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About Life
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About Life

Author: About Life

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The transition from adolescence to adulthood is the most difficult thing in everyone's life, sometimes many young people today are so lost and feel hopeless about their future, that's why we present a podcast "about life" to provide learning but various experiences to friends, happy listening!!!
8 Episodes
About Life (Trailer)

About Life (Trailer)


Life crisis itself is a change in certain aspects from one phase of life to another phase that requires adjustment. But not everyone is successful in making these adjustments. this results in a decreased mental state and confusion about how to deal with the upcoming situation In conclusion, people who cannot face drastic changes in a phase of their life will experience a life crisis. Likewise with teenagers. Teenagers turning 18 have to make a lot of decisions in a short amount of time and for the first time set foot in the world of 'adults' where we have to solve our own problems without the help of our parents. So, here we are, sending message to other people how to solve life crisis and some experience that already passed the phase of life crisis at 18.
Life Crisis

Life Crisis


Jadi emang kali ini aku pengen buat segmen khusus tentang life crisis. Nah, nanti aku bakalan upload nih ya satu-satu episodenya fase krisis kehidupan, dimulai dari umur 18, 25, 35, dan 40-50 tahun. Untuk tau life crisis itu seperti apa, yuuuu langsung check it out the newest episode!!!
About Life (Trailer)

About Life (Trailer)


Tragedi Kedung Ombo

Tragedi Kedung Ombo


Pasti banyak yang gak tau mengenai tragedi pelanggaran HAM yang dialami oleh warga Kedung Ombo pada zaman orde baru. Mereka dipaksa tinggal diatas genangan air Kedung Ombo, dan diperlakukan tidak adil oleh pemerintah dengan uang ganti rugi yang tidak sepadan. Cerita selengkapnya langsung bisa didengarkan melalui podcast ini!
Cuss! Part 2, kelanjutan cerita penyintas kejadian berdarah G 30 S PKI!!!
Episode kali ini bakalan bahas setelah insiden 30 S PKI. Ternyata bukan cuman tentang peristiwa penculikan dan pembunuhan perwira tinggi Indonesia loh. Penasaran? Yuk langsung denger!
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