DiscoverConspiracy Theory Or Not?
Conspiracy Theory Or Not?

Conspiracy Theory Or Not?

Author: Jolly West

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Welcome to our podcast exploring the dark and mysterious world of MK-Ultra. MK-Ultra was a top-secret program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that ran from the 1950s to the early 1970s. Its goal was to develop mind control techniques for use in espionage, but the methods used were often unethical and sometimes even torturous.In this podcast, we'll delve into the history and practices of MK-Ultra, and explore some of the key figures and events involved. To guide us on this journey, we'll be drawing on two books that shed light on different aspects of this shadowy world: "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks, and "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" by David McGowan."The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" is a seminal work of investigative journalism that uncovered the true extent of the MK-Ultra program and its disturbing experiments on human subjects. It reveals the inner workings of the CIA and how it used drugs, hypnosis, and other methods to try and control people's minds."Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon", on the other hand, focuses on the counterculture of the 1960s and its relationship with the intelligence community. It explores the strange and surreal world of Laurel Canyon, a bohemian enclave in Los Angeles that was home to many of the era's most influential musicians and artists. McGowan argues that many of these figures were connected to intelligence agencies, and that their work was used to promote a specific cultural agenda.So join us as we journey down the rabbit hole of MK-Ultra, and explore the dark and often unsettling truths behind this notorious program.

68 Episodes
This can can be fact checked from beginning to end shows how corrupt the Clintons truly are. That they will do what ever it takes to obtain power and money. Murder, Drugs, Sexual Misconduct and Cover Ups were all done by the Clintons to get were they are now in the deep state. The media tried to persuade the the public that Bill was the next JFK but really was a drug addict , womanizing liar that started the lefist way of Saul Alinsky to push America towards Socialism as much as he could. His cheating on Hilary proved that she had him right where she wanted him and used his deviant behavior to start pushing her agenda. From the Murders of White water to the murders of the drug smuggling in Arkansas known as Mensa,
America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by filmmaker and activist Aaron Russo, covering a variety of subjects that Russo contends are detrimental to Americans. Topics include the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags, Diebold electronic voting machines,[1] globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the use of terrorism by the government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.
Esoteric Agenda

Esoteric Agenda


a compelling documentary that delves into the hidden forces and secret societies are shaping global events.  This explores a variety of controversial topics, from the influence of the Illuminati and other secretive organizations to the manipulation of economies, politics, and public perception. It highlights the idea that there is a deliberate agenda to control humanity through fear, misinformation, and economic manipulation. By uncovering these esoteric and often hidden agendas, Stewart aims to inspire viewers to seek the truth, question the status quo, and awaken to a higher consciousness. The show blends historical analysis, conspiracy theories, and spiritual insights to present a holistic view of the unseen forces at play in the world.
Dark History of the Catholic Church: Book 1" is an eye-opening exploration into some of the most controversial and lesser-known aspects of the Catholic Church's past. This video delves deep into historical events, decisions, and actions taken by the Church that have shaped its legacy. From the Crusades and the Inquisition to the scandals involving the clergy and the hidden secrets of the Vatican, this first installment provides a comprehensive and unflinching look at the darker side of one of the world's most influential religious institutions. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, viewers are invited to examine the complexities and contradictions of the Church's history, challenging them to consider the impact of these events on contemporary faith and society.
In Aldous Huxley's seminal speech, "The Ultimate Revolution," delivered at the University of California, Berkeley in 1962, the renowned author and philosopher delves into the future of human societies and the potential for totalitarian control. Huxley explores the mechanisms of psychological manipulation and societal conditioning, predicting a world where technology and pharmaceuticals could be used to enforce compliance and diminish individual freedoms. He discusses the implications of his dystopian vision as outlined in his famous novel, "Brave New World," and contrasts it with George Orwell's "1984." Huxley warns of the dangers of losing personal autonomy in the face of advancing technological and political control, emphasizing the importance of awareness and resistance to such forces. This speech remains profoundly relevant today as it examines themes of freedom, control, and the human spirit in an increasingly complex world.
In this thought-provoking video, renowned conspiracy theorist and author David Icke delves into the intricacies of free speech and the forces he believes are shaping global events. Icke, known for his controversial views and fearless commentary, discusses who he thinks controls the world, highlighting the influence of elite groups and secretive organizations. He explores the impact of censorship on free speech and the importance of questioning mainstream narratives. This video is a must-watch for those interested in alternative perspectives on power and control in the modern world.Free Speech:  The importance of maintaining free speech in a society increasingly dominated by censorship.Global Control:  The role of elite groups, such as the Illuminati and other secretive organizations, in controlling world events.Media Influence:  How mainstream media and big tech companies are shaping public perception and suppressing dissenting voices.Conspiracy Theories:  Icke's controversial views on various global conspiracies, including the concept of a "shadow government."Personal Experiences: Icke's personal journey and experiences that led him to his current beliefs and perspectives 
The Global Elite poses a threat that we have to start to realize control our economic freedom, and a economic crisis is coming soon.  Have you heard the term Black Swan, Armagedeon is on the horizon.NATO will not survive this
"Unexplained Mysteries: The Bizarre and the Unbelievable" takes you on a journey into the heart of the inexplicable, where reality seems to defy logic and reason. Something utterly bizarre, a phenomenon so strange that it defies all conventional understanding, has taken root in the fabric of American society. These terrifying videos are shaking the internet because no one can seem to explain them. This chilling compilation features some scary celebrity conspiracies, unnerving UFO sightings, and unexplainable glitches in the matrix. If you can handle that, then there are also some shocking paranormal encounters and strange creatures.Imagine casually recording the sky when suddenly a strange shadow figure disappears into the clouds. It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but this is what has been seen by several people, leaving everyone puzzled. We will also deep dive into the mysterious underwater glitch caught on camera, now a hot topic of debate online, and explore the Grand Canyon mystery that has added a new, mind-blowing chapter to its lore. Join us as we uncover these mysteries and seek answers to the questions that baffle even the most skeptical minds.
"Anonymous Targets Trump: A Cyber Showdown" brings you the latest developments in the world of hacktivism and political controversy. Anonymous, the infamous hacker collective known for its relentless cyber attacks on ISIS, has now turned its focus toward Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. This move follows Trump's contentious proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, a policy that has sparked widespread debate and backlash. In response, Anonymous has issued a stark warning to Trump: be careful. Join us as CBSN's Anna Werner reports on this escalating conflict, examining the implications and potential outcomes of this high-stakes cyber showdown.
Global Pulse: Unraveling Today's Crises" is your go-to source for in-depth analysis and discussion on the most pressing global issues of our time. From the ongoing conflicts around the world and the intricate dynamics of geopolitical power plays to the economic decisions that shape our daily lives, we bring you expert insights and comprehensive coverage. Explore the impact of the Federal Reserve's policies, the complexities of the oil market with OPEC's maneuvers, and the consequences of US funding in international conflicts. Delve into how these factors intertwine, influencing everything from gas prices to global stability. Join us as we break down the headlines and reveal the stories behind the stories, providing a clear understanding of the forces shaping our world.
This is the highest individual honor that The Supreme Council bestows. It is voted very rarely to Thirty-third Degree Masons only for the most exceptional and extraordinary services. The Grand Cross cap is white with a blue band.Presidents, supreme court, greatest minds , congress all posses the secret knowledge and here is the answer with the 4 main lores to create these estoric laws into reality.
While Everyone Is Distracted With Tucker Carlson's Interview, This is Happening As everyone is watching the latest interview of Putin by Tucker Carlson, we have all the things that we can look forward to in our future that you won't believe. U.S. borders are flooded with record numbers of Chinese military aged males. As taxpayers in New World Order cities shell out their tax dollars to an infinite and debilitating flood of non citizens.DistractionTactics, FuturePredictions, ChineseMilitary,BorderCrisis, NewWorldOrder, NationalSecurity, WorldEvents- Wake Up
WATCH - Something Strange is Happening in Antarctica, Are THEY Hiding It? For years now, Antarctica has been shrouded in mystery. Antarctica is not owned by one nation, but various researchers and scientists call this place home, and over the years installations have allowed them to carry out their research in the area, many of which have led to teams making fascinating discoveries. Antarctica is also known among certain groups as being a place that has many strange mysteries. For example, in recent years people using Google Earth have claimed that many strange artifacts can be found across the continent, some of which include giant pyramids, large underwater structures, which some say are proof of ancient civilizations, and also giant structures that appear to resemble modern-day recreations of unidentified flying objects, with many of them being in the shape of a disc. It's important to note though that scientists and researchers don't accept these theories, and say that nothing strange is going on down in Antarctica. One of the most recent discoveries to be shared online is that of a giant object seen in the snow, with one person saying that it looks like a giant robot. The idea of there being a large 20m tall robot in Antarctica has split people, with some saying that different programs are happening right now in Antarctica and that people have no idea that these are going on, while others said that it's unlikely that this is what we're looking at, and say that the melting ice around this rock just makes it look like it's in the shape of a humanoid. Regardless, amateur researchers have said that for years now whispers of secret programs being conducted in the region have been leaked online, with some of these leaks reporting that officials have found ancient technology, large structures, and even unidentified flying objects. One person using Google Earth was able to measure this structure and said that it comes in at 20m. One believer said the following about the discovery, It's the perfect place to do this as no one would know this was happening. I know some have said that these government installations are put here so they're out of the way of the general public, and this makes sense as it would allow them to conduct research without anyone knowing. Some though disagreed with this statement and said that although they believe that strange things are happening down in Antarctica, they think this one is a bit of a reach. As mentioned before though, one of the most interesting discoveries that are often shared around is that of large crafts seen beneath the ice, with some saying that due to melting ice in glaciers, some of these unidentified crafts are now being exposed.
Joe Rogan: "People Should Be Preparing, This Is So Serious" (warning) Joe Rogan, navigates through a labyrinth of unsettling truths, conspiracies, and existential ponderings. With a blend of skepticism and openness, he reflects on the surreal nature of the world we inhabit, veering into discussions about conspiracy theories, religion, and the possibility of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs. Rogan reminisces about past conversations with controversial figures like Alex Jones, acknowledging moments where what once seemed like outlandish claims turned out to have some truth to them. He marvels at the complexity and creepiness of the reality we find ourselves in, alluding to the alleged existence of places where powerful individuals engage in unspeakable acts.The border is wide open as people from china and all other 3rd world countries all military aged man are coming in my the 100 of thousands. Censorship by the elites during Vaccine mandates. Migrants might be granted citenship though joining the military. How can we address this serious issue. A life long democrat says they can not be trusted with governance?Explains the migration problem from the southern tip of QAlaska to Southern America as the international community are helping people cross our border , IT's A Trojan Horse through the D. Gap. Migration of Chinese that is completely seperate not is not forthcoming about why they seek asylum. Seperate encampments funded by the UN, the IMO and the Red Cross and will not talk.
Joe Rogan delves into the realm of artificial intelligence with a sense of urgency and newfound apprehension. The episode begins with Rogan candidly expressing how he had previously dismissed concerns about AI, considering them exaggerated or distant threats. However, as the conversation unfolds, it becomes evident that his perspective has undergone a profound shift. Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin are the co-founders of the Center for Humane Technology and the hosts of its podcast, "Your Undivided Attention." Watch the Center's new film "The A.I. Dilemma" on YouTube.
This will leave you speechless. Join us as we unravel the potential risks lurking behind the immersive experiences promised by AR technology, exposing the ways it could reshape our lives and society. Uncover the potential promises and pitfalls that lie ahead, including the role of influential figures like Mark Zuckerberg. Delve into the transformative impact of AR on our lives, from privacy concerns to the subtle manipulation of our perceptions. Join us on this thought-provoking journey as we navigate the challenges of maintaining genuine human connections in a world increasingly shaped by technology. Brace yourself for a revealing discussion on the metaverse's potential risks and rewards, and let's ponder the implications of Mark Zuckerberg's involvement in this evolving technological landscape. Don't miss out on this insightful exploration that sheds light on the future of augmented reality and its impact on our shared human experience.
It's a fact folks that the Globalists will start World War 3 whether you like it or not. Germanys Prime Minister clearly stated that a peace treaty was in the works but U.S. along with Nato made sure they put a end to it. Be on high alert because they are going to start a hot war with Russia and the U.S. to ensure that the Great Reset occurs. 100 billion dollars has been given to Ukranie. Scott Ritter says that America is in no way shape or form ready to fight let alone beat Russia who just ended talks with China and are now doing a massive strategic postitioning of stelh submarines with 16 nuclear missles on them as well as patroling the once neutral Black Sea with supersonic missles that America has no capabilitt to stop. The world Econonmic Forum has already started with censorship by curbing free speech and free expression, arresting journalists in England who report the truth, massive facial recognition all over the globe and banning independent media. 10 of thousands of ATMs we taken away during Co-Vid because they want a cashless society by 2037. REMEMBER PEOPLE THAT THE CBCD IS NOT BITCOIN!!!!!!!
Tucker carlson exposes Climate Change, Joe Biden, fake news reporting on the wars. What all these so called experts keep getting wrong. Strange is it not? It's about time a sane person tells us the truth. Be very careful because we might learn something.
Google and social media know all of our data. They alone are violating the 4th ammendent. They are taking all your information and selling it and who are they sending your photos and messages too. Google can collect all the data off your cell phone down to the second about where you are , if you are walking, driving a car whether your phone is on or off or on airplane mode. You think thats scary, well thats nothing. What has emerged out of the study of cybernetics along with the study of the brain and the ability to modify it. They now can you real time eeg data analysis to read the brain and write the brain. Are people ready for this type of tech. This type of information may scare some people and confuse others but be aware that this capability is out there. Brain to Brain interface that can connect using a social network to solve probelms. This internet is now BrainNet - MK-Ultra is patented - Hive mind is here step one.
This show the crew interviews David Harris a priest in the church of satan, makes weird pornos as well and has a youtube page about planting albino eggplants. This was around the same time that Bruce Jenner an Olympic gold winner got the transgender surgery and the me too movement and the spoiled culture started and it gave birth to Charlie writing the first article in the American Prostitution as he costing a comedy show he couldn't escape the moral decay of this country , the eradication of morals and the indoctrination of this new radical movement hell-bent on destroying this country. He debates the facts of besides the time period, what's the difference between Buffalo Bill from the Silence of the Lambs and Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. One was allowed to get the surgery and the other was not. Bill accepted to get the surgeries so he killed woman for there skin. Would Bruce have done the same thing if they denied him?
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Generation Rx Radio The Trumpet

God bless this show

Jan 25th
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