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L'chaim L'chaim - Weekly Parshah and Haftorah analysis
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L'chaim L'chaim - Weekly Parshah and Haftorah analysis

Author: Noah Katz

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Welcome to the Whole Haftorah (an analysis of the haftorah and how it connects to the Parshah). Also, enjoy my prior episodes detailing my favorite insights from the Parshah.
178 Episodes
Sinas Chinam leads to destruction, It is worthwhile avoiding its seduction. On the Day of Judgement, don't forget your name, You can be punished for someone else's shame.
The Torah is compared to a loved wife, We waste so many precious moments in life. The Holy of Holies, lashon hora can reach, So on Yom Kippur, the kohen would atone for our speech!
Hashem will recount all of our conversations, Lashon hara spoken causes accusations. Avoiding lashon hara makes us immune to evil, But if spoken, it will lead to social upheaval.
Even with many mitzvos, our mouths may lead us astray, So it is imperative to guard what we say. If we give a needle, we will get a palace gate, By starting a little, we could end up with something great!
Today we are reviewing the introduction, Lashon hara can lead to destruction. The yetzer hara wears many masks, Don't distance yourself from never-ending tasks!
If you use the Torah as a guide, You'll learn to ignore insults and let things slide. Modesty, compassion, and acts of kindness define a Jew, The laws of lashon haha need constant review.
Search for the Torah like a treasure, Toiling in it provides the greatest pleasure. Despite exile from countless nations, The Torah has been kept for all generations!
Grasp onto just one branch on the tree of life, By avoiding speech that causes strife. The laws of lashon hara, society ignores, So if you avoid lashon hara, the reward is uniquely yours!
A Jew without Torah is like a fish without water, So it is crucial to educate our sons and daughters. The importance of learning cannot be overblown, Without learning, even prayer is not enough on its own.
Yaakov went to yeshiva for 14 years, That prepared him to face Lavan's sneers. Contemplate a mitzvah's reward, And the yetzer hara will be ignored!
Our abandonment of the Torah will be an indictment, Avraham offered his son, Yitzchak, with excitement. Every time the study of the Torah is ignored, We lose out on its everlasting reward.
Don't neglect Torah, heaven forbid, Make sure to teach it to your kids. The effort spent in Torah is well worth the return, So get started, because there is always more to learn!
If today there are no lambs, Tomorrow there will be no rams. The Torah is magnificent, Everyone that supports it is significant!
The money spent on Torah is compared to a nut, A new nut replaces the one that was cut. Zebulun is happy going out to sea, Because his success will be guaranteed!
Not learning Torah is a crime, So make sure learning is done during free time. Don't allow our Torah study to become lax, Because that makes us vulnerable to Amalek's attack!
Bear the Torah like an ox bears its yoke, We will be rewarded for the Torah we spoke. We are obligated in Torah whether we are poor or wealthy, Or whether we are old, young, sick, or healthy!
Those who learn Torah are second to none, They are so bright, they shine like the sun. The Torah has a sweet reward, And it connects a person to the Lord.
If lashon hara has caused a breach, Learning Torah can purify your speech. Torah is not beyond the sea, Like water, Torah is free.
Don't fault a person for your own flaw, The way we judge others, we'll be judged by the same law. The downfall of others is not a time to rejoice, We have the power to uplift with our voice!
The yetzer hara can be beat, Turning what was bitter into something sweet. To avoid anger and riot, It might be best to stay quiet.
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