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Hebrew Bible to the World
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Hebrew Bible to the World


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I draw on 3 assumptions and 5 sources:


The Bible is the most consequential and influential book the ever existed and it has much for each of us.
2. It is written in a way that is designed to communicate maximum information in the available space, and it makes the reader a participant and co-author.
3. It is not a historical record but a book of instruction and it is structured and designed as such. It is true in that deep and profound sense.

Hebrew and other languages.
Volumes of Jewish interpretation - 3000 years of it.
Modern and Christian interpretative traditions: Accept the Truth from whoever says it.
Philosophy and everything else I know.

I post outlines of each talk on This Hebrew word means "I will seek".

I welcome your questions at
43 Episodes
As we come to the end of the first great narrative of Genesis, what is it about? We will explore how to read Biblically: Forward, backward, and, most importantly, to the middle, to draw out what i tells.
For thousands of years, readers of eh BIble sensed that it is a story of falling ann recontruction. But there are 7 ruptures desribed in Genesis. Each was provided a solution nd tehn the solution also failed. We will disucss 3 of them - the best known Fall and how it wsa conceptualized in Jewish and Christian thought, teh role opf Satan and Yetzer Hara (Evil INclincation), but also the rupture of Cain adn QAbel, and Nephilim.
How do we approach the Two Trees of Genesis? What do they mean, or.. what do they tell?
Review and short explanation to 10 approaches to Image of God from Nishmat Chayim of R. Menashe Yisroel, and we close with Pico Della Mirandola and R. Y.B. Soloveitchik for modern man.
On return to Eden: Yael Ziegler - Return to Eden in the song of songs - Yael Ziegler - Israel as the replacement for Eden - Alex Israel -
The 4 rivers

The 4 rivers


The 4 rivers of Genesis - what they may be and why are we told about them at all. Note: I misidentifeid the title fo the book about Aharon Marcus. It is: The Chasid from Hamburg, not Nuremburg and here is the link there you can see it,
The leitvort technique and structural analysis.  How to justify Rabbis!
Are the events of Genesis literally true or represent true and profound teachins, or both? Are some non-literal and how do we distniguish?
Man;s evolving udnerstanding and covenant with Woman. Biology, reproduciton, spirituality.
Fathers and families

Fathers and families


And man should abandon his father and mother and cling to his wife. Abandon?
I complete the story that is found a few minutes into the podcast.  After my vanity and ambition had me figuratively stuck on the podium, in the panel in which I palyed a role of a scientist, not a Rabbi, and could not contradict religiously offensive material being spoken by a fellow panelist, rertribution and a lesson came fast. As I exited the venue and went into one of those Manhattan underground garages to reclaim my car, it would not start. A tow truck could not pass thorugh the narrow entrance and the proprietor would not help me in any way. Now I was literally stuck. A worker quietly whispered to me that the owner lieaves at 4 AM, and then he will help. I waited on the cold Manhattan street until then, and he pushed my car out onto the street with another vehicel. Then I was able to get a tow truck. G-d is the Great Teacher!
I became aware that this episode had technical issues and reload it here now.
The Big Story

The Big Story


Rerecorded and revised for better audio quality
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