DiscoverGut Health, Mental Health, Liver Detox, Trauma Help & Holistic Medicine with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND
Gut Health, Mental Health, Liver Detox, Trauma Help & Holistic Medicine with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND
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Gut Health, Mental Health, Liver Detox, Trauma Help & Holistic Medicine with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND

Author: Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND

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Heal Anxiety, Depression, Hormones, Gut Issues, Inflammation, Low libido & Poor Sex, Trauma, Liver Toxins, Adrenal Burnout & Health Issues Faster with Herbs, Supplements, Homeopathic Remedies, Emotional Trauma Healing Therapies & Family Constellations Therapy

Voted top 43 worldwide, Dr. Ameet is one of the only naturopathic doctors who combine naturopathic medicine, functional medicine, gestalt psychotherapy, EMDR, family constellations, and homeopathy to heal your mind, body, and family trauma together for your optimal healing.

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71 Episodes
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses the biology of trauma by explaining how the mind and body are connected. It is by treating the body and the mind in conjunction with each other that faster, more effective, and more holistic healing can take place. Three things you will learn this episode: How ancestral trauma can be stopping you from becoming your authentic self. The best way to speed up psychotherapy. How trauma can change your body and alter your biology. Timestamps [00:00] Episode overview: how trauma affects our biology. [01:14] How does a computer engineer become a psychotherapist AND naturopathic physician? (Dr. Ameet’s story). OR How Dr. Ameet went from a psychology non-believer to becoming a psychotherapist. [03:18] How trauma affects your body (a simple summary). [07:14] Is trauma a spectrum? [09:41] Can mothers pass down their trauma to their children? [10:54] What happens to your body when you have a cortisol imbalance? [16:09] The fastest (and most holistic) psychotherapy treatment. [20:18] What is ancestral trauma (and how does it work)? [30:07] How does addressing your ancestral trauma help you be freer? [32:02] Why does strengthening your body accelerate psychotherapy? 5 Key Takeaways Trauma affects our biology. Trauma is anything that is overwhelming for your nervous system. This can cause you to experience adrenal burnout and when that happens, your adrenal glands no longer produce cortisol in a balanced manner. Everyone is prone to some sort of trauma. Trauma doesn’t have to be as harsh as sexual abuse or violence. It can be that your mother was gone for a couple of months when you were younger. The gut, the liver, and the adrenal glands are the three pillars of health that should be healed while doing psychotherapy. The three pillars of health directly affect your mental state. You are born into a system of beliefs determined by your predecessors. We tend to be loyal to our family systems. If there has been trauma in the family system, you might be able to feel the unresolved trauma passed down from your ancestors. This can manifest as anxiety and depression. Good therapy can separate you from others. You would no longer be entangled in the trauma of others, and are then able to be your authentic self. When your body is strengthened, the psychotherapy process is accelerated. Links ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses why changing your diet is not enough to lose weight. Detoxifying your liver can make or break your weight loss journey. There are many underlying factors that influence your weight loss journey and the liver is at the heart of all of them. Throughout the episode, you will learn why the liver is so crucial and what you can do to support it. Three things you will learn this episode: Tips to heal your liver in order to lose weight quickly. Foods you need to add and remove from your diet to keep your liver healthy. How adrenal burnout can make you gain weight. Timestamps [00:56] Episode overview: treating the root cause of weight gain. [03:28] How healing your liver can make you lose weight. [07:35] Foods you can eat to keep your liver healthy. [10:20] Why adrenal burnout slows metabolism and weight loss. [14:46] How low thyroid hormones will make you gain weight. [17:04] First thing you need to do if your weight is plateauing. 3 Key Takeaways The more inflamed your liver gets, the more weight you will gain. This is because you are retaining more water because of a cortisol imbalance, the cortisol imbalance also messes up your insulin resistance and therefore your metabolism slows down. When you detoxify your liver, you produce more bile and release more bile into your gut. This means you are releasing more toxins, releasing more cholesterol, and improving digestion. When digestion is improved, you absorb the right nutrients in your body and are therefore more satiated - so you get hungry less often. The thyroid is vital for metabolism. 99% of your cells need the thyroid to function well. It helps with energy metabolism. Links ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet shares a four-part holistic approach to recovery from burnout. The holistic approach engages your body and mind simultaneously to produce the most effective and fastest results. Three things you will learn this episode: What tips the scale from stress to burnout. 4 step holistic approach to treating and preventing burnout. An easy way to start overcoming burnout. Timestamps [00:00] Episode overview: recovering from burnout [01:33] What is the main cause of burnout? [06:40] Subtle traumas that you may have experienced. [13:49] How generational traumas alter your DNA. [17:26] How liver health is connected to mental being. [23:28] 4 steps you must take to treat burnout. [26:02] How do you start healing your burnout (easy approach) [29:19] Why you should do family constellation therapy instead of cognitive-behavioral therapy. [30:44] Should you heal burnout on your own? OR Why healing your burnout with a coach or therapist is more effective than DIY. 3 Key Takeaways There are multiple causes of burnout, but childhood trauma is one of the root causes. Childhood trauma can cause overcompensation tendencies that eventually lead to burnout. Inflammation in your body is another root cause of burnout. Mothers can pass down stress and anxiety in the womb. When a pregnant woman is experiencing a traumatic or stressful event, the genes of the baby in the womb become more accustomed to the stress hormone cortisol. The baby is then born with a more hypersensitive nervous system. If you want to prevent or treat burnout you must: heal emotions from childhood, release generational trauma, reduce inflammation toxicity by healing your gut and liver, and rebuild your adrenal glands to sustain everyday stress. Links ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
This episode features an engaging and insightful discussion with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal. ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
What is EMDR Therapy

What is EMDR Therapy


Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet provides an overview of several approaches he uses to help people overcome trauma from narcissistic abuse. He uses an approach that engages all your senses rather than only engaging the analytical part of your brain. Rather, his approach is more primal. Three things you will learn this episode: The root cause of the stress and trauma you deal with today. Why you might be holding on to negative emotions. An overview of how generational trauma develops. Timestamps [00:56] Episode overview and Dr. Ameet’s journey. [02:26] How narcissistic parents can distort your sense of self. [05:56] A holistic approach to healing trauma from the past. [08:54] How Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy works. [12:20] Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) vs. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy [12:44] Why do we have generational trauma? [17:58] How homeopathy can heal trauma from narcissistic parents. [19:18] Resetting your intentions to move closer to your authentic self. 3 Key Takeaways If your parents mistreat you as a child, you are unable to distinguish that it is not you that is wrong but them. This can destabilize your core or distort your sense of who you are. You may then end up making flawed decisions because you are willing to settle for what is good enough for you rather than what is best for you. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy engages your senses and your limbic brain to distance you from past traumas that are still negatively impacting your life. As human beings, we are loyal to the pains of our close family members. This loyalty gives us the sense of belonging and structure that we need. This causes trauma to pass from one generation to the other - as we tend to take on the burden of those we are loyal to. This may be stopping you from becoming your authentic self. Links ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses how you can get rid of parasites and ease chronic illness by healing the liver. The liver is a master organ. It can make or break your mental health and your physical health. If your liver is upset, your body and your mind will suffer. “Good therapy is not hard to go through” - Dr. Ameet Three things you will learn this episode: The antioxidants you need to support your liver. The reason you might have tight shoulders that don’t seem to budge. How releasing your emotions can cure your constipation. Timestamps [00:00] Episode overview: parasites and chronic illness. [00:52] How the liver affects mental health. [02:44] Why do parasites destroy your liver health? [06:33] How liver toxicity makes you angry and more irritable. [08:57] Healing the liver to treat leaky gut syndrome. [11:24] What to do to support the liver and treat leaky gut. [12:56] A simplified introduction to homeopathy for complete beginners. [16:18] Why not taking deep breaths can damage your liver. [17:32] Why your nervous system may be primed to respond in a stressful way. [20:07] How do you know if you need family constellation therapy? [24:00] Can emotional release work fix your bowl movements? [28:59] Getting past the homeopathy’s negative press. 3 Key Takeaways Parasites aren’t new. They’ve always been there. However, it is the strain and stress that we place on our bodies that has changed. Our livers deal with a lot of toxins, so it is going through oxidative damage. So you need antioxidants to support your liver. Examples include vitamins A, C, and E. Taking deep breaths is vital for liver health. Stress people are prone to suffer from stagnant liver because their diaphragms are not moving as much. They also tend to have tight shoulders because they’re using their upper lungs only most of the time. Links ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet explains how anxiety and depression are caused by your body, mind, and history. Healing your body, healing your mind, and addressing generational trauma all go hand in hand. There isn’t a hard line separating mind and body, they cyclicly and perpetually affect one another. Three things you will learn this episode: Whether you can (or should) replace prescription medication with natural remedies. How discovering and healing generational trauma can treat your anxiety. Exactly how you can start healing your body to heal your mind. Timestamps [00:00] Episode overview: anxiety and depression [02:06] How your physical health can cause anxiety and depression (biology explained). [10:02] The most common limiting beliefs (examples of limiting beliefs). [11:40] Pillars of healing the gut, the liver, and your adrenal system. [19:28] How long does it take to heal your gut and liver. [21:43] How homeopathy can treat depression and anxiety. [25:39] Can you replace psychiatric medications with natural remedies? [29:50] How family constellation therapy can heal anxiety and depression. [37:20] How to work with Dr. Ameet. 5 Key Takeaways Common limiting beliefs include: “I’m not strong enough,” “I’m not worth it,” and “it’s my fault”. The pillars of healing the gut include: avoiding inflammatory foods like wheat and dairy; doing a food sensitivity test; reinforcing your health with probiotics and vitamin D. You can heal your gut, liver, and adrenal glands in as little as 3-5 weeks. You should never stop your prescription medications and replace them with natural remedies without first consulting with your psychiatrist. Such decisions should be taken in conjunction with your psychiatrist. Self-love is medicine. Don’t blame yourself for feeling anxious. Get curious about your symptoms. Observe where your symptoms come from. Links Connect with Ande Anderson: AVAIYA University Website ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses why people stay in toxic relationships and how to break out of them. Toxic relationships can often be familiar environments that we develop an affinity to. This is why breaking out of them requires awareness and self-love. Three things you will learn this episode: How we are attracted to emotions that we are familiar with. Reasons you don’t let yourself be happy. How to use homeopathy to heal relationship trauma. Timestamps [01:42] Why do people stay in toxic relationships? [03:52] Why do we avoid conflict? [06:50] How family constellations therapy can heal generational trauma. [11:33] Why can’t I be happy - how to release negative emotions and accept happiness into your life. [16:44] How can homeopathy help you get out of a toxic relationship. [21:30] How to deal with toxic family relationships. [25:54] Learn how to heal your gut, liver, and mental health. 3 Key Takeaways Lots of people have experienced separation anxiety in their childhood. The prospect of leaving a partner (in adult life) triggers all of those unconscious feelings that we felt as children when we were separated from loved ones. Sometimes we only accept feelings that we are familiar with. For example, if you grew up in a home where scolding was the norm you may feel that is normal for your partner to disrespect you. In the same way, you may feel confused if your partner is a decent person who respects you and tries to invite joy into your life. Making ‘I statements’ can be very freeing when navigating toxic family relationships. Examples include: “I am going to walk away” and “I am not ready to have this conversation right now”. Making these statements helps you practice self-support. This makes you less of a target to abusive people. Abusive people feed off entanglement and vulnerability. Links Connect with Ande Anderson: AVAIYA Website ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses how being abandoned affects your self-worth and impacts your future relationships and encounters. He offers actionable advice on how to do the inner work of healing from abandonment. Remember, you can do the inner work WHILE being in a relationship. Three things you will learn this episode: How to deal with the fear of abandonment. What you should expect from yourself and your partner if you have been previously abandoned. Why you don’t need to be perfect before finding love. Timestamps [00:31] Episode overview. [01:32] Two different types of abandonment. [04:35] Why abandonment damages your self-worth. [06:18] Why you cannot just talk yourself out of low self-worth. [07:20] How to overcome the fear of abandonment. [12:14] What is the connection between low self-esteem and eating habits. [15:58] Why you should try to feel more rather than try to feel better. [18:42] Finding love after being abandoned (what to expect from your partner) [21:50] Why you don’t have to be whole or healed before getting into a relationship. [22:55] A free gift from Dr. Ameet. 3 Key Takeaways Abandonment can be anything from your parents leaving you or when your family structure changes. It creates a shift in your identity and sense of belonging. Abandonment can be as subtle as your mom being away for a few weeks in the hospital. When we are young, our identity often comes from validation. However, if a person is abandoned there is no feedback loop happening that is nourishing their connection with the outside world. Encourage yourself to be vulnerable. Allow yourself to go to places where you don’t want to go. Feel fear, feel anger, feel hate. Feel all these things fully. Dive deep into what you’re afraid of feeling and you’ll get so many answers. Links Connect with Ande Anderson: AVAIYA Website ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses how you can heal generational trauma without upsetting your family. Generational trauma is a heavy burden that masks your authentic self from the world and from yourself. Three things you will learn this episode: How healing your generational trauma can shift family dynamics (even if your family is far away). Why family entanglement is interfering with your authentic self. How to break the cycle of generational trauma in your family. Timestamps [00:31] Episode overview. [01:32] Body-mind medicine: why heal body and mind together? [04:16] Where are your adrenal glands and what do they do? [05:45] How inflammatory foods damage your body and mind. [08:26] How you can heal your gut at home (a list of home remedies to stimulate bile flow). [10:48] What is adulthood generational trauma? [15:08] How to heal generational trauma without disappointing your family. [21:07] How negative emotions can make us feel like we belong. [23:32] Actionable ways to end the cycle of generational trauma. [26:55] Free videos on constellation therapy. [27:55] Advice on giving love. 4 Key Takeaways Adrenal burnout is not only caused by stress. It can also be caused by your diet. Inflammatory foods can cause holes in your intestines, this leads to toxins spreading all around your body. Consuming probiotics and anti-inflammatory foods can do wonders for the health of your gut. Turmeric is an excellent example of an anti-inflammatory spice. Part of healing generational trauma is letting go of carrying the burdens of your loved ones and genuinely trusting that they are capable of facing their own challenges. Giving back burdens to the people they belong to is how you start ending the cycle of generational trauma. Forgiveness plays a major role in breaking away from generational trauma. Forgiveness is not saying “I forgive you” but saying “I am sorry this happened between us”. Links Connect with Ande Anderson: AVAIYA Website ⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠ ⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠ Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠
Summary In this episode Dr. Ameet discusses what trauma and stress do to people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis can possibly be triggered and exacerbated by stress and generational trauma. This is why when approaching the problem of healing multiple sclerosis it must be done from a root cause perspective: healing both the mind and body together. Three things you will learn this episode: How stress affects multiple sclerosis. How to discover generational trauma in your life. What constellation therapy is and how it is becoming mainstream. Timestamps [00:00] Episode overview: healing the mind and body together. [01:52] How Dr. Ameet’s naturopathic journey started. [04:38] How is trauma connected to multiple sclerosis? [12:40] What is family constellation therapy and how it can heal generational trauma and neurodegenerative diseases. [17:58] How do you realize that you have ancestral trauma? [25:22] Why is healing the liver important for multiple sclerosis? [31:00] Why eating bitter foods can heal your liver. [32:48] How does emotional trauma damage the liver? [35:53] How can you release trauma if you have multiple sclerosis? 5 Key Takeaways When you have unresolved childhood trauma, you tend to relieve the feelings you experienced unknowingly even in mundane encounters without understanding why you feel a certain way.  This causes your cortisol levels to continually rise in your body and you, therefore, become more and more stressed in your life. Stress causes nerve damage in your body. This nerve damage caused by stress can explain how trauma and multiple sclerosis (or other degenerative diseases) are connected. When you inherit other people’s trauma (for example if your father was abusive to your mother and you start hating your father) - you are taking over the burdens of others. This may mean that you are not being your authentic self. Asking and inquiring can be effective ways to uncover generational trauma. Family constellation therapy can also help you channel information. If your liver is not effectively detoxifying your blood, your body might trigger autoimmune diseases. You can start healing your liver by consuming bitter foods to stimulate bile flow. Examples of bitter food include arugula, broccoli, cabbage,  Brussel sprouts, and dandelion. Links ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠ ⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠
Why take Medicinal Mushrooms

Why take Medicinal Mushrooms


Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet discusses how adaptogenic mushrooms can heal the liver. Many of our day to day health issues like anxiety, bloating, PMS, and low immunity originate from chemical imbalances in our liver and gut. Medicinal mushrooms help treat the foundation of these problems rather than only solve their symptoms. In this episode you will learn: What you must solve before resorting to medicinal mushrooms. What mushrooms to use to heal the liver and gut. How your liver health can affect your mental health. 6 Key Takeaways A mistake practitioners often make is to prescribe laxatives for constipation. If you are suffering from constipation, it is possible that you may be suffering from a stagnant liver. The liver and hormonal balance are closely connected. Inflammation in the liver can cause hormonal imbalances (for example, a cortisol imbalance). This is why it is no surprise that the liver can heavily impact your mental health. Before the liver can be treated, inflammatory foods must be removed from your diet. Examples of inflammatory foods are: dairy, gluten, too much coffee, and alcohol. A food allergy test can also be helpful. Reishi and Lion’s Mane are the two go-to mushrooms for treating liver inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. Shiitake, Maitake, and Cordyceps are also used to protect the liver. If you have sensitivity to mushroom or yeast overgrowth, you can still use medicinal mushrooms as long as you are using mushroom extract. Many people tend to refuse therapy. This can be due to the stigma attached to therapy. Therefore, instead of therapy they can sign up for coaching or engage in tapping therapy. Links Hifas Da Terra: Website | Mycotherapy with Hifas da Terra Facebook Group Sign up as a practitioner: ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠ ⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ameet explores the connection between trauma and food sensitivity. He discusses how certain foods get associated with traumatic times in your life and the series of biological events that unfold when you are exposed to those foods again. He explains how trauma-induced food sensitivity works and the impact it has on your body and mind. Three things you will learn this episode: How homeopathy can treat emotional trauma and food sensitivity. Why you cannot heal the mind without healing the body. How food can cure liver and gut diseases. Timestamps [00:00] Episode overview: healing the mind and body together. [00:57] The science behind why you need to heal the mind and body together. [05:00] How is trauma connected to auto-immunity and food sensitivity. [08:02] Do we inherit trauma from our ancestors? [10:40] What is homeopathy and how does it work? [15:04] How do you decide what homeopathic treatment to use? [17:44] How food is used as medicine to treat liver stagnation. [22:30] Home remedies to ease your stress. [25:10] Dr. Ameet’s work in Kenya. 3 Key Takeaways Mental health issues arise from both inflammation, brain chemical imbalance in the body as well as from emotional trauma. This is why you need to heal the mind and body together. When people are going through a traumatic event, they may develop a habit of eating a specific food. This is why certain foods may be associated in your mind with traumatic events and ultimately cause food sensitivity. Homeopathy is a german medical system based on the principle that “like cures like” it uses diluted versions of substances in nature to cure diseases. A very oversimplified example of how that works is: if you have an allergy, and your symptoms mimic those of being exposed to an onion (runny nose, teary eyes) a severely diluted form of onion would be provided as the cure. This would gradually ease the symptoms of the allergy. Links ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠ ⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠
We all have physical, mental, and emotional struggles. All these could lead up to anxiety, depression, and other health issues. Our bodies and minds are interconnected and the two must remain healthy.  One of the most important organs in our body that should remain clean and healthy is the liver. It has been responsible for taking up the toxins inside our body and other metabolic processes. This is why we must have enough knowledge on how the liver functions and how we can improve our bile production. In this episode, we will be joined by Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, a naturopathic doctor that has been voted top 43 worldwide and the only naturopathic doctor that combines naturopathic medicine with psychotherapy.  Dr. Ameet will talk about liver detox, how we can heal our mind and body with the use of naturopathic medicine, and also knowing the root causes of our health issues. Highlights: 02:01 Poor liver functions and how it is connected to one’s mood 02:10 Connections between liver, thyroid, and serotonin productions 05:51 Relationship between the thyroid gland and the liver 07:00 Connection of GABA and Progesterone to the liver 07:23 Certain factors that affect the mental health 08:52 Effects of Adrenal fatigue 10:30  Phases in Liver Detox 15:26 Liver Friendly Foods to Consume 17:10 Different ways to use turmeric 18:40 Medicinal Herbs for Liver Support 18:50 Nutrients needed for Bile Production 20:00 When should you use glutathione and NAC? 21:04 Use of NAC as preventatives and immune system booster 23:00 Mental health benefits of NAC for those with OCD-like symptoms 24:00 When to use Nexphomeca and Lycopodium? 24:40 Combining homeopathy with nutrients 25:09 Use of homeopathy to specific toxins 26:24 Benefits of giving the right homeopathic remedy 26:40 Combining psychotherapy and homeopathy 28:46 Proper dosing for NAC’s 31:16 Noise stress and how it increases inflammation in the body 32:35 Treating misophonia disorder 36:31 Gilbert’s Syndrome Causes and Symptoms 42:50 Family Constellations ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠
The mind, body, and vagus nerve are interconnected. The vagus nerve is responsible for regulating the internal organs in our body which is why it is important that is free from any imbalances. In this episode with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, we will learn and discover how to keep our mind, body, and vagus nerve healthy. We will also discover more about homeopathy and how it helps heal both the mind and body for a healthier and natural healing. Highlights: 02:26 Homeopathy treats the root cause of any diseases 05:01 How homeopathy really works 05:13 The philosophy of homeopathy 06:59 Homeopathy as a form of energy medicine 08:55 Homeopathy individualizes treatment 10:53 Homeopathy as a treatment for shock and trauma 14:50 Adrenal burnout remedies 16:23 Gut, liver, and adrenal connection and how it affects the vagus nerve 17:40 Right homeopathic remedies for chronic diseases 24:55 Self-love and letting go of attachments for healing Links: ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠
Emotional Trauma

Emotional Trauma


Our body should be our safe haven, which means that we need to properly take care of it and heal it in the best and natural ways possible. In this episode with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, a top doctor worldwide that combines naturopathic medicine with psychotherapy that helps you achieve optimal healing, he will share how our bodies react to different traumas. In this episode, we will also discover different ways to heal our bodies from past traumas or even generational traumas. We will also learn natural ways to heal our bodies and overcome different traumas and mental stress. Above all, we will learn how to fully heal mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to enjoy most of our time in a healthier and better phase of our lives. Highlights: 03:23  Flight response(s) of the body 04:02 Things that burn out your adrenal system 04:23 What do imbalances do to the body? 04:50 Why people do not feel better or heal fully 06:38 Generational Traumas and its physical and mental effect 08:36  Miscarriage and abortions as root causes of anxiety and depression 10:15 Re-subconscious pains and how to overcome it 10:50 Mother wounds and how it affects their child 13:19 Family constellations and gestalt psychology 14:20 Homeopathy and how it heals your body and bring it to a healthier state 19:51 Safety and love as a basic need 20:10 Lifestyle recommendations 20:38 Foods that are not good for the liver and causes imbalances 21:52 Healing the mental health and strengthening the adrenal system 22:21 Attachment trauma and connection of the nervous system stress to the liver 24:49 Practical permission exercises to heal 27:40 Recognizing positive and negative emotions 33:56 Forgiving oneself/ self-forgiveness and spiritual strength Links: ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠
Our health must always be our top priority. We all wanted to achieve optimal health, however, healing them may require not just supplements and common medicine, but healing our metabolism from its very core. In today’s episode of Metabolism Summit, Sarah Vance, the author of The Perfect Metabolism Plan, together with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, a top naturopathic doctor from Kenya will share their expertise on treating both the mind and body. In this episode, Dr. Aggarwal will highlight the value of each of our body organs especially the liver, how it should be kept healthy and balanced to achieve a healthier metabolism. Dr. Aggarwal will also discuss the healing of both the mind and body using gestalt therapy, family constellations, and more. Also, he will discuss how our emotions are interconnected with our organs, and how it could affect us daily. Highlights: 02:22 What are the organs involved with metabolism? 02:50 Factors that affect the metabolism 03:20 Emotional Experience of the Trauma affects the Adrenal System 04:37 Connection of Liver to the Emotions 05:08 Liver Activates Enzymes in your system 05:39 Inflammation and leaky guts affect brain and cortisol level 06:10 Importance of Liver Healing 06:22 Gestalt therapy and family constellations 06:54 Physical Imbalances changes the emotions 07:25 Importance of Releasing Strong Emotions through Gestalt Therapy 07:59 Resolving Emotional Traumas to De-stress organs 08:32 Use of EFT or Emotional Freedom technique 09:04 Positive Thinking or Positive Psychology in Rewiring the brain 10:36 Recovery feeling after an exercise 11:09 How the liver affects digestion 13:21 Side effects of a toxicated liver 14:09 How inflammation and food sensitivity impact the liver 15:35 How inflammation from the gut compromises liver function 17:27 Stress causes liver energy stagnation 17:33 Deep breathing helps heal the liver 18:07 Signs and Symptoms of Sluggy Liver 20:59 How adrenal fatigue is connected to the liver 21:08 Causes of adrenal fatigue 22:55 Correcting liver imbalance to treat the hormones 23:04 How pills compromise liver functions 24:00 Ways to Detoxify the Liver 27:20 How liver is connected to the body's Cholesterol Level 30:21 How acupuncture helps the liver 32:40 Bone and Body Therapy and how it works Links: ⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠ Free Slide Deck here:
Natural Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss


“Don’t focus on the weight, focus on the health.” “Give yourself permission to pick yourself up.” We get most of our confidence from how we look at ourselves and sometimes it is also the reason why we feel uncomfortable about our own bodies. How we see ourselves and how we talk about it matters the most. In this episode of Dr. Rudy Miller, he will share and guide us with the steps needed to find the underlying cause of our health and weight loss struggles together with his guest, Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, a top naturopathic doctor from Kenya. During the episode, we will discover on different struggles of overweight people and how it can be healed in the most holistic way possible.  We will also discover the power of how we talk to ourselves and how it can heal us both mentally and physically. Dr. Ameet will also be sharing self-affirmation and holistic exercises to follow to achieve one’s goal in weight loss and becoming more positive of one’s body. Listen to this podcast now and start living a healthier and better life! Highlights: 03:58 Emotional Healing is Fundamental to Physical Health 04:49 Struggles with Self-Image 05:39 Negative Emotions and Strong Beliefs exhausts the Adrenal System 07:01 Adrenal Imbalances of Overweight People 07:26 Self Talk as an underlying issue of adrenal fatigue 09:32 Relationships affecting or blocking health goals 11:43 Acceptance as one way of healing 12:37 Giving one's self permission to heal 17:00 Self-affirmations Exercise 22:42 How the limbic brain believes and resist the words we say 27:00 Implementing positive self-talk 27:47 Effects of Stress Response 29:25 Fixing the foundation and implementing necessary changes 29:47 How your food choices contribute to your mental state 30:13 Releasing trauma and belief systems to have more positive thoughts Links: ⁠⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠⁠ See full transcript here:
In this episode of the Health Junkie, we will be learning how to become successful with the online business with health as your passion. This episode will be grace by Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, a top doctor worldwide that combines naturopathic medicine with gestalt psychotherapy. Dr. Ameet will discuss the connection of both the body and mind. He will also talk about the importance of natural healing or holistic remedies to heal the mind and body. In this episode, he will also share his experiences and ways of growing his business online being passionate about health and helping people heal not just physically but also mentally. Connection of body and mind Using your diet to heal imbalances, adrenal fatigue Using food and nutrition to heal the body Releasing emotional pain and changing negative belief  systems Subconscious stress stimulates the adrenal system Adrenal fatigue caused by subconscious stress Adrenal fatigue causes cortisol imbalance that causes weight gain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and many more Healing the gut as the first step to heal Use of homeopathic remedies and supplements Treating the liver Imbalanced liver causes emotional and physical issues Right remedies to heal the liver Certain foods to help heal the liver Foods to avoid to reduce inflammation Building up the adrenal system How to start the online business What to invest when doing the online business Visit: ⁠⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠⁠
Reinvent your best body and gain back your sex drive by listening to this podcast. With guest, Dr. Ameet  Aggarwal, a naturopathic doctor that is voted top 43 worldwide will share on his knowledge and expertise in dealing with obesity, stress, and loss of sex drive. He will discuss how to find the root cause of your problems physically, mentally, and emotionally. He will also talk about the ways to heal them with the use of holistic medicine and emotional release. Listen to this podcast now and enjoy a better and healthier sex life later! Reasons why overweight people lose their sex drive Sex drive depends on many factors Emotional confidence is one of the big factors in losing sex drive Toxicity and other chemicals inside the body is also considered as a factor What causes obesity? How inflammation starts in obese people and how it causes imbalance in the body Hormonal imbalances and mental and emotional issues that affects sexual drive What causes a person to lose their sex drive? Obesity and emotional traumas What causes inflammation and its effects on sex drive, libido Cortisol imbalance Other factors that affects sex drive How to heal your adrenal glands and inflammation Treating the root cause to  have better sex life Exercise is the elixir of life Look at all the factors that could affect your sex drive Use of naturopathy to stimulate sex drive Healing of  emotions and past traumas Self love is important to gain confidence Visit: ⁠⁠⁠Free Holistic Medicine Courses, Homeopathic & Natural Remedies to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Trauma⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Books on Mental Health, Gut Health, Holistic Medicine, Liver Detox, Reversing Adrenal Fatigue & Healing Trauma⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Therapy Sessions: ⁠Holistic Medicine Doctors⁠⁠⁠
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