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Inspiring Words By Ms G
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Inspiring Words By Ms G

Author: Margaret Goodrich

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This podcast was created to motivate, uplift and inspire. We will use some biblical text and discuss real life principles on how the Bible can be used as our life coach. Messages and resources will be shared to help you stay focused throughout the day. We all have a purpose and my purpose is to encourage, motivate and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.
360 Episodes
Faith is how we keep a relationship with our heavenly Father. One way of keeping our relationship with him is by trusting him in all aspects of our lives. When you’re going through something and don’t understand. That’s when your faith and relationship with God should be stronger. Give him your concerns. Pray about it and he will give you that comfort you need. You just have to trust him.
Death is something all of us will face one day. The hardest part about losing someone is not physically seeing them again. During time such as this, we have to remember to trust God and to never give up. Our faith is what keeps up in comfort knowing God is always there. It's okay to grieve. That's part of the acceptance process and trusting God.
It's okay to walk away

It's okay to walk away


Walking away from the familiar is often difficult, especially when it comes to doing something different. When we want to work on becoming a better version of ourselves, we have to learn the importance of leaving those things and people who do not add value to our lives. Sometimes we may have to shut out the world in order to give ourselves that extra attention we need by putting our vision into action. Listen to this message to be inspired.
God has promised us in Jeremiah 29:11 thoughts of peace and not of evil and an expected end, meaning good things. Living with anticipation that something good is going to happen is what this episode is encouraging today. As Christians we should always expect good things to happen and we should also be prepared and equipped with the right knowledge to be prepared for those blockers out there who don't like to see happy people. We should always pray for those who hurt us but to continue to live a life filled with anticipated joy.
Our Desires Prayer

Our Desires Prayer


Prayer is how we communicate with our Heavenly Father. This prayer is a desires from our hearts prayer. When you need someone to talk to, talk to God. Have faith in the Lord with all your hearts. When you're done praying, read Mark 11:24. Enjoy!



This episode focuses on behavior. As followers of Christ our behavior is very important. We are expected to be gracious and merciful to others and often at times it can't be easy. However, it is expected. We are also expected to be forgiving, loving and pray for our enemies. This episode encourages those to be mindful of your behavior and the importance of staying in God's Word in order to grow spiritually.
Our faith is what we need in order to get through anything, especially healing. When we build a strong foundation of faith in our lives, it would show when unexpected trials occur. During this episode, Ms. G shared her experience dealing with faith when it came to her daughter's health. It's during those trying times when we should turn everything over to God. WE can do nothing without our Heavenly Father.



This episode focuses on wisdom and why it’s important to seek it. Continue to fight the good fight of faith while using wisdom.
Clean Youself

Clean Youself


The word clean is free from dirt or impurities. When it comes to working on ourselves as Christians we must do the work by cleaning out things that no longer add value to our lives. Renewing our minds is a good starting point to cleaning out the old but it’s going to take time and practice. This message encourages us to clean out the out version of ourselves by doing the work. Listen to the message to have a better understanding.
Rest Is Important!

Rest Is Important!


Proper rest is needed in order to maintain a healthy balance. It also gives us the feeling of being well rested and able to focus. This recording encourages us to get the proper rest we need in order to be able to focus more effectively. When we are intentional when it comes to getting the rest that we need, it allows us to have more time with our Heavenly Father because part of that time is with him. It has become part of our daily routine.
Goals can be defined as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. It can also be described as something you plan or want to see accomplished. When we set goals for ourselves, it’s important to create a plan we can achieve and not to allow others or ourselves to interfere with progress. This episode encourages people to think about why their goals have not been accomplished. Are you holding yourself back?
Your Faith

Your Faith


Faith is something that gives us the ability to connect with our Heavenly Father. We are trusting him to do what it is he says he can do and truly stand by and wait. This recording gives examples of how we put our faith in other things without actually knowing the outcome until we see evidence of it. It works the same when it comes to our relationship with God. Listen to this message to have a better understanding of what faith is and why it's no different than relying on a simple paycheck when it's payday.
What we keep our minds on can and will have a strong impact on our lives. The mind is a powerful thing. As Christians we should focus on good things while including God in all our plans. Many times we don't do it. We go on about our own business and most of the time many of us will not include God in our plans until we're in trouble. Listen to this message to learn the importance of trusting God in all things.
Seek First

Seek First


How do we go about choosing what's important? Something is important when it has worth, value or meaning. This message emphasizes the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God and what it really means. Listen to this recording to determine what are you seeking first in your life. Is it really God's Kingdom or something else? Think about it!
Satan wants to steal our joy and destroy our lives. But Jesus came and died on the cross to give us abundant life, “to the full, till it overflows “! If you’re unhappy and want to love your life, I want to encourage you to listen to the recording that gives you three things to help you get there. Enjoy!
Whom Do You Trust?

Whom Do You Trust?


Trust is something we tend to do when it comes to following ads, trying new products or believing what others have said to be true. Sometimes people will let you down. Trust God instead when it comes to your big and small problems. He will never leave us or deceive us. Give him his glory and trust him always.
This episode is very dear to my heart. It inspired me to share once again the importance of digging deep into God's Word each and every day. Everything that has to do with life is in the Bible. We just need to pick it up, read, study and learn to get a better understanding of how to deal with life. Each and every day our walk with God should be intentional. Listen to this message to be inspired.
This episode reminds us to get up each day expecting great things to happen. One way of doing that is starting your day with prayer followed by words of affirmation. Get into the habit of expecting good things good people!
There are going to be times when our faith is tested. When we are faced with unexpected circumstances, many of us are able to resolve the situation. However, there may be times when there is nothing else you personally can do. Ms. G is encouraging us to always rely on God who will never leave us. We just have to learn to invite him into our lives and trust him, especially when things are out of our control. Listen to this message to be inspired and uplifted.
Walking In Peace

Walking In Peace


This episode focuses on the importance of trusting and relying on the Lord when it comes to protecting your peace. Ms. G. shares some of her setbacks and advice on what to do when your peace is disturbed. She also gives good homework at the end. Listen to this woman of God to be inspired and uplifted.