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Author: Drew Steadman & Mick Murray

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Welcome to Ideology, a podcast where we explore the shift in Western culture from operating within a predominantly Judeo-Christian belief system to a primarily secular belief system and how followers of Jesus can be formed into the image of Christ in this context.

We chose "Ideology" for its etymology (idea, or pattern; + logos, or word/discourse). It is the science of ideas - the pattern of discourse that impacts how we perceive reality.
153 Episodes
In Episode 16 of Season 4, Drew and Mick continue their book review of James K.A. Smith's How Not to Be Secular by looking at Chapter 1. In this episode, they discuss Charles Taylor's three manifestations of secularism over the previous several centuries and how the version we inhabit is largely phenomenological. What are the implications for Christians inhabiting this world? Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email - Youtube & Instagram - @ideologypc Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Lighthouse by Shawn Williams
In Episode 23 of Season 4, Drew and Mick address some listener questions in this fourth and final installment of a look at Pentecostal theology. Why do some churches teach cessationism? How should we understand the validity of the "manifestations" of the Spirit? What about the public use of the gifts? Listen in to find out! Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Connect with us: Email - Youtube/Instagram - @ideologypc Episode notes: - "Tongues Speaking in the Early Church" by David Capes (article) - Commentary on Corinthians by Gordon Fee Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Ringing Through the Night by Benjamin James
In Episode 22 of Season 4, Drew and Mick continue the exploration of Pentecostal theology and specifically a handful of suggestions for charismatic believers moving forward into a robust expression of the faith. How can we learn from our Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and other Protestant brothers and sisters? What role does liturgy play in the experience of the charismatic church? Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email: Youtube/Instagram: @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Ready to Fly (Instrumental) by Leucadia
In Episode 21 of Season 4, Drew and Mick continue to evaluate Pentecostalism as it represents such a large segment of the global Christian church. What defines Pentecostal theology? Is that a possible task, or is it something that is experienced rather than explained propositionally? Listen in for more! Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Connect with us: - Youtube/Instagram: @ideologypc - Email: Show notes: - The Routledge Handbook of Pentecostal Theology by Christopher Stephenson - Baptized in the Spirit by Frank Macchia - Spirit, Word, Community by Amos Yong - Thinking in Tongues by James KA Smith - Pentecostal Theology: Living the Full Gospel by Wolfgang Vondey Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Peace by Lane King
In Episode 20 of Season 4, Drew and Mick begin a multi-episode exploration of Pentecostalism. In this first installment, they seek to establish some definitions - what is Pentecostalism? Charismatic? Neo-pentecostalism? Third-wave spirituality? Pentecostals are on track to become the largest branch of the global church within our lifetimes. Tune in to see how and why this is significant to modern, Western believers. Connect with us: Email: Youtube/Instagram: @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment References: - The Cambridge Companion to Pentecostalism by Cecil M. Robeck & Amos Yong - Fire from Heaven by Harvey Cox - The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh by Amos Yong - Pentecostalism: A Guide for the Perplexed by Wolfgang Vondey - Theological Roots of Pentecostalism by Donald Dayton - The Supernatural and the Circuit Rider by Rimi Xhemajli - Pentecostals: Origins & Developments by Walter Hollenweger - Where are the Poor by Philip Wingeier-Rayo - Coping with Poverty: Pentecostals and Christian Base Communities in Brazil by Cecelia Loreto Mariz Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Memory by Why We Wander
In Episode 19 of Season 4, Drew and Mick conclude a review of James K.A. Smith's How (Not) to Be Secular by looking at chapters 4 and 5, evaluating the key shifts that have led to the "age of authenticity" that we now live in and how to inhabit this world as followers of Christ. Connect with us: Email - Youtube/Instagram - @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Madre Terra by Kisnou
Ever wondered why we can't shake the feel that there must be something more? Listen in to Episode 18 of Season 4 as Drew and Mick continue to unpack Smith's How (Not) to Be Secular. Here they look at Chapter 3 titled "The Malaise of Immanence" and discuss the fragility of secular beliefs in light of the human inclination toward the transcendent. Connect with us: - Youtube & Instagram: @ideologypc - Email: Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Lux by Ryan Taubert
In Episode 17 of Season 4, Drew & Mick continue their review of James K.A. Smith's How Not to Be Secular by looking at Chapter 2 and the process of how the world went from a belief in the transcendent to buffered "immanentization" - that is, "the process whereby meaning, significance, and 'fullness' are sought within an enclosed, self-sufficient, naturalistic universe without any reference to transcendence - a kind of 'enclosure.'" They also look at how these shifts happen primarily at the level of aesthetics (i.e., taste, imagination) rather than logically. Connect with us: Email - Youtube/Instagram - @ideologypc Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - London Strings Only (instrumental) by Humming House
In Episode 15 of Season 4, Drew and Mick begin a review of James K.A. Smith's How Not to Be Secular. Who is Smith? Why does he review Charles Taylor's A Secular Age? And what exactly is secularism? How do I, as a follower of Christ, live faithfully to Jesus in this cultural landscape? Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email: Youtube & Instagram: @ideologypc Resources referenced: How Not to Be Secular by James K.A. Smith Thinking in Tongues by James K.A. Smith Desiring the Kingdom by James K.A. Smith A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
In this first episode of 2024, Drew and Mick assess church trends and what they mean for us as we seek to live faithfully to Jesus in this modern age. Is the church in decline? Listen in to find out. Connect with us: Email - Youtube & Instagram - @ideologypc Resources Referenced: - The demographic research of Ryan Burge - Various works by Thomas Kidd
In Episode 13 of Season 4, Drew and Mick finish a 3-part series on eschatology by looking at the book of Revelation and discussing interpretive techniques. What is the main message of this fascinating but complex letter? What, if any, relevance does it have for us in our modern context? Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email - Youtube & Instagram - @ideologypc Episode note: Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - In Memory by Cultus
In Episode 12 of Season 4, Drew and Mick unpack Matthew 24 and 25. Should believers be able to interpret the signs of the times? What should the posture of the saints be regarding the return of Christ? How do we begin to untangle the difficult eschatological passages in the Bible? Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email: Youtube & Instagram: @ideologypc Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Ilia by Kisnou
In Episode 11 of Season 4, Drew and Mick begin an exploration of eschatology - or a study of the "last things." How should we think about Biblical prophecy regarding the end times? Do present events herald the coming of Christ? How has the church thought about these things historically? Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email - Youtube // Instagram - @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Resources referenced: - Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem - Kingdom Come by Sam Storms - "A Brief Sketch of Amillennial Eschatology" by Anthony Hoekema
In Episode 10 of Season 4, Drew and Mick round out three weeks of a discussion on personhood theory. In this episode, they explore the origins of the concept of personhood, and how historically this idea is rooted in the doctrine of the trinity. Where we root our concept of the self is critical in forming our understanding of ourselves. Listen in for more! Connect with us: Email - Youtube & Instagram - @ideologypc Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Higher by Matt Fax
In Episode 9 of Season 4, Drew and Mick continue a conversation about what it means to be a person by looking at the Biblical narrative regarding humanity. What do we learn from the creation story? What were the effects of the fall? What do we derive from the life and resurrection of Jesus and what are the implications for our future selves? Listen in to find out! Connect with us: Email: Youtube & Instagram: @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment
In Episode 8 of Season 4, Drew and Mick begin a new series of talks exploring what it means to be human. If you've ever wondered about the soul and body, or about the nature of the human will - is it free or bound?, take a listen and join the conversation. Connect with us via: Email: Youtube / Instagram @ideologypc Intro/outro track (licensed via Musicbed): Go by Painted Shapes
In Episode 7 of Season 4, Drew and Mick cap off this mini-series on the church in a secular world by looking at the need for believers to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, lean into community, and live potently in this age. If you wonder how Christians might navigate an increasingly secular culture, then take a listen! Connect with us at, or on Instagram/Youtube @ideologypc // feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Fusion (single edit) by Lights, Motion Resouces cited: - All One in Christ Jesus by David Coffey
In Episode 6 of Season 4, Drew and Mick explore several academic and historical positions that the church can take relative to culture, and postures they believe the church is called to exhibit in a secular context. If you find yourself wondering, "Should the church transform, inhabit, or reject culture?" then take a listen to hear more! Connect with us at: Email: Youtube & Instagram: @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment Resources referenced: - Christ and Culture by Richard Niebuhr - To Change the World by James Davison Hunter - Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas & William Willimon - Radical Orthodoxy by John Milbank & Simon Oliver - The Churching of America by Rodney Stark - Various works by Andrew Walls
In Episode 5 of Season 4, Mick and Drew discuss the "mental maps" that we all possess - but are often unaware of - and that influence our formation and decision-making. From our origins to our purpose and ethics, we are being shaped by ideas that we aren't always conscious of. Listen in to hear more. Connect with us at: Email: Youtube & Instagram: @ideologypc Feel free to share, subscribe, rate, and/or comment. Click here to access the Secular & Christian Belief Map Background track (licensed via Musicbed): - Evaporate by SVVN
In Episode 4 of Season 4, Drew and Mick explore how the secular and Christian belief systems both have a gospel message, or means of salvation, at their core. Humankind is in need of help, but of what nature and in what form? The answers to those questions vary widely depending on the underlying structures of understanding ourselves and the nature of reality. Connect with us at // Youtube @ideologypc // Instagram @ideologypc Resources referenced in this episode: - Culture Making by Andy Crouch Background track (licensed by Musicbed): - Blissful Utopia by Under the Stars
Comments (2)

Nicolas Perdomo

My favorite episode to date - Thanks for the valuable insights into the Life of Elijah. You explained stories I've known yet never fully understood. In many circles I've heard Elijah praised with little mention of his doubt, yet hearing how he failed to listen fits and shows our need to listen.

Feb 4th

Nicolas Perdomo

I appreciate the focus is on what it means to be a follower of Jesus in modern society and the challenges of thought and action that come with it today.

Dec 22nd