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6 Figure Creative

6 Figure Creative

Author: Brian Hood

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6 Figure Creative is a podcast that helps freelance creatives earn more money by doing what they love. If you’re trying to avoid the never-ending grind of a 9–5, or just want to earn more money doing what you do best (creating), 6 Figure Creative is your new favorite show! Join host Brian Hood and his guests as they explore topics such as mental health, finances, sales, marketing, time management, the digital nomad lifestyle, and more.

320 Episodes
"I need more clients". That's the #1 problem our community has in every single poll we run. The issue with getting clients is that no matter how good you are at what you do, you will never be able to get enough clients if no one knows you exist. That's why we wanted to dedicate an entire episode to discussing our favorite 3 methods for building awareness and growing your business. Creatives have to learn this stuff if they ever want to get out of the "feast or famine" lifestyle. In this episode you’ll discover: How to make an offer so good people feel stupid saying no How to harness three of the six different lead sources The thousand true fans model How you can advertise for free Why an email list is crucial to more and more freelancers The importance of cleaning your mailing list For full show notes, visit
Here are the two rules for attracting your dream clients. Rule #1: Be attractive. Rule #2: Don't be unattractive. That's literally it. The hard part comes when you actually look at what is "attractive" to your dream clients. I'd bet you have a long list of alllll the things you want to see in their dream clients/projects, but very few people take the time to look at themselves and ask the most important question... "Am I the type of person that would attract this sort of dream client/project?" In many cases, that answer is, unfortunately, no. You're not anywhere close to being attractive to your dream clients. In other cases, you might be attractive to them, but you're doing little to nothing when it comes to communicating all the attractive things you have to offer them. In this continuation of our Client Acquisition Series, we dive into what it takes to attract your dream clients. In this episode you’ll discover: Why Guitar Center is the worst place to buy gear (unless they sponsor us) How Mark closed a half-million-dollar deal Why different clients need different approaches Setting expectations in advance High ticket vs. low ticket sales How to become attractive to your dream clients How to stay top of mind without being cringy Why red ocean businesses struggle For full show notes, visit
Have you ever had one of those awkward situations with a crush where you were TOTALLY into them, but you weren’t sure if they were into you? Yeah... That sucks. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to help you there since we give business advice instead of dating advice. What we CAN help you with is the client equivalent of that situation. Here’s what I mean... You’re talking to a dream client. You’re way into working with them, but you’re just not sure if they’re into you. There are actually 7 key points to cover with every potential client, and if each point is a “positive”, then they’re giving you their permission to pitch/sell them (i.e. take the relationship to the next level). This framework was shared with us by someone earning multiple millions per year, and it works perfectly in the freelance world. In this episode you’ll discover: How to help your clients better by determining their needs When closing a deal comes down to good timing What to do if a client isn't sure they want to hire you Why being open and honest with clients is the only way to run a healthy business How to discuss your workflow and delivery with clients before closing a deal Why it's vital that clients trust you implicitly For full show notes, visit
Client acquisition is a nerdy marketing term that basically boils down to one thing: getting clients. While the idea is simple, our freelance community seems to be deathly allergic to client acquisition. I get it... None of us got into this game because we wanted to become marketers. We do this because we love spending all day every day doing what we love by being creative. Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Unless you simply want this to be your hobby, client acquisition is a skill and a process you have to learn, develop, and grow. The alternative is to keep doing what you're likely doing now... sit around and hope a client finds you. If your current "strategy" is "hope marketing", this episode gives you the big picture view of how you can get complete strangers to hire you instead of waiting around for a miracle. In this episode you’ll discover: Why people will never hire you if they don't know you How to build trust with potential customers When it's time to be yourself How dating and business are closely related Why Mark is was more of a ladies' man than Brian How adding value in the long term sets you up for success Why our "comfort zone" is holding us back Why we need to be ourselves and not be afraid of alienating some people How appealing to everyone is a bad thing for our businesses For full show notes, visit
Ever been offered a gig where a company or agency is hiring you on as a contractor (or subcontractor)? To anyone desperate for work it an sound like a dream, but here's the catch – it's actually a trap. In our latest podcast episode, I break down why contracting can seem like a godsend for freelancers desperate for gigs, but it often becomes a nightmare that's impossible to escape. So, what’s the alternative? This week I dive into: The 10% rule every freelancer should follow. The illusion of security in contracting gigs A stable freelancing model with diversified income streams, stackable projects, and flat-rate pricing For anyone who's currently contracting under another company, I hope by the end of this episode, you get away from the "dark side" and learn how much better a stable freelancing model can work for you. For full show notes, visit
Ever feel like you're stuck on a rollercoaster of feast or famine with freelance work? You land a big project, then... crickets. We've spoken to over 800 freelancers 1 on 1 this past year, and nearly EVERY one of those freelancers was in the same boat... lack of consistency, and lack of any real plan. In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I'm hitting you with some tough love to break that cycle and give you the real "secret" to consistent clients and income. (Hint: It's not a magic trick.) The secret to earning consistent income and landing premium clients isn’t what you think. It won’t be found in sporadic social media posts or half-baked marketing efforts. It’s about changing who you are. This episode is for YOU if: You're tired of the inconsistent income struggle. You're ready to take your freelancing seriously and build a real business. You're open to ditching the "dream client" fantasy and attracting clients who are a perfect fit. Ready to finally ditch the feast or famine cycle? For full show notes, visit
Ever feel like finding the perfect niche is like walking a tightrope? One wrong step, and you're either too broad and get lost in the crowd, or too narrow and miss out on opportunities. In our latest episode, we unravel this tricky dilemma. Whether you're worried about losing clients by niching down or spreading yourself too thin, we've devoted an entire episode to helping you find that perfect sweet spot! 🎧 Listen Now to learn: How to avoid being too broad or too niche. Real strategies to keep your services appealing and effective. The secret sauce to being known for what you do best without pigeonholing yourself. Don’t miss this episode if you want to become sought-after while still offering enough to attract and retain clients. In this episode you’ll discover: When you should niche down Why outcomes are more important than services Avoiding common mistakes when niching down Pitching your services effectively Using the agency model vs. the collective model Why services shouldn't be the focus Helping clients achieve their vision For full show notes, visit
I recently came across one of the coolest freelance businesses I've ever seen, and I wanted to bring this to the 6 Figure Creative audience. I'm not going to spoil anything, but this freelancer is earning over $1 Million per year without a staff, without contractors, and he's able to accomplish this just by taking inspiration from a totally different industry than his own. If you're feeling stagnant, stuck, uninspired, or you're simply not earning what you think you should be in your own business, this episode is absolutely for you. In this episode you’ll discover: Why you shouldn't rely on a single point of failure Taking influence from other businesses outside of your industry Creating income stability with a better business model How to stay away from becoming an "inbred business" How successful entrepreneurs deal with roadblocks Sharing knowledge with your "competition" For full show notes, visit
Ever felt trapped in the feast-or-famine cycle as a freelancer? I've been there, and it's brutal. But what if I told you there's a way out? I just got back from Alex Hormozi’s amazing workshop in Vegas. Spending two days at HQ with Alex, Leila, and their leadership team was nothing short of eye-opening. Surrounded by business owners of all types, from an 18-year-old with a $250K landscaping business to people bringing in $10M+, I soaked in anything and everything that's working in business today. My big takeaway? Hormozi and his team harped on one core principle – finding and fixing the root cause of business bottlenecks. And for 95% of freelancers, this boils down to one thing... lead generation. In our latest podcast episode, I break down Hormozi's method that helped scale businesses to millions. Don't let the feast-or-famine cycle continue for the rest of your life. Learn how to generate a steady stream of leads so you get to take control of your income. In this episode you’ll discover: What I learned from the Hormozi's retreat Why it's important to find and eliminate bottlenecks in your business The things holding your business back Using paid ads for your business Testing ads the way the Hormozi's do Why this is all worth the effort For full show notes, visit
I'm super excited to share this with you today because this is the stuff that really moves the needle in your business. This is how you can charge more without losing clients or getting rejected. This is how you make your clients SO happy that they refer all their friends to you. This is how you become more attractive to your "dream clients". And this framework comes from a business owner earning over $100,000,000 per year... so you know this stuff works. Today's episode breaks down the 4 BEST ways to become more valuable, and if you get this right, you'll completely transform how you show up to clients. 99% of the freelancers I know neglect all 4 of these areas to their own detriment. As a result, they're losing gigs to their competitors, they get constant pushback on pricing, and they're not generating nearly enough referrals to keep their calendars full. In this episode you’ll discover: Focusing on the end goal, not the short term The value exchange The importance of social proof and perceived likelihood of achievement How to close bigger deals How time delay affects pricing and client acquisition The expert wins: why experts get the job 9 times out of 10 Why adding friction is a recipe for losing clients For full show notes, visit
Ever had a $20k month followed by a $1,200 month? Freelancing can be a wild ride. Even with solid client acquisition, those feast-or-famine cycles can stress anyone out. In our latest podcast episode, we're diving into something called dynamic budgeting. This is the secret to turning chaos into consistency. This is what creates a financial buffer in your business. This is what gives you the breathing room to say no to bad projects and yes to those projects you love. Listen now to learn: How to create a realistic budget as a freelancer The best tools for tracking expenses without the headache. Strategies to build an "oh sh*t" fund No more financial roller coasters. Let’s make freelancing sustainable and stress-free. For full show notes, visit
Ready for some tough love? This week's episode of the Six Figure Creative Podcast is a wake-up call for freelancers stuck in "survival mode". Here's the big question... are you letting your emotions run your business? If the answer is yes, it’s time to change that. In this episode, I break down: The 12 things you can't ignore to build a thriving freelance business. The brutal truth about why most freelancers fail. A powerful mindset shift to turn your business struggles into triumphs. Stop letting feast-or-famine cycles dictate your life. It's time to build a sustainable, fulfilling freelance business that doesn't crumble at the first sign of trouble. 🎧 Listen to Episode 309 Now In this episode you’ll discover: Why emotions are ruining our businesses How running a business adds tasks to your plate The 12 roles and responsibilities of any business owner Why Brian almost passed out during his first gym session Your choices if you can't go back to a day job Getting a personal trainer for your business For full show notes, visit
For two grueling years in my early 20s, I poured my heart into a day job at Gamestop, never missing a day and always showing up on time. Despite the love from regulars and kudos from my boss, my financial reward after all that hustle? A laughable jump from $5.15/hr to $5.50/hr. That's right, a whole $0.35/hr raise after two years. Sound painfully familiar? Unfortunately, many of us have been undervalued at some point, struggling to secure that well-deserved raise. But here's the flip side... when you're self-employed, you call the shots on your "salary". No more waiting years for a significant raise - freelancers can see substantial income increases in a matter of weeks or months if you play your cards right. Ready to find out how? Check out this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast for a super-tactical and engaging session where we explore four actionable steps to give yourself a raise this year. In this episode you’ll discover: How to "get a raise" as a freelancer The limits on our businesses as freelancers Overcoming the constraints on your business Keeping your clients happy - and tracking repeat clients Eliminating a constraint to give yourself a pay bump Why whales are a risk to your business Improving your skills, beliefs, and character traits Finding the answers to your roadblocks For full show notes, visit
For freelancers, subscription pricing is like finding the holy grail. It changes the feast & famine nature of project-based work into a steady, reliable income stream. Last week, we kicked off this conversation, exploring how freelancers could shift from one-time gigs to recurring revenue models. The topic struck a chord, leading to an influx of interest and discussions. This week we’re going deeper into why this approach is also notoriously challenging for freelancers, and what you can do to have the best shot of making it work. Without knowing what you're doing, you might try to move to recurring packages only to find yourself overworked and underpaid. On top of that, clients are often hesitant to commit to recurring packages, fearing long-term commitments when they're used to paying for specific, one-off tasks. While the transition might be difficult, the payoff is absolutely worth it. Check out this week's podcast where I dive into 7 Pricing Strategies For Recurring Subscription Freelance Clients. In this episode you’ll discover: Why subscription packages are the holy grail for freelancers The advantages of value-based pricing Understanding that value isn't always financial Monthly pricing options to protect yourself Creating bundles for your pricing When (and how) to charge an onboarding fee Price increases over time Should you have a contract or not? How to offer incentives for clients to sign up for a subscription Safeguarding yourself from becoming overworked For full show notes, visit
The life of a freelancer sounds amazing on the surface.... The freedom of being your own boss and setting your own hours. The flexibility of working when you want. For some, even traveling the world as a digital nomad is a possibility. While that can all be true, the dark side is that there can also be a lot of unpredictability. What if you could change that? Imagine knowing how much you're going to earn each month and having a clear picture of who you're working for in the coming months. This isn’t just a nice thought... It's a reality for freelancers offering recurring services - think subscriptions, retainers, or monthly packages. When you do this, you move from always hunting for the next client to having "automatic clients." This idea comes from turning one-time gigs into ongoing relationships where clients pay regularly for continued services. Typically, freelancing is a one-and-done deal. You get a project, you do the work, you get paid, and that’s the end of the story. You start each month at zero—no guaranteed money, no clients waiting. It's like hitting the reset button every 30 days, which can make budgeting a nightmare and stability a pipe dream. But does it have to be this way? Not really. This constant chase for new gigs is a trap many fall into by only taking on one-off projects. There’s a better strategy that can help smooth out the highs and lows: setting up a recurring revenue model. If you’re tired of the freelance rollercoaster, check out this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast where I dive into recurring revenue for freelancers. In this episode you’ll discover: Creating a stable income stream by using recurring offers Identifying industries that work well with recurring (or reoccurring) models Helping your clients with a recurring service Selling unlimited packages on a subscription basis Making recurring packages valuable to your clients For full show notes, visit
Navigating life as a creative freelancer is all about balancing what you love doing with what pays the bills. It's often framed as "selling your soul", but really, it's about making tough choices: do you follow your passion or chase the cash? For creatives, this dilemma is pretty intense. You've got the classic 'starving artist' on one side. They're rich in satisfaction but often struggle financially. Then there's the other side - the freelancers who focus mainly on what brings in money. Sure, they might be doing better financially, but at what cost? This week's episode explores each side in a search for finding a healthy balance between money and passion or the seasons of life that may be the right time to focus on money instead of passion. Whether you're the classic "starving artist" or the money-focused freelancer, this episode is worth a listen. In this episode you’ll discover: Hobbies vs businesses Are you motivated by passion or profit? The importance of focusing on what your clients want Giving yourself more free time by being profit-driven Reducing your stress by becoming a profit-driven creative Why passion-driven creatives need to change For full show notes, visit
Client acquisition is obviously an important part of running a freelance business because it’s how you make sure you keep getting paid every month. Despite how obvious this is, many freelancers don’t take this seriously enough... and it shows when work dries up and you're back into the dreaded feast-or-famine cycle. If you worked in a day job that decided to stop paying you for weeks or months at a time, you'd probably do something about it. However, many freelancers never do anything about this in their own business. They just keep showing up to "work" week after week, month after month, accepting their fate. If you'd like to be a better "boss" to yourself and actually make sure you get paid every month, this week's episode is all about avoiding some of the most common client acquisition mistakes If you stop making these mistakes and start taking client acquisition seriously, you’ll have more stability, better projects, and fewer dry spells. What’s not to like about that? In this episode you’ll discover: Avoiding the basic mistakes that you make during client acquisition Adding value as a freelancer Why a high close rate is dangerous for your business How to increase your sales with a high-quality follow-up sequence Fix your pricing model! For full show notes, visit
In the final episode of this 4-part series, we're diving into one of the most powerful but often misunderstood methods of standing out from the crowd. I saved the best for last. This has been the "secret sauce" behind my all of my successful businesses, from freelancing, to Airbnb, to multiple software companies, and even podcasting. Without this last piece of the puzzle, nothing I've tried would have worked, and I'd likely still be working at Gamestop for minimum wage (missing out on millions of $ in the process) If you're ready to become absolutely indispensable to your clients, listen to this week's episode to the 6 Figure Creative Podcast. In this episode you’ll discover: The importance of specialization Why niches work better than others Conversion-focused web design as a differentiation method Niching down vs. niching out The advantages of pushing bad leads away For full show notes, visit
Want to know the 3 golden rules for winning more clients than your competition? First off, forget about competing on price. It’s a dead-end street. Instead, focus on adding value in unique ways that don’t undercut your worth. It’s about quality, not the lowest bid. Second, make sure your stand-out factors are visible from the get-go. Qualities like a "great client experience" or a "cool vibe" are awesome, but they only shine through after you’re hired. You need something that grabs attention before that stage, something that makes potential clients think, “Yes, THIS is the right person for us,” before they even talk to you. Third, K.I.S.S. (keep it stupid simple). Focus on one differentiator at a time. In a sea of sameness, one well-defined trait can be your ticket to standing out. It’s not about being a jack-of-all-trades but a master of one. Last week, we talked about the ways you can differentiate by brute force, which can be tough and pricey. This week, let’s get into something more accessible yet equally powerful: building trust and credibility, especially through social proof. It’s about showing, not just telling, that you’re the real deal. Social proof, like glowing testimonials or endorsements, can be a game-changer. It’s about having others vouch for you, and showing potential clients that you’ve delivered 🤩amazing🤩 work before. This kind of proof doesn’t need to break the bank but does require effort and intentionality to gather and showcase. In this episode you’ll discover: Using social proof for differentiation The impact of reviews on your business. Asking for feedback and reviews How to get case studies for social proof Content creation to generate quote requests For full show notes, visit
Why should someone hire you vs alllll the other options they have? If you don't have a good answer to that question yet, it's time to start working on it before the estimated 500 Million freelancers come online by the end of this decade. This week I broke down 5 "Brute Force Differentiators" you can use to set yourself apart. If you're trying to find more ways to stand out, this is a great start! In this episode you’ll discover: The three rules of differentiation Why lowering your price will never help you When you need to stand out to close the deal Focusing on one point so you aren't spread thin Types of differentiators Why being the best doesn't matter Why gear is not a good differentiator Growing a better network to stand out For full show notes, visit
Comments (9)

A C I Muzik

very good information

Aug 13th
Reply (2)

Chelsea Collins

awesome podcast! I'm listening in hopes of helping my fiancee with his home studio!

Jul 6th

Francesco Martelli

Landed from Episode 1 to 20 in 1 month! Learning so much with your podcast. Listening daily💪

Jun 2nd

Francesco Martelli

Very valuable🌎

May 8th

Tommy Gunz

Some of this is good, but some is a little far fetched.

Jan 30th

Rob R

awesome podcast! please, please, please keep going. My new addiction I didn't know I needed.

Nov 21st
Reply (1)