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Sparks of Attraction

Author: Nick Sparks

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Frustrated with women and dating? Nick Sparks is your coach, and Sparks of Attraction is your podcast. Since 2006, Nick has coached thousands of men. His videos have been seen millions of times. And he gets results like no one else, because his focus isn’t on “adding” techniques. Instead, Nick ( helps you strip away the things holding you back. It's relentless self-development, for your most attractive self. Now, Nick’s weekly wisdom is finally here for those beyond his private community. Just be forewarned: your social and dating life is about to explode.
16 Episodes
After our interview, Zan goes deeper into his work as he answers questions from live listeners. A must-listen for anyone who wants more!
I consider Zan Perrion the best in the world at teaching sexual expression and confidence. I'm not alone. Numerous media outlets have dubbed him  'The World's Greatest Seducer' for good reason.  Zan shares his best advice on sexual connection, and shares the one exercise he would give to anyone to become a master flirt. It's the perfect thing to listen to before going out for the night, or anytime your sexual confidence needs a boost. Enjoy!
Today, we translate The Unwritten Rules of Online Dating into your in-person interactions, and our guest is literally calling it life-changing by the end. In my absence, community veteran Captain Picard (with a nice assist from Nick York) is on absolute fire as he explains how our messaging techniques should be applied in real life in order to see exponentially faster results. We cover approaching, reading a room, when to ask for a date and go for the kiss, gauging her response, and a lot more. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
Now that you’re getting more matches than you’ve ever gotten, it’s about converting them into dates. We throw out the generic, canned opening lines with low success rates, and teach you how to craft a simple, unique message that has the highest chance of a response. We then use that same technique to keep our conversations fun and sexy, instead of the usual, “hey, how’s your day?, and how to translate all of this into your in-person interactions. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
Now that we’ve gone over pictures in Part 1, it’s time to make your profile as attractive as possible. The vast majority of profiles are bland and boring. Guys tell themselves there’s nothing interesting about them -- but that’s NEVER the case. We teach you how to create a unique, funny, and sexy profile that will double your matches by itself. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
On today’s episode, we begin a three-part series on online dating. We hear so many guys complaining about online dating, but if you make these changes, the only complaint you’ll have with online dating is having too many dates with people you’re excited to go out with. In Part 1, we tackle all the reasons why your profile pictures are making you look terrible -- then we tell you how to get the kind of pictures that will get you so many matches, you’d swear you were on a different app. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
I'm Nick Sparks, and this presentation is 14 years in the making.  Throughout my career, I've sought the answer to one question: How does this human connection stuff work? Why does it seem so easy at times yet so impossible at others? How can a person consistently find that connection, especially when it matters most? If you've seen any of my past work, it's all been leading up to this -- the answer I've been searching for as long as I can remember.  This is what allows me to guarantee success to anyone who practices these three things. I'm incredibly proud to present this to you and I hope you enjoy. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow on instagram @sparksofattraction, check out As You Are on Amazon, and join the conversation for free at
Community member Himalayan_Hillbilly went on a date with a woman he met on Hinge. They had great banter over text but it didn't really translate to real life, and he starts to feel insecure when she doesn't respond to his texts.  We spend the episode discussing his next steps in this common situation. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
We continue the interview with David as he answers questions from the community, first on how to date someone who's experienced trauma in the past, on how to overcome your own neediness and toxic relationship habits, and how to move past your insecurity over your height, or anything else. If you enjoyed the episode, please subscribe and leave a review. For more on working with David, visit and take the free assessment on that page.
Combining therapy and coaching in a way no one else does, David Tian joins us today. We begin by discussing the differences between remote and in-person coaching, but we quickly get into the core of this episode: the difference between traditional technique/pickup/rules-based dating coaching vs a therapeutic approach. David then shares his test for whether someone can succeed with coaching alone, or whether adding some form of therapy would yield the fastest results.  If you enjoyed the episode, please subscribe and leave a review. For more on working with David, visit and take the free assessment on that page.
After we covered the importance of starting with a strong sexual vibe in part one, in part two we discuss the right and wrong ways to verbally express your deepest desires to another person, especially early in your relationship. Tl; dl, If you think you're cute, clever, "flirtatious" line are sexy, you're wrong. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
HarveySpecter (a community member) and I lead episode 5 of the podcast, which focuses on Nick York‘s recent first date.  Like so many other dates, it goes OK, but there’s no real “spark” because Nick focuses too much on the platonic connection (common interests, chatty banter) and not enough on the sexual connection - that raw, unspoken attraction that happens when two people allow themselves to get lost in their desire.  Spoiler alert: sexual connection is NOT developed by saying outrageous shit or aggressive touching. Overall, this episode is a must-listen for anyone who’s gone on a first date and walked away unsure if there was mutual attraction. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
We discuss an issue that's debated now more than ever -- how to ask a coworker on a date. We hit on two main things: First, we discuss what to consider BEFORE you do it. Second, if you're going to do it, we discuss how to do it the right way. We cover every side of this topic and the ultimate conclusion isn't one that gets mentioned very often. If you enjoyed, please subscribe and leave a review. For more, follow us @sparksofattraction on Instagram, or join the conversation for free at
Christian answers the following: - How he juggles so many aspects of his life so well - How much having a fantastic partner can help with that, and his four-step process for finding and optimizing that relationship - How to know when a partner is worth being patient for, vs when you should walk away - How to turn your talents into success - When is the right time to settle down? - What can a 34 year old virgin do to finally become confident in his sexuality Enjoy!
The guys try to talk me into all the different reasons they might want to settle for someone less than their ideal partner: - "We get along like no one ever!" - "I'm getting older and want a family." - "The sex is the best." And we discuss why you still shouldn't settle if it's not perfect.
A problem for a lot of guys (or for women who put job/status on a pedestal.)  We tell you the things you should focus on instead, so you don't look desperate or worse, get taken advantage of. The Cast: (In order of appearance) - Nick Sparks - Sid (featured) - Nick Y - Captain Picard - HarveySpecter Bios can be found at
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