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It's Been Done Before

Author: Jester Radio Network

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Ghostbusters! Independence Day!! Star Trek!!! Ice Age!!!! Jason Bourne!!! IT'S BEEN DONE BEFORE! And we're fed up! Grab some popcorn and listen in as Matt, Mike and Brit give their thoughts and opinions on all the sequels, remakes, reboots and carbon-copy movie ripoffs that Hollyweird has to offer.
110 Episodes
Theater IX: Aliens

Theater IX: Aliens


In space, no one can hear you scream. In a industrial compound that is on a moon filled with xenomorphs, everyone can hear you scream. We saw the sequel to the best sci-fi horror film of all time, James Cameron’s Aliens. This movie picks up 57 years after the events of the first film when Ripley’s escape pod is found floating through space and taken back to civilization. The corporation blames Ripley for the destruction of the Nostromo and the loss of her crew. When communication with a colony of terraformers is lost, Ripley is sent back with a crew of marines to find out if xenomorphs are responsible. They return to the planet and are confronted by a hive of terrifying aliens that threaten to kill them, or worse yet, use them as living cocoons. It will take all of their courage and effort to make it out alive. Is Ripley the most badass female action star of all time? How great is Bill Paxton in this movie? WIll there ever be another movie from this franchise that is as good as this one? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater IX: They Fly (1986)

Theater IX: They Fly (1986)


This week’s episode takes us on a journey of transformation. We are witness to what happens when a man and an insect are fused on a molecular level. We saw David Cronenberg's The Fly and we’ll never be able to get some of what we saw out of our heads. This is one of the best body-horror films of all time. The movie follows a scientist that is on the verge of perfecting teleportation and a reporter that wants to share the story with the world. When the scientist tests the teleporter on himself, something goes wrong and it is time to “be very afraid.” This film has a very small cast, but each of the main actors plays their role very well and adds to the overall story. Why was Seth so upset that Veronica was going to write a story about his project? Why was Seth so eager to test the telepod on himself after seeing what happened to the other baboons? Is Stathis the best creep in movie history? Does Stathis live in that office or just work there? Why doesn’t Veronica change the locks on her doors? Will we ever get a spin-off movie that focuses on Stathis’s struggle to adapt to living without a hand and a foot? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater IX:  John Wick 2

Theater IX: John Wick 2


This week we are taking a trip to a mythological New York City. One that is free from police and has a population made up of 60% professional assassins. We watched John Wick: Chapter 2 and we absolutely loved it. This sequel continues John Wick’s busy week of getting revenge by killing everyone in his path as he tries to settle an old debt with a bad man. It is a modern action-movie masterpiece that has wonderful pacing and keeps you wanting more until the end. Be honest, how happy were you that they didn’t hurt his dog this time? Is there a better killing machine than John Wick? Where did John Wick learn to do such amazing masonry work? Why do people continue to attack John Wick as if they have a chance of survival? We can’t wait to see John Wick 3 where he will be fighting ninjas while riding a horse. Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater IX: True Lies

Theater IX: True Lies


This week we have a few things to confess. Sadly, we have been lying to you for quite a long time. We are not your run of the mill boring podcasters, we are actually secret agents that have been running around the world stopping the forces of evil with cartoonish levels of violence followed by lots of dry cool wit. We watched the 1994 summer blockbuster, True Lies, and we can’t wait to talk about it. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian god of action movies, and James Cameron team up again in this James Bondesque action comedy and the results are nothing short of magical. It is a fun ride and well worth your time if you have not seen it yet. If only there was an alternate reality in which we got four True Lies movies and zero Avatar movies. What kind of salary is Harry getting from Omega Sector? Has Harry been a spy that gets involved in the types of shootouts that the movie opens with for 17 years and never been injured in a way that would make Helen or Dana question his work life? Is Arnold supposed to be a sex symbol in real life or in the movie? Is Simon the sleaziest used car salesman in cinema history? Why haven’t Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold teamed up for another buddy film since this one? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week episode takes us to Aurora Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago. Excellent! We’re putting on a music festival named Waynestock with our buddies, Wayne and Garth, in Wayne’s World 2. This movie takes place one year after the first film ended. Not much has changed for the guys and the plot hasn’t changed all that much either. Wayne and Garth still have their show, but are beginning to feel pressure to grow up and settle down in life. Cassandra is still working on her music career and another big name producer is looking to steal her away from Wayne. Wayne has a meeting within a dream with Jim Morrison that convinces him to put on a music festival in his hometown. They travel to England to team up with Del Preston, the greatest roadie that has ever lived, and get to work making Wayne’s dream a reality. There are lots of fun jokes and guest stars in the movie that make it well worth the watch. Should Garth have killed Honey’s ex-husband to win her love? When will we get a stand alone Del Preston movie? How many other people’s girlfriends are there backstage? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater VIII: O

Theater VIII: O


This week on a very special episode of It’s Been Done Before, we’re going back to highschool to brush up on the modern interpretations of Shakespeare’s classic works. Just kidding, we watched the sub par 2001 remake of Othello affectionately referred to as O. This story very closely mirrors the original play but it is filled to the brim with late nineties teen movie actors and tropes. Odin is a highly recruited high school basketball player that is the only black student at a stuck up all white live-on-campus boarding school. His teammate Hugo is jealous of him or in love with him or something and he devises a plan to ruin Odin’s life. He convinces Odin that his girlfriend Desi is cheating on him with his best friend Michael. The movie follows this web of lies until it's ultimately tragic ending. Does every single character in this film both live and work at the school? Why didn’t they just set this movie at a college? Why are the only black characters in this movie a basketball player and a drug dealer? Why does Roger do everything that Hugo says? How stupid is Odin to fall for all of this? How many other girlfriends has Odin killed due to a misunderstanding? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week we’re taking a trip to college so we can soak in some culture, maybe take in a boxing match and then watch a man turn into a wolf right before our eyes. We watched Jason Bateman try his best in a sequel that lost the original movie’s star, Teen Wolf, Too. This wacky sequel ups the ante from the first movie and takes our hero Todd Howard to college on a boxing scholarship. Todd is the werewolf cousin of Scott Howard, Michael J. Fox in the first movie, and he has to use his wolf abilities to keep winning fights and return Hamilton College to its past glory. The problem is that Todd gets a little too full of himself, so he must apologize for his actions learn who he really is. What are the rules for turning into a werewolf in this movie? Why is college boxing such an important part of the school’s success? What percentage of the movie’s runtime do the montages take up? When did the students have time to learn the choreography for that dance party? How far does Uncle Harold live from the college? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater VIII: Disturbia

Theater VIII: Disturbia


This week, we’ve gotten ourselves into a little bit of trouble and we’re going to spending the next 90 days on house arrest. To prepare ourselves for this little staycation we watched the 2007 thriller, Disturbia, starring Shia LaBeouf. The movie is a modern adaptation of Rear Window that follows our hero, Kale, as he peeps on his whole neighborhood and creates an ever evolving plot about his neighbor being a killer. Kale is joined by his good buddy Ronnie and his new neighbor and love interest Ashley in his investigation of the creepy Mr. Turner. It is a pretty good movie that exceeded our expectations and is worth a watch. Why wasn’t the Spanish teacher held accountable for his role in the confrontation with Kale? Why does everyone in the movie just accept that Kale is spying on his neighbors and logging what he sees? Why would a person stare at the wind to get creative? Is Ronnie a good friend or a bad friend? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week we’re celebrating our 100th episode with an adventure to India. Lucky for us, our good buddy Indiana Jones is going to be our guide to The Temple of Doom! This is the second movie from the franchise that inspired a whole generation of archeologists. Indy teams up with his sidekick, Short Round, and a beautiful lounge singer named Willie Scott to find and return a magical stone to a small village in India. Along the way, they must stomach a bunch of weird food, survive deadly boobytraps, keep from lierally getting their hearts ripped out and hang on to avoid becoming crocodile food. This is a great movie and part of one of the greatest movie franchises of all time. Obviously we recommend it with the highest of praises. Why does everyone they meet speak fluent english? Why did Indy really let Willie “tag along”? What is the temperature in those catacombs? Who designed Mola Ram’s escape hatch? What were the British troops doing while Indy and the gang were in The Temple of Doom? Thank you for listening to our little show for the first 100 episodes and hopefully we’ll still be talking about movies until episode 1,000. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week’s episode takes us to the nation’s capital for a quick trip to get a prestigious award and save the day in the silliest way possible. We watched The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear, and we couldn’t have had a better time if we tried. This movie doesn’t try to be anything other than funny and it throws as many jokes as possible on the scene to make sure the laughs keep coming. There is a plot, but that’s not really what we are here for. Go watch this movie and have yourself a few yuks on us. Is there a better comedic straight man than Leslie Nielsen? Is it possible that Priscilla Presley is a lizard-person wearing a human mask? Too bad O.J. couldn’t stop himself from killing a few people or else he would still be making wacky movies like this. Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week episode takes us to the not-so-sleepy little town of Springwood, Ohio where we are looking for a nice place to stop and take a nap. Unfortunately, our sleep was interrupted by glove wearing maniac that can’t stop rattling off one-liners in 1991’s Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare. This was supposed to be the final installment in the Nightmare on Elm Street series but there was more money to be made so it turns out it was only the sixth movie in the franchise. Freddy is back and he is looking to reconnect with his long lost daughter, Katherine/Maggie. After a few kids get killed, Maggie and Freddy have a meeting in the dreamworld before she pulls him back into reality to defeat him for the final time. Is Carlos the standin for we the viewers? Why weren’t there more deaths in this movie? How old are Spencer, Tracy and Carlos? Why was Doc only allowed to spend 23 minutes a week with his patients? What did Nintendo think of the use of their Power Glove without permission? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week’s episode takes us on a trip to the rainy city of Seattle. We hanging out with Jack Carter as he plays the role of amature detective and tries to put togther the pieces to the puzzle that is his brother’s murder in the 2000 remake of Get Carter. Jack is a Las Vegas mob enforcer that heads home for his brother’s funeral only to find out that there is more to the death than meets the eye. Jack spends all of his time talking to lowlifes and old acquaintances in hopes of finding out who really killed his brother and why. Eventually we get a very uncomfortable twist and a showdown with each of the bad guys. Why did they make this movie? Did anyone involved in making the movie actually watch it before it was released? How do you make a revenge movie without any violence? What was the wig budget for this film? What was Jeremy’s golf medaphor really about? Why was Gretchen Mol in an uncredited role? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week, we’re taking a trip to the “African country” of Nibia to find a sacred white bat and save the day in Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. This sequel finds Ace recovering from the loss of a racoon friend while finding inner peace in a buddhist temple. He is hired by the British consulate to find the Wachati Tribe’s stolen bat and prevent an all out war. Ace uses his unique detective style to sniff out the clues and rescue the batnapped animal. What must it be like to act alongside Jim Carrey? Is this supposed to be a kid’s movie? Is this movie racist or is it just ignorant to other people’s lives and feelings? What is the record for most stairs a slinky walks down in a single attempt? Wouldn’t you love to hear that family’s story about their vacation to Quinnland Safari? Why was the next sequel about a kid instead of more installments with Jim Carrey? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater VIII: I Am Legend

Theater VIII: I Am Legend


This week we’re taking a trip to New York City to spend some time out in nature, maybe do some hunting and then spend our nights hiding from the virus infected zombies that are roaming the world. Will Smith is letting us know that, “we are not alone”, in 2007’s I Am Legend. The story is your typical virus wipes out most humanity and turns the survivors into inhuman monsters type of tale. The twist is that only one guy is left in New York City, but he is also the one man that can cure the disease that has destroyed civilization. We spend lots of time with the main character and his dog until eventually some other people show up in the third act. The movie is pretty good and Will Smith has some great scenes, but the bad CGI takes it down a few ratings notches. How did all of New York City get overrun by animals in only 3 years? How quickly did Robert start setting up his mannequin friends throughout the city? Where did the SR 71 Blackbird come from and how did it land on an aircraft carrier? Which do you think had a better ending, the theatrical release or the director’s cut? Will Burnface get his own spin-off? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
Theater VIII: Be Cool

Theater VIII: Be Cool


This week we’re leaving the movie game and following our good buddy Chili Palmer to the music business with the 2005 sequel, Be Cool. This time around Chili has decided to stop making movies and start making records with the lovely and talented Linda Moon. He has to get Linda out of her contract with Nicky and Raji all while outwitting several groups of goons that are trying to kill him at every turn. Luckily, Chili is an amazing manager and is able to get Linda a gig with Aerosmith and eventually lead her to superstardom at the MTV Music Awards. Why does this movie hate gay people? Why didn’t seeing his friend murdered in front of him bother Chili at all? How is Chili so amazing at everything? What does Raji actually do for a living? Why did they pack so many musicians that cannot act into this movie? Is it really that easy to get a guest appearance at an Aerosmith concert? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.
This week we’re celebrating Mother’s Day a little early with one of our favorite mothers, our former co-host Brittny Valle! We watched Bad Moms Christmas, and while the holiday theme may be a little off, the devotion to mothers is right on the money. The story follows the further adventures of Amy, Kiki and Carla as they try to survive Christmas and keep their own mothers at bay. The movie is very good and very fun. The moms and grandmoms are all very well cast and there is more than enough laughter to keep anyone entertained. Why do all of the ladies let their mothers walk all over them? Why are they allowed to get so drunk at the mall? Is there a more perfect couple than Carla and Ty? Why didn’t anyone ask Amy and Ruth to quiet down while they were having their heart to heart during mass? When will we get a Bad Moms 3 and what will their next adventure be? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Have a great week.
This week’s episode is a tale of friendship, adventure and gold! We watched the 1994 comedy-western City Slickers 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold. This story follows Mitch, Phil and Glen as they go on a treasure hunt to find $20,000,000 in stolen gold that was hidden by Curly’s father after a robbery in 1908. They team up with Curly’s twin brother Duke and ride through Nevada in search of fame, glory and most importantly gold. In the end, they all learn a little bit about each other; and isn’t that the true reward? How much land does Mitch have for his buddy Norman to graze on? Why are these men in their 40s such cowards? How didn’t Mitch notice the map in Curly’s hat at any point in the last year? Can we please get a deleted scene of Duke working as a happy pirate at the seafood restaurant? Will there be a City Slickers 3 in which they actually find some real gold? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Have a great week.
This week we’re on a mission, you might say “an impossible mission”, to save the world from a man made super virus. Our team leader is the amazing Ethan Hunt and our movie is 2000’s Mission Impossible 2. This mission, should you choose to watch it, follows Ethan and his team as they attempt to stop rouge IMF agent, Sean Ambrose, from getting his hands on the devastating Chimera virus and selling it off to the highest bidder. Ethan gets the hots for Nyah, a professional thief brought on because of her close relationship with Ambrose, and spends most of the movie trying to keep her safe and get her back into bed. There are lots of cool action scenes, Ambrose is a pretty good villain and the story isn’t too bad either. Why wasn’t Anthony Hopkins credited for his role in this movie? Why does John Woo use so much slow motion in his movies? How is Ethan so great at everything? Where do they get all of the face masks and voice modulators from? Who keeps a flock of doves in their secret hideout? Where did that gun in the sand come from? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Have a great week.
This week, we’re detailing the unsettling exploits of possibly the most talented and dedicated stalker in the history of cinema, Max Cady, in the 1991 remake of Cape Fear. The story follows Max Cady as he is released after 14 years in a Georgia prison. Max goes to a small North Carolina town to get revenge on his former defense attorney, Sam Bowden, for burying evidence that could have reduced his prison sentence at the time of conviction. Max’s plan is to get his retribution by inflicting physical and emotional pain on everyone in Sam’s life. Sam is willing to go to great lengths to get Max to leave town and to protect his wife and young daughter from Max’s inappropriate advances. Max’s desire to teach Sam about loss comes to a dramatic climax on The Bowden Family’s houseboat on the waterways of Cape Fear. How much time did Max spend researching the Bowden’s lives before he set his plan in motion? Are Sam and Leigh the least attentive parents in the world? Why doesn’t Sam start spreading the word about Max to everyone else in their small town? Why do both Sam and Danielle refer to the family dog as Leigh’s dog? What does Leigh do for a living? What makes Max’s skin invincible? Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Have a great week.
Comments (4)

Mario Evans

I don't understand do you like this movie yes or no this movie what a nightmare to me since I was 8 years old I am 37 now I can't watch this movie is that has some friends yes but I don't have no friends all I hang out by myself a lot of people like this movie I guess you got to turn your brain off to like this

Jul 25th

Matt Schultz

This is a really fun show!

Oct 14th

Mario Evans36

I can't believe y'all don't text back

Jun 28th

Antwan Evans

win all do ghost dad

Mar 28th
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