one question that usually arises is, when did the process of creation begin? In this episode, we explore how such a question is the result of erroneous theological teachings and poor Metaphysical grounding. Through the Metaphysical teachings of the various Traditional doctrines, we also explore the meaning of 'The Beginning' In short, God did not begin to create, God is 'The Beginning' and as such 'The End' as well.
In the previous episode, we explored how one - through contemplation - can arrive at the Truth of Reality. The contemplative journey in its roots is based on observation of how things are and not how they came to be This is the purpose of our current episode. Despite the acknowledgement of things as they are, man is still curious about how the visible cosmos came to be. In our current episode, we explore the Metaphysical theory and symbols behind our cosmological origin. We also compare the teachings of Traditional cosmology vs those of modern science. 
The World's Traditions symbolize the path of realization as a journey, without and within. In this episode, we tell a personal story of that contemplative journey. The journey begins with our observation of the cosmos and from it, our own inner reality. Each level opens up possibilities that were unknown before until one arrives at the Ultimate. 
The question of God's Perfection appears in many forms within theology and philosophy. "Is God All-Good, if He is why the evil in the world? How can God be All-Kind and All-Just at the same time?" And these are a few examples of many. In order to conceive of God's Perfection, we have to swim in the oceans of Metaphysics and understand the Supreme Principle We see what Perfection is as a Universal Principle and how the should govern our understanding of it. After the exploration, we see how the aforementioned challenge dissolves into beatific realization. 
The concept of Holy War appears in one way or another within the world's Traditions. Besides its view from a socio-political angle, we see how Holy War represents the inner struggle of man towards Divine Realization. Holy War seeks to restore balance and justice within all domains of manifestation which ultimately symbolizes the return of All things to Divine Unity. It is from this understanding that makes the battlefield of one's own self the hardest and greatest of all battlefields as presented by the Prophet Muhammad.  
This episode picks up from the previous one on the mysterious encounter between Moses and the sage Khidr. After Moses asks to accompany Khidr on his journey so he can learn from the sage, he is given one condition: No Questions. Moses fails to do so on each shocking encounter that he finds himself in with this enigmatic figure as he proceeds to ask questions. It is at the end of their journey together that Khidr offers the meaning of the events that occurred when they were together. This, once again shows us how the esoteric path sees all events and realities as symbols of Higher Divine Truth.
In this episode, we visit the mysterious encounter between Moses and the enigmatic Khidr (identified as a servant of God in the Qur'an). We explore how this encounter symbolizes the 2 kinds of knowledge; exoteric and esoteric as well as other recurring motifs that we've discussed in the previous episodes. With this, we fortify the position that Traditional 'myths' aren't mere historical accounts but symbols for the realization of Divine Truths. This will be Part 1 of a 2 part series on Moses and Khidr. 
Proceeding from Non-Manifestation which is the Hidden Realm (Batin), we explore the 3 realms of Manifestation as expressed by the Sufi Tradition. Manifestation is the expression (Zahir) of the Non-Manifest and it is through the ascension of its realms that we can return to the Hidden. The Sufis identify the 3 levels as Jabarut, Malakaut and Nasut, simply put as The Spiritual, Psychic and Corporeal domains of Manifestation. We explore the identifying characteristics of each and how their understanding helps the aspirant ascend back to the Divine.
After exploring The Ineffable and from it The First Determination, we now enter into a discussion of The Second Determination which proceeds from The First Intellect. The Second Determination is symbolized in the Islamic Tradition as the Sacred Tablet, which contains the Totality of God's Immutable Knowledge of All entities. It is from this that Multiplicity in all its categories is principiated. 
The various Traditions of the world affirm hierarchical stations within Reality. In between Absolute Reality (which truly IS) and non-existence (which is not and can not be) lies the various levels of Being. In the exploration of the First Determination, we talk about the closest/highest level of all: Universal Being. That which emanates first from the Supreme Reality is termed in the various traditions as the Pen, Logos, Son of God, Ishvara, Nur-Muhammad, The First Cause, The First Intellect etc.
Truth itself, cannot be expressed definitely or entirely. Yet, being Infinite, it encompasses All expressions. It is Beyond All and symbolized by All. It is One and Many, Manifest and Hidden, First and Last.
An exploration of the life of Prophet John, famously known as 'The Bapist' from his coming to being to how he lived his life. John represents creatio ex nihilo, the new cycle of life, renewal and rebirth through spiritual initiation as symbolized by the ritual of baptism as well as his spiritual aptitude portrayed through his ascetic life.
In the current episode, we explore the symbolism of the Hebrew & Arabic letter 'Mim' as it is connected to the letter 'Nun' as explored in episode 19. The Mim is the Mother, it is Mary and Muhammad, it is the All-Encompassing Mercy, the All-Embracing Womb.
Most of us have heard of Jonah's being swallowed by the Nun, the Fish. What are we to learn from this epic? In short, we must all enter the belly of the Fish and be delivered from darkness like Jonah and be like him 'The Man of the Fish', the One Liberated.
Noah is famous amongst the Prophets due to his connection to the Epic of the Flood and the Ark. What can we learn from these symbols and what themes can we decode from Noah's story as described to us from the Qur'an?
Adam is known as the legendary father of mankind and the first human according to the Abrahamic Traditions. Is he only so just as a historic figure or does he symbolize more, helping us in our understanding of reality?
In this episode, we explore what the prophethood and life of Jesus - and by extension that of Mary - can teach us about Divine Convergence. The convergence between the Uncreated and the created, the Divine and the human, the vertical and the horizontal. This episode is a continuation of our series on Prophets and Prophethood.