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Tales of a Well Established Lesbian
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Tales of a Well Established Lesbian

Author: Well Established Lesbian

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Join me, a Butch Lesbian, as I talk about growing up, and being a grown up, gay woman who is also gender nonconforming. Memories meet stories and become tales of experience. I recommend you start this podcast at episode 1, as this is a life story told chronologically, but I'm not the boss of you, jump in wherever you fancy!

This lesbian podcast discusses mature themes and contains some colourful language.

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70 Episodes
Lesbians love a long…first date! And the Well Established Lesbian has set aside a whole weekend for this one. But will it be the best first date ever or will they both be left wishing there was a way to exit early? Will the WEL find what she’s been looking for or will she just be left with questions? This chapter contains a tiny bit of colourful language and discussions of sex and smoking. And obviously it’s chock full of LGBTQIA+ content. I mean, it is on the label! Love the show? Show your support or thanks with a donation or subscription to help cover costs! Head over to Cost of living crisis hitting you in the wallet? Save your money, rate, review, follow, share and generally tell people about the show! It all helps!
66 - Zero Chill

66 - Zero Chill


The Well Established Lesbian is all in and is determined to make this Christmas one to remember. She’s gone full wishful romantic and is desperately trying not to go overboard. Surely even the WEL can’t mess up a small, cute, harmless romantic gesture? Place your bets now. Everything is riding on this epic first date/weekend, will the chemistry be real or should this romance have stayed online? This chapter contains colourful language and LGBTQIA+ content because I am a slightly sweary lesbian.  Love the show? Listened all the way through? Think I should write and record faster? Let me know with a donation over at Short on cash? Like, follow, subscribe, rate, review, tell your Nan. It all helps!
The Well Established Lesbian is back at it, both the online dating AND the stand up comedy. Now all she has to do is land a date and a gig. Will this new local potential love interest be the real thing or is the WEL being led out to sea once more? And if she is real, will she let the WEL keep her socks on? Or is that the kind of thing that marks her out as an amateur lesbian? Well Established, sure, Professional? Probably not. Maybe the WEL can learn something from a headlining Lesbian. Or maybe comedy isn’t where her talents really lay, the Christmas rom-com is starting to come together… This chapter contains the usual colourful language and LGBTQIA+ content. (It is about a lesbian after all!) Love the show? Love the fact that it’s advert free? Help keep it that way. Head over to to donate or subscribe now.
Helsinki to Home. Afterparties to personal challenges, the Well Established Lesbian is back trying to keep her calendar busy. But what goes up must come down and she’s not getting an easy ride into winter. Or is she?  Join the WEL as she ventures across Europe once more but gets into trouble closer to home. And find out how long she manages to “take a break” from the dating apps. Spoiler alert, it’s not long! This chapter contains colourful language and LGBTQIA+ content. Love the show? Love that it’s advert free? Help keep it that way and support the show at
63 - Finnish her?

63 - Finnish her?


A change is as good as a rest they say. The Well Established Lesbian doesn’t know who they are but thinks they might be wrong. House move done, it’s all about rushing to get out of work and get away to Finland. If only it was that simple. The big tournament has finally arrived and the WEL has hopes for a Finnish Fling. One of these days, she’s going to be careful what she wishes for! This chapter contains colourful language and lesbian content. Hate ads? Me too. Come support the show by donating and I won’t sell out.
62 - Cunning Linguist

62 - Cunning Linguist


Words are important to the Well Established Lesbian. It’s words that have her moving out and moving on. But they’re not just important to the WEL. Back in the Roller Derby universe she’s forced to check her ugly attitude towards pronouns and where on earth that nonsense is coming from. It's another Championship weekend, full of awesomeness on track. There’s an amazing opportunity on offer but one that means she’ll have to watch what she says. Ironically this chapter contains plenty of colourful language. Don’t forget to rate/review the show and if you want to help keep it ad-free, head over to to leave a tip, donate or become a subscriber.
61 - Not Harry Potter

61 - Not Harry Potter


The Well Established Lesbian is striking out on her own, in all directions. And she is just a little bit fed up with some of the fellas she’s meeting. And their unsolicited theories. Ugh boys. But with a dose of family support, the Well Established Lesbian puts a deposit down on her new life. This chapter contains some colourful language but it doesn’t contain adverts! (Seems like a win to me).  Help keep it ad-free by donating or subscribing via
60 - R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

60 - R.E.S.P.E.C.T.


Another year older, another year wiser? Maybe, maybe. The Well Established Lesbian is finally learning some lessons, both at work and in life. New challenges present themselves but old troubles come back for another go, this time, does the WEL have enough respect for herself to say enough is enough?  And if she does draw a line, who else will end up on the wrong side? Will anyone be left standing in the last chance saloon? Will she even keep giving folks a second chance? Listen now to find out. This chapter contains some colourful language. Love the show? Want to help keep it ad-free? Donate or subscribe at
The Well Established Lesbian is getting involved in everything. All the sports. Not participating obviously. She’s taken her announcing to another level and her ex-girlfriend/friend with benefits, but with a boatload of history, on another weekend away. It’s business but can they make it pleasure too? Different sports bring out different sides of us and the WEL’s #ladmode gets activated. Her team can’t score but can she? This episode contains some colourful language. Support the show and keep it ad-free! Donate or subscribe at
The Well Established Lesbian is full of advice this week, advice for her flatmate, advice for the younger Butches, advice for those who want to cuddle an Alpaca and if she had any decent dating advice, she’d be taking it herself. Getting back with an ex isn’t ALWAYS a bad idea right? It’s got to be better than the insane stories the catfish are coming with. Or does the Well Established Lesbian just need to remember who she is trying to make happy… This chapter contains some colourful language. Keep the show ad-free, sponsor or donate from as little as £1 to help cover the show costs. Follow on instagram @wellestablishedlesbian
57 - Everyone sucks

57 - Everyone sucks


In her quest to stay busy and ignore the disaster that is her love life, the Well Established Lesbian pursues a new hobby, keeps levelling up at the roller derby and takes on any other challenge she can find. Working hard and playing hard, can she resist the call, or the texts, of her ex? Will the return of the sexually ambiguous flatmate help? This chapter contains some colourful language and strong opinions on Christmas films. Subscribe or donate to keep the show ad-free at Follow on insta @wellestablishedlesbian
56 - Flap Snaps

56 - Flap Snaps


The Well Established Lesbian is making all kinds of moves and some are paying off. Others…not so much. She’s learnt a great deal about her best mate, maybe too much? Meanwhile, we’re about to find out if this town is big enough for these 2 ex-girlfriends…How will the WEL handle Ashleigh’s latest news? And what will she do when she runs out of distractions? This chapter contains plenty of colourful language and discussions about sex, but that straight sex business so no worries right? ;) Keep the show ad-free, subscribe or donate Follow on instagram @wellestablishedlesbian
55 - Sticky Nipples

55 - Sticky Nipples


On a sorching summer's day the Well Established Lesbian considers the legality of her nipples. She wants them freed, ASAP! Anything to take her mind off the impending stand up comedy debut. Sweaty palms, a hammering heart and an audience full of mates. Will she bomb or will this be the start of something new? This chapter contains colourful language. Support the show, donate and subscribe now
54 - Bus Wanker

54 - Bus Wanker


Still coming to terms with the consequences of her actions, or non action, the Well Established Lesbian needs to have a word with herself. It’s time to adapt, do things differently. Find a new path, footpath, of course. And now she’s got some crazy notion she can give stand up comedy a go. How hard can it be? Just being funny? Can’t be any harder than trying to work out how to ask a woman for her number right? Right? This chapter contains some colourful language. Keep the show ad-free and help cover the production costs. Donate now at if you’ve enjoyed the content. Or just tell a friend. It all helps.
When one door closes, another one is supposed to open. Or are you supposed to open it? The Well Established Lesbian has a theory that it will open when it’s good and ready. Meanwhile she decides to get back out there. In the world of online dating. There might be plenty of fish in the sea but too many are catfish and need to be thrown back. Feeling a little thin-skinned, the Well Established Lesbian is reminded that not everyone loves a Butch. But she isn’t looking for everyone. She never was. This chapter contains colourful language. Support the show and keep it ad-free, donate or subscribe now at
52 - Simon Says

52 - Simon Says


CW: Mentions depression, anti-depressants & suicidal ideation. Oh it’s messy isn’t it? Life. It’s up, it’s down and if we include the roller derby, it’s round and round too. The Well Established Lesbian is trying to keep a brave face for the world but it’s a struggle. And it’s not just her dislike of asking for help that’s getting in the way. You know what they say about assumptions, they’re the mother of all…problems. But she knows she’s not gonna get where she wants to be on her own. No matter how complicated that makes things. Life’s simpler when you just have to worry about what Simon says… This chapter contains some colourful language and honest discussions about depression. Want to support the show? Help keep it ad-free? Head over to to subscribe or donate. Instagram @wellestablishedlesbian
51 - Red Trousers

51 - Red Trousers


The Well Established Lesbian thinks she’s the new Banksy and faces tough negotiations when trying to sell her art. Break up admin still needs doing, bringing the exes back together, purely for practical reasons, or maybe not? The WEL has plans, aside from celebrating Christmas in September, but life doesn’t care. It’s one step forward, two steps back. Whatever happens, she’d do well to remember, no-one cares if you wear the red trousers and even astronauts have parents. This chapter contains some colourful language. Keep the show ad-free, donate or subscribe now  Follow on instagram, facebook and find a community of listeners over on reddit.
Welcome to the fiftieth chapter of Tales of a Well Established Lesbian. To celebrate it’s a bumper chapter. From moving out and moving on, to campsite drama and Pride parades. And the rebound that she'll insist isn't a rebound. It’s all going on for the Well Established Lesbian and she’s about to find out that Pride quite literally comes before a fall. This chapter contains colourful language and mature LGBTQIA+ themes. Keep the show ad-free, support or donate at Follow me @wellestablishedlesbian on Instagram. Thanks for listening. vONaqudZXJn9DJN4yPYt
What’s the most Lesbian thing you’ve ever done? How about a trip with your fiancé, from who you are separated, and your best mate, who’s ex-girlfriend you are currently sleeping with, and 2 other mates to witness the drama? That is exactly what the Well Established Lesbian is up to this week and you just know you have to hear how this one turns out… This chapter contains colourful language. Keep the show ad-free by donating/subscribing at
The aftermath. The shift of a relationship. The Well Established Lesbian needs to find a way through what they’re calling a “trial separation”. But if they’re not talking, how can they fix it? This chapter sees the WEL face the choice of dealing with reality or distracting herself from it. She might be turning 35 but she’s not feeling very mature at all… This chapter contains colourful language. Support the show – help cover the costs – keep the advertisers at bay! Head over to to donate or subscribe now.
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