Claim Ownership


Author: Mike Smith

Subscribed: 1Played: 8


A conversation the digs deeper into the content of the past weekend's sermon and mining nuggets of truth. We hope that on occasion it helps posture you for an even better day.
143 Episodes
I’d like to invite you to enjoy a significant moment in the life and history of Vista.  During the services this Sunday, Nov 7th, we will prayerfully formalize and consecrate our financial commitments to the Frantz Rd Project, add it all up, and prepare for what’s next! Online Commitment Card FAQ, etc.    
Commitment Week (1)

Commitment Week (1)


Unexpected encouragement is always good, maybe I can pass some along to you!  Keep praying, this is one of our most significant moments, a point we will most certainly look back on as pivotal in some way… Here are some links to Frantz Rd Project Info and Commitment Card for your convenience Vista Give Page […]
Encouraging Happenings

Encouraging Happenings


God is on the move in YOU and in OTHER Kingdom-minded leaders, partners and friends!
Survey Questions (2)

Survey Questions (2)


Responding to a few more questions and comments from the Frantz Rd Project Survey…good stuff…thanks for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing
Survey Questions (1)

Survey Questions (1)


The first of a few responses to the questions and comments you submitted through the 5626 Project Survey. And what I said, or meant to say in this episode regarding the size of an auditorium for something like our Christmas program is “Seven-hundred fifty TO a thousand seat auditorium…” Not, 750,000-seat auditorium! : )
Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?


Pray and listen…always. It’s the only way to ever be ready to follow God…
When you’re heart and/or the world around are in chaos, return to the disciplines of the Spirit, and remember that you’re not preparing for the battle, you’re doing it.
Paul, in Romans 5 places Hope at the culmination of a progression that goes like this: suffering, perseverance, character and then hope.  Hope is the RESULT of something that goes on within a person??  We should talk about this…
All over the map, quite literally, in this podcast – updates regarding Kabul, Afghanistan… Dublin, OH… and Rome…
Adam and I, mostly Adam (b/c he was on another level today!) talk through some of the flags in life that (if we pay attention) can keep us in the presence & grace of God (if we let them).
Adam and I reflect on the Romans 62 sermon with regard to the animating power of God’s Spirit within the believer.
Tom, I heard you. But it’s so hard to comment on news headlines without inadvertently aligning (or misaligning) myself with some ideology, cause, or position! I took a stab. More importantly, here’s a Frantz Rd. building update and the 3rd of 5 basic challenges/expectations for the Vista family.
What a great day Sunday Aug 15th was! 524 Days after our last NW gathering, we [re]launched NW services, temporarily, at the Dublin Rec Center. One of the things we covered was expectations for one another going forward. I reiterate the first two in this podcast..
After 524 days the NW portion of the Vista congregation gathered for the first time…back in the Rec Ctr where it all started…almost 15 years ago. What a day! Over the nex t few podcasts, I’m going to repeat much of the content we shared. It’s important.
A NW Vista Facility!

A NW Vista Facility!


We’ve been hoping for a positive response regarding 5626 Frantz Rd…and we got one!
If some declares to trust Jesus, couldn’t we then simply welcome them and just trust Jesus to bring about their character? Or is it up to us to help straighten them out??
Adam facilitates today’s podcast. We talk about Bloomington, me (not my idea), and then get started on some of R9.
Adam and I finish our reflections on Romans 10 by discussing how an acceptance of God’s standard for righteousness can lead us right into self-denial (with regard to how far off from righteous we are)…
Adam and I wonder (aloud) if righteousness is a concept generally understood…let alone aspired to.
Adam and I continue to have fun with the Russo & Schoemaker “Overconfidence Quiz.” The quiz from their book, Decision Traps, illustrates part of past Sunday’s argument that we tend to be self-deception (ie., overconfidence) – which the Apostle Paul says keeps us from apprehending God’s righteousness.