DiscoverMatters of the Heart
Matters of the Heart
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Matters of the Heart

Author: Kimberly S. Davis, Ed.D.

Subscribed: 2Played: 28


Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

My personal blog of random discussions, insights, and shares about different life experiences that I’ve overcome or am experiencing and overcoming that will encourage and help others remain in faith, be triumphant, and live a life of love and excellence.
44 Episodes
Friendly reminder...the joy of the Lord is our strength. We are blessed and God is Great all the time so let's be mindful of our blessings and show some gratitude and contentment. Yes, we are still striving for and praying for more, but what about the things we already have. Start a gratitude journal. Love & Blessings!
Setting Expectations

Setting Expectations


Who/what are you allowing to control your life with their expectations? Are you programmed? Take responsibility of your own happiness and choose expectations that bring you joy and serve you. Let go of what you think your life is supposed to look like because God's plan outweigh it all. Let God lead you and live how God wants you to live.
Where Am I?

Where Am I?


"Who I Am is impacted by Where I Am?" Are we in the right place to be or become who we are meant to be and to fulfill our destiny? Don't waste your potential by staying in the wrong place. If you are not in the right place, pray to God for revelation, alignment, and change. When we are in the right place (God's Presence), we have access to everything we need. Be a good steward of what you have!
Realignment: Who Am I?

Realignment: Who Am I?


Realign your thoughts, actions, words, and life with your deepest values and beliefs so that you may be in God's will and become all that you are meant to be in Him. Spend time with God and search the scriptures for who God says you are and see yourself the way God sees you. Get rid of distractions, embrace your uniqueness, and live out your purpose.
Be "Good" to You!

Be "Good" to You!


Our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health are all important when we think of "total well-being". Are you nourishing, pouring into, giving attention to, and thinking of each area? Assess your life and determine what adjustments need to be made. Show yourself MORE LOVE! Self-Care is imperative!
Letting GO!

Letting GO!


You can't walk into anything new if you don't let go of the old. Stop holding on to wrong habits, places, perspectives, people, things, mindsets, relationships, friendships, etc. that are hindering or delaying your destiny. Come out of dysfunction, poverty, regret, lack, depression, shame, disappointment, etc. and walk into your new season, new beginning. Time to let go and heal. Don't lose YOU! We don't need closure or an explanation so let go, move on, move forward, trust God. New seasons require exits from the old. The best is yet to come.



With the year 2022 coming to an end, I want to remind you to be PRESENT in this moment. Don't dwell on the past or focus so hard on the future but decide to be aware, mindful, and present right where you are right now. Enjoy where you are right now, acknowledge where you are, applaud where you are even if you are not where you had planned to be. It is ok..It is not too late to change or take action, but don't miss this opportunity to be present with yourself, family, friends, etc. You are alive! Be intentional with being and staying present from this moment forth.
God's "LOVE" for us is unconditional, perfect, loyal, faithful, and everlasting. No matter what we do, how far we stray from His will, His path, or how disobedient we are...God "STILL" loves us. We must believe and receive His love by faith. Stop allowing imperfections to steal blessings! Stop questioning His love! Stop feeling undeserving! Stop focusing on the wrong and focus on who God is and what He has done and is doing. I am reminding you today that "God Loves You"!​
Be Encouraged

Be Encouraged


Just a friendly reminder that "You Got This!" Don't give up, keep trusting God, and keep the faith because its all going to work out for your Good. Be blessed my friend!



I want to extend my sincere gratitude to each and everyone of you listening to my podcast episodes (over 1500 downloads as of today). I hope they have been a blessing and inspiration to you in some way. I only ask that you pay them forward and share them with friends and family with hopes that they too will be blessed, inspired, helped, strengthened, etc. I am hitting the "PAUSE" button right now and taking a short intermission to focus on some growth, opportunities, and tasks that I believe God is leading me into and through. I can't wait to share with all of you. I am not sure how long this intermission will be, but feel free to listen to any of the episodes already posted. I LOVE AND APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! Love & Blessings to You All!
Comparison is the "silent thief" of joy, gratitude, faith, peace, confidence, contentment, productivity, etc.; and often leads to depression and the feeling of inadequacy. Who are you comparing yourself with? Who are you comparing your race with? Who are you competing with? What/Who are you coveting? Stop competing and comparing yourself with others. Choose contentment. Focus on what God has placed in your hands and use it.



What season are you currently in? We live our lives in seasons; therefore, it is important to identify the season we are in so that we can align with what God has appointed. Remove expectations, stop trying to force things, and seek Him for guidance. Every season is significant and has a purpose...Are you aligned?
Who or what we surround ourselves with determines who/what we become, the path we take, what we do or don't do, and how we do it. Create a support system (surroundings) that support, encourage, uplift, provide ideas, make you feel inspired and confident, and bring peace, joy, and spiritual growth. Check Your Surroundings and make any necessary adjustments!
Check Your Influences

Check Your Influences


Who/What have you given power in your life? What we entertain daily is influencing us so we have to be mindful of what we are giving access to us. Everything we listen to, watch, or read has the power to shift our mindset. What are you allowing to influence the way you live and think? Time for a Self-Awareness Check!Let God's word be the power that frame your thoughts and influence your heart. Read Romans 12:2 (MSG) and James 1:8
The "Gift of Grace"

The "Gift of Grace"


God gives us the free gift of grace, that divine enabling power to do or to be what we cannot on our own. Receive God's grace and extend it to others. It is about showing compassion, kindness, and love to someone even if they may not deserve it, appreciate it, or return it. Read Colossians 4:6 | 1 Peter 4:10
Cast Your Cares

Cast Your Cares


It is time to release the spirt of fear that is working to hinder and distract you from your destiny. Filter your thoughts through God's word and believe what He says about you, what you have, and what you can do. Shift your perspective and stop believing the lies. Cast all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. 1 Peter 5: 7



Take time to conduct a self-assessment and determine where you are and where you want to be? Are you prepared for your next? Are you rejecting growth? Who/what has your attention? Have you been distracted from your goals, your vision, your dreams? Life happens and we can get sidetracked sometimes, but if you make adjustments where needed, recharge, refuel, and "RESET", you can get back to business and in alignment.
Purpose Driven

Purpose Driven


What is the driving force of your life? What gives you meaning and purpose? Our PURPOSE is the reason for our creation, our existence, who God designed us to BE. Purpose is who we become. When people get you, who do they get? There are different roles, positions, seasons, etc. that God has called us to be in purpose. He has also graced us all differently to fulfill our purpose in this world.
THRIVE: Part 2

THRIVE: Part 2


Thriving and living a passionately life starts with our hearts so let's do a heart check. What is the condition of your heart? What are your priorities? How often do you spend time with God? It is time to step into a life of adventure with God.
THRIVE: Part 1

THRIVE: Part 1


God wants us to live a joyful and abundant life so start thriving, start living passionately. However, we must check the condition of our heart first and live from a healthy heart. Identify and remove any toxicity that hinders, delays, taints, distracts, destroys, etc. It is time to plant God’s word in our hearts so we can touch, help, serve, and impact those around us because living a passionate life is not just about self.
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