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The Bilingual Bible Study

Author: Marjorie Serrano

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Learning Spanish Through Scripture - A Bilingual Bible Study for Kids!
Read Scripture with Marjorie and Maya, and learn English and Spanish! This podcast is created for kids around the world. Produced and recorded by momma and child, the episodes are spontaneous and unedited. Our purpose is to share God’s Word and the gift of bilingualism.
Psalm 118:24 Says: “This is the day that the Lord has made!”
“Rejoice and be glad in it.”
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63 Episodes
Check out my very first ever song by listening to my new podcast! Tiny little seed Feeding the hopes of my heart in disbelief Tiny little seed, Implanted in my womb, and in my heart in all of me Tiny little seed No bleeding this month I am overwhelmed by your love Tiny little seed I don’t dare to rejoice Our stories revolve We both know how this will end, Likely you will vanish and the emptiness will return. And I just wonder…. I just wonder, Why cant you blossom Like dalias in autumn, Why cant you grow Into a rosy-cheek baby, I sorrow Why cant your heart beat Your news are so bittersweet And I love you, I love you, I want you, I desire you, But I cant have you Tiny little seed, My breast are now back to normal Seasickness gone this is abnormal But is not, We well know, We both know Red stains Miserable pains The heartache I cant stand And I just wonder…. I just wonder, Why cant you blossom Like dalias in autumn, Why cant you grow Into a rosy-cheek baby, I sorrow Why cant your heart beat Your news are so bittersweet Why cant you blossom Like dalias in autumn, Why cant you grow Into a rosy-cheek baby, I sorrow Why cant your heart beat Your news are so bittersweet So bittersweet, So sweet, And I love you, I love you, I want you, I desire you, But I cant have you ©Marjorie Serrano, 2022 Song by Alex Puglia Lyrics by Marjorie Serrano
“So one day, The princess managed to escape The chains of her lousy prince and his wretched place A place of wonders in a faraway land Too far from the misery she had left behind, But the wonders turned into nightmares As the new home became vicious and dark Resentful some became for giving her a hand And entitled to control her life. So the princess cried out for help, And met a prince via an online dating app. And someone showed up: A prince! In a position just like hers, Lonely, heartbroken, and tired of man’s evil ways…” Listen to the entire poem and be soothed by gentle music. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. You can follow me on Twitter at @marjoriepoet Check out my blog at: Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon, at Or download the eBook via Kindle, Apple books, and many more! Written and narrated by Marjorie Serrano Produced by Marjorie Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound
“You flip and reach out for a floating rubber duck And my mind begins to wander for the outcomes of our luck Precious darling growing massive golden wings And flying out of this tub and far away from me Out of the warm water and the washcloth and the rubber duck And toward the adventures, hidden treasures, and the lessons you’ll be taught And the precious baby that today holds me tight Will grow into you a beautiful young lady with courage and might And for some time in our lives, you will want to fly high and yearn for a different set of arms…” Listen to the entire poem and be soothed by gentle music. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. You can follow me on Twitter at @marjoriepoet Check out my blog at: Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon, at Or download the eBook via Kindle, Apple books, and many more! Written and narrated by Marjorie Serrano Produced by Marjorie Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound
The Greatest Ride, The Greatest Life – Poem By Marjorie Serrano “I have an expiration date, and that is my fate However, my essence will always prevail And the delightful aromas that we both sensed While anxiously waiting for crispy fresh bread The perfect sounds you made When you sang while Infatuated, I stared. Oh, darling! Immortal is the love we share…” Listen to the entire poem and be soothed by this gentle and soft music. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. You can follow me on Twitter at @marjoriepoet Check out my blog at: Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon, at Or download the eBook via Kindle, Apple books, and many more! Written and narrated by Marjorie Serrano Produced by Marjorie Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound
Due to COVID-19 biosafety restrictions imposed by global health organizations at hospitals, end-of-life settings, religious institutions, and funeral homes, our loved ones are dying alone, under painful and undignified conditions. We can no longer give our proper goodbyes, celebrate traditional and soul-comforting rituals which are essential elements of a "Healthy Death." A silent and parallel pandemic in the form of Complicated Grief is affecting us globally. In this episode, I explore these issues and conclude with a meditation that may help you connect with your loved ones… those who lost the battle against COVID-19. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at and on Twitter at @rainbow_tools. Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon at: download the eBook via Kindle, Apple Books, and many more! Written and narrated and produced by Marjorie Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound
Existen muchos estudios que documentan el impacto que tiene en nuestras vidas, todas aquellas decisiones tomadas por nuestros progenitores antes, durante y después de nuestra concepción, gestación y primeros meses de vida. Una y otra vez, se ha demostrado que el entorno que nos rodea desde que somos engendrados, impacta nuestra capacidad para afrontar los desafíos de vida incluso hasta llegar a la edad adulta, afectando así nuestra capacidad de percibir el mundo como un lugar seguro, para estar en paz con la vida y poder incluso comprender la fuente de nuestro agobio. A través de esta meditación, tú y yo, regresaremos a los orígenes de nuestras vidas. A través de intrigantes sonidos e intensas sensaciones, recrearemos el ambiente perfecto donde descubriremos nuestro sentido de vida, y podremos sentir el amor y la protección a los que tenemos derecho todos los seres humanos. Aunque no podemos cambiar el pasado, ni la forma en la que fuimos concebidos o el entorno en el que fuimos criados, podemos, sin embargo, reclamar nuestro lugar en este mundo y entender que todos somos hijos amados y especiales de la Madre Naturaleza. ¡Tenemos un lugar especial aquí! Todos somos criaturas deseadas, anheladas y traídas por las fuerzas naturales que hicieron posible nuestra existencia. ¡De seguro no por mera casualidad existimos y nuestra vida es un milagro! No olvides suscribirte y evaluar mi podcast a través de Apple Podcasts, Spotify o tu canal favorito. Sigue, comparte y dale “like” a mis episodios en FaceBook en Y en Twitter, en @rainbow_tools ¡Rainbow Meditations es ahora un libro publicado! Puedes comprarlo a través de Amazon, en ¡O descargar el libro electrónico a través de Kindle, Apple Books y muchos más! Libreto y narración por Marjorie Serrano Producción por Marjorie Serrano Libreto editado por Roberto Serrano Traducida al español por Teresa Padilla y Marjorie Serrano Créditos musicales: Epidemic Sound Todos los derechos reservados.
The journey of conception, gestation, and the first months of our lives is well documented to impact our ability to navigate life's challenges into adulthood and our ability to perceive the world as a safe place. At birth and beyond, we commence to carry wounds inflicted purposely or unintentionally by our parent's and caretaker's.    Either intentionally or by plain negligence and/or lack of resources, or perhaps through no fault of their own, our progenitors' flaws lead to create deep, emotional wounds that impair our ability to find peace and serenity throughout our lives, should we neglect to understand the root-causes of our despair.    Through this meditation, you and I, will return to our lives' origins and recreate the perfect environment where we will feel all the love and nurturing, we are meant to deserve.    Although we cannot change the past, the way we were conceived or the environment in which we were raised, we can, however, reclaim our place in this world and accept that each and every one of us is one of Mother Nature's beloved children.   We have a special place in this world! We are loved, desired, yearned for, and embraced by the forces of nature that made our existence possible. Certainly not by coincidence; thus, we are a miracle. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at And on Twitter at @rainbow_tools  Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon, at Or download the eBook via Kindle, Apple books, and many more! Written and narrated by Marjorie Serrano Produced by Marjorie Serrano Edited by Roberto Serrano Translated by Teresa Padilla and Marjorie Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound: All rights reserved
Algunos tenemos dificultades para hacer frente a heridas traumáticas de infancia que incluso en edad adulta llegan a afectar nuestra capacidad para sentirnos seguros en la vida, a salvo y conectados con la madre naturaleza. Esta desconexión nos hace sentir desesperados por encontrar un sentido de pertenencia. A veces buscamos nuestra base y sentido de pertenencia en los lugares equivocados. Podemos apegarnos a personas o desarrollar adicciones a la comida u a otro tipo de sustancias. Estas adicciones son lo que la profesora y psicóloga budista Tara Brach llama "falsos refugios". Si buscamos refugio y paz en nuestro interior, en lugar de en las fuerzas externas, es posible que podamos encontrar las respuestas que nuestro corazón busca desesperadamente. Puede que en este viaje al interior logremos finalmente alcanzar la paz de nuestro espíritu y descubrir nuestra fuerza y sabiduría interior. A través de esta meditación, te invito a escanear tu cuerpo iluminando de mágicos colores todas aquellas áreas que albergan tus chakras. Siente el poder que reside dentro de ti y deléitate en el dulce refugio de la autocompasión. ¡Permite que mi voz acaricie tu cuerpo y alma mientras visualizas la sanación y reparación de tu cuerpo y espíritu! No olvides suscribirse y evaluar mi programa a través de Apple Podcasts, Spotify o tu canal favorito. Sigue, comparte y dale “like” a mis episodios en FaceBook en Y en Twitter, en @rainbow_tools ¡Rainbow Meditations es ahora un libro publicado! Puedes comprarlo a través de Amazon, en ¡O descarga el libro electrónico a través de Kindle, Apple Books y muchos más! Libreto y narración por Marjorie Serrano Producción por Marjorie Serrano Libreto editado por Roberto Serrano Traducida al Español por Teresa Padilla y Marjorie Serrano Créditos musicales: Epidemic Sound: Todos los derechos reservados.
Some of us have difficulty coping with childhood trauma wounds that impair our ability to feel safe, grounded, and connected to Mother Nature. This disconnect makes us feel desperate for a sense of belonging. Sometimes we seek our grounding and sense of belonging in the wrong places. We may become attached to people or addicted to food or other substances. These addictions are what Buddhist Teacher and Psychologist Tara Brach calls “false refuges.” If we seek refuge within ourselves instead of external forces, we may be able to find the answers our heart desperately seeks. We may finally feel safe and at peace. We may even find our inner strength and inner wisdom. Through this meditation, I invite you to scan your body while illuminating the areas that are home to your chakras. Feel the power that resides within you and the sweet refuge of self-compassion. Allow my voice to caress your body and soul while visualizing how healing can take place within you! Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at And on Twitter at @rainbow_tools  Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon, at Or download the eBook via Kindle, Apple books, and many more! Written and narrated by Marjorie Serrano Produced by Marjorie Serrano Edited by Roberto Serrano Translated by Teresa Padilla and Marjorie Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound: All rights reserved.
Tu vida es como un precioso palacio de oro que necesita cuidados diarios, autocompasión y una comunidad amorosa de apoyo. Tu cuerpo es un templo que debes cuidar y amar. Es muy fácil caer en hábitos de auto recriminación y sentirse indigno o que no vales nada. Estos hábitos traen sufrimiento emocional e incluso físico. ¡A través de esta meditación, espero guiarte al palacio de tu vida! Juntos, viajaremos por jardines maravillosos de aromas frescos y encantadores mientras visualizamos sueños y esperanzas para tu futuro. ¡Podrás contemplar las funciones asombrosas de tu cuerpo y visualizar la sanación que tanto anhelas! No olvides suscribirte y evaluar mi programa a través de Apple Podcasts, Spotify, u otro medio preferido. Sigue, comparte, y dales un “like” a mis episodios en Facebook en Y en Twitter en @rainbow_tools ¡Rainbow Meditations es ahora un libro publicado! Puedes comprarlo a través de Amazon aquí: ¡O descarga el libro electrónico a través de Kindle, Apple Books y muchos más! Escrito y narrado por Marjorie Serrano Editado por Roberto Serrano Traducido por Teresa Padilla y Marjorie Serrano Créditos musicales: Epidemic Sound Producción Marjorie Serrano Todos los derechos reservados.
Your life is like a precious golden palace that needs daily maintenance, self-compassion, and a loving a supporting community. Your body is a temple to be nurtured and loved. It is so easy to fall for habits of self-recrimination and feelings of unworthiness. These habits bring emotional and even physical suffering. Through this meditation, I hope to guide you into the palace of your life! You and I will travel together through marvelous gardens of fresh and delightful scents while visualizing dreams and hopes for your future. You will be able to contemplate the fantastic works of your body and imagine the joy of healing taking place in your precious body!   Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at And on Twitter at @rainbow_tools Rainbow Meditations is now a published book! You can purchase it via Amazon, at Or download the eBook via Kindle, Apple books, and many more! Written by Marjorie Serrano Edited by Roberto Serrano Music credits: Epidemic Sound All rights reserved.
En el capitulo de hoy exploraremos la historia de Adan y Eva. ¡Aprende, inspírate y aprende Ingles! ¿Quieres que te enviemos un mensaje especial en nuestro programa? ¡Síguenos en Instagram y envíanos un mensaje privado con tu nombre, tu país de origen y tu personaje bíblico favorito! ¡Dios te bendiga! ©️Marjorie Serrano Este material está protegido por derechos de autor.
Hicimos lo mejor que pudimos este año. Tratamos de ser bondadosos, y, aun así, sufrimos, y fuimos testigo del dolor de mucha gente linda y contribuyente. Entonces, ¿qué pasó en 2020? ¿En dónde quedaron aquellos regalos y sueños realizados? ¿Cuáles fueron los aspectos positivos del 2020? ¿Quién podrá responder todas nuestras preguntas? Únete a mí en un viaje mágico a Laponia, Finlandia. Un fantástico viaje de introspección y fe recuperada. Ven conmigo a el lugar donde nos encontraremos cara a cara, con el único y ejemplar ¡Nuestro adorado Papá Noel! No olvides suscribirte y calificar mi programa a través de Apple Podcasts, Spotify o en tu canal favorito. Por favor, sígueme, comparte y dale un “like” a mis episodios en FaceBook, en: Y en Twitter en @rainbow_tools Music Credits: Epidemic Sound
We did the best we could this year. We feel we were "nice," yet we witnessed how gentle people experienced loss and suffering. So, what happened in 2020? Where did the gifts of happiness and dreams go? What are the silver linings for 2020? Who will answer our many questions? Join me on a magical journey to Lapland, Finland. A magical journey of introspection and recovered faith. Come with me to a place where we will meet face to face, with the one and only: Our dearest Santa Claus! Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at And on Twitter at @rainbow_tools Music Credits: Epidemic Sound
La gratitud se ha convertido en medicina para el alma durante los tiempos tan difíciles que vivimos actualmente. ¡Acompáñame en una carrera mágica por las calles de Nueva Orleans! La encantadora ciudad del jazz, que renació de los escombros tras el devastador huracán Katrina. Una ciudad llena de alegría, magia, resiliencia y un gran sentido de comunidad. Permítete ver la belleza de nuestro planeta tierra mientras que los hermosos sonidos de la gratitud acarician tu alma. No olvides subscribirte y comentar mi show, por medio de Apple Podcasts, Spotify, o en tu medio favorito. Por favor, sígueme, y comparte mis episodios en Facebook en el enlace Y en Twitter, en @rainbow_tools Este episodio ha sido escrito y narrado por Marjorie Serrano. Música y efectos: Epidemic Sound:
Gratitude has become the medicine for our souls during the difficult times we are living. Join me on a magical run into the streets of New Orleans! The enchanted city of jazz, which was rebuilt and reborn after being devastated by Hurricane Katrina. A city of joy, magic, resilience, and a great sense of community. Allow yourself to see the beauty of our planet earth while the beautiful sounds of gratitude caress your soul. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at And on Twitter at @rainbow_tools Music Credits: Epidemic Sound Written and narrated by Marjorie Serrano
Continua con tu viaje espiritual hacia el fondo de tu alma por medio de la segunda parte de este mágico episodio. No olvides subscribirte y comentar mi show, por medio de Apple Podcasts, Spotify, o en tu medio favorito. Por favor, sígueme, y comparte mis episodios en FaceBook en el enlace Y en Twitter, en @rainbow_tools
Continue your journey into your inner soul in this enlightening episode! Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at And on Twitter at @rainbow_tools
En el episodio de hoy, tu y yo completaremos uno de los recorridos mas arriesgados y fascinantes del planeta tierra. Por medio de asombrosos panoramas e intensas sensaciones, confrontaremos nuestros miedos y lograremos conquistar la meta final. Espero que esta meditación te ayude a sanar las heridas de tu alma. Que logres perdonar a aquellas personas que te han hecho daño, y que puedas a su vez perdonarte a ti mismo.  Desde un lugar de empoderamiento y profundo amor, lograras ver el rostro de tu fuerza interior, reconocer tu sabiduría interior y amar eternamente al niño que llevas dentro. Acompáñame en una mágica aventura espiritual a un hermoso lugar llamado Kalalau Beach, ubicado en la costa de Napali, en la extraordinaria isla Hawaiana de Kuai! ¡No olvides subscribirte a mi Podcast! Por favor y si tienes un minuto regálame un like, sígueme y comparte mis episodios en mi pagina de facebook haciendo click en: Music credits: Epidemicsound
In Today's journey, you and I will complete one of the most dangerous yet mesmerizing trails on earth. From breathtaking views and tantalizing sensations, you and I will confront our fears and conquer beauty! It is my sincere hope that Today's meditation can help you heal your soul by forgiving yourself and those who have hurt you in the past. From a place of empowerment and love, you will meet face to face with your inner strength and inner wisdom while forever nurturing your inner child. Join me on a magical and spiritual journey into Hawaii’s Kalalau Beach through one of the most treacherous yet exciting trails of the world in Kalalau, a gorgeous place on the Napali Coast of the sublime Hawaiian island of Kauai, Hawaii. Don't forget to subscribe and rate my show through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your player choice. Please follow, share, and like my episodes on FaceBook at Rainbow Meditations - Bilingual Spiritual Tools Music credits: Epidemicsound
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