Claim Ownership


Author: Marissa Ortiz

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It’s a Celebration for Women!
20 Episodes
Authenticity is your superpower, embrace it and shine!✨
MO’s BIGGEST truth to Life!! 🪬
So many of us want to be successful, but are you really fulfilling the obligations to reach that success? Let’s talk about it!
This is for you!



Many times we think of the situation is we are facing as an obstacle rather than a blessing in disguise. In this episode, we will talk about changing your thinking into a positive perspective of any circumstance you might experience.
No matter the circumstances that you’ve been through, there’s always a way out of any situation you face. There’s a way to reach any of your goals, if truly, you believe it!
Here is a story of a point within my life where I learned the true power of manifestation. May it touch your spirit to understand the power you have within yourself.
Sometimes life humbles you. It teaches you right from wrong and how we should live on a day to day basis. Here’s a simple reminder…
Have you ever worked for someone or did something within life and you just were not happy about it? Are you ready for a career change but really don’t know which direction to take? Then this episode is perfect for you!
Do you ever ask yourself, “What is meant for my life?” Your not alone! Let me tell you my story…
So many people in general cringe when they hear the word entrepreneurship. However, by experiencing once working a 9 to 5 job versus owning my own, it makes a HUGE difference! Let me explain…
A huge “Thank You” to my Fans, Followers, ALL OF YOU! You’ve made this journey soooo special!
Is it really JUST A PENNY? 🥴
What’s NEXT!? 🤯

What’s NEXT!? 🤯


Sometimes we go through so many trials in life and we often ask “What’s Next?” You don’t want to be bothered with much or anyone PERIODTT! Let me inspire you when your at your lowest and watch the transformation!
A Year Of Reflection

A Year Of Reflection


This Episode is a reflection of our year and what we have overcome. Listen to this when you feel like giving up!
MO speaks on the definition of wealth and how we use it to grow within our life.
What to do if people treat you down? And most importantly, what do you do when YOUR the problem?
Are you frustrated with not knowing what your calling is? What your power is? What your meant to do in life? Then you need to hear this!
Simple methods to overcoming everyday life stresses!
How NOW is the best time to invest in real estate! IG:@esther_the_realtor