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Tailboard Talks Firefighter Podcast

Author: Chris Marella

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The Tailboard Talks Firefighter Podcast offers wellness and lifestyle content for firefighters and paramedics from veteran of the fire service since 2003. Some of the best and worst conversations happen at the tailboard so grab some coffee and come chat.

174 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.There are so many operations on the fireground or ems scene where your grip is the make or break factor. From pulling hose, pulling the halyard, carrying patients, forcible entry, RIT scenarios, your grip will either be an asset or a liability.Training your grip is important but training it properly is the key. Using switch grips and straps to make up for your weak little paws isn't going to help you when you need it.Share your grip training methods on IG wi...
Send us a Text Message.I don't want to read another book, take another note, or practice another problem employee scenario ever again.After major events like probation, and promotional testing there is a brutal hangover. Achievement hangovers are a real thing and just like any hangover, we can take some measures to decrease the destruction, or at least limit how long we're useless.Structuring your studying, planning beyond the event, and having hangover measures in place will help us re...
Send us a Text Message.Nathan crashed his bike and tore up his wrist which ruined his plans for going to the pool later in the day. For most of us that would have ended our week but he just grabbed some toys and kept on having fun doing something else.We are so bogged down with things we have to do, and have a very short list of things we like to do. But building out your list, and algorithm of happiness can be a literal life safer for firefighters and emergency workers.Firefighte...
Send us a Text Message.James Boomhower is a 20 year paramedic with the last ten being in the critical care field. Aside from that he is also finishing up is degree in clinical psychology and runs a mental health/ suicide awareness company named @stay_fit4Duty.Boomer does an excellent job presenting difficult material and topics because he can speak from experience and mixes in the right amount of clinical education.We cover topics like EMDR being the hot thing at the moment, the pendulu...
Send us a Text Message.No matter your rank, you will eventually asked to do more "Stuff". Whether that's run reports, EMS call review, training audits, lesson plans, or whatever other admin/clerical work needs to get done to keep the wheels moving.That stuff is part of the job, but for many it can also be the thing that ruins the job. Boundaries in the fire service are a weird thing and vary greatly depending on the setting and nature of the request. Refusing to pump an additional...
Send us a Text Message.Raina ( is a licensed dietician out of Edmonton that I wanted to have a chat with because of her consistently realistic approach to nutrition for shift workers. She is married to a first responder and when she saw the lame suggestions they were given to keep their diet and lifestyle in check, she new she could help the community. She provides very easy to digest (pun intended) information through her social media page as well as the courses a...
Send us a Text Message.How strong is strong enough? But first, what about when you can't, or shouldn't keep doing the traditional movements like squat and deadlift?Curt and I answer both of these topics with some stories from the gym and fire station and tips for making training work for you. We also throw out what we consider acceptable numbers for movements like push ups, pull ups, and lifting from the floor.Can you meet the standards or are you just sure that you can do it "if you re...
Send us a Text Message.The thought of CBD brings up a lot of opinions, feelings, and criticisms. To Jon Vought, the owner of Rescue 1 CBD they are all warranted and valid but he has information, science, and patience on his side.Jon has been a career firefighter for the past 16 years and after a significant surgery, he had an all too common experience and relationship with opioid painkillers. From that experience, he found CBD; the rest is history in the making.In this episode, w...
Send us a Text Message.150 years of tradition, unimpeded by progress.Changing a lightbulb in the department can take weeks, how can we change an operational policy or start a new initiative?Curt and I have been making small changes with big effects in our department and we're talking about how we've seen change happen and what can put a halt to it.Firefighters hate change and hate the way things are now so you're not going to please everyone, but if your changes seek to positively impact the ...
Send us a Text Message.We've all heard the rule of maintaining three points of contact when working on a ladder. Well, the same goes for your personal wellness. Sleep, nutrition, fitness, and behavioral health are the points of contact and each one that you don't have contact with increases your chances of falling off the ladder.In this episode I'm going outside of the box with my suggestions on each topic. We've all heard specific sleep tips, nutrition guidelines, and how m...
Send us a Text Message.Serve the public, contribute to the community, progress the department, the fire service is bigger than you, put your people first. But when do you come first?As your obligations, involvement, and family grow we end up with less and less that is just for us. We can be busy all day long and still feel like we got nothing done. But maybe that's because we got nothing done for ourselves.Todays episode is about finding something that is just for you. Firef...
Send us a Text Message.Firefighters hate two things, the way the things are now and change. Changing the fire service can be approached the same way you eat a whale, one bite at a time.Before we get into the details about thinking small for big results, there was a fantastic article on titled The Aging Firefighter- Health and Fitness Considerations Throughout a Career, written by Alex Redshaw from O2XI'm hitting some of the bullet points of his article but go read ...
Send us a Text Message.This week we spent spring break on the beach for our first camper trip of the year. Please enjoy this replay of my conversation with Stephanie White.Stephanie White is a full time firefighter with over 20 years of experience who works with an organization called the Beltane Guild to assist departments in creating and instituting pregnancy and postpartum policies and programs.She has presented along with the IAFF on the topic and Fire Engineering has given her the ...
Exectile Dysfunciton

Exectile Dysfunciton


Send us a Text Message.Have you ever been real busy, but also real engaged and productive? I have but I've also been stuck with a list of non-stimulating tasks that leave me paralyzed and stuck in neutral.This episode hits the pop psychology world by storm with the ideas of psychological momentum and a little look at executive dysfunction. Guess what, the fire service is full of people like us who could benefit from a little more regulation.Of course I can't just let you know abou...
Send us a Text Message.This is the sort of week when I'm especially grateful for the awesome community of this podcast. I'm training for a massive gravel bike ride in August and prepping for our first big camper trip to Florida. So thank you for answering my Instagram question box and giving me some content topics for the episode.First I'm answering "What is one thing you want to learn about, on and off the job" and then I give you my preference between in-house training vs travel...
Send us a Text Message.Advice in the fire service is abundant, but GOOD advice is much more scarce. I went to the IG polls to ask about the best advice, and best compliment you've received.Firefighters are a critical, harsh, pessimistic bunch so when one goes out of their way to encourage, compliment, or offer good advice it can really stick in your head.I share your answers as well as some stories and examples of advice I've gotten and compliments that hit home.Than you and check out m...
Send us a Text Message.How much weight does seniority carry in your fire department, and how much carrying do the senior members do?Some departments have senior members who are bonafide recliner compressors while others use their senior membership as the backbone of the organization. Regardless of which one you're involved with, those senior firefighters are getting paid more and have more time off, which can be a major pain point for the junior contingent.Curt and I cover a bunch of as...
Send us a Text Message.You have a long career, don't let a temporary inconvenience ruin other peoples perception of you.Firefighters have an expansive perspective of patient and incident outcomes but a terrible ability to look past our immediate discomforts.Finding someone who has been through what you're going through can save you from turning that inconvenience into a career defining event.If you were waiting for me to break out the Chinese proverbs, you're in luck. "Maybe so, m...
Send us a Text Message.Making something look easy is one of the greatest flexes. Whether it's picking locks, being happy when you're not supposed to, flexing the seniority on the high hat badge, or tossing around the 4 inch when others are struggling.Take advantage of the flex but be ready for your turn on the short end. It's all in good fun so don't be afraid to laugh and get a little competitive.Also, I read some terrible advice about what to do when the public asks you about ba...
Send us a Text Message.The evergreen debate of performance over personal appearance. Sure, it's easy to say that the patient doesn't care how you look when they need you, but how about everybody else on scene or that gets to witness your unzipped boots, untucked shirt, and belly hanging out when you're on more 'routine' calls.Many departments have a minimum standard, for lots of things, and it is up to the individual if they're going to meet that standard, exceed it, or make your office...