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The Mystic Show

Author: Chris Curran

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Saints and mystics throughout time have been unanimously clear on this one point: Ignoring the unseen spiritual aspects of your life would be the biggest tragedy. The Mystic Show explores the unseen and otherworldly - spirituality, meditation, personal development, and the practical application of these principles in our lives. In other words, how you can experience deep understanding, contentment and serenity in your own life. We also discuss some of the mysteries that transcend ordinary human knowledge including consciousness, reality, psychic functioning, death, new physics, and more.

I hope to inspire you to explore your inner-self, your heart and your soul so that you may be energized to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Welcome to The Mystic Show, brothers and sisters :)
197 Episodes
Mike Waskosky and I discuss various practical spiritual ideas and situations. Join us for Livestream meditation sessions 2x per week. Here's the schedule and channel: Music playlists mentioned: Psilodep Session 2 Background Music While Working Share your thoughts - comment below! Keep Shining!
I read an entry from the book 365 Tao titled Navigation. Then I discuss the idea: Where are you? Keep Shining! The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.
Why go to the bathroom ever? And what does that have to do with your spirituality?
Know:You are an infinitely-loved child of this universe.Nothing that ever happens to you is bad, though at times certain situations may be annoying, uncomfortable, frustrating, etc. It’s all part of the process of becoming purified. Don’t:Panic.Follow the mainstream news too closely.Dismiss the danger.Take time for yourself to:MeditateReadWalk outdoorsCall family members and friendsWrite (journal, goals, vision, business plans, )Have deep conversations with your spouse, kids, family, etc.This may sound weird, but don’t be afraid to ponder death.Listen to previous episodes of this showKeep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
Enjoy my chat with my friend Mike Waskosky. We discussed the very basics of The Ra Contact and the Law of One.More info from the book’s description: Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert worked together for 12 years to perfect the channeling process and receive philosophical inspiration and guidance from extraterrestrial sources. When Jim McCarty joined them in 1980 they began to receive a new and unique type of channeling contact from those of Ra. Through this contact, Ra shared information to help seekers of truth deepen their awareness and acceptance of self and other, and to help Earth move into the emerging fourth density of love and understanding. This book is the transcript from the recording of that conversation between the Questioner and Ra. Through questions & answers, the metaphysical blueprint of spiritual evolution is explored, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the particulars of life on this planet to the life of the cosmos, to the possibilities of healing, transformation, and self-realization for spiritual seekers and wanderers.Mike Waskosky is a freelance website & app developer who is very active in UFO disclosure and metaphysics communities in Colorado Springs. Mike offers technical consulting to many in the wider UFO community, and has been a speaker at 2 major UFO conference events, focusing his teaching on the Law of One channeled material. Mike also recently created a social networking site for higher consciousness communities called the New Earth Network which offers easy ways to get more connected locallyLinks:Mike’s personal site: Alchemy (YouTube): Earth Network: Disclosure Colorado Springs: of Disclosure conference site: Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
Hello everyone,This will be the last episode of this podcast show…..for a while or maybe forever. I don’t know what the future holds but for the past 7 months I have not felt the inclination to speak about spirituality. Listen to this short episode for more explanation.Of course, please enjoy ALL of the previous 191 episodes Thank you to thank everyone who has contributed to my spiritual growth, which means you too if you’ve ever listened to this show.I wish you speedy progress to the ultimate spiritual goal of human life Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
Groupism: We choose our “team” in many areas of life and then stick with them and oppose all others. And worse, if we get sucked in completely, we let the group and/or its leader have total power over our own intelligence, wisdom and heart.Human Beings as a whole make up one group. We come together after tragedies, etc. When an extraterrestrial threat happens we come together. We should live that way all the time. We have the ability to always follow the golden rule and treat others as brothers and sisters. Always. All the time.Then Chris discussed these character traits:Classy: adjective – 1. of high class, rank, or grade; stylish; admirably smart; elegant.Graceful: adjective – 1. characterized by elegance or beauty of form, manner, movement, or speech; elegant.Authentic: adjective – 1. representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified.Kingly: adjective – 1. stately or splendid, as resembling, suggesting, or befitting a king; regal.Royal: adjective – 1. descended from or related to a king or line of kings.Sagacious: adjective – 1. having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd.Wise: adjective – 1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.Serene: adjective – 1. calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled.Poise: noun – 1. a state of balance or equilibrium. 2. a dignified, self-confident manner or bearing; composure; self-possession. 3. steadiness; stability.Honor: noun – 1. honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions.Chris ended this episode with a wonderful quote from Henry David Thoreau:“I have learned this, at least, by my experiment, that if one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavors to live the life that they have imagined, they will meet with success unexpected in common hours. They will put some things behind and pass an invisible boundary. New more Universal and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within this one. The old laws will be expanded and interpreted in their favor. And one begins to live with the license of a higher order of being.“If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost. That is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.”Listen to the entire episode to hear all the details!Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
After a year of not speaking publicly about it, Chris discusses his metamorphosis last year.Frustration… Chris read from Tony Robbins’ book about the message that frustration is giving you, and the solution to handling it elegantly.Walk on the “smoother” part of the trail (in someone else’s footsteps) for as long as that particular trail is still the one you want to be on.Discomfort prods you — but be sure to move forward, not backward!Chris has been on an effective spiritual path for many years. And last year his training seems to have been bumped up to the next level of progress – morphing his practice and himself into something much more subtle.Chris read three passages from 365 Tao: 118 Guidance, 124 Defiance, and 140 Dissent.One way of stating the goal of human life: Becoming a “perfect” human being like the great souls of the past — having no religion or politics or anything!Also Chris touched on the role of a guide.Listen to the entire episode to hear all the details!Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
My guest is Bruce Langford, host of the Mindfulness Mode podcast. He is also a Pause Your Life meetup facilitator.Enjoy our chat about mindfulness – the practical application and how it can can help you, as well as some deeper ideas about how mindfulness works. Bruce has interviewed hundreds of people who are using mindfulness and he shares some of his best stories here.Listen to the entire episode to hear all the details!Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
I basically did a solo Walk-n-Talk in Hacklebarney State Park in New Jersey.I touched on several topics: Being Considerate (one of Chris’s Driving Analogy), Raising Your Conscious Awareness, Determination, Higher Perspective, Putting the Election in Perspective, Being Open to the Flow and Influence of Nature, Accepting the Influence of Nature, Wisdom…What are your thoughts?Enjoy listening to the entire episode!Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
Be a fly on the wall for my deep chat with Yasmina Bauernfeind, multidimensional energy-specialist. Yasmina tells us why this Fall of 2016 is an ideal time to raise your consciousness. Veils are thinning – grit is being taken off… Your energetic upgrading is being accelerated.In higher dimensions, there is no time, space, duality or locality. We talk about a kind of new approach — merging from within — expanding through experience.Support and strength from the entities/beings in the spiritual realms comes in words, feelings, images, etc. Listen to your inner promptings. Be aware that your own doubt is an obstacle. And, of course, it is not possible for the mind to comprehend higher dimensions.Listening — sometimes we hear reflections from the lower planes which appear in the form of fear or agitation. This is not true intuition. Idea: If an intuition comes 3 times then it’s probably genuine intuition.It’s a conducive time to claim your own authority, your own sovereignty. Get out of old ruts and the thinking that, “I’m not able to take responsibility for making my own choices.”Self-Love is how to deal with negativity and condemnation from others. You drop into it (Self-Love) and then there’s no duality, negativity, etc.We ended with Yasmina giving a short message to those who want to progress spiritually but may be experiencing lots of pain and suffering.Enjoy listening to the entire episode!And check out Yasmina’s websites: Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
First Chris read a passage from 365 Tao titled Horizon, which revealed the necessity to view your life from a higher vantage point so you can see things on the horizon as they approach you. When you don’t see something coming and it hits you hard, you may feel like the universe is punishing you, but if you saw it coming you could have easily avoided it, or at least prepared for it. This is wisdom.Lifting your gaze above small, day-to-day occurrences that may seem to be good or bad “luck.” Avoid the trap of superstition!What Leonard Mlodinow (in The Drunkard’s Walk) calls “randomness” is the scientific word for the phenomenon/field in which “karma” is able to be delivered. “Karma” = the reflection of ourselves taking the form of circumstances.The world is vibrating and plastic, and consciousness directs the formation of things and circumstances using the atoms, etc. as it wills. Like the construction of a fractal, the small happenings in life can seem random but the superstructure which they form is predictable and unavoidable (and beautiful!). Consciousness designs that form and then the universe, via its vibrating tiny parts, fulfills that design.Chris tells the story of his finding Sahaj Marg meditation. It could have happened a month before or the year after. Or via internet or via word of mouth. But it was ready to happen and GOING to happen due to the student and the teacher being ready. Some higher intelligence facilitated that circumstance.Pure randomness vs karma, fate, etc?Enjoy listening to the entire episode!Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
Zach Bellows – Ep.185

Zach Bellows – Ep.185


This is the fledgling bird that crash landed on Zach and sat beside him as we were having our chat. (You can hear when it happened in the audio!)Enjoy my deep conversation with Zach Bellows which we recorded in a park near a coffee shop. He shares so many spiritual insights. And halfway through a fledgling bird crash landed on Zach’s head and then it sat next to him for the rest of our chat.I met Zach at our Pause Your Life meetup group here in Colorado Springs.Zach is a teacher, musician and composer. And a person who genuinely wants to know what’s beyond our mundane auto-pilot lives.Here are some of the topics we discussed:Continuous peaceThe lie that creates your life – that you are separate from Love/GodA Course in MiraclesDiscernmentThe spiritual goalListen and FollowWhat is realTrustThe worst you can do is delayFledgling birdForgivenessNo private thoughts and no people pleasingThere is no death Keep Shining!The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)
Ushering in the Fall of the Ego! To reduce the ego, of course  😉 First Chris encouraged you to sign up for the Mid-Week Pause emails here.  Then we discuss the Ego. How does it show up in our lives? Blatantly: A person is disrespectful, obnoxious, they assume they are MUCH more important than others, their […]
Serenity – Ep.183

Serenity – Ep.183


In this episode we complete our “Summer of As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen. This section is titled Serenity. (Actual excerpt below). FYI, if you want to start listening from the beginning of the book, we began this special series with episode 175. What a summer — what a book! And next week we begin the […]
As part of our “Summer of As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen, in this episode we read the section titled Visions and Ideals. (Actual excerpt below). FYI, if you want to start listening from the beginning of the book, we began this special series with episode 175. Visions and Ideals The dreamers are the saviours of the […]
As part of our “Summer of As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen, in this episode we read the section titled The Thought-Factor in Achievement. (Actual excerpt below). FYI, if you want to start listening from the beginning of the book, we began this special series with episode 175. The Thought-Factor in Achievement All that a man achieves […]
As part of our “Summer of As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen, in this episode we read the section titled Thought and Purpose. (Actual excerpt below). FYI, if you want to start listening from the beginning of the book, we began this special series with episode 175. Thought and Purpose Until thought is linked with purpose there […]
As part of our “Summer of As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen, in this episode we read the section titled Effect of Thought on Health and the Body. (Actual excerpt below). FYI, if you want to start listening from the beginning of the book, we began this special series with episode 175. Effect of Thought on Health and […]
The third part of the section called Effect of Thought on Circumstances is what Chris reads on this episode (from As A Man Thinketh). Actual excerpt below. The past four episodes are part of our summer of As A Man Thinketh by James Allen! (FYI, we began this special series with episode 175) Effect of Thought on Circumstances (Part 3 of […]
Comments (1)

Slayer Soothesayer

its an ok podcast I was impressed with the guys communicability and more so I was amazed that he wasa fan of as a man thinketh that Lil book had a big impact on me early on,maybey my introduction into mystical wisdom seeking

Jul 29th
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