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The Open Bedroom Podcast

Author: Jennifer Kaylo

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I'm Jennifer Kaylo, host of The Open Bedroom podcast. A Dog Mom. Human Boy Mom. Life partner to Scott. Multi-million dollar revenue generator. Podcast host. Certified sex and relationship coach specializing in helping couples open their relationships, conscious uncoupling, and online dating in open relationships. Common themes include open relationships, swinging, polyamory, online dating and Tinder, and sex. Support this podcast:
148 Episodes
Introducing Lindsey Hall and Her Journey (00:00:02) Lindsey introduces herself as an intimacy and empowerment coach, discusses her decision to leave her corporate job, and shares her mission to help women deepen their intimacy and live joyfully. Jennifer Kaylo's Introduction and Coaching Offer (00:00:22) Jennifer introduces herself and her coaching services, focusing on open relationships, online dating, and conscious uncoupling. The Importance of Conscious Uncoupling (00:02:20) Jennifer and Lindsey discuss the significance of conscious uncoupling and the impact it has on co-parenting and maintaining a friendly relationship with an ex-partner. Navigating Divorce and Co-Parenting (00:05:36) Lindsey shares her experience of navigating divorce with her ex-partner, discussing the challenges and emotional struggles they faced during the process. Staying Friendly with the Ex-Partner (00:11:38) Lindsey explains how she maintained a friendly relationship with her ex-partner, emphasizing the mantra "we are friendly not friends" and setting boundaries. Supporting Each Other and Creating Unique Structures (00:18:22) Jennifer discusses the importance of supporting each other post-divorce and shares her and her ex-husband's unique approach to visitation and legal arrangements, emphasizing the significance of envisioning the desired outcome for the family. Conclusion (00:21:29) Lindsey reflects on the similarities in their approach to divorce and co-parenting, highlighting the importance of creating their own schedule and ignoring societal expectations. Navigating Co-Parenting Schedules (00:21:59) Discussion about the 2-5-5 co-parenting schedule, finding balance, and creating a visitation structure that works for both parents. Creating Own Visitation Schedule (00:22:56) The process of creating a visitation schedule without professional help, deciding on a fair arrangement, and navigating interactions with the ex-partner's new relationship. Taking Steps for Future Relationship (00:24:04) Making efforts to build a friendly relationship with the ex-partner for the sake of shared events and future plans. Staying True to Your Own Path (00:25:18) Emphasizing the importance of following one's heart, choosing a different path from societal norms, and prioritizing what feels best for the individual situation. Coaching and Support for Divorce (00:26:11) Discussion about a coaching program for conscious uncoupling, the benefits of seeking support early in the divorce process, and finding a divorce coach. Connecting with the Guest (00:27:04) Information about where to find the guest, her social media handles, website, and podcast on YouTube, as well as the opportunity to hire her for coaching. Closing Remarks (00:27:51) Encouragement for audience engagement, sharing the podcast, and leaving comments for future episode topics. Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen Follow Lindsey --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
One day I decided to check out the local BDSM group, and attended a Munch (think... BDSM people out in the "Wild" having a Vanilla meetup). One of the men at my table told us about his hot wax art, and showed me a beautiful picture he'd taken of a cherry blossom he made on a woman's back. I immediately knew this was a type of sensual play that Scott and I would both like! I asked if I could hire him for a night of learning how to do hot wax, so Steph joined us for a delicious night of sensation play. Today, I'm teaching you how to choose the best wax for the temperature play that you'll like, how to make hot wax candles, and how to drizzle this yumminess all over your partner, then take it off (my favorite part! Feels so good). Don't forget to grab the free guide below with links to all of the products I use (they're all on Amazon!). Setting the stage (00:01:21) Introduction to hot wax play, witnessing it at a party, and the sensual and meditative experience. Types of wax (00:03:49) Different kinds of wax, their effects on the skin, and recommendations for purchasing wax and wicks. Preparing the candles (00:05:58) Instructions for making hot wax portable candles, including the type of containers, wicks, and additional items like clothespins. Artistic wax play (00:06:55) Using crayons and essential oils for artistic and sensual wax play, and the safety considerations for the wax and oils. Melting the wax (00:08:46) Methods for melting the wax, including using a ceramic pot and mason jars, and the importance of safety precautions. Preparation for wax play (00:12:00) Preparation for applying hot wax, including the use of massage oil, spatulas, and eye masks for protection. Positioning and warming up (00:17:12) Preparing the person for wax play, including warming them up with a sensual massage and positioning on the massage table. Testing the Wax Temperature (00:21:16) Discussion on testing the wax temperature and adjusting the height of candle drips for desired wax temperature. Applying the Wax (00:22:20) Instructions on starting with less sensitive areas and gradually moving to more sensitive areas, as well as playing with colors. Removing the Wax (00:23:18) Demonstration of removing the wax in a slow, sensual manner, and the aftercare process involving wiping off oil and wax residues. Post-Play Activities (00:25:22) Exploration of post-play activities, including snuggling, watching a show, or moving into sexual intimacy. Conclusion and Podcast Promotion (00:26:30) Final thoughts on hot wax play and a promotion for the Open Bedroom Podcast. Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   Claim Your Hot Wax Play Purchasing Guide --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Mental and Physical Connection to Pleasure (00:00:01) Discussion about losing touch with feeling oneself and the mental and physical connection to pleasure. Introduction to Open Bedroom Podcast (00:00:38) Jennifer Calo introduces the Open Bedroom Podcast, her coaching topics, and the importance of conscious uncoupling. Challenges with Achieving Orgasm (00:02:21) Exploring the challenges women face in achieving orgasm without a vibrator and the importance of partner involvement. Building Trust and Safety for Oral Sex (00:07:48) The significance of trust and safety for women to enjoy oral sex and the importance of partners being prepared and considerate. Different Perspectives on Oral Sex (00:11:38) Sierra and Jennifer share their different views and experiences with oral sex, including power dynamics and preferences. Exploring Oral Sex Techniques (00:17:26) Sierra discusses her preferred oral sex techniques, emphasizing power dynamics, communication, and partner involvement. Evolution and Improvement in Sexual Experience (00:24:15) The importance of evolving and improving sexual experiences, including addressing discomfort and working on personal growth. The giver's perspective (00:24:30) The intimacy and pleasure of giving oral sex, and the importance of desire and chemistry in a relationship. The receiver's struggles (00:27:41) Challenges for women in receiving oral sex, including hygiene concerns and being present in the moment. Hygiene and self-care (00:28:06) The importance of proper vulva care, hygiene, and self-confidence in oral sex experiences. Enhancement products and communication (00:32:14) Use of clitoral and G-spot enhancement creams, and the significance of communication in sexual experiences. Conclusion and future conversations (00:34:17) The importance of communication in sexual relationships, and the role of coaches in facilitating discussions about intimate topics. Follow Jen Follow Sierra --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Watching Partner with Another (00:00:01) Exploration of feeling love, empathy, and turned on by partner's intimacy with others. Women's Empowerment and Non-Monogamy (00:02:09) Discussion on the reasons women seek non-monogamy and its effects, introducing Mark's experience. Challenges in Relationship (00:02:36) Mark shares his wife's transformation and challenges in embracing non-monogamy. Exploring Non-Monogamy (00:07:38) The couple's transition to swingers and the impact on their relationship. Discovering Swinging Lifestyle (00:11:17) The couple's journey into non-monogamy, including their first experience at a clothing-optional resort. Freedom in Non-Monogamy (00:16:19) The concept of being a "free agent" and the energy of consent and freedom in non-monogamous relationships. Meeting Unmet Needs (00:18:46) Mark's unmet needs for variety and novelty in sexual experiences before embracing swinging. Dirty Talk and Reliving Experiences (00:19:16) The speakers discuss the impact of dirty talk and reliving sexual experiences on their relationships. Observing and Learning from Group Events (00:20:16) The benefits of observing and learning from group events in open relationships are discussed. Deepening Relationships with Other Couples (00:21:47) The speakers talk about deepening relationships with another couple, including regular communication and support. Exploring Sexual Variety and Novelty (00:23:23) The experience of exploring sexual variety with different partners and the impact on relationships is discussed. Dynamic Changes and Relationship Evolution (00:30:03) The conversation shifts to how dynamics can change and evolve within open relationships over time. Negotiating Boundaries and Communication (00:33:59) The importance of negotiating boundaries and communication in open relationships is highlighted. Navigating Open Relationships (00:35:19) The speakers provide advice on navigating open relationships, addressing potential overwhelm and finding what feels right. Women's Choice in Ethical Non-Monogamy (00:36:08) The original intent of discussing women's choice in ethically non-monogamous relationships is briefly mentioned. Women's Empowerment in Ethical Non-Monogamy (00:36:19) Women's perspective on ethical non-monogamy as a journey of sexual exploration and emotional enhancement in relationships. Communication and Processing in Non-Monogamous Relationships (00:37:10) The impact of open communication and processing time on non-monogamous relationships over a span of five years. Post-Event Processing and Communication (00:38:25) The process of discussing experiences and feelings with a partner after non-monogamous events, including validation and comfort. Emotional and Sexual Connection in Non-Monogamous Relationships (00:41:41) Differences in motivations for men and women in choosing non-monogamous relationships, focusing on emotional and sexual connections. Benefits and Enrichment in Open Relationships (00:42:44) The unexpected benefits of enhanced communication and closeness in open relationships, contrary to common misconceptions. Layers of Intimacy in Non-Monogamous Relationships (00:43:45) The multi-layered intimacy experienced in non-monogamous relationships, including emotional, sexual, and shared experiences. Vulnerability and Depth in Open Relationships (00:47:23) The vulnerability and depth experienced in open relationships, including discussions about difficult topics and emotional support. Communication and Attraction in Open Relationships (00:49:53) The level of open communication and sharing attraction in open relationships, emphasizing human nature and emotional connection. Non-Monogamy Resources and Masterclass (00:50:41) Information about non-monogamy resources and upcoming masterclass series for those interested in exploring open relationships. Follow Jen: Follow Mark: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
The experience of our first interaction (00:00:01) The initial connection beyond sex, finding interesting and curious people to spend time with outside the bedroom. The one year anniversary conversation (00:00:36) Informal discussion about being in a triad for a year, relationship dynamics, and joining a creative triad. Transitioning into a throuple (00:02:55) Desire for a throuple, initial experiences, and the evolution of deeper connections beyond sex. Deepening connections and intimacy (00:05:31) The value of deep connections, sharing intimacy, and experiencing unique personalities within the relationship. Exploring sexual energy and intimacy (00:09:36) The excitement and warmth of shared affection, participating in intimate moments, and feeling connected in a throuple. Learning and exploring sexual energy (00:15:03) Learning about each other's turn-ons, exploring sexual energy, and the excitement of being included in intimate moments. Evolution of relationship dynamics (00:19:51) Changes in dynamics, exploring one-on-one play, and the evolution of the relationship over the past 12 months. Stis and Newbie Concerns (00:24:51) Initial concerns about STIs and fear of getting close to others; evolving perspectives. Encouraging One-on-One Time (00:25:22) Scott encourages one-on-one connection, desires direct engagement, discusses feelings of envy and left out. Communication and Growth (00:29:27) Improved communication, handling sticky situations, learning to communicate through challenges, and evolving dynamics. Jealousy and Balance (00:31:29) Scott discusses the absence of jealousy or imbalance in the relationship, values being drawn closer together. Low Poly and Relationship Dynamics (00:32:53) Steph discusses her approach to low poly relationships, absence of jealousy, and allowing freedom in relationships. Ownership and Independence (00:36:13) Jennifer realizes not owning anyone, discusses the capacity for love, affection, and filling emotional needs. Exploration and Adventures (00:40:24) Discussion about non-sexual adventures, shared experiences, and exploring new activities together. Deepening Relationships (00:43:02) The value of fully experiencing another person, exchanging warmth, affection, and desire, and peeling off layers to deepen connections. Challenges and Scheduling (00:46:43) Challenges with busy schedules, making time a priority, and the importance of relationship check-ins and scheduling. Triad Night (00:48:58) Scheduling regular triad nights for bonding, intimacy, and connection within the triad relationship. One-on-One Connections (00:49:53) Importance of one-on-one time with each partner within the triad for deeper connections and individual relationships. Challenges in Communication (00:50:58) The difficulty in communication and expressing feelings within the triad relationship, leading to potential misunderstandings. Personal Responsibility (00:52:14) Learning to prioritize personal well-being and boundaries rather than feeling responsible for partners' feelings. Creating Open Relationships (00:52:49) Guidance on creating and nurturing open relationships, emphasizing clear understanding, mindfulness, and genuine appreciation. Exploring Threesome Dynamics (00:54:40) Discussion on the reasons for wanting to explore open relationships and the distinction between casual encounters and committed throuple relationships. Manifesting Relationship Desires (00:55:46) The power of clear communication and intention in manifesting desired relationships, and the ongoing openness to new connections. Future Plans (00:58:04) Excitement about future intentions, such as scheduling vacations and trips, for further strengthening the triad relationship. Follow Jen Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Fucking like a goddess (00:00:01) Luna's journey of self-discovery and empowerment through sexual exploration and education. Introduction to Luna Matatas (00:01:02) Jennifer introduces Luna Matatas and her playful approach to sexuality, along with her online courses and podcast. Luna's journey into sex education (00:02:35) Jennifer discusses her first encounter with Luna's Instagram feed and the classes and podcast Luna offers. Luna's background and work (00:04:20) Luna shares her transition from public health to sex and pleasure education, and her work as a sex educator. Canadians and conversations about sex (00:05:13) Luna explains the mix of conservative and progressive attitudes towards sex education in Canada. Luna's family and her career (00:06:34) Luna discusses her family's reaction to her work and their support for her role in sexual health education. Luna's early experiences with sexuality (00:08:04) Luna reflects on her early experiences with shame and curiosity about her own sexuality. Luna's path to sex education (00:10:36) Luna shares her journey from public health communications to sex education and exploration. Luna's year of exploration (00:11:37) Luna discusses her year of casual sex and the shift towards self-love and empowerment. Learning from the year of exploration (00:17:13) Luna reflects on the lessons learned during her time of exploration and self-discovery. Jennifer's exploration of her sexuality (00:18:38) Jennifer shares her personal exploration of her sexuality and the realization of being bisexual. Jennifer's online coaching services (00:20:15) Jennifer promotes her online coaching services in the sex and relationship space. Follow Jen Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   Follow Luna --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Men's Sexual Detachment (00:00:01) Discussion on men losing interest in sex with their partners and the impact on relationships. Introduction to the Podcast (00:00:55) Jennifer Calo introduces the podcast and her partner Scott, discussing their open relationship and the topic of men's sexual detachment. Observations of Women's Experiences (00:02:26) Scott and Jennifer discuss the common experiences of women in relationships where their male partners lose interest in sex. Reasons for Sexual Detachment (00:04:42) Exploration of the reasons behind men's spiral into sexual detachment and avoidance in relationships. Impact on Relationship Dynamics (00:08:30) The impact of sexual detachment on relationship dynamics and the experiences of women in relationships. Communication and Self-Reflection (00:24:54) The importance of communication and self-reflection in addressing issues of sexual detachment and avoidance in relationships. Recognizing draining priorities (00:26:14) Discussing the importance of recognizing and prioritizing energy-draining activities in relationships. Experiencing sexual detachment (00:28:24) Scott shares his firsthand experience of being in a relationship with sexual detachment due to life stress and lack of energy. Addressing sexual detachment (00:31:00) Strategies for addressing sexual detachment, including not avoiding the issue and finding ways to reignite sexual desire. Managing differing sex drives (00:37:04) Jennifer explores the dynamics of managing differing sex drives in a relationship and the potential exhaustion it may cause. Feeling desired and sexual detachment (00:41:59) The impact of feeling exhausted by constant sexual desire and the resulting feelings of rejection and dejection. Porn and sexual gratification (00:48:04) The potential negative impact of using porn as a source of sexual gratification instead of finding it within the relationship. Porn and Fantasies (00:51:35) Discussion on using porn and fantasies to enhance sexual experiences and maintain connection with partner. Creating a Spank Bank (00:54:57) Exploring the concept of a "spank bank" and ways to use memories and fantasies to reignite connection with a partner. Maintaining Sexual Connection (00:57:34) The importance of intentional physical and sexual connection in long-term relationships and strategies for navigating sexual detachment. Communication and Prioritization (00:59:08) Encouraging mindfulness, prioritization, and open communication to address sexual detachment and maintain a healthy relationship. Upcoming Topics (01:00:12) Previewing future podcast topics on online coaching in the sex and relationships space, including open relationships, online dating, and conscious uncoupling. Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
In this podcast episode, Ali Hendry and I delve into the subject of sex and menopause. We talk about the natural shifts that happen during menopause, like the ups and downs in estrogen levels and how they impact different facets of health, including mood, sleep, and bone density. Ali highlights the significance of embracing menopause with curiosity and an open mind, instead of treating it as a medical issue that needs to be fixed. We also tackle common worries about intimacy during menopause, such as variations in desire, lubrication, and body scent, and we advocate for a positive and proactive approach to these changes. 0:00 Intro Approaching Menopause with Curiosity (00:01:57) Discussion of the ages for perimenopause and menopause, the difficulty in measuring menopause, and the impact of estrogen changes. Symptoms and Changes of Menopause (00:03:32) Exploration of menopausal symptoms, the impact of estrogen changes on various body functions, and the need to change the narrative around menopause. Menopause and Intimacy (00:12:19) Concerns about the impact of menopause on intimacy, including changes in desire, body image, and self-esteem, and the importance of self-care and acceptance. Using Lube and Alternative Pleasure (00:18:35) Discussion about the use of lube, the normalization of its use, and the exploration of alternative ways to experience pleasure during menopause. Exploring Pleasure and Intimacy (00:20:35) The speaker discusses the importance of exploring pleasure, intimacy, and desire during menopause, and how to identify what works for each individual. Understanding Different Types of Desire (00:21:40) The speaker explains the concept of spontaneous and responsive desire and how different factors contribute to what turns individuals on. Redefining Sex and Intimacy (00:22:45) The discussion challenges traditional views of sex, emphasizes the importance of communication, and suggests exploring alternative ways to experience pleasure. Approaching Intimacy Changes (00:24:40) The conversation provides tips on how to approach conversations about intimacy changes, including starting with smaller steps and seeking support. Understanding Erotic Blueprints (00:27:24) The concept of erotic blueprints is introduced as a way to understand individual sexual needs and preferences, and how partners can explore them together. Supporting Partners Going Through Menopause (00:29:45) The speakers share insights on how partners can support individuals going through menopause, including creating a supportive environment and understanding changing needs. Creating a Shared Journey Through Menopause (00:32:01) The conversation emphasizes the importance of seeing menopause as a shared journey and working together to navigate the changes. Improving Sleep and Creating Ease (00:34:47) Tips for improving sleep and creating a comfortable environment during menopause are discussed, highlighting the importance of making adjustments to daily routines. Accessing Coaching and Resources (00:36:07) Information about accessing relationship coaching and resources, including a certified relationship coach training course, is provided for those interested in working with the speaker. Follow Ali Hendry: Follow Jen: Coaching With Jen: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
It's time for a life update with Jen! Podcast episode topics: Struggles with Aging and Open Relationship (00:00:01) My struggle with aging and embracing her natural beauty, as well as my open relationship with my partner, Scott. Dealing with Breakup and Moving On (00:01:10) My experience of dating a second woman, the breakup via text, and we have moved on to see someone new. First Threesome Experience (00:02:26) My first threesome experience with our new partner, expressing anxiety and excitement. Feelings and Dynamics During Threesome (00:03:46) The dynamics and emotions during the threesome, discussing the complexities of flirting and connecting with women. Sensual Observations During Threesome (00:04:53) The sensual experience and observations during the threesome, expressing my enjoyment of group sex, voyeurism, and exhibitionism. Navigating Desire and Connection (00:07:05) My feelings of jealousy and desire, as well as navigating my partner's busy schedule and my own needs. Desire and Intimacy in Three-Way Relationships (00:09:19) My desire for intimacy and connection in three-way relationships, expressing the importance of feeling fulfilled and desired. Exploring Smut Books and Erotic Conferences (00:17:03) Smut books, describing my experience at a smut lovers conference and my enjoyment of erotic literature. Desire for Masculine Energy and Safe Masculinity (00:22:34) My past experiences with toxic masculinity and safe masculinity, expressing my desire for a fully integrated man and the importance of masculine energy in relationships. Scott's Graduation (00:25:53) Upcoming changes due to Scott's graduation and the impact on our life. Life Update: Embracing Aging (00:30:20) My thoughts on embracing aging, including growing out my gray hair and stopping botox. Passion Project: No Longer Plastic (00:32:33) My passion project, "No Longer Plastic," focusing on authentic living and business ownership. Celebrating Milestones (00:36:09) Acknowledgment of reaching 125,000 views on YouTube and 10,000 podcast downloads, expressing gratitude to the audience. No Longer Plastic Podcast Passion Project Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Veronika Amaya, relationship coach specializing in divine masculine empowerment and feminine submission, tells us that no woman wants the "nice guy." Veronika and I delve into the complexities of masculinity in relationships, discussing how men can achieve a more balanced and authentic expression of their masculine energy. Veronika shares her husband's journey from being a "nice guy" to becoming more assertive, while Jennifer reflects on her own experiences with partners' masculinity. Enjoy this sexy episode! 0:00 Intro The nice guy syndrome (00:01:08) Discussion about the challenges of being a "nice guy" and the lack of attraction in relationships. The journey to a balanced man (00:04:49) Insights on how men can transform from being a "nice guy" to a balanced and integrated man. Embracing masculinity and femininity (00:11:56) Exploring the dynamics of masculinity and femininity in a relationship and the role of trust and respect. Taking action to transform (00:19:00) Recommendations for men to read and learn about transforming from a "nice guy" and practical steps for women to support their partners. The balance of parenting (00:22:35) Discussing the balance of parenting styles and the impact on children's experiences. The role of criticism in relationships (00:23:48) Exploring the impact of hypercritical behavior on men and the importance of respect and boundaries in relationships. Recognizing patterns from childhood (00:27:33) Reflecting on how patterns from childhood can influence behavior in relationships and the importance of being mindful of repeating negative patterns. Expressing gratitude and harmony in relationships (00:29:28) Emphasizing the power of expressing gratitude and creating harmony in relationships, and the impact on overall well-being. Creating a life of proximity and flexibility (00:31:18) Discussing the benefits of being in close proximity with a partner and creating a flexible lifestyle to maintain a strong relationship. Finding information and coaching offerings (00:32:25) Providing information on accessing coaching and courses related to healthy feminine and masculine polarity. Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   Follow Veronika --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Wanna have a threesome? You're not alone! A threesome is the most sought after sexual experience, and almost 20% of men have had one! In today's episode I discuss how to find a 3rd through online platforms and the importance of setting boundaries and intentions. I share my personal experiences, advising on safe sex practices and the significance of aftercare. My insights aim to create a respectful and safe environment for all participants, ensuring a positive and consensual experience. 0:00 Intro Alignment with Your Partner (00:01:14) Discussing the importance of finding alignment with your partner and understanding the dynamics for a threesome. Advertising Your Intentions (00:03:17) Exploring the ways to advertise your intentions for a threesome, including online groups and dating apps. Pre-Threesome Communication (00:06:19) Emphasizing the importance of clear communication and setting intentions before engaging in a threesome. During-Threesome Check-Ins (00:13:25) Discussing the need for communication and check-ins during a threesome to ensure comfort and consent. Post-Threesome Reflection (00:16:21) Highlighting the significance of post-threesome communication, addressing emotions, and nurturing relationships. Personal Experience and Coaching Services (00:19:23) Sharing personal experiences with threesomes and promoting online coaching services for sex, relationships, and conscious uncoupling. Follow Jen: Coaching with Jen: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Today I've got Ally Iseman, a non-monogamous specialist and sexpert, to talk about Healthy monogamy. We discuss Ally's personal journey into non-monogamy, the importance of communication, and the role of jealousy in personal growth. Ally shares her insights on setting boundaries, maintaining relationship integrity, and the significance of consent in ethical non-monogamous relationships. Our conversation covers the diversity within non-monogamous communities, the joy of play and pleasure, and the resources available for those exploring non-monogamy. The guide's role (00:00:02) Ally explains her role as a guide for healthy non-monogamy, emphasizing her active participation and continual learning. Introduction to Ally (00:01:07) Jennifer introduces Ally and discusses her journey into the non-monogamous space, highlighting her social media presence and personal experiences. Challenges in non-monogamous relationships (00:03:52) Ally discusses the challenges and misconceptions in non-monogamous relationships, emphasizing the need for communication and skills applicable to both non-monogamous and monogamous relationships. Navigating relationship ruptures (00:04:46) Jennifer shares her recent experience of a relationship rupture, and Ali emphasizes the need for guidance and communication in navigating such challenges. Transition from monogamy to non-monogamy (00:07:10) Ally shares her personal journey from being a serial monogamist to exploring non-monogamy, highlighting the self-development and relationship dynamics involved. Learning from personal mistakes (00:10:59) Ali discusses the importance of owning and addressing personal mistakes in relationships, emphasizing the need for open communication and self-awareness. Developing relationship skills (00:13:34) Ally emphasizes the importance of developing relationship skills and creating safe containers for mistakes, highlighting the value of personal growth and learning from experiences. Defining healthy non-monogamy (00:16:40) Ally discusses the key aspects of healthy non-monogamy, including understanding emotional and physical needs, addressing insecurities, and building relationship security through experiences. Utilizing jealousy for personal growth (00:18:45) Ally explains the role of jealousy in personal growth and relationship dynamics, emphasizing its potential for self-improvement and relationship insights. The importance of integrity and consistency (00:19:44) Value of holding oneself and others accountable in relationships, recognizing triggers, and the impact of different partnerships on attachment triggers. Understanding healthy non-monogamy (00:21:39) Differentiating between healthy and unhealthy non-monogamy, emphasizing the importance of consensual relationships and setting clear boundaries. Embracing play and pleasure (00:23:13) Exploring the concept of play as an essential part of relationships, finding joy and pleasure, and creating a safe environment for exploration. Creating a safe and inclusive community (00:25:53) Establishing safety measures such as STI testing, vetting process, and promoting mutual respect and consent in a sex-positive community. Navigating boundaries and growth (00:28:39) Understanding and communicating boundaries, the importance of consent, and the role of discomfort in personal growth. Exploring new experiences and communities (00:32:06) Encouraging curiosity, community engagement, and the potential for personal growth through exploring new experiences and environments. JEN: Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   ALLY: Ally Iseman is the Founder of, which offers concierge guidance, eco-luxury retreats, and online courses and resources for couples and individuals exploring healthy non-monogamy and alternative relationship dynamics. She has been a speaker, community organizer, and non-monogamy educator and practitioner since 2016, committed to promoting consensual, empowered, and respectful interactions as a leader within the sex-positive space. As a certified and respected ‘sexpert’ on non-monogamy and consent, Ally sits on the executive leadership board of one of LA’s most distinguished sensually-creative events. She regularly shares her insights on podcasts and at live events, and has been quoted in numerous consumer and industry-facing publications, further solidifying her reputation as a knowledgeable and influential voice on the subject of non-monogamy and alternative relationship dynamics. Contact: (personal); (public) Website: Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook: YouTube: LinkedIn:, --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
How we got dumped in a text message, what I've learned through this process, how I'm feeling, and how to break up with kindness. The emotional rollercoaster (00:00:02)  Jennifer shares her feelings and initial reaction to being dumped via text message. The dynamics of the throuple (00:01:20)  Jennifer discusses her experience in a throuple relationship and the events leading up to the breakup. Processing the breakup (00:04:54)  Jennifer reflects on her emotional journey and the impact of the breakup on her. The impact of age and maturity (00:14:37)  Jennifer explores the role of age and maturity in relationships and the breakup experience. Approach to breaking up kindly (00:18:02)  Jennifer shares her approach to breaking up with past partners and the importance of respect and communication. Lack of closure and changing dynamics (00:22:10)  Jennifer discusses the lack of closure in the breakup and the discovery of changes in the dynamics of the relationship. Breaking Up Kindly (00:24:40)  Discussion on the importance of communicating kindly and respectfully during breakups, and the impact of doing so. Reflecting on the Breakup (00:25:43)  Encouragement to provide feedback and share breakup stories in a kind and loving manner, and seeking input from listeners. Online Coaching Topics (00:27:52)  Introduction to the speaker's online coaching services, including topics like open relationships, online dating, and conscious uncoupling. This podcast is sponsored by Coaching With Jen: ⁠⁠ Follow Jen: ⁠⁠ Other episode about breaking up with love: The precursor to this podcast: EP#128 Taking Breaks in Open RelationshipsEP#130 Why Clear Boundaries are Kind in Open Relationships --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Our girlfriend Steph and I believe that sex is "playtime" for adults, so we've made monthly Sexploration nights an important event on our calendars. We cover some of the fun we've explored, our recent trip to a dungeon, Steph's recent Primal Play adventure in Austin, TX and more. Rediscovering Play as Adults (00:00:00) Jennifer and Steph discuss their experiences with rediscovering play as adults, the challenges they faced, and the importance of incorporating playfulness in their lives. Primal Play and Its Appeal (00:12:32) Steph shares her experience with primal play, describing its physical and emotional aspects, and the appeal of letting go of control and embracing animalistic instincts. Exploring Primal Play (00:17:14) Jennifer and Steph delve into the concept of primal play, discussing its connection to one's true nature, including exercises and experiences related to primal play, and the significance of embracing one's natural scent and physical sensations. Taking Small Steps into Primal Play (00:20:07) Steph suggests small steps for individuals to explore primal play, such as experimenting with different touches, pressures, and interactions to introduce a sense of playfulness and exploration in their relationships. Play in Non-Monogamous Relationships (00:22:33) Discussion on incorporating play in non-monogamous relationships and encouraging partners to try new things. Primal and Sensory Play (00:23:25) Exploring primal play, sensory play, and incorporating curiosity and childlike exploration into sexual experiences. Food Play and Sensation Play (00:24:15) Discussion of primal play involving food, sensation play, and the importance of getting in touch with pleasure and body sensations. Exploring Sexual Curiosity (00:26:01) Encouraging reframing and curiosity in sexual experiences, including using sex toys and exploring different sensations. Pleasure and Mindfulness (00:28:49) Emphasizing mindfulness in experiencing pleasure, including exploring breath, sound, and body sensations. Erotic Blueprints and Sexual Fulfillment (00:30:22) Encouraging understanding of individual erotic blueprints and how different partners may have different sexual preferences. Sexual Exploration and Playful Experimentation (00:34:27) Emphasizing the importance of experimenting, following curiosity, and exploring different aspects of sexual play. Exploration Date and Permission to Play (00:34:51) Suggesting scheduling exploration dates and giving permission to explore different sexual activities and experiences. This podcast is sponsored by Coaching With Jen: Follow Jen: --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Getting Comfortable with Your Body (00:02:22) Jennifer discusses the importance of feeling comfortable with your body and believing that your partner loves you for who you are. Consent and Protocols (00:05:46) Jennifer emphasizes the need for explicit consent from partners for taking and sharing intimate pictures and videos, as well as establishing protocols for handling them in case of a breakup. Creating and Hiding Content (00:08:53) Jennifer shares tips on taking and hiding intimate content on phones, including hiding photos and videos on iPhones and sharing them on specific platforms. Voyeurism and Exhibitionism (00:11:51) Jennifer talks about recording intimate moments, sharing them on platforms like FetLife, and being mindful about privacy and consent. Storing and Sharing Content (00:16:15) Jennifer discusses using Google Drive to store and share intimate content, emphasizing the importance of controlling access to maintain privacy and security. Follow Jen  Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
The introduction (00:00:02) Jennifer and Brian introduce the episode and set the stage for their conversation about having difficult conversations with a partner regarding sexual exploration and needs within a long-term relationship. Insight into Men's Resistance (00:03:49) Brian provides insight into why men may be resistant to their partners' desires for sexual exploration, including issues of trust, insecurity, and performance anxiety. Navigating Edgy Desires (00:07:14) Jennifer and Brian discuss how to navigate when one partner's desires feel too edgy for the other, emphasizing the importance of open conversation and understanding each other's perspectives. Role-Play Scenario (00:10:29) Jennifer and Brian act out a role-play scenario where Jennifer, as the woman, asks Brian, her partner, to join her in sexual exploration, demonstrating the negotiation and communication involved in such conversations. Exploring Edgier Desires (00:14:24) The role-play delves into the exploration of edgier desires, including the idea of being watched, visiting a sex club, and potentially involving others, leading to a candid and exploratory conversation between the partners. Reflection and Preparation (00:20:18) Brian emphasizes the need for both partners to be prepared for unexpected reactions and desires, encouraging open and supportive communication as they navigate their exploration together. Openness and Safety (00:21:32) The importance of creating a safe space for exploring new sexual experiences and addressing potential insecurities. Difficult Conversations (00:22:23) Tips for having difficult conversations in a relationship, including how to pose the conversation, renegotiate, and address potential concerns. Leaning into Fear (00:23:24) Encouragement to lean into the fear of difficult conversations and focus on the potential beauty and growth that can come from openness and honesty. Seeking Help (00:24:41) The benefit of seeking coaching or support for difficult conversations in relationships, and the availability of coaching services from the speakers. Follow Jen  Follow Brian Sponsored by Coaching with Jen   --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Scott and I recently had a big relationship rupture that could have been avoided with some conversation and boundaries. Here's what happen, and how to avoid it in your own relationships. Setting the stage (00:00:02) Jennifer introduces the episode and sets the stage for the discussion on setting clear boundaries in open relationships. Importance of clear boundaries (00:01:16) Jennifer shares a personal experience of a weekend trip with her partners, emphasizing the importance of setting clear boundaries in open relationships to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Failed communication and misunderstandings (00:02:46) Jennifer describes a situation where lack of clear communication and established boundaries led to uncomfortable experiences and breakdown in relationships. The need for a container (00:09:29) Jennifer discusses the importance of creating a container with clear boundaries and expectations to ensure safety and avoid hurt feelings in group play situations. Learning from experiences (00:11:50) Jennifer reflects on the events of the weekend trip and emphasizes the need for clear boundaries, fears, and desires in open relationships based on their experiences. Creating a safe environment (00:13:06) Jennifer shares a positive experience where setting parallel play boundaries in a group setting created a safe and enjoyable environment for all involved. Boundaries, fears, and desires conversation (00:16:06) Jennifer encourages listeners to incorporate the boundaries, fears, and desires conversation into their sex lives, emphasizing its importance in creating safety and understanding in open relationships. Engaging with the audience (00:21:07) Jennifer invites feedback from the audience on the episode's content and encourages them to rate and review the podcast for future support. Energy and Purpose (00:22:06) Jennifer discusses the energy and purpose behind producing the podcast and its impact on the listeners. Online Coaching Topics (00:22:06) Jennifer outlines the topics she covers in her online coaching, including open relationships, online dating, and conscious uncoupling. Hope for the Future (00:23:13) Jennifer expresses optimism about the potential for improvement in relationships and life. Follow Jen Sponsored by Coaching with Jen --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Dr. Rachael Meir discusses her Triad, what it's like to have sex with TWO partners, dating each person 1:1, and what it's like to live in a threesome. Journey into polyamory (00:02:20) Dr. Rachel Meir shares her journey into polyamory, from early fantasies to exploring swinging lifestyle and eventually transitioning into a committed triad relationship. Open-mindedness and acceptance in open relationships (00:08:43) The conversation delves into the open-mindedness, acceptance, and willingness to grow and communicate in open relationships compared to traditional monogamous relationships. Challenges and rewards of triad relationships (00:11:49) The discussion covers the challenges and rewards of maintaining a triad relationship, emphasizing the importance of clear and conscious communication. Finding a third in a triad relationship (00:13:47) Dr. Rachel and Jennifer discuss the process of finding a third person for a triad relationship and the importance of clear communication and conscious relationships. Day-to-day life in a triad relationship (00:16:31) The conversation explores the day-to-day dynamics of living in a triad relationship, including scheduling, communication, and managing household responsibilities. Nourishing individual and triad relationships (00:19:14) Dr. Rachel Meyer discusses the importance of prioritizing individual and triad relationships through scheduled date nights and nurturing intimacy. Challenges of threesomes and prioritizing pleasure (00:21:16) Jennifer shares her experiences with threesomes and the challenges of prioritizing pleasure and authentic experiences in a multiple person sexual encounter. The journey into polyamory (00:22:10) Discussion of the speaker's initial reluctance and eventual comfort in a polyamorous relationship. Diverse sexual experiences (00:23:06) Exploration of the different dynamics and experiences in one-on-one and group sexual interactions in the triad relationship. Exploring new sexual activities (00:24:11) Conversation about the triad's exploration of new sexual activities, including role play and using new toys. Frequency of sexual activity in non-monogamous relationships (00:25:24) Discussion about the potential for increased sexual frequency in non-monogamous relationships compared to monogamous ones. Intentional intimacy and erotic blueprints (00:27:00) Exploration of how the speaker's approach to intimacy has become more intentional in the non-monogamous relationship, and the differences in erotic blueprints among the partners. Understanding individual needs and experiences (00:28:30) Conversation about the importance of understanding individual needs and experiences in a non-monogamous relationship. Connecting with other non-monogamous individuals (00:29:52) Discussion about the speaker's interactions with other non-monogamous individuals and the nuances of their shared experiences. Professional coaching in ethical non-monogamy (00:31:53) Information about the speaker's professional coaching services for individuals navigating ethical non-monogamous relationships. Empowering and inspiring others (00:34:36) Encouragement for listeners to follow the speaker and her partners on social media to learn more about their experiences as a triad. Follow Jen⁠ Follow Dr. Rachael Meir Follow Triad and True This podcast is sponsored by ⁠Coaching With Jen --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
This is a very personal episode for me, as Scott and I are currently taking a break with one of our girlfriends and things on this end are tender. But I believe in sharing what being in an open relationship in real time is like, and my hope is that my transparency and raw feelings help you in navigating your partnerships, too. When thinking about taking breaks in open relationships, today I cover: WHY you might need a break What breaks look like Tips for creating a new dynamic that needs less breaks Why Might You Need a Break (00:00:02) Jennifer discusses reasons for needing a break in open relationships, including feeling overwhelmed and relationship dynamics not working. Taking a Pause in Relationships (00:01:19) Jennifer shares her personal experience of taking breaks and how it helped in building a solid foundation in her relationship. Reevaluating Relationship Dynamics (00:02:34) Jennifer explains how breaks can help in reevaluating and changing relationship dynamics when things are not working as expected. Dealing with Rupture and Repair (00:04:33) Jennifer discusses how breaks can be necessary to deal with ruptures in open relationships and the subsequent repair process. Reconnecting Between Relationships (00:06:43) Jennifer talks about the importance of taking breaks to reconnect and reset the foundation in relationships between dating other people. What Breaks Might Look Like (00:08:54) Jennifer provides examples of how breaks can be taken, from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the situation. Client Example of Breaks (00:11:56) Jennifer shares a client example of taking a break to address issues and renegotiate the relationship dynamic. Creating Space for a New Dynamic (00:17:24) Jennifer discusses creating space through breaks to establish a new relationship dynamic that aligns with the partners' needs. Practical Tips for Creating a New Dynamic (00:19:37) Jennifer offers practical tips for creating a new dynamic, including scheduling intentional time, family time, and planning capacity for each partner. Intentional Intimacy Planning (00:24:10) Jennifer explains how she plans intentional intimacy and time with her primary partner using a calendar. Scheduled Activities with Primary Partner (00:25:17) Jennifer discusses the activities she schedules with her primary partner on Saturdays, including intimate and fun date nights. Exploration and Learning in the Bedroom (00:26:26) Jennifer shares ideas for exploration nights with her partner, including hiring a dominatrix and trying new activities. Time with Multiple Partners (00:30:18) Jennifer explains how she schedules time with her partners, including one-on-one and group activities, to maintain healthy relationships. Importance of Breaks in Relationships (00:31:18) Jennifer emphasizes the importance of taking breaks in open relationships and provides tips for creating a new dynamic after a break. Personal Time and Self-Care (00:32:30) Jennifer discusses the importance of personal time for self-care and shares examples of activities that fill her up. Online Coaching Services (00:34:38) Jennifer promotes her online coaching services, focusing on open relationships, online dating, and conscious uncoupling. Follow Jen⁠ This podcast is sponsored by ⁠Coaching With Jen --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Today on the pod, Sierra Bucher and I are back to talk about our Valentine's Day plans. We talk adult toys, what we're doing for our partners, and for ourselves. Intro 00:00 Valentine's Day plans (00:02:06) Sierra shares her plans for Valentine's Day, focusing on self-love, self-care, and practicing self-pleasure. Masturbating magic and planning for self-love (00:03:05) Sierra discusses her approach to planning self-love nights, including outfit selection, trying new toys, and using enhancement products. Favorite sex toy and preferences (00:04:08) Sierra talks about her favorite sex toy, the 39, and her preference for pressure-based toys and different ways of using them. Exploring different sexual positions and experiences (00:07:36) Jennifer and Sierra discuss their preferences for sexual positions and their experiences with different toys and role-playing scenarios. Challenges with sexual positions and role-playing (00:09:52) Jennifer shares challenges with certain sexual positions and Sierra provides suggestions and experiences with role-playing. The excitement of role-playing and public scenarios (00:13:16) Sierra and Jennifer share their experiences and excitement with role-playing scenarios, including public settings and creative scenarios. App-controlled vibrators and sensual play (00:19:09) Jennifer and Sierra discuss app-controlled vibrators, their capabilities, and preferences for sensual play with or without toys. Exploring Sex Toys (00:20:29) Discussion about various sex toys, including finger vibrators, c rings, and the grapefruit technique. C Rings and Sensation Play (00:22:09) Detailed explanation of c rings, their benefits for sensation play, and suggestions for using them. Grapefruit Technique (00:26:21) Description of the grapefruit technique for oral sex, including tips for preparing and using a grapefruit during foreplay. Diverse Sexual Dynamics (00:30:13) Comparison of partners' preferences for sexual activities, including spitting and squirting, and the unique dynamics in different relationships. Relationship Dynamics (00:33:39) Discussion on the complexity of relationships within a triad and a quad, including the interactions and dynamics between partners. Self-Love and Relationships (00:36:24) Reflection on personal growth in open relationships and the importance of self-love and thriving in life. Online Coaching (00:38:38) Promotion of online coaching services in the areas of open relationships, online dating, and conscious uncoupling. Follow Sierra Follow Jen This podcast is sponsored by Coaching With Jen --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
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