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Halacha Headlines

Author: Halacha Headlines

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With everything happening in the world today, it’s safe to say the we as frum jews have a lot of questions on how to correctly deal with these situations that come up in and day out.

Halacha Headlines Podcast features a weekly topic drawn from current events and matzavs, and with a panel of Rabbanim, discusses the best way we- as a klal, can approach contemporary society.

Some topics include Hafganos and racism, shidduchim and dating in the era of corona, mesira, vacations, life insurance, buying and selling stocks, police and police enforcement, the Israel UAE accord- all explored from halachic and hashkafic perspectives.

Needless to say, Halacha Headlines is more than necessary these days, and has given thousands the koach to approach modern situations more educated on the halachic implications. I think this is something everyone has to check out to hear for themselves.
235 Episodes
What are valid reasons to cancel on your chavrusa or to miss your daily shiur? How can you concentrate on your learning when you are stressed about life and so distracted? How do you keep on learning over the long-term? What gets people off-track from learning when they leave Yeshiva? How can an IDF solider learn when fighting in Gaza or on the Lebanon border? Hosted by: Ari Wasserman with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz – Rabbi of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere, Head of Semicha at REITS – 17:52 with Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky – renowned Rosh Yeshiva and prolific author – 46:42 with Rabbi Yehudah Auerbach – Director of JLIC at the University of Chicago – 1:00:57 with Rabbi Eitan Philips – Director of the M.D Katz JLIC at Tel Aviv University – 1:00:57 with Harry Rothenberg – noted speaker and partner, Rothenberg Law Firm – 1:32:16 with Dr. Shmuel Harris – adult psychiatrist and founder and director of Machon Dvir Institute, Yerushalayim – 1:44:46 Conclusion and Takeaways – 2:03:21  מראי מקומות
Practical Halachos of Shemiras Einayim How to make Shemiras Einayim part of your life How to turn over a new leaf in your life Hosted by: Rabbi Shlomo Landau – Director of Mentorships, Olami with Rabbi Joey Haber – Renowned Speaker and Lecturer – 10:55 with Rabbi Ari Bensoussan – Chazak International LA – 34:40 with Anonymous – Someone whose life turned around – 1:06:56 with Rabbi Moshe Rotberg – Rov Khal Zichron Yechezkel in Toms River, Poseik of Hatzolah – 1:25:33  מראי מקומות   Vayimaen Vayimaen Hotline: 1-718-970-7774
How do you handle a conflict between honoring in-laws and honoring your own parents?  Are there times that married children need to listen to input from in-laws? Are there halachos about what to call your in-laws? What does a mother-in-law do when she sees deficiencies in her daughter-in-law? Are there typically father-in-law issues, and if so, what? What are healthy boundaries, and how do you establish them? Hosted by: Ari Wasserman with Rabbi Moshe Elefant – COO OU Kosher, renowned Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur and Rov – 13:53 with Rebbetzin Feige Twerski – noted teacher and prolific author – 45:32 with Dr. Michael Tobin – marriage and family psychologist for 50 years – 1:06:12 Conclusion and Takeaways – 1:35:05  מראי מקומות
What keeps us spending when we can’t afford it? What’s the impact on children when parents have an expensive standard of living? Is there an obligation to refrain from looking at materialism which may tempt us? Can we spend on luxuries when people need tzedakah? What are the minimums required to celebrate a bar/bas mitzvah and a wedding? Can having a low-budget bar/bas mitzvah or wedding hurt our children longer-term? Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman with Rabbi Moshe Walter – Rabbi of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah and noted author  – 10:52 with Rabbi Naftali Horowitz – Managing Director at Morgan Stanley – 44:29 with Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman – Renowned Psychologist, Author of “From Boys to Men” – 1:03:13  מראי מקומות
Electronics activated through brainwaves is it permissible to use them on Shabbos? Electronics activated through voice is it permissible to use them on Shabbos? with Rabbi Aharon Sorscher – Rov in Waterbury, Maggid Shiur for Oraysa – 13:33 Using a whoop strap or a Fitbit What is the issur of electricity? Is there an Issur of increasing current to exisitng electricity? What’s called a מעשה regarding מלאכת שבת? Binyan in Keilim with Rabbi Tzvi Ortner – Head of Shabbos technology Dept for the OU, Rov of Linas Hatzedek in Boro Park – 44:39  מראי מקומות
Is Achdus a Halachic imperative, a Hashkafic concept or something else? What’s the definition of “Achdus”? Is it different from “Kiruv”? Can we outwardly express our disagreements? Should we look to have Achdus with groups and movements of Jews who have values that are antithetical to Torah? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** with Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz – Renowned Posek and Senior Lecturer at Yeshivas Ohr Somayach – 15:32 with Rabbi Moshe Hauer – Renowned Rabbi and EVP of the Orthodox Union – 43:09 with Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb – Shul Rabbi in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Director of Tzalash – 1:01:43 with Yoni Alon – Reservist in the IDF and works in the field of education – 1:36:16 with Rabbi Shay Schachter – Rabbi and Rosh Beit Midrash at the Young Israel of Woodmere – 1:50:17 Conclusion and Takeaways – 2:15:08  מראי מקומות
What's your favorite Pesach Devar Torah? Is there something unique you do at your seder?   What do you do to prepare for Pesach? Is there something memorable that has happened to you at a seder? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** with Rabbi Shay Schachter – Rabbi and Rosh Beit Midrash at the Young Israel of Woodmere – 14:16 with Rabbi Binyomin Wolff – shul rav and popular magid shiur in Yerushalayim – 33:48 with Rabbi Aron Moss – rabbi of the Nefesh Community in Sydney, Australia – 45:04 with Rabbi Dovid Ostroff – posek and teacher at many seminaries in Yerushalayim – 53:42 with Mrs. Michal Horowitz – popular lecturer and teacher – 1:02:48 with Rabbi Isaac Rice – Mora De'asra of Congregation Anshei Chesed, Hewlitt NY – 1:12:12 with Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein – popular teacher and prolific author – 1:22:26 with Rabbi David Foreman – noted lecturer and founder of Aleph Beta – 1:32:03 Conclusion and Takeaways  - 1:49:52  מראי מקומות
Does Eretz Yisroel need an army or can it totally rely on Torah protection? Do we have responsibility to serve - besides the learning protection - like we find previous generations? The Bochurim who aren't learning should they go to the army? Can we have Frum battalions run according to Torah? What's are we going to do when the Chareidim are a majority? with Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein - Talmid Muvhak of HaRav Eliyashiv ZT"L – 22:54 with Yossi Levy – Nachal Chareidi Officer – 48:08 with Rabbi Shay Tahan – Rosh Kollel and Av Beis Din of Shaarei Ezra – 1:00:51  מראי מקומות
What are the biggest challenges, struggles and difficulties confronting our boys today? How do those challenges differ from those of the girls? What impact are technology and alcohol consumption having on the boys? Should Gemara be the focus of yeshiva learning? What’s holding the boys back from performing at their best? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** with Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld – Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Dovid and posek of Kav Halacha Beis Hora'ah – 9:43 with Rabbi Naftali Kaplan – zekan hamashgichim B'Eretz Yisrael, mashgiach of Yeshivat Netiv Ha’Da’at – 33:05 with Rabbi Dovid Kaplan – Mashgiach Ruchani, Yeshivas Beis Yisrael – 50:09 with Rabbi Daniel Mechanic – Director of Project Chazon – 1:09:30 with Rabbi Aharon Spivak – Rav, Author and Therapist – 1:33:53 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 1:58:32  מראי מקומות
Should each of us be setting up Shidduchim? What are the biggest challenges and difficulties? Is the “shadchanus” fee only paid to a professional Shadchan, or even to beginners? What does the Shadchan need to do to earn the fee? Can you set up two non-observant Jews? One frum and one not frum? Two non-Jews? What advice do professional Shadchanim have for amateurs? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** , Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim with Rabbi Moshe Walter – Rabbi of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah and noted author  – 13:41 with Rabbi Dovid Schoen – Av Bais Din for The Bais Din of Florida – 39:16 with Mrs. Miriam Levitan – Noted Shadchan, Eretz Yisroel – 1:09:49 with Shlomo Lewenstein – Noted Shadchan, Lakewood – 1:09:49 with David Katzoff – “amateur” shadchan – 1:49:11 with Noah and Ruchama Tradonsky – “amateur” shadchanim – 2:09:53 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 2:32:20  מראי מקומות
Is it permitted, forbidden or a Mitzvah? Are you מקיים פריה וריבה? Does it exempt you from חליצה? Is there an issue of ניוול המת? Is there an issue of הנאה ממת? Is there an issue of ביטול מצוות קבורה? Are there any moral issues? with Rabbi Shlomo Brody – Renowned Lecturer and Author – 15:00 with Irit Rosenblum – Attorney, Founder & Executive Director of New Family – 46:11 with Rabbi Gideon Weitzman – Director of the Puah Institute – 1:07:26  מראי מקומות
Yeshiva Bochurim in the IDF | Is it possible to be Frum in the IDF? Don’t we have an Achrayus  הַאַחֵיכֶם יָבֹאוּ לַמִּלְחָמָה וְאַתֶּם תֵּשְׁבוּ פֹה? What difficulties – if any – do Frum soldiers face in the army? What would a Frum army look like? When a majority of Eretz Yisroel is Frum what will become of the army? with Rabbi..... – Rov, Talmid of Tifrach, Reb Shmuel Auerbach, Chevron, 20 Years in the army – 17:46 with Rabbi Pinchas Friedman – Rosh Hakollel of Belz Kollelim, Mechaber Shvilei Pinchos – 42:47 with Naftoli Pudell – Solider – 55:04 with Rabbi Yehosua Pfeffer – Rav in Yerushalayim, Head of Netzach Yisrael – Nachal Chareidi – 1:01:47 והגית בו יומם ולילה – All day and night? Are you obligated to learn every spare second you have? Does it depend on someone’s health, wealth or stamina? with Rabbi Moshe Aharon Friedman – Maggid Shiur in the Mir – 1:26:58  מראי מקומות  
What are the biggest challenges, struggles and difficulties confronting our girls today? How have things changed over the years? Should money be given to children if they will use it for the wrong purposes? What’s the impact that technology/smartphones/social media is having on the girls? What solutions do we have to inspire girls today? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** with Rabbi Dovid Ostroff – Posek and teacher at many seminaries in Yerushalayim – 13:33 with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz – Posek, Rosh Yeshiva & Rav, Givat Ze’ev, Israel – 38:27 with Rebbetzin Esti Hamilton – popular lecturer and teacher – 1:08:55 with Rabbi Daniel Mechanic – Director of Project Chazon – 1:36:48 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 2:07:21  מראי מקומות  
What are the halachic obligations spouses have to each other? How does a relationship change over the course of a marriage? Are there differences in how to stay connected at the beginning of marriage, in the middle and later in life? What causes spouses to disconnect from each other? Can you reconnect once you have already disconnected? What’s the impact of social media on marriages? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim with Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger – Rabbi of Congregation Beth Abraham, New Jersey – 12:43 with Mrs. Chani Juravel, LCSW – popular lecturer and therapist – 32:00 with Rabbi Shmuel Maybruch, LCSW – psychotherapist specializing in dating & marriage – 55:21 with Mrs. Sara Yoheved Rigler – bestselling author and inspirational teacher – 1:26:26 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 1:48:19 Reflections on the levaya of Maoz Ben Eitan Morell – 1:59:47  מראי מקומות  
Hakaros Hatov to the soldiers Being Mevaker Choleh soldiers Being Menachem Avel these families Saying a Mi Shebeirach for the soliders with Rabbi Refoel Wolf – Gabbai of Reb Shach zt"l for over 30 years – 28:04 with Rabbi Yissocher Eichorn– Talmud Muvhak of Reb Meir Solovietchik zt"l, Rav of Kehilas Avreicihim in Yerushalayim, Mechaber Sifrei Pi Kohein – 38:10  מראי מקומות  
What are the most common fears that people have? How do we get over those fears? What is “Jewish Mindfulness” and how can it help? What are the most common fears in dating and marriage? Can anxiety or OCD ever make a person patur from mitzvos? Is it permitted to take experimental/homeopathic/Chinese medication treatments? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim with Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz – Posek, Rosh Yeshiva & Rav, Givat Ze’ev, Israel – 12:37 with Dr. Jacob Freedman – noted psychiatrist, speaker and author – 1:03:23 with Rabbi Avraham Willig, MSW – Rav, lecturer and psychotherapist – 1:23:00 with Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Epstein – psychologist and author of Living in the Presence – 1:40:00 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 1:58:27  מראי מקומות  
How much should parents do for their children? What are parents’ financial obligations to their children? Is there a maximum? What causes a child to be spoiled? Is it detrimental to grow up with less than your peers? Do we need to treat all of our own children the same when buying them items? What are the implications of having a spoiled child when they grow up? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz – Rabbi of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere, Head of Semicha at REITS – 13:12 with Dr. David Pelcovitz – Renowned Psychologist – 37:37 with Mrs. Elisheva Liss – Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, popular lecturer and author – 1:00:31 with “Leah” – a twelve-year old girl giving her wise insights – 1:29:26 with Rabbi Berel Wein - renowned Rav, author, historian and lecturer – 1:36:50 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 1:40:47  מראי מקומות  
Abortion of a fetus conceived through rape Women tying tzitzis Sheva brachos without the chosson or kallah Returning home before Shabbos if one knows they will be called up on Shabbos Returning home while one's wife is niddah if he doesn't think he'll be able to withstand the temptation to hug A hug before a spouse leaves for battle if the wife is Niddah Burying blood-soaked cars Pidyon Haben when the father or kohen is not present Shortening the taharah process for a Niddah during wartime Saying shehecheyanu when one will not light or even see Chanukah candles Eating homemade foods sent to the front Matzah bakery that ran into a shelter in middle of making Matzos Running to a shelter in middle of Shemone Esrei or Krias HaTorah Yichud in a shelter Rewriting Kesubos for people in the North or South who evacuated their homes A Kohein entering an Ohel Hameis for shelter during a siren with Rabbi Chaim Jachter – Rav of Sha’arei Orah in Teaneck, Dayan on the Elizabeth Beis Din, Mechaber Seforim – 23:25 with Rabbi Elli Fisher – Talmud of Reb Osher Weiss – 36:10 with Rabbi Moshe Bransdorfer – Av Beis Din and Rov of Heichal Ho'raah in Yerushalayim, M'Gedolei Haposkim in Eretz Yisroel – 1:01:30  מראי מקומות  
What’s currently causing us the most trauma? The war? The captives? Antisemitism? Something else? What’s the implication of not getting a body back from Hamas, and therefore no Kevura and no closure? Is hearing the news and looking at war images helpful or hurtful? How are students from out of Israel who are studying in Yeshivos and Seminaries in Israel handling the war? How can we turn our current plight into a growth opportunity? Will we have “Post-Traumatic Stress” or “Post-Traumatic Growth” from the war? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim with Rabbi YY Jacobson – world-renowned educator and lecturer – 11:47 with Rabbi Aviad Goldvicht – a “Rav Tzvaii,” a rabbi/businessman serving in the IDF as a Rabbi – 35:26 with Dr. Jacob Freedman – noted psychiatrist, speaker and author – 1:04:55 with Mrs. Batya Widowsky BSW – social worker and volunteer for the psycho-trauma unit of Ichud Hatzalah – 1:35:56 Wrap-up, takeaways and lessons learned – 1:52:30  מראי מקומות  
How to handle the stress of having a close relative fighting in Gaza and the loss of a loved one killed in battle. Is there a halachic requirement that the IDF bury dead Hamas terrorists? Other Gazans? What are the IDF soldiers experiencing? What about their parents, wives, and close friends? Is it okay for soldiers to use the homes of Gazans without consent? Can soldiers use the food of Gazans left in their pantries and cook in their pots? What are some of the unique halachic questions being asked by soldiers, their wives, and their families? ***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim with Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon – Rosh Yeshiva, Jerusalem College of Technology – 17:33 with Professor Yisrael Aumann – recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics, his son was killed in battle while serving in the IDF – 41:53 with Rabbi Mordechai Becher – popular lecturer and author, with two sons in the IDF – 59:59  מראי מקומות  
Comments (2)

Gan B

Please fix it. It's missing second half 9f the show

Apr 26th

serene aspirations

I know the lubavitcher Rebbe compared jewish people to DNA / Chromosomes.. "the smallest part of the greatest organism upon which everything is built and dependent"

Jan 15th