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The Lotus Lounge

Author: Rev JJ

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Raw & uncut with Rev JJ. Providing education on Mental health, wellness and ways of coping in these choatic times. Speaking my truth and exposing darkness. I will share my own personal experiences and how I was able to transform from the darkness to light. I have been through the mud and have blossomed into the Lotus.
151Β Episodes
Create a New Self

Create a New Self


This episode I ramble some and share a dream I had this morning about my ex-husband and the story about his arrest. I also discuss the sweltering heat, chemtrails and the firmament, functional freeze, radiation and my use of garlic and elderberry to heal and boost immune system.
Create a New Earth

Create a New Earth


This episode I share a letter from the 19th VP JFK Jr, the CIA use of birds for surveillance, an anonymous post about homosexuality and parasites, Starseeds/144K, CIA declassified research "the human body is a liquid crystal", and Oprah "Satan's queen of the new age".
End of the Illusion

End of the Illusion


This episode I share information on the military operation we are currently engaged in, the Khazars and the myth of Gog and Magog. I also discuss toxic dyes in our food as well as a tarot card I pulled, "vows".
Silent War

Silent War


This episode I delve deep into the darkness and the current state of this world. I share info on HEK293, DJT the character and JFK/Kahlooni Jr. Note: The internet cut out at the end. Odd it happened based on what I was discussing. My apologies for the abrupt ending.
Realm of Darkness

Realm of Darkness


This episode I do my first Video Podcast! I share information on the evil plan to enslave humanity and the satanic agenda of this realm, the Kalergi Plan Genocide, Alice Bailey 10 point strategy of New World Order, the Jewish Masonic elite, and the Satanic ritual agenda.
Freed the Energy

Freed the Energy


This episode I discuss the soul trapping technology of the moon and Zulu lore about the moon's origins. I also share info on O blood and ET's, MKULTRA, tribunals and 5D DNA repair.
Receive the Energy

Receive the Energy


*Trigger warning: graphic/sexual content* This episode I continue to share information on the evil dark cabal & the story of Jessie Czebotar & what she's witnessed, the Satanic Talmud & the differences between narcissists, psychopaths & sociopaths. More on spiritual downloads.
Shift the Energy

Shift the Energy


*Trigger warning: Graphic sexual content* This episode I share information on rituals for the Capricorn Full Moon, a dark & disturbing story about Lolita slave toy, sex rituals/alchemy, Cia document, Astral body Affirmations, & more on spiritual downloads & Starseeds.
Raise the Energy

Raise the Energy


This episode I educate on emotional regulation, survival and trauma responses in the body. I discuss freeze and fawn trauma response, including dissociation and the need for solitude. I provide info on ways to regulate the nervous system as well as how to reprogram the subconscious mind. I also share info on what is Clairkinetic and spiritual downloads.
Be the Energy

Be the Energy


This episode I discuss my own manifestation experience, 12 Laws of Karma, awakening & raising vibration, how to clear & cleanse energy/aura, & how to break a curse. I also touch on World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day & terms to know if you're a survivor and recovering from narcissistic abuse. Benefits of celtic salt added at the end.
Divine Transformation

Divine Transformation


This episode I discuss the 5:5 portal, the impact of your thoughts, the 4 brains, biometric energy field, the 3 Heavens of the Bible & the role of the Soulless/NPC.
Divine Mission

Divine Mission


The Movie Screen Above will be Removed This episode I share Declassified CIA Documents on Star People, Affirmations & the shape of the Earth.
This is a short and sweet episode providing some info about taxes here in the US.
Divine Cosmic Flame

Divine Cosmic Flame


Omg! I cover so much this episode...from the cosmos & different dimensions to satan the hijacking of earth and everything in between. Take a listen. You'll learn a lot. This episode I discuss tomorrow's upcoming solar eclipse & Nasa's plan Apophis, DNA activation & Sky Event, Solar Rishi/GSF (God-Sovereign-Free), Our Hidden World Wizadry, Earth Angels, Lotus blossom & Buddha birthday 4/8, 3 Heavens, 4 entities that rule earth, knock on wood 🌳, POM, earthquake device.
Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity


This episode I share information about Eclipse season, Toxic chemicals in synthetic baking soda & supplements; info from the Ascension glossary about the Essene Tribe, stolen founder records, genetic library source code, & war over holographic discs. I also discuss No/know Mind & more on reptilians.
Divine Truth

Divine Truth


This episode I share information on Elementals & Entities: fairies, reptilians, demons & the World Wide Satanic Cabal.
This episode I share information on Christ Consciousness, Akashic Data, Ascension, the God/Worship Gene, 11 Types of Lightworkers, Kundalini Awakening & 5D Earth. Evil has died, Jacob B Rothschild.
This last episode I share information on the difficulty recovering from a narcissistic relationship & more word for word emails from my ex narcissist.
This episode I share information on abuse & more word for word emails from my ex narcissist.
This episode I share patterns of behavior and warning signs to look for if you suspect you may be involved with a narcissist. I also share more word for word emails from my ex narcissist.