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Bold Love Podcast

Author: Bob Roberts Jr

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What does a world look like where people can lovingly engage with those who have different views without compromising their faith? What does it look like to truly love your neighbor or even your enemy? These questions have led Pastor Bob Roberts Jr to have deep conversations with his friends that are living out their faith in the public square by loving boldly and working together to build resilient communities. Whether you’re Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddist, or no matter your faith, we all can learn how to relate to those who are different than us – to love boldly. Join us on this story-telling journey that will encourage you the listener to better love your neighbor and how to relate to others despite your differences without compromising your beliefs.
57 Episodes
What kind of leader are most pastors in the US? Pastor Bob researches and thinks deeply about key historical figures leaders, ponders how it can apply to church leaders and breaks down the key differences of being a populist leader or being an influential kingdom leader.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
On this episode, Pastor Bob gives ten keys to surviving as a pastor or in leadership in this day and age. He discusses incredible stories of his learnings along with some wisdom on the mistakes he has made in the past in hope that others can learn from it.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
On this weeks episode, Pastor Bob talks through how people in their 20s and 30s need to be thinking about their ministry during retirement age right now and how to prepare for fruitful ministry and relevance in old age.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
This week’s guest is BEN CONNELLY . Ben is a pastor, author, and occasional professor. He is serves everyday disciples, ministry leaders, and church planters across the world through The Equipping Group, and to help lead Salt+Light Community and Plant Fort Worth, TX. Ben has written or contributed to several books, workbooks, articles, and publications, has overseen church planting efforts for multiple organizations, and has also taught university and seminary classes.    We will be talking about Ben’s newest book called Reading the Bible Missing the Gospel that is available at most book retailers across the country. You can go to to learn more.   Show Notes: Ben Connelly's New Book   Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
Highlighting stories from his younger days on the gridiron of Texas high school football, Pastor Bob illustrates sacrifice and being willing to step up and take the blow, even when you might not deserve it.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
Pastor Bob dives deep into the history of revivals, the fruit that comes after a revival and what it should normally bring. This is Part 2 of this discussion so don't miss part 1 before this one!   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
In thinking through the most recent discussion of Asbury Revival, Pastor Bob thinks through the history of revivals, the fruit that comes after a revival and what it should normally bring. This is Part 1 of this discussion so don't miss the next series of episodes on this topic! Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
Pastor Bob challenges listeners to think about their legacy and how to produce a harvest. He gives the examples of Abraham, legacy building and being in it for the long haul. Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
Over the last month, there was an incredible revival at Asbury University and we are still seeing incredible things from it since it started. The holy spirit was moving and we are giving you a front row seat to the Asbury revival with someone who was there and helped pray and disciple during that time - Dr Winfield Bevins.   Dr. Bevins is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and artist. He is the director for the Asbury Center for Church Multiplication. Over the past decade, he has helped start churches and several non-profit organizations, including a food distribution center that feeds nearly 10,000 underprivileged people a year and a non-profit art guild, gallery and studio. Show Notes: Marks of a Movement by Winfield Bevins Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
There is not a more necessary virtue or fruit of the spirit than patience. It is critical. It goes to the core of who we are, what we believe and even how much faith we have. Pastor Bob dives deep into a virtue that he personally admits that he really has to work on.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
Pastor Bob meets with pastors from across the globe and in this episode, he shares about his experience this past year meeting with them and lessons he learned from these global church pastors.
You won't believe some of the things that Pastor Bob admits to during this episode of Journal Sessions on the Bold Love Podcast. He tells stories behind one of the most unusual years of his life along with some things he is doing this year that he never thought he'd do.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website Multi-Faith Neighbors Network
One of Pastor Bob's greatest spiritual fathers and mentors, Pastor Jim Hylton, passed away recently. Bob shares with us the most impactful lessons Ps Hylton taught him along with what Bob spoke about during the celebration of life service.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
This is a personal one. It's Bob's daily routine. It is a literal look inside Bob's journal of how he writes his journal, how he puts it together, what is inside of it, details of his morning routine for quiet worship time and what he says is the most important time of the year to review your past year and see forward to the next year...and see how God is speaking to you.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
On this week’s Journal Sessions, Pastor Bob dives into what it means to be a mentor or spiritual father and how to best pour into those you are discipling.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
In this week's Journal Session, Pastor Bob talks about why to be a great giver of your treasures, time and talent and encourages people to be known for your generosity.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
Pastor Bob shares some of his recent reflections on when something is not going as planned and how to keep you feet moving when you feel you’ve been led into a desert.    Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
Jon Tyson and Bob Roberts dive into what it means to seek and cultivate renewal in the Western church along with how to learn from the global church. Jon Tyson is a Pastor and Church Planter in New York City. Originally from Adelaide, Australia, Jon moved to the United States twenty years ago with a passion to seek and cultivate renewal in the Western Church. Jon lives in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan with his wife and two children. He serves as the Lead Pastor of Church of the City New York. Pastor Jon will also be one of the keynote speakers at our upcoming Glocalnet annual conference called the Glocal Summit. This conference will be themed “In the Midst” as  as we know that pastors and church leaders are looking up from the middle of a valley. At this year’s Glocal Summit ‘22  we are going to lean in together to face these challenges and learn about resilience from speakers like Pastor Jon Tyson, Pastor Glenn Packiam, and so many others. Come and get refreshed with the GlocalNet family while we encourage each other, as we learn together, as we face these challenges together and as we spend some time with Jesus in our midst, refueling us for the year to come. Register now for the event that will be help in Dallas, Texas on November 2-3. You can do so at now for only $99 and get $10 dollars off if you register using the coupon code “Podcast” by October 31.   Show Notes: Glocal Summit Event    Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
Bob has been thinking and tweeting lately on courage and what it means to be courageous - he shares with us today several Biblical examples of courage along with personal stories of courage (and a hilarious story about a motorcycle gift) and practical things to overcome fear.   Show Notes: Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
Pastor Bob is back with a special interview - this time with Glenn Packiam, the Lead Pastor of Rockharbor Church in Costa Mesa, California. Glenn is the author of several books, including The Resilient Pastor, Blessed Broken Given, and the forthcoming book he co-authored with his wife, Holly, “The Intentional Year”. He earned a Doctorate in Theology and Ministry from Durham University, and is a Senior Fellow at Barna Group. Pastor Glenn will also be one of the keynote speakers at our upcoming Glocalnet annual conference called the Glocal Summit. This conference will be themed “In the Midst” as  as we know that pastors and church leaders are looking up from the middle of a valley. Church trauma, family struggles, leadership challenges, cultural change – they are shouldering a lot. And when you are in the midst of it all, it can feel overwhelming and lonely. At this year’s Glocal Summit ‘22  we are going to lean in together to face these challenges and learn about resilience from speakers like Pastor Jon Tyson, Pastor Glenn Packiam, Trillia Newbell and so many others. Come and get refreshed with the GlocalNet family while we encourage each other, as we learn together, as we face these challenges together and as we spend some time with Jesus in our midst, refueling us for the year to come. Register now for the event that will be help in Dallas, Texas on November 2-3. You can do so at now for only $99 and get $10 dollars off if you register using the coupon code “Podcast” by October 31.   Show Notes: Glocal Summit Event    Bold Love Podcast Website About Bob Roberts Jr GlocalNet Website
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