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HERO paranormal
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HERO paranormal

Author: Ryan Burns

Subscribed: 123Played: 5,793


HERO paranormal delves into every corner of magic, conspiracy, culture, society, cryptozoology and paranormal
223 Episodes
666 ELITE Debunking

666 ELITE Debunking


Maybe Elites aren't to blame, listen in to learn more. It's a dark find and I will be the first to admit I may have been wrong for some time. Enjoy !
Russian Ropa Vieja Fiesta
Hell hath no Fury

Hell hath no Fury


Hell hath no Fury
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10:  Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East
Robot Slaughter

Robot Slaughter


Is AI and Robotics on a collision course to end humanity ?
The Joker & Trump Card

The Joker & Trump Card


The Joker & Trump Card
What if I told you things are heating up chaotically in all different directions? Not only that, maybe convenience isn't all it's cracked up to be. Add the fact that a major world religion just announced how to deal with the supernatural and the possibility the earth may not be exactly as it was described to us in school and you've got a heck of a ride to come along with me on. Buckle up and see
Free feed PATRON Tease : Grusch and the Truth about Threats
Exorcist Talks Demons

Exorcist Talks Demons


Rev. Alyson Dunlop Shanes talks about Demons ETs and much more
Is there something about the water ? Something that has to do with UAPs, Energy, and High Strangeness? Yes there is, but it goes much deeper than some might think and it relates to so much it's almost baffling. The numerology of 33 also comes into play and plays a critical role as usual when delving into the esoteric.
With all the protests at schools nationwide, we have to ask ourselves some serious questions. Is this really about what it seems to be about or is there a bigger story? Who is behind the funding of these protests? WHat would be the motives? Well there is a tapestry of deception that may go deeper than any of us thought. Buckle up for where this rabbit hole leads.
Diddler Deranged : Hittin' the Fan
Phoenix from the Ashes of the Elite Burn Pile
What did you think about the apocalypse? Let's delve into some of the stranger coincidences. 
Bloodlines 72 and You

Bloodlines 72 and You


Bloodlines 72 and You
Karin Wilkinson joins HEROparanormal to discuss one of the darkest subjects mankind has ever had to endure. With stunning accuracy Karin Wilkinson takes aim at the malevolent entities which have abducted her hundreds of times. She explains what she is doing to help others deal with abductions. There is a reason they come at night, and they are after something. She also explains what she did to stop them.
Surreal Bridge Destruction

Surreal Bridge Destruction


Surreal Bridge Destruction
Diddy Do it? Special guest LAM
BBQ and 322

BBQ and 322


BBQ and 322
Comments (2)

J Kimmel


Feb 9th

Mark Sikorski

Great podcast! I'm very confident that you know what is "really" going on nowadays. You may want to have a discussion with Tony Merkel of the Confessionals. You both are on point! Take care my friend

Aug 25th