DiscoverThe Things We Didn't Do
The Things We Didn't Do
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The Things We Didn't Do

Author: Elise Danielle

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Welcome to the Things We Didn’t Do podcast! This Podcast is dedicated to sharing with you the truth about how simple it can actually be to create mind-blowing results in your business, without doing #allthethings. I’m your Host, Business Mentor & Success coach, a crazy dog mumma and a champagne popper - Elise Danielle. I’m here to dish out a huge slice of permission pie that you actually get to create mind blowing purpose and profit in your business without doing 90% of the work you *THINK* you need to do.
202 Episodes
This episode is inspired by a convo I recently had with my coach of 6 years because I realised that I've been MASSIVELY downplaying one of the biggest strategies I've leveraged to scale my business to over 1.5 million after struggling in my previous one for years.I'm sharing the 5 most underrated strategies with you today because I know how much the marketing in the online space is designed to distract you from the REAL needle movers in business and I frankly WANT you to learn from my mistake...
My gosh it is our 200TH EPISODE!!I have an exciting announcement inside about a BIG giveaway I’m doing to celebrate whether it’s the first episode you’re listening to or the 200th, so THANK YOU!Tune in to hear:>> The BIG giveaway I'm hosting exclusively to YOU, my podcast girlies - to say a huge thank you for being with me!!>> My 5 Secrets behind my "Lazy" Scalability - aka: HOW I've been able to grow to over 1.5 Million in a VERY simple, streamlined and sustainable way>> Wh...
Recently my clients have been absolutely KILLING it and quick frankly, so have we.April was our BIGGEST month ever this year and I wanted to get into the dirty minutiae around exactly HOW my clients and I are amplifying sales right now.This is VERY different to what I think was working six months ago. Certainly a year ago.I wanted to make sure we delved into all of this juice so you have all this information. You know I’m not about gatekeeping. I want you to have ALL of the tools you CAN and ...
This is something really fun and TOTALLY different.Total honesty, my loves - I scrapped the topic I was going to share this week. Don’t worry we’re going to share it next week!But I just HAD to have this conversation with you NOW because I know it’s going to be SO valuable.In this week’s episode, I am walking you through the anatomy of my most recent INSANELY highly converting landing page. Industry average for reference is 5-15% and this page is currently converting at 72%!!I’m treating this...
This is the FUNNEST episode, my loves.I have my incredible COO, Lauren, on this week's pod to answer ALL sorts of fun questions that we collected from you!Lauren is my ride or die. She’s the reason I have my sanity most days, and she has been SUCH an integral part of the recent successes at Elise Danielle.There are SO many juicy conversations that we’ve had behind the scenes that we finally decided it was time to get on the mics together and actually record one.And I am SO excited for you to ...
This is a bit of a weird one, my loves. There’s no takeaways or pretty bows (because that’s how life goes sometimes).I'm getting real and raw with you this week and sharing about what's really been going on for me behind the scenes for the last 2 years.One of my biggest values is transparency so it felt really important that I practise that in this way.This is more of a “We're best friends. Let's chat about life." kinda episode so tune in for an intimate conversation.And because this is such ...
Little hot take episode, my loves.I am very excited to share with you the things we aren’t often told on the front end of what it REALLY looks like to scale.LOTS of good stuff in here.It’s going to get a little spicy. You’ve been warned.Tune in to hear:>> How the online space gets 'scaling' so DARN WRONG + how to avoid the pitfalls of growth that can keep you frustrated and on a fast-track to burnout>> Why I often look to industries outside of the online space to inform my strateg...
I’m not going to lie..I'm already sensing the vulnerability hangover that’s about to happen from sharing this episode, but I really do believe this is going to serve you SO deeply so we’re doing it anyway!This pod is a big ole slice of permission.I want to create normalcy around what we often don’t see on social media and talk about what really goes on behind the scenes in terms of what it takes to truly uncover some inner SHIT.To be able to become the person we are MEANT to be. To hold the B...
The word scalability gets thrown around a LOT in the online space and I’m ALWAYS a proponent of simple, sustainable scalability, which is why I’m SO excited to get to share this incredible interview with you today with one of my former clients, the beautiful Jaclyn Harris.Jaclyn’s really sharing with us the behind the scenes of how she was able to join one of my programs, the 10k Mastery-Mind, and grow to consistent 5 Figure months within just 5 MONTHS of starting.Something that I love SO FRE...
SURPRISE! You’re getting my personal coaching support in today’s podcast episode!!I’m walking you through EXACTLY how TWO of my clients recently hit their biggest month EVER at over 10k just SIX WEEKS into the 10k Mastery Mind. These women are literal legends.Annndd even better than that..I’m going to coach you through EXACTLY HOW I would support YOU to hit $10,000 this month.Tune in to hear:>> The 5 questions I'd ask you to help you get laser clear on EXACTLY what strategy, mindset and...
Get ready for a jam packed MASTERCLASS where I’m gonna walk you through EXACTLY how I create BIG results from a SMALL social media following.This is one of my SUPERPOWERS.It’s something I do not see a lot of people sharing transparently. And honestly, I don’t see a lot of people that are able to create the level of results I’ve been able to create. Seriously though, my numbers DO NOT make sense!!My loves, it’s time I spill my secrets and walk you through exactly HOW I’m able to do this so you...
I’m comin in HOT today, my loves, because it is TIME we have this conversation.I have been shying away from saying the thing. Yes, even I do this sometimes!! And that stops TODAY.I’m ready to give you the HOT TRUTH on why you’re not seeing the growth you want.Tune in to learn:>> The EXACT steps I took to scale to 6 Figures cash in just 10 months with one offer>> How I SCALED to over $200k just 8 months later using that exact same strategy>> The THREE biggest mistakes I see t...
This episode is inspired by a training I recently did with my clients and OF COURSE I wanted to not gatekeep and share ALL of this goodness with you!We recently reeeallly changed up our strategy on social media and it has created WAY bigger results in 90 days than I ever thought it would TBH - we’re talking LOTS of new leads + email list increase oh and a 6-Figure Launch purely from IG and email alone when we previously used FB primarily.I know this is a hot topic right now and I can’t wait f...
My lovvesss…I am sharing with you the FULL juicy GOSS on what exactly happened behind the scenes that quite frankly made my recent launch a back end shitshow.I’m going to be walking you through exactly what that looked like and what happened. I want to share this fully because this is SO the side of business NOBODY shares with you especially in larger businesses.Tune in to learn:>> THE TEA on exactly what happened BTS that made my recent launch a backend shit show>> HOW I was able...
You’re going to LOVE this episode with the beautiful Suzy Olivier who is an incredible business coach for mamas and military spouses, a serial entrepreneur of over 16 years, mother of 3, and unrelenting optimist. Suzy is passionately obsessed with helping women realise their amazing potential and build the business & life of their dreams - and actually enjoy the process without sacrificing time with their precious family.We’re diving into some topics that I believe are SO overlooked in th...
Today’s episode is JUIIICCCYYY. I’m really excited to have this conversation with you because I’ve been having it with so many of my clients.I want YOU to have the TOOLS to create more magnetic marketing and get your words and the effort you’re putting into your socials to do more of the converting for you.Tools that help you truly embody your bold AF message, your CEO - 'who the f*ck does she think she is' energy? The conditioning runs DEEP my loves!!!Tools that help you regulate your N...
I am very excited for THIS episode!You are about to learn some SERIOUS goodness that has made my life and how I feel as a person to something that is completely unrecognisable from 6, 8 or 10 years ago.If you’ve been feeling like your intentions or goals for the year have started to feel a little bit like they’ve fallen to the side, not only is that completely normal, but now is the time for you to dig a little deeper and apply the very blueprint that I’m sharing with you today that changed m...
Wanna hear a BIG part of my story that you haven’t heard before?This is a side of me that you DEFINITELY haven’t seen on social media.It’s so easy to look at people online and assume that we know SO much about them.I know that you might look at me online and think that I have always had this level of confidence, and that locking into the belief that I get to create a 7 figure business is just easier for me than it is for you…​I want to share with you why this couldn't BE further from the trut...
We are back with another episode of Killer Client Case Studies!And you are going to want to take notes on this one.This client came to me feeling VERY close to shutting down the doors to her businesses because she was overworking, showing up a tonne and had some advice that had set her up in a business model and marketing framework that was NOT serving her and was NEVER going to be sustainable in growing and scaling to 10k months.Maybe you can relate…?We turned that around SO damn quickly bec...
My life inexplicably changed when I finally cracked the code on how to grow my business to 6 figures cash.And I’m not at all sorry to say that because I believe deeply that every woman should make this kind of money. I am no longer going to pretend that I don’t think every single woman should scale their business to 6 figures…because I deeply believe that you should because I KNOW how wildly beneficial it will be for your business and life. Hitting consistent 6 figures in business s...
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