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The OM Collective: Find Your Calm

Author: Claire Charters @ The OM Collective

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With all the distractions, stress and noise of the modern world, it is becoming ever increasingly hard these days to feel a sense of calm, peace and serene within unless we make a mindful choice to create calm habits within our daily life.

Welcome to The OM Collective Podcast, a free resource filled with calming habits that encourage a mindful approach to mind-body wellness.

Be kind to your mind and body. Take a few quiet moments each day to slow down, breathe and check-in with yourself. To help you on your journey listen to our resource of sleep stories, meditations, talk-downs and soundscapes.
95 Episodes
Welcome to day 13 of 21 days with Rumi.  Rumi talks a lot about love. The love that Rumi talks about is unconditional.  We live in a world that does not promote healthy templates of love. Love in our world is rarely unconditional. Yet practising unconditional love is the most remarkable healing tool for self-healing, self-transformation and healing the world around us. The truth is, we can not give unconditional love until we are whole and unconditionally loving ourselves. It must start inwards. But what does that indeed mean? What does that look like?  That is what today is about. The truth is, I could easily release 21 days of unconditional love. However, I am going to do my best to break it down into 4- 5 episodes. Over the next few days, we will cover all aspects of unconditional love and how it shows up in interactions with self, family, friends, romantic relationships, and nature. In a world that often emphasizes external validation and approval, it's easy to forget the importance of cultivating a deep sense of unconditional love and wholeness within ourselves. Today's episode is dedicated to the journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and embracing the beauty of our being. This recording can be an affirming meditation or a soothing, unwinding ritual before sleep. Amongst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's crucial to prioritise and carve out time to nurture ourselves, recharge our spirit, and reconnect with our true essence. So, if you are ready to reconnect to a state of wholeness, I look forward to you joining me for today's practice.  A practice that will hopefully inspire you to rewild yourself. Let your radiance rise. Illuminate your soul. And become a beacon of light and unconditional love.    DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to tonight’s sleep story, a dreamy realm of simple luxuries, everyday magic, and the beauty of living in connection with Mother Nature and her seasons.  As the ink-black velvet sky gently hushes you into quietness, inviting you to fall into a state of dreamy sleep and restoration, where together we will embark on a magical journey with a woman named Lilly who makes it her daily devotion to savour the simple luxuries that surround her.  Rumi once wrote, "The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are." In this enchanting tale, we journey inward, guided by the timeless wisdom of Rumi's words. How we perceive ourselves and our surroundings is shaped by the lens of our hearts. As we transition from the bustling realm of the mind to the tranquil sanctuary of the heart, we uncover the true magic that resides within us. Here, in the depths of our being, we find the essence of contentment and fulfilment. Tonight, as we weave through the tapestry of dreams, let us embrace the ordinary moments that sparkle with extraordinary beauty. From the sun's warmth to the soothing aroma of freshly brewed tea, every sensation becomes a treasure to cherish.  Within the night's quietude, amongst the whispers of the evening wind, let us discover the profound joy of savouring life's simple pleasures together. Join me on this journey of mindful exploration, where we honour the sacred art of living well. With each breath, we will immerse ourselves in the richness of the present moment, finding beauty and wonder in the everyday. So, dear dreamer, as you drift into sleep, let your heart be your guide, and may you awaken to the magic within you. Begin by setting up your bedroom as a cosy retreat. You may like to turn on a salt lamp, open a window, or burn incense. Turn off all your devices and snuggle deep down into your bed.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to day 11 of our enchanting journey through 21 days with Rumi. Today, we embark on a soulful exploration inspired by the timeless wisdom of Rumi's verses. In this practice, we will listen to a selection of his profound words to calm the mind and cultivate a more peaceful state of being. These verses from Rumi are a gift of the highest kind to humanity. One year ago, I was gifted the Rumi Oracle, and since then, this beautiful deck of cards has been by my side each day and has brought me joy and transformation in magical ways. Rumi’s sacred language has lovingly and soulfully guided me, and I feel delighted and honoured to share his wisdom and words with you.  Let us immerse ourselves in the profound teachings of this revered poet and mystic in the quiet sanctuary of our hearts. Rumi's words resonate deeply, illuminating the path to inner peace, love, and spiritual awakening. As we delve into the depths of his poetry, I invite you to open your heart and mind, allowing his words to permeate, move, and stir you.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Rumi wrote, “The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.” How we feel about ourselves, our life and our world depends on how we look at it all from within. Stepping out of the mind and into the heart, stepping out of doing and into being, stepping out of striving and into arriving – that is when the true magic of the universe comes alive within our entire being. Living a life with mindful intention, where we make our daily devotion all about embracing the simple, ordinary, and everyday moments and things, is the space where we become everything we have ever wanted to be. Embracing the everyday ordinary is a celebration of your senses while falling passionately in love with life despite all its complexities, compromises, and contradictions. It is about finding beauty and awe in life, recipes, nature, chores, rituals, decorating, people, experiences, stillness, and simplicity.  Welcome to today's meditation journey, where we continue our enchanting exploration through 21 days of magic, wisdom, and unconditional love with Rumi. As we enter day ten, let us dive deeper into the essence of our being and connect more deeply to the universe that lives inside our hearts.  Today's meditation invites us to delve deeper into the art of being by intentionally seeking beauty and magic in all we do: feel, listen, touch, smell, and see.  A gentle reminder that true contentment is found when we intentionally seek it in all the little things that make up our day. Finding enjoyment in the everyday chores, seeing beauty in familiar places and seeking the extraordinary in the ordinary is the sacred art of living a well-lived life.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to today's meditation journey, where we continue our enchanting exploration through 21 days of magic, wisdom, and unconditional love with Rumi. As we welcome day nine, let us explore the magic of divine guidance and the deep knowing of our inner intuition by tapping into the guidance available through oracle cards. Today, we will be using Rumi Oracle cards to open ourselves up to divine guidance. As we embark on this oracle meditation, let us open our hearts to the profound insights and timeless truths that Rumi's words offer. With each breath, let us invite the essence of Rumi's poetry to illuminate our path, guiding us to deeper understanding and inner peace. As we lead with our hearts, we embark on a sacred quest to uncover the hidden treasures of our souls and embrace the divine presence within. Through the gentle guidance of Rumi's oracle, may we find clarity, inspiration, and guidance on our journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
In Persia, ink-black nights are lit by stars, antique street lamps, and the flicker of age-old fairy tales that bestow mystery, magic, and adventure. It is an ancient, sacred, and exotic place—a mix of rare and mystical, like the fragrance in the air of Jasmine, rose, and oud, which transports you there. Ancient Persia is a land that evokes self-surrender as lanterns adorned with shimmering jewels illuminate the cobblestone pathways, casting a soft glow upon the majestic palaces and bustling marketplaces. Under the mystical cloak of a Persian night, where the moon hangs like a silver lantern in the velvet sky, tales of enchantment weave through the air like wisps of fragrant incense. Secrets of the magical Genie are whispered on the breeze, promising wonders beyond imagination. In these bewitching hours, when the stars wink knowingly and the jasmine-scented air hums with anticipation, magic carpet rides become a reality, carrying intrepid souls on journeys through time, space and enchanting realms. With genies as guides, their laughter echoing in the star-strewn heavens, adventurers are swept into realms of dreams and destiny, where every wish is a shimmering jewel awaiting discovery. The air is perfumed with exotic spices and blooming roses, weaving a tapestry of fragrance that dances on the breeze. Tall minarets rise like slender towers towards the heavens, adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering mosaics that catch the setting sun's light. Cobblestone streets wind through bustling bazaars, where merchants peddle their wares amidst a kaleidoscope of colours and sounds. Ornate palaces with domed rooftops and arched doorways stand as silent sentinels of a bygone era, their walls adorned with intricate arabesques and delicate tilework that glimmer in the soft glow of lantern light. And amidst it all, the call to prayer echoes through the evening air, an angelic melody that speaks of centuries of faith and devotion. Persia is a land of timeless beauty and ancient magic, where every corner holds a story waiting to be told.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
At the core, we comprise energy fields and vibrations that intricately interact with the quantum field. Here, our thoughts, emotions, and consciousness influence our quantum processes, shaping our health and overall well-being. Embracing the belief in our interconnectedness with the universe, we awaken to our true potential and profound influence in the quantum realm. Through this awakening, we honour the boundless power within us to shape our experiences and realities. Reconnecting with our energetic essence and the quantum fabric of existence aligns us with the essence of peace, wholeness, abundance, love, wisdom, and joy. Welcome to today's meditation journey, where we continue our enchanting exploration through 21 days of magic, wisdom, and unconditional love with Rumi. As we welcome day seven, let us delve deeper into our existence and explore the profound mysteries of our energetic quantum nature. Today's meditation, "You Are the Ocean," serves as a gateway to understanding the quantum magic of the universe. It invites us to view ourselves through the divine lens of interconnectedness. It offers a portal through which we can reconnect with the oneness of all existence.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Affirmations are not merely words; they are high-vibrational frequencies. The words re-program our thoughts and beliefs, and the high-vibrational frequency reprograms our entire state of being. We are a quantum body—an energetic body—made up of tiny atoms, energetic fields, and vibrations that interact with the quantum field of the entire universe. Our thoughts, emotions, consciousness and the energetic vibrations we choose to dwell within all affect the quantum processes within our bodies, influencing our health and well-being. In essence, we are deeply interconnected to the energetic quantum realm of all that is, where energy and consciousness converge. Therefore, what we consume, think, and believe, we ultimately become. Where and who we surround ourselves with also affects us on a quantum and energetic level. The more positive energy we choose to consume and surround ourselves with, the more potent of a catalyst it becomes for change, guiding us towards a state of profound healing and renewal.  Rumi invites us to recognize the power of our minds in shaping our understanding of the world and our place within it. By expanding our consciousness and breaking free from self-imposed limitations, we can unlock the universe's boundless potential and embrace a more expansive and fulfilling existence. Through today’s meditation, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, where affirmations become the guiding stars illuminating our path to inner peace, self-love, and wholeness.  You can integrate these affirmations into your daily routine—listen while you sleep, during your morning walk, or as part of your nightly wind-down ritual. Pay attention to how each affirmation makes you feel; some may resonate deeply, while others may trigger emotions. Take note of these responses and explore the underlying reasons, as shedding light on our inner darkness will always lead to profound growth and understanding. As we evolve internally, our resonance with specific affirmations may shift. Therefore, I encourage you to revisit these affirmations regularly, observing how your internal landscape changes with each listening session.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to the realm of subliminal meditation, where the profound power of subconscious messaging intertwines with the gentle practice of relaxation and personal growth. Unlike traditional meditation methods that guide us through conscious awareness and mindfulness, subliminal meditation delves into the depths of our subconscious mind. In this recording, there are silent embedded messages in the form of affirmations that have been mindfully written to bypass the conscious. In this guided meditation, we continue our enchanting journey through 21 days of magic, wisdom, and unconditional love with Rumi. As we step into day five, we delve deeper into the timeless teachings of Rumi, the revered mystic poet, to harness the profound potential of the subconscious mind. Together, we will unlock the door to inner peace, inspiration, and spiritual expansion, guided by Rumi's words' luminous wisdom. Much love and enjoy Claire     44 Affirmations Inspired By Rumi that are embedded in this subliminal. "I embrace the journey of self-discovery and personal growth." I am deeply connected to the wisdom of the universe, guiding me on my path." "I surrender to the flow of life, trusting in the divine plan for my journey." "I am worthy of love, abundance, and joy in all areas of my life." "I am a drop in the ocean of divine love, connected to all beings." "I embrace the beauty of impermanence and flow with life's changes." "My heart is a sanctuary of peace and compassion." "I dance with the rhythm of the universe, surrendering to its divine melody." "I am a mirror reflecting the light of the divine within me and others." "I trust the wisdom of my soul to guide me on my journey." "I am not a drop in the ocean, I am the entire ocean in a drop." "I let go of fear and doubt, allowing love to lead the way." "I am a traveler on the path of love, embracing its twists and turns." "I am a vessel of divine grace, overflowing with blessings." "I surrender to the present moment, finding joy in its simplicity." "I am a seeker of truth, finding wisdom in every experience." "I am rooted in the earth, yet soaring with the wings of spirit." "I am a fountain of love, quenching the thirst of all who come my way." "I am a spark of the divine, shining brightly in the darkness." "I am the universe experiencing itself through the lens of my soul." "I embrace the mystery of life, trusting in the divine plan unfolding." "I am a channel for divine healing energy, bringing light wherever I go." "I am not this body, I am the soul that animates it." "I am grateful for every moment, knowing that each breath is a gift." "I am a mirror reflecting the beauty of the universe, shining with divine radiance." "I am a seeker of truth, journeying inward to discover the depths of my soul." "I am a river of love, flowing effortlessly towards the ocean of oneness." "I am a whisper in the wind, sharing messages of love and compassion with the world." "I am a garden of blessings, nurturing seeds of kindness and gratitude in every moment." "I am a flame of passion, igniting the hearts of others with the fire of love." "I am a vessel of peace, spreading harmony and serenity wherever I go." "I am a melody of joy, singing the song of life in perfect harmony." "I am a beacon of light, guiding others towards the path of enlightenment." "I am a dance of energy, swirling and twirling in the cosmic dance of creation." "I am a tapestry of wisdom, weaving threads of insight and understanding into the fabric of existence." "I am a star in the night sky, illuminating the darkness with my radiant presence." "I am a tree of life, rooted in the earth and reaching towards the heavens." "I am a drop of rain, nourishing the parched earth with love and compassion." "I am a reflection of divine perfection, embodying the essence of love and light." "I am a warrior of peace, wielding the sword of love to conquer fear and hatred." "I am a song of gratitude, singing praises to the universe for its boundless blessings." "I am a child of the cosmos, born from stardust and destined for greatness." "I am a vessel of transformation, embracing change and growth with open arms." "I am a mirror of love, reflecting the beauty and wonder of the universe for all to see."   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to day 4 of our transformative journey with Rumi. As I craft this meditation, I find myself bathed in the ethereal glow and high-vibrational energy of the total moon eclipse. Harnessing the healing energies of this celestial event, I have channelled this meditation with its high-vibrational essence, intending for it to seamlessly integrate into the fabric of your practice, regardless of when you are tuning in. So - May the resonance of this lunar phenomenon infuse every moment of our meditation time together, permeating every word, every breath, and every intention. Together, let us create a sacred space where the luminosity of the moon and the wisdom of Rumi converge, guiding us on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. The total moon eclipse is a celestial event that captivates the imagination and stirs the soul. As the Earth, Moon, and Sun align perfectly, a mystical dance unfolds in the heavens, casting a veil of enchantment over the night sky. Bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon's radiance, the world below is illuminated with otherworldly brilliance as if touched by magic itself. In the presence of the total moon eclipse, nature seems to hold its breath as if in reverence to the cosmic symphony unfolding above. The air is charged with anticipation, and the stillness of the night is filled with possibility. It is a time of heightened intuition, when the boundaries between the seen and unseen blur, and the veils between worlds thin. With its ethereal glow and celestial presence, the moon holds a captivating power over the Earth and its inhabitants. Like a cosmic magnet, it exerts a gravitational pull that reaches far beyond the boundaries of our atmosphere, drawing us closer to its mysterious allure. This magnetic force is physical and metaphysical, stirring something deep within our souls. Under the moon's enchanting light, we feel a sense of connection to the cosmos, a resonance with the cycles of nature, and a heightened awareness of our inner landscapes. Just as the moon influences the ebb and flow of the tides, it also stirs the currents of our emotions and desires. Its luminous presence can evoke feelings of wonder, awe, and introspection, inviting us to explore the depths of our consciousness and embrace the magic that lies within. In the embrace of the total moon eclipse, you are invited to journey inward, to explore the depths of your soul and uncover the hidden truths that lie dormant within. It is a time of reflection, meditation, and introspection—a sacred opportunity to connect with the wisdom of your higher self and align with the cosmic heartbeat of the universe. Full moons are a time to set intentions of release. It’s a time to let go and create space. It’s a time to alchemise the darker energy within us. Preparing the mind, body and soul to have the space and capacity to magnetize new manifestations when the new moon arrives.  In this moment of celestial alignment, you are invited to release all that no longer serves you, to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and limitations that weigh heavy upon your soul.    DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to today's meditation journey, where we continue our enchanting exploration through 21 days of magic, wisdom, and unconditional love with Rumi. As we enter day three, let us dive deeper into the essence of our being, connecting with the space and stillness within. Today's meditation invites us to prioritize the Sacred Pause, gently reminding our mind, body, and soul of the importance of carving out time for inner reflection and rejuvenation. In the sacred pause between breaths, between moments, between thoughts, we find a sanctuary of stillness where time stands still, and the universe holds its breath. In this sacred space, we are invited to surrender to the gentle rhythm of existence, to release the burdens of the past and the worries of the future, and to be present in the here and now simply.  Just as in music, where the silence between the notes enriches the melody, the space between our actions also enriches our lives. In these moments of stillness, we find clarity, purpose, and meaning. In the quiet embrace of the sacred pause, we discover a profound sense of peace and connection to self. Here, in this timeless moment, we find solace for the soul, wisdom for the mind, and healing for the heart. It is a sacred gift, this pause, that reminds us of the beauty and wonder of life and invites us to savour each precious moment, breath by breath.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to today's meditation journey. We embark on day two of our enchanting exploration through 21 days of magic, wisdom, and unconditional love with Rumi. In the days ahead, I invite you to open yourself to a gentle exploration of your heart and the heart of the divine. Rumi's words carry a sacred resonance that transcends mere understanding; they speak directly to the depths of our souls, bypassing the chatter of the mind and resonating with the pure essence of our being. His wisdom reminds us that the heart is the gateway to divine union, urging us not to shy away from life's infinite possibilities. In these uncertain times, Rumi's teachings resonate more deeply than ever. Though he lived centuries ago, his spirit remains vibrant and alive, guiding humanity towards spiritual liberation and a deeper understanding of existence. Today's meditation invites you to converse with Rumi, allowing his poetic words and wisdom to nourish, enlighten, and heal your entire being. His words will be your daily affirmations, devotions, and sacred truths. We'll begin with a short breathing exercise to relax your body and create space within. Then, Rumi's words, in the form of affirmations, quotes, and short verses, will flow into you, filling every corner of your being with gentle insight, inspiration, potential, and wisdom. You can experience this meditation while you sleep, during your commute, or add it to your evening wind-down ritual. This meditation has been designed to be listened to in small segments for an instant boost of inspiration or in its entirety. As you listen, allow Rumi's wisdom to guide you, filling you with nourishment, light, and healing along the way.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Welcome to tonight's soothing sleep story, marking the beginning of our enchanting journey through 21 days of magic, wisdom, healing and unconditional love with Rumi. Tonight, and for the nights to come, I invite you to embark on a gentle exploration into the heart of the divine. Rumi's words carry a sacred resonance that transcends mere understanding; they speak directly to the depths of our souls, bypassing the chatter and logic of the mind and resonating with the pure essence of our being. In his wisdom, Rumi reminds us that the heart is the gateway to divine union, urging us not to shrink from life's boundless possibilities. In these uncertain times, Rumi's teachings resonate more deeply than ever. Though he lived centuries ago, his spirit remains vibrant and alive, continuing to guide humanity towards spiritual liberation and a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence. Tonight’s sleep story invites you to get lost in another world, to drift into the tranquil embrace of sleep, allowing yourself to be embodied by Rumi's timeless wisdom and unconditional love. Open your heart to the magic that awaits within his words, and let his gentle guidance lead you to deep relaxation and inner peace. In the stillness of the night, amidst the whispers of the universe, we find solace and serenity in the eternal wisdom of Rumi's sacred teachings. So, come join me on this enchanting journey. Together, we will navigate the realm of dreams, where time knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. This is a sacred place where the wisdom of the ancient whispers softly in the night. Here, amidst the ethereal tapestry of the cosmos, we find ourselves drawn into the luminous presence of Rumi, the mystical poet whose words transcend the boundaries of time and space. To begin our journey into a peaceful slumber tonight, let's take a moment to transform our sleeping space into a cozy retreat of tranquillity and peace. Prepare your bedroom to be a haven of relaxation by attending to the small details—perhaps open a window to welcome the gentle evening breeze, light some soothing incense, or place crystals nearby for their calming energy. Nestle snugly under your blankets, allowing them to envelop you in a cocoon of warmth and comfort. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and  
Welcome to tonight's bedtime story session, crafted especially for grown-ups seeking a gentle retreat into the realm of dreams. In the cozy embrace of these words, you'll find a sanctuary of tranquillity, a haven where the ordinary becomes magical and the pace of life slows to a gentle rhythm. As we embark on this journey together, let go of the day's worries and cares. Settle into your bed, allowing the softness of your sheets to cradle you in comfort. Turn off the light and all your devices, and let the night's gentle hush wash over you. I will share a simple story where not much happens tonight, yet every word is a gentle caress, guiding you towards deep relaxation. I'll read the story three times over, each time a little slower than the last, allowing you to sink deeper into a peaceful state of being. If you find yourself still awake after the second or third telling, don’t worry. Let go of worry and just be. Just allow. Sit within the present moment and let the story's soothing rhythm slowly and ever so gently invite you more deeply into the realm of dreams.   Now, close your eyes and imagine yourself cocooned in warmth, visualise yourself bathing in a golden glow, as the stars and moon shine into your bedroom and lull you into a tranquil state of mind. Fall asleep. After the sleep story is finished, there will be rain and thunder to keep you relaxed for approximately three hours.   DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Nestled within the heart of Mother Nature's embrace lies an eternal truth—a rhythm of transformation that reverberates through every living being. Like the Earth gracefully dances through its seasons, so too do we undergo our own evolution, unfolding with the passing of time. Tonight, as you journey into the realm of dreams, let us embark on a tale woven with the threads of autumn's enchantment. Here, amidst the vibrant tapestry of changing hues, resides a woman deeply connected to the rhythm of nature. As the landscape dresses itself in the warm colours of Autumn, she finds herself drawn to the serene beauty of the season. With the sun dipping low on the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the land, she accepts the gentle call to slow down and savour life's unhurried pace. Amidst the symphony of rustling leaves and the crisp embrace of the morning air, she discovers solace in the rhythm of her own breath—a gentle reminder to stay grounded and fully present in each passing moment. So, come join her on this enchanting journey through the whispers of autumn. Together, let us navigate the ever-changing landscape of life's transitions, finding comfort and joy in the simple pleasures that interweave along the way. As we embark on tonight's journey into tranquil sleep, take a moment to create your own cozy sanctuary within the comfort of your bed. Prepare your room to be a haven of relaxation - perhaps by opening a window to welcome in the gentle evening breeze, lighting some incense, or placing crystals nearby. Snuggle deeply under your blankets, allowing them to cocoon you in warmth and comfort. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and    
Welcome beautiful soul. Today's meditation takes a unique turn as we delve into mantra meditation. This simple but profound meditation intends to restore inner peace, encouraging balance, harmony, and a resonating peace with the universe around. When your peace consciousness is enhanced, it doesn't only resonate within, but reflects in your outward aura. It's your intrinsic power, made more impactful by tuning into it. As you learn to embrace silence and space, you essentially cultivate your inner peace, which reverberates into the world around you. Our modern life rarely affords us moments of pure stillness, a prelude to mental, physical, and emotional overload. This meditation helps you unplug from this overwhelming stimuli and focus inward. The aim is to create a hold on a serene mantra, 'Om Shanti', symbolising peace within and around. The mantra can be voiced out loud, whispered to oneself, or merely heard. With each repetition, strive to immerse deeper into the silence and space between mantras.   Your journey begins with getting comfortable, shutting your eyes, and tuning into your breath. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth or nose. Use your breath as an anchor, a grounding force that quiets your thoughts and ushers peace in your mind and body. The breath then becomes a tool, guiding your focus onto the mantra 'Om Shanti'. Throughout the musical interludes and mantra chanting, let go of distractions, centre yourself, and reiterate the peace chant. Impressively, your inner peace will reflect outwardly, radiating an aura of tranquillity. Remember, peace begins with you. Thank you for listening.
Hello and welcome to this meditation practice that is centred on grounding and re-centring your entire being. Do you ever get those moments when overwhelm, stress or anxiety hits you from out of nowhere and surges through your entire body leaving you feeling extremely off-balanced and triggered?  For those of us living within the templates of modern culture our lives are busier and our minds are more stimulated than ever. This way of living causes more stress, overwhelm and anxiety on both a conscious and subconscious level.  When the energy from this stress, overwhelm and anxiety takes over our body it often shows up in looping and damaging behaviours or thoughts.  The key to managing stress, overwhelm and anxiety is to begin to notice these feelings and this energy within your body as the oscillations happen and then bring the energy back into balance with a grounding practice.  Whether the negative energy comes directly from your own thoughts and actions or is the energy from outside influences – it is important to take some time out to ground, centre and reconnect back to a deep state of presence and wholeness. It is about balancing the breath and coming back into the present moment to calm your nervous system. By actively choosing to manage and prioritise your grounding practice you will deepen your ability to tune into the frequency of your own body and be able to come back to the present moment over and over again, giving you the awareness of when you need to ground in your everyday life as triggers appear.  Presence and Wholeness is a great place to reside. Grounding is a practice that is very important to me – and it is something I try and do with intention every day. It is something I think a lot about – and for me personally I find the best ways to alchemize and ground the erratic energy that can overtake my mind and body from time to time is to either meditate or spend time in nature, taking a swim in the ocean or lake, taking a walk, hugging a tree, listening to the birds sing or sitting outside under the warmth of the sun. This is one of my favourite meditations to do – so I hope you enjoy it and it brings you a sense of grounding, peace and harmony So let us begin and connect in by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie. Somewhere you can relax and won't be disturbed.       
I AM Presence

I AM Presence


Together we will tap into silence and inner knowing – you will be able to meet your whole self there.   By cultivating a deep presence, you will expand your energetic being where you will connect more deeply to receptivity, nourishment, healing, intuition, peace, joy, resilience, grace and unconditional love.   When we tune into our divine frequency – we tune into the source of who we truly are.   For anyone who feels unsupported, unheard, lost or alone – know that tuning into your divine I AM Presence is your power. It is your guiding light and healing force.   By connecting to your divine I AM presence you will find the strength to navigate the uncertainty and hard times with grace, love, softness and trust. Your presence is your divine power.  
Journey into the enchanting realm of the ocean where mermaids, whales, sea turtles and more call their home. This is a dreamy sleep meditation. The first 45 minutes is a guided sleep meditation designed to help you relax, release, manifest and then drift off deep into sleep.  If you enjoyed this episode, then please subscribe to my podcast. If you would like to connect with me, sign up for my free newsletter, The OM Weekender, or access more of my free resources, head over to DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
Today I was called to do a soul guidance meditation using the The Horse Spirit Oracle. The guidance from this oracle is deeply healing and an invitation to reconnect the soul to what truly matters in life – and that is to align, tune in and connect to your own still point. Its a reminder to drop the confusion, illusion and chaos and trust in the process.   We will begin the meditation with a short breathing practice that will connect you deeply to yourself and the present moment. I will then call on the divine creator to show the message and divine guidance that needs to be heard today. Because I don’t believe in accidents – if you have clicked on this meditation then the guidance from the Horse Spirit oracle card is meant for you in this present moment – based on your current energy and vibration Using your intuition, allow any messages that resonate with you to permeate into every cell of your being in a way that makes your entire being vibrate with peace, love and a deep inner knowing. Allow the divine guidance to fall into you in a way that makes your heart expand and that nourishes your soul. Drop any messages that don’t resonate with you at this current time. Trust in all the positive visions, feelings or wisdom that arise within as your soul reconnects back to your own divine truth and deep inner knowing.   If you enjoyed this episode, then please subscribe to my podcast. If you would like to connect with me, sign up for my free newsletter, The OM Weekender, or access more of my free resources, head over to DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO RELAXATION AND MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. All meditations, soundscapes and sleep stories are written and produced by Claire Charters from and
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