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Behind The Bite

Author: Cristina Castagnini

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Where a real doctor - who really recovered from an eating disorder - talks about your real struggles with food, body image, and weight.

Straight talk from the professional and personal perspective...
189 Episodes
Do you take daily vitamins and supplements? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the choices and supply of vitamins, not knowing which ones you need to take? What can you do to unlock health that is tailored exactly to your body for a true sense of well-being? In this podcast episode, I speak about how a breakthrough DNA test can match you to specific cannabinoid products to improve your health and wellness with Len May. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Can a toxic family environment cause someone to develop eating disorder symptoms? What can you do to truly find yourself? How can you change the way that you perceive yourself to unlock greater potential for your life? In this podcast episode, I speak about how toxic family dynamics can contribute to ED and how to recover from it with Susan Gold. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harms caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
How does a parent teach their kids healthy skills and positive ideas when it comes to food? What can you do to help your kids develop basic critical thinking when it comes to finding information on the internet? Why should you be proactive in talking with kids about bodily changes? In this podcast episode, I speak about how parents can foster healthy body images for their children with Charlotte Markey. We reflect on how you can have constructive conversations with your children, and how it can support their development. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Is eating still something that feels like a complicated task for you? Do you want to cultivate a more peaceful relationship with food and your body? Did you know that the problem is not really just about the food? In this podcast episode, I speak about about unapologetic eating with Alissa Rumsey. We reflect on how you can let go of trying to "fix" your body and how you can build a healthier relationship with food. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
How is perfectionism related to trauma? Why do many children start using food as a coping mechanism? How does one break the cycle and make a positive, long-lasting change? In this podcast episode, I speak with expert Amy Pershing about binge eating disorder and trauma. We reflect on the causes of perfectionism and how to avoid moralizing about food. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Why are diets always going to fail? What does the diet cycle look like? How can you identify emotional eating?   In this podcast episode, I interview expert Judith Matz about making peace with food. We discuss how therapists can support clients by promoting self-care, and why its important to understand emotional eating. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
How can research shift our perspectives around weight and health? What are some of the ways to identify toxic diet culture? What's causing the Ozempic crisis? In this podcast episode, Dr. Cristina Castagnini interviews Christy Harrison about diets, health, "the wellness trap", and Ozempic.  Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you have “fear” foods that you have been avoiding in ED treatment and recovery? How do you tell the difference between a real recovery coach and an influencer? What are the early steps that you can take to overcome your fear foods and create a healthier relationship with food? In this podcast episode, Dr. Cristina Castagnini discusses “fear foods" with certified eating disorder recovery coach Meg McCabe. We reflect on self-worth, finding a certified coach, and how to tackle fear foods.  Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Were you a former athlete? Are you confused about food and exercise because of all the misinformation on social media? Do you want to improve your mindset and unlearn past conditioning to live a fuller, more authentic life? In this podcast episode, I speak about healing from diets, healthy movement, and listening to your body with Lara Days. We discuss how you can become aware of your body's cues and engage in healthy exercise. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
What is intuitive eating? What is it not? Why is diet culture a cult and how can you remove yourself from it so that you can live a peaceful, happier, and satisfied life with food and your body? In this podcast episode, Dr. Cristina Castagnini I speak about intuitive eating with expert Elyse Resch. We discuss how you can define intuitive eating and the dangers of the diet culture cult. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you use exercise as punishment? Have you been wanting to change your relationship with exercise and movement into something more positive and fulfilling? Can you allow yourself to be a beginner again? In this podcast episode, I speak about Pilates and transforming your life with Leslie Logan. We discuss how you can build a positive relationship with exercise and what movement at every size looks like. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you often avoid or “hate” photos? Do you want to gain more body confidence? How can a compassionate and free photography shoot lead to life-changing results? In this podcast episode, I speak about how to gain confidence and feel empowered with transformative photographer Mervyn-Reid Nelson.  Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you have loads of clothes in your closet that don’t fit you comfortably that you’re keeping “just in case”? Does the idea of going clothes shopping make you feel anxious? What can you do to finally learn how to dress for your best, most comfortable and confident self? In this podcast episode, I speak about finding clothes that fit your body and soul with personal stylist Susan Padron. We reflect on how to purchase clothes which make you feel confident and how to develop your personal style. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Are you about to go to college, or in college right now? Have you been struggling with eating disorders or disordered behavior? How can big life changes lead to changes in eating, and how can you mediate them so that they can remain level, healthy, and intentional? In this podcast episode, I speak with Ilona Phillips about her experience of her college years and eating disorders. We reflect on how you can prioritise your mental wellbeing in college, and how to navigate challenging social settings. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you struggle with chronic pain? Have you been told by doctors to either completely stop moving, or to lose weight before committing to movement with chronic pain? Why is this advice wrong, and how can you start a movement today that’s really beneficial to you? In this podcast episode, I speak about chronic pain and how to reclaim your life with Dana Karen “DK” Ciccone. We discuss how to positively and holistically incorporate exercise into your life and how to make difficult but necessary changes. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you have PCOS? Why should people with PCOS be mindful of diet culture myths? How can you treat PCOS without falling prey bad medical advice that’s been influenced by diet culture? In this podcast episode, I speak with Julie Dillon about what you need to know about treating PCOS while avoiding diet culture narratives. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Are you a runner? Have you used exercise as punishment for eating? How can you safeguard your love for sports and running without having it turned against you by the diet industry? In this podcast episode, I speak about running and how to know when you’ve crossed the line with Heather Caplan. We reflect on how to find the middle ground in sports and how to avoid comparing yourself with athletes. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
What is your “common sense” around diet culture? What things do you still believe that are actually untrue, harmful, and just plain wrong? Why does cutting out food groups cause more harm than good? In this podcast episode, I speak about why diets don’t work and why the weight you lose keeps coming back with Andie Grange. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
Do you think all weight loss is good and all weight gain is bad? Are you afraid of your body changing in treatment? How can you let go of these limiting beliefs that are holding you back from fully letting go of your ED and recovering? In this podcast episode, I speak about whether the fear of weight gain is keeping you from seeking treatment with Natalie Rose. We discuss the reasons that gaining weight may be healthy, and why diets will always fail in the long run. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
You’ve probably heard about body positivity and body image, but do you know about body grief? What does “health at every size” actually mean? How can you prioritize your life outside of the diet industry? In this podcast episode, I speak about body grief with Bri Campos. Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes.  SHOW NOTES: Click here Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast Visit the website:
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