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Life in Align podcast

Author: Lorraine Stone

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Listen in every week as I invite you to step away from fear of judgement and shame, and to step into your truth and reclaim your sense of power and alignment to change what you believe is possible for happiness and fulfilment on YOUR terms as I share tips, tricks and techniques that I have developed and have empowered me as I have fought to reclaim my life from a chronic illness spanning more than a decade.
116 Episodes
Do you feel like your family and friends don’t support you with your illness? I’ve been there.   We all want the world to give a monkey’s when we get sick.  We’ve had a life-altering experience, why isn’t the world feeling this too? Episodes mentioned in this episode: Episode 113 Episode 114 Book a discovery call here
When we are kind to ourselves, it can help us to respond more effectively when we face challenges as it can help us to feel what we are feeling, and by being kind to ourselves it can make it easier to be kind to others.    When we are kind to ourselves it can seem like we’re making excuses.  For instance, when we are exhausted and feeling unwell the kind thing to do would be to rest, but instead we see this as laziness. We wouldn't do that to others. Sign up to my weekly newsletter here
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been the type of person that keeps my house immaculate, almost to show home level.  Pre-illness I used to get home from food shopping on a Saturday morning, and would blitz my way through the entire house in a couple of hours.  But when I got sick, it could take all day to work through the smallest room, let alone the whole house.   When I got sick I really struggled with how unclean the house felt.  In some ways, I was too unwell to care.  In others, having an unclean house made me feel worse.   So these are the 3 shifts I had to make.
Do you ever feel like the world is against you?  You just want one thing to be simple and straightforward so you can cross it off the list. We all have moments when one problem comes after another, leaving you feeling like the world is against you. You try to stay on top of things but it feels like the harder you try, the worse things get, and the problems just keep on coming. The worry brings the anxiety, which brings the sleep problems, which brings eating the crappy food, and the cycle continues. But in order for you to believe that the world is on your side, and not against you, to get your thoughts and emotions back under control, you take small steps, one at a time. These are my favourite small step strategies to do just that.
Today I talk about 5 energy vampires that can cause mental, physical and emotional fatigue.
Today I talk about the healthy ways you can get those happiness hormones.  Happiness hormones are the chemicals that our body naturally produces to increase our wellbeing. Click here for shownotes
Today I want to talk about the things that can happen when our nervous system comes out of survival mode. Click here for shownotes
107 - simple happiness

107 - simple happiness


Quick-fire round of a few questions for what springs to your mind, not mine, on what you can do to bring more calm than chaos to bring a bit of happiness into your day Click here for shownotes
I want to talk about journaling, because, quite frankly, I am rubbish at it.  I have been terrible at journalling my entire life. It’s as if there's a perfectionism to it that I just do not achieve.  So I made my own rules.... Click here for shownotes
Aaah rest.  Something we no longer seem to know how to do.  Our hustle culture has expectations that we have to be on the go constantly, and rest is a reward for working yourself to exhaustion, causing us to feel guilty when we take a break.  So today, I want to ponder on what rest really is, and different ways we can add it to our day. Click here for shownotes
Today I want to ponder on some warning signs that you’re pretending to be happy, and what you can do about it.  From someone who knows.   We all have those moments when something doesn’t feel right.  We can get sick and/or we go through a period of grieving, and everyone understands it. For a while.  But there’s something you can’t shake, and as everyone around you expects you to be moving on by now, you instead start to put on a happy face.   It’s normal in a setting of strangers, you don’t always want to tell complete strangers what you’re going through so you pretend that you’re fine.   However. When it comes to friends and family, feeling like you can’t truly express your emotions leads to resentment and anger.     What are some of these signs? Welcome to season 2 of the Life in Align podcast   Click here for shownotes
I am sure you’re already aware of the benefits of decluttering.  An uncluttered home and life promotes mental clarity, and less stuff through choice means less likely to spend money on things you don’t need.  Less stuff also means less mess can be created so less mess to be tidied up. Which is an absolute win for spoonies, because it means less work and less feeling like we’re not getting anything done.  But, as with all things, it can be overwhelming to get started, so here’s my top 5 areas in life to declutter and how to do so spoonie-style.   Episode 101 can be found here   Click here for shownotes
If given the choice, which would you rather be in?  A relationship where you dismiss yourself, minimise yourself, and be mean to yourself, get irritated with yourself, sabotaging all of your hopes and dreams? Or would you rather be in one where you cultivate self love? Every day you are kind, gentle and you work towards your hopes and your dreams and you go to bed every night knowing that it doesn't matter what anyone else says, you love you. So if the second option is your preferred option, here are five ways that you can begin that journey.   Click here for shownotes
Today I want to talk to you about a not-to-do list when chronically ill.  I absolutely love having a to-do list, I love making lists.  I love crossing things off lists.   When I got sick, my to-do list had to become streamlined and batched.  Long gone were the days of being able to do all the things on all the days.  One list I had to create, and probably stuck to the most, was a not-to-do list.    Click here for shownotes
100 episodes!!  Wow.  I didn't realise that when I was recording, but here we are.  100 episodes.  What a milestone. Today I want to talk to you about coming home to yourself. Sometimes life dismantles the self you’ve known and you have to begin the seemingly complex task of starting over, rebuilding, and finding your new compass and anchor.   It can be a shock to the system.  I often hear “I didn’t see this coming.  What do I do now?!”     Click here for shownotes
Also, along with the birdsong, today I share the 7 ways we overthink, and the super-simple strategy on how to stop it Tune in for an unedited episode, because I couldn't bring myself to edit out the birds tweeting away in the background... Click here for shownotes
I got to this point in early 2012, and thanks to the proverbial onion layer, again in autumn of 2022, but didn’t want to face up to it until I had to earlier this year.  What point am I talking about? Being sick of my own sh*t. Today I share a few questions for you to ponder on to help move you forward. Click here for shownotes
  Today I want to ponder on trusting the process, and ask you if you can.  Honestly, for years my answer to that would be “what does that even mean?!”   Click here for shownotes
Today I want to talk about habits that are actually signs of resentment.   Holding on to resentment can be bad for your mental and physical health.  It can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and it can cause chronic health problems. Do any of these bahaviours resonate with you?     Click here for shownotes
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