Claim Ownership


Author: Mark Jennison

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IAMACOMEBACK is a movement by executives and business owners to get control over their drinking addictions. We're on a mission to change the meaning of addiction and to put power back in the hands of men, effectively improving their relationships and businesses.

Hosted by Mark Jennison, the man that is going to change your life.
203 Episodes
Today we share a big, big mistake that we made... it had a high cost.
Today we discuss how there will be times when you have to make adjustments or pivots to your life plan that will not seem acceptable to others, but you must do what you have to do and do what's best for you, you don't owe anyone anything.
Bring PRIDE Back.

Bring PRIDE Back.


Today we discussed how many people don't take pride in themselves and what they do. It's time we bring it back.
Today we discuss some of the trouble I have gotten in for not taking proper recovery measures.
Today we discuss what its like grow into new levels of identity and reaching for upgrades in your success.
Today we break in our new studio and talk about the new goals that we're aiming for.
Today we defined what it truly means to be a comeback and what IAMACOMEBACK represents to our clients and followers.
Today we discuss some massive breakthroughs that Mark's has experienced recently that has changed the course of his actions.
Once again as we try to level up, things get hard BUT we will not quit.
Pastor Josh and I go over 3 of the 6 primal identities that every man was hardwired with.
In this episode we discuss how to overcome challenges as a union. The role of the man and woman are different but we fight for the same cause. Let's dive in.
For the first time I publicly discuss my relationship with God. I brought in my pastor Josh to answer questions for me.
Confidential Alcohol Recovery For Business Owners & Executives Learn more: I AM A COMEBACK uses a cutting edge program to get clients the results they want without going to rehab or even leaving their home. We are successful because we dive right to the core of the issue. Whether you want to gain control of your drinking or quit completely we help you do that. Learn more:
For whatever reason... Humans tend to make things more difficult and more complicated than they need to be. Im sure there is a wealth of knowledge on the psychological reasons out there as to why... But in the interest of the topic at hand we are going to keep this very simple. You are very likely standing in the way of your own success and progression. If that stings a bit its because its true and you know it. We are all guilty of it on some level. The real questions are why am I doing this? And where am I adding complexity to what is truly simple? Take some time today and dig deep about areas of your life you know you are over complicating... It could be your health and diet, your relationships, your job, your self image... Or even a combination of all of them. Whats important is identifying the where and why and taking corrective actions to get out of your own way! #podcast #grow #growth #couples #relationship #mindset #motivation #inspire #real #conversation
Its no secret that things are products of their environments... Virtually nothing exists without being directly affected by those factors and surroundings. However, they dont have to predetermine your outcome... Growth requires movement and action from a physical, spiritual, financial, energetic standpoint. Although there are many factors that are out of our control, it makes the ones we can control even more critical. There will come a time in your life when you have outgrown your surroundings and need to make a conscious choice to move forward. This choice is often not easy because it can mean leaving people, places, things, behind. Its important to remember that you are not abandoning them but have grown beyond the container they choose to stay in. Be proud of your growth and dont let the container hold you back ! - IAMACOMEBACK #mindset #grow #growth #podcast #couples #relationship #inspire #develop #advance
Similar to last week we are beginning this with the textbook definition of the topic at hand... cre·a·tiv·i·ty noun the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Although this is a great baseline way to define creativity the truth is its yours to hold and yours to Creativity is both subjective and objective... Its tangible and intangible... Both a feeling and an action... Creativity is a way of life... But only if you keep the fire going. Much like a muscle group that goes unused creativity will atrophy unless it is used and challenged daily Todays message is clear... What does your creative self need in order to fully express? Is your creative self currently dormant and needs to be set free? If you are in an active creative flow state often, how can you keep and protect that space for optimal creative expression? -IAMACOMEBACK #mindset #grow #couples #podcast #creative #creativity #art #creation #goals #discussion
[ free·dom /ˈfrēdəm/ The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. ] There are many dimensions and definitions of freedom. Ultimately true freedom is for you to define and most importantly embody. Todays message and call to action is simple... What does freedom look like and feel like to you? What areas of your life are you free? and what areas are you not? -IAMACOMEBACK #mindset #motivation #grow #growth #podcast #couples #conversation #free #freedom
Josiah Novak is a fitness force to be reckoned with. Founder and creator of his fitness coaching community and platform True Transformation he not only talks the talk of fitness but walks it as well. IAMACOMEBACK has recently partnered with Josiah to build out a fitness vertical within our world based on his wealth of knowledge and expertise. Today's conversation talks about Alcohol and fitness and how they are truly incompatible. Alcohol is not a performance-enhancing drug on any level, and if you really do a cost-benefit analysis of it... There are no justifiable health benefits. If health and fitness are important to you it's time to have a serious conversation about when and where alcohol fits in your life and fitness goals... If at all. Thank you Josiah for spending time with us and for making a positive impact on the world through your coaching and guidance. -IAMACOMEBACK #mindset #motivation #podcast #fitness #alcohol #drinking #highperformance #coaching #fitnessmotivation #performance
How do you become the person who is capable of achieving and enduring the next levels of success and challenges in life? The fact is... That in order to ascend to the next level you, the current version of you has to elevate in all facets. This brings into the conversation focus and goal setting...  Not just goals that are arbitrarily written down on paper, but tactical frameworks of accountability and action. Next level you requires next-level goals... Next-level goals require next-level action and accountability... Next-level action and accountability will provide the next-level results. The call to action on today's episode is simple... Get very clear on what your next-level goals are...  Personal Professional  Financial  Physical  Relationship  ________ And take the necessary actions to begin fulfilling them and becoming a more elite version of you!  - IAMACOMEBACK  #mindset #motivation #growth #couples #podcast #goals #inspire 
Kori Winegar exemplifies what IAMACOMEBACK is all about. In April of 2019, he clicked the link, filled out the application, and soon found himself completely immersed in the program and lifestyle. He has since become a permanent fixture and asset to IAMACOMEBACK leveraging his knowledge, wisdom, and experience to help thousands of men achieve the same levels of freedom and success he has found through IAMACOMEBACK These episodes are to show you what's possible, directly from the men who chose to take back control of their lives.  Thank you Kori for all you do in this world.  - IAMACOMEBACK  #mindset #motivation #grow #growth #inspire #podcast #interview #testimonial
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