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Santali Podcast Siknat

Author: Arti Soren

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It's a glad welcome to you here🙏 I convey story, life lessons filled with desire, hope and obstacles which we can learn from story and inspiring people who have their own lives. If you asked why stories?--Everything begins with a story. People's impressionable story and life lesson influenced us easily. If we learn those lesson from other's we'll not make the same mistakes in our life.👍
11 Episodes
Young brother went fishing in river, there a black buffalo was lying into the river. He throw his Fishing rod into the river. Babu( brother) spend his entire day in the river only for fish. In the afternoon a snake caught in his fishing rod.
Sadhu Ramchand Murmu is known as "Kobiguru" of santhali literature. He was a santhali poet, writer and an educator. In this quotes he said to meditate early in the morning. Taking someone's life or even thinking about that is a curse. Peace is the best state for every human being.
If I ( Bajal Soren) can, I'll push people up. But, if I can't I'll not pull them down. Worship god with your true and pure heart. It doesn't matter whether you're offering goat or hen while worshiping. Our mind is a powerful thing so we must fill it with positive thoughts
Here I've recited a poetry written by Babujon Hansda. It's about santhal people how they talk, how they speak, how they conserve their culture. Through these poetry the poet wants to awaken the headman or foreman of the village. He says to bring back the ritual or ceremony as it was before. Neither greediness nor lust we will live like relatives because no one in this world lives like this ( santhal people).
Here I recite a poetry written by kabi(poet) SARADA PRASAD KISKU sir(gomke). He is a popular poet in santhali language. He won many awards & Hipri-Pipri is one of those. In this poem he potrays that in the dark cloudy sky soft voice can be heard still you've to move on. Even if the road is slippery, rough or your legs gets tired still you've to move on. When the cold wind blows and your body is trembling none is good or bad still you've to move on. No one knows how far to walk, who will tell and who will stand for me when I'm exhausted. He wants to ask people but then who will tell him affectionally that it is now dawn. I'm in love with this poetry and i can relate with each & every single word in these. It's all about the way we, I & You move towards our future.
A young boy who tragically lost his arm in a devastating car accident. Years went by but his self-confidence was left behind. One day his parents decided to move somewhere new to foget his sorrow. So he started packing his clothes from old boxes and he came accross an old martial art book and some magazines and from there he quickly signed up to study JUDO. He began his lesson with an old Japanese judo master. He was doing well but, he couldn't understand. After three months of training the master had taught him only one move. Finally the boy asked his master shouldn't I be learning more moves? Then the master replied that this is the only move you know but, this is the only move you'll ever need to know. He couldn't understand but believing in his teacher he kept training. Few months later master took his boy to his first tournament with everyone seated and his parents were also present there he surprised himself by winning his first two matches but, next proved to be a greater challenge when he faced a stronger opponent. Concerned for the boys safety the referee called a time out. He was about to stop the match but Japanese master interviened and said him ( referee)let them continue. Soon after the match resumed and his opponent made a critical mistake he dropped his guard instantly the boy used his move to pin him, the boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the champion. One the way home boy asked his master what was really on his mind how did i win the tournament with only one move? You won for two reasons first you've almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. Second the only known defence for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm. The boy's biggest weakness had become his biggest strength.
This is the true story of a carpenter Chris Myler,an elder chris who build houses and he was ready to retire. He told his master that from tomorrow he will live a leisure life with his family. He would miss his salary each week but he wanted to retire......His master said I would miss your good work, before you leave I want if you could built just one more house as your personal favour. He started working on his last project of his life........MORAL--Your attitude and your choices that you make today, will help you to build the house you live in tomorrow. So build your lives sincerely, wisely and carefully.
It's All Upto You

It's All Upto You


This story(It's all upto you) make us realize that whatever happens with us is your responsibility to control our lives. The choice that we make in life is up to us. If we study properly, we'll come out with flying colors. Conversely if we don't study we'll regret later. In short we need to understand that we have the power to control our precious life.
Just let it be

Just let it be


Once lord Buddha was walking from one village to another with a few of his disciples. While they were traveling, they reached the bank of the river. Lord Buddha stopped them and told one of his disciples."I'm thirsty' get me some water from that lake to drink." The disciple boy walked up to the lake. When he reached there, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, at that right moment, a bull started crossing the lake from this edge of ghat to the other edge of lake. Consequently the water become very muddy. Then the disciple boy thought, "How can I give this muddy water to Buddha?" As It is not suitable for drinking. So he came back and told the Buddha, "The water is very muddy there and I don't think it's fit to drink". So the lord Buddha said all right, let us take a little rest here. After half an hour, again he asked the same disciple boy to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple boy obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water. The mud had settled down and the water above it look fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to the lord Buddha. Lord Buddha looked at the water, and he looked up at the disciple boy and said, see, you let the water be and the mudd settled down on its own. It didn't require any effort, and you got clear water. MORAL---Our mind is like that as well. The more you try to forget the longer you'll remember. So when you feel disturb just let it be. Give a little time and think deeply. You don't have to put in any effort to calm it down. We can judge, and take best decisions in our life when we stay calm.
Value of Life

Value of Life


A hunter live near the forest and he live with his wife and daughter. They have one rabbit by whom his child used to play with. He used to hunts dear,pig,bird fawn and many more animals whoever he finds. One day he saw a rabbit and that rabbit was running from here to there so he decide he'll shoot with 2 bows at one. After a few moments of shooting the arrow he went to see that rabbit but unfortunately he saw his daughter that arrow hit his daughter's back. He started screaming and crying. He took his daughter in his arms and ran towards home. Then His wife brought some leaves from the forest and put that leaves sap to his daughter mouth and she recovered. That day his fater realized the value of life. Each living organism on this planet treats life as a gift. So don't be sad, depressed or unhappy remember that you it could end at any moment. So enjoy your life. Breath you just took is life so blessed yourself the life that you've got. Stay peac.
In this poem, the author is asking children/ Adults what they have done for their parents. They got educated, and they settled around other communities, but what they ( son/ daughter) have done for their parents? They build home, stay with their family and embrace other societies, but what they have done for their parents. When I ask, you speak Bengali or Hindi and you hate your mother tongue. So, what have you done for your parents
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