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111 Episodes
On the podcast today we have Jamie Marsland. Jamie runs a WordPress plugin business and has recently become a full-time content creator on YouTube. You might know Jamie from his popular WordPress speed builds on that channel, where contestants have just 30 minutes to build a website from scratch. In this episode, we dive into Jamie’s involvement with WordCamp Europe, where he will be bringing this speed build format to the live stage. Contestants will race against the clock to recreate a pre-built website, all while being interrupted with questions from Jamie and the audience. If you're attending WordCamp Europe or you're just curious about how WordPress can be made fun and engaging, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Adam Zielinski. He works as a WordPress developer at Automattic and in this episode, we talk about Playground, a groundbreaking project that is redefined the way we interact with WordPress. Adam's visionary approach to creating a seamless WordPress experience within a web browser has revolutionised how easy it is to access WordPress. This project really does change the way that WordPress can be used, and there’s so many exciting prospects for how it might shape the future of website design and development. If you're interested in hearing about cutting-edge advancements reshaping the WordPress landscape, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Alexander Gilmanov, and he's sharing his story of transitioning from freelancer to agency manager, now overseeing a team of 43. With a focus on WordPress ecosystem, Alexander discusses his leadership approach, avoiding negative motivation and instead fostering a culture of trust and positive reinforcement. He elaborates on the nuances of team management and the benefits of smaller, independent teams coordinated across departments like development, marketing, and support. Key tools like Google Suite, Slack, Jira, and Notion are integral to his operations. His story highlights the importance of community engagement, learning from industry leaders, and the necessity of continuously seeking suitable team members for sustainable management.
On the podcast today we have Alexander Gilmanov. Alex comes to us today from Belgrade, Serbia. He’s a full-stack developer with a rich heritage of freelance and agency work. His company officially launched in 2014, and they’ve continued work with clients, as well as creating a range of WordPress plugins, and their own SaaS apps, mainly in the online booking space. If you’re a developer and are in the weeds of writing code, perhaps you’ve thought about a change of direction. We explore Alexander’s transition from hands-on coding to strategic management. It’s a fascinating conversation, and if you’ve wanted to start an agency but have concerns about what that might bring, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Paolo Belcastro. Paolo works at Automattic, where he’s focused on Jetpack and .blog products. He’s been working remotely since 1994 and managing distributed teams since 1998. He’s on the podcast today to talk about AI, and he certainly brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in integrating AI with web development. With Paolo’s insights into the recent advancements in open source AI models and the collaborative efforts within the AI community to keep platforms accessible but innovative, you’ll gain a comprehensive view of where AI in web development stands today and where it might head tomorrow. If you're a developer, a tech enthusiast, or anyone interested in the intersection of AI and creative processes, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Nahuai Badiola. Nahuai is a freelance WordPress developer, theme, and plugin creator. He also writes WordPress code tutorials and enjoys sharing everything he learns about web sustainability in his blog, podcast, and at WordPress events. Nahuai’s life took an unexpected turn one day when he attended a 10-minute lightning talk at a WordCamp. The content of that talk was web sustainability and it profoundly changed his perspective on how we should view our use of the internet. Nahuai has since been a vocal advocate for sustainability within the WordPress community. Today, Nahuai and I discuss the nuances of the environmental impact of web development with a particular focus on WordPress. We discuss ideas like reducing code in plugins, and highlight the Performance Team's efforts to make WordPress more green. If you're curious about sustainability within WordPress web development, and the community more broadly, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Maestro Stevens. Maestro is an international speaker and managing director of The Iconic Expressions. His areas of expertise include digital marketing, brand strategy, web development, and project leadership. In this episode Maestro lays out the case for how inclusivity is not just something that we need to be concerned about at things like events, but also in our WordPress website designs. If you're curious about the intersection of creativity, representation, and the WordPress ecosystem, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Jonathan Desrosier. Jonathan has been a contributor to WordPress Core for many years, and a WordPress Core committer since 2018. Jonathan currently works as a Senior Software Engineer at Bluehost, where he is sponsored full-time to contribute to WordPress Core through the Five for the Future program. We talk about the challenges that come with contributing to such a large and multi-faceted project, from the intricate process of decision-making, involving many stakeholders, to the occasional moments of feeling demoralised when contributions seem like a drop in the ocean. We discuss the importance of regular contributions, and about the sustainability of the open-source ecosystem, emphasising the critical role businesses need to play, and the potential risks when key contributors step back. If you’re curious about how you can contribute, what that looks likes, and where it can take you, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Jamie Marsland, and he's here to talk to me about his recent journey into YouTube content creation as well as the topic of how WordPress is positioned against the likes of Wix and Shopify. Jamie shares his strategies for effective video creation, from planning to execution, along with his thoughts on sponsored content and its place in the YouTube ecosystem. If you’re curious about the future of WordPress, content creation, or the dynamics of digital learning, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Tammie Lister. If you’ve been in the WordPress space for a while, Tammie's name is likely a familiar one. She's an 18-year veteran of the project, a talented designer, developer, and a key contributor to the project. Her journey has made her wear a variety of hats in both agency life and product development. Today, Tammie shares insights that span from the practical to the philosophical within the open-source landscape. We get to hear Tammie's perspective on this crucial experimentation phase in WordPress theme development, the balance she seeks between minimalist design and functional complexity, and her active roles, including the default theme task force. Tammie's excitement for what's next is palpable. So, whether you're a developer, a designer, or a WordPress aficionado, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Shawn Hooper. Shawn Hooper is a key figure in the Canadian WordPress community. He’s an advocate for national and local gatherings that bring WordPress enthusiasts together. Later this year, the first ever WordCamp Canada, or WCEH for short, will be held in Ottawa. The event is deep in the planning stages. The venue is secured, the speakers have been finalised, and it’s now up to the team of volunteers, of which Shawn is one, to make the event a success. We get into the challenges of creating an event of this scale. From conception until now, there’s a lot of moving parts. The venue, food, transport, volunteers, sponsors, speakers, the list could go on. It all needs to be planned, tasks assigned and executed. If attending WordPress events, and volunteering your time, is your thing, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Miriam Schwab. Miriam co-founded Strattic to enable WordPress websites to be more secure and performant. After Elementor acquired Strattic, Miriam continued leading the unit before becoming Head of WordPress Relations. With over 15 years of experience, she's a respected member of the WordPress community and a renowned speaker. In today's episode we discuss Miriam’s life. It’s a departure for this podcast which usually focuses upon the code, the plugins and the community. The idea came out of a talk which Miriam presented at WordCamp Asia this year. In this talk Miriam outlined how she carved out a successful career in the world of WordPress whilst also being the mother of seven children, and it’s fascinating. If you’re interested in hearing how one person has managed the stresses and strains of an incredibly busy life, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Josepha is the Executive Director of WordPress, a role she's held since 2019. She's been contributing since 2012 and has a special fondness for brand-new-to-WordPress learners. During the episode Josepha shares her insights on overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic. She talks about the positive strides made with the Gutenberg project and the need for improved change management during its implementation. We discuss market share of the CMS, community events, and community burnout, as well as how Josepha thinks about measuring WordPress' success, and future goals of the project. If you’re interested in the WordPress project as a whole, and how it’s run and directed, this podcast is for you.
On the podcast today we have Thomas J. Raef. Thomas is the founder of We Watch Your Website, a company that has been removing malware from websites since 2007. During that time he’s seen many changes in the methods hackers use to take over a website, and that’s the focus of the podcast today. With hackers becoming increasingly agile in their tactics, targeting everything from plugins to session cookies, Thomas brings to the table data he’s gathered from 2023 that puts the spotlight on the evolving digital threat landscape. We’re all used to hearing that plugins, themes, and sometimes WordPress Core, are the most likely culprits when something goes wrong. The story goes that out of date code, or a zero day is discovered and leveraged. Whilst Thomas does not doubt that this is true, he’s here to paint a somewhat different picture. A picture which puts the focus upon stolen session cookies as the most important factor in website attacks last year. If you've ever been concerned about the security of your WordPress site or intrigued by the intricacies of cybersecurity, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Ben Ritner. Ben is the founder of Kadence WP, a company that specialises in developing themes and plugins for WordPress, with a focus on enhancing the front end of websites. In this episode, Ben provides us with an insight into how the Kadence team managed the integration of AI into their products, shedding light on the impact it has had on their website building process. We discuss the challenges of migrating content between systems, as well as delving into the role of AI in content creation and design adaptation. Ben talks us through what guided their technical innovations to accommodate AI-generated content and images. Ben’s perspective is pretty unique, working for a company he started, right through to today where they have an install base of over 400,000 websites, all of which could potentially make use of AI, but not at the risk of breaking backwards compatibility with their own products. If you’re interested in the impact of AI in web development and are intrigued by its potential, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Mike Auteri, and we're here to talk about GatherPress, a WordPress plugin for event management within the WordPress ecosystem. Mike delves into the features and benefits of GatherPress, including its focus on replicating important event features for the WordPress community, and responses to the shift to online events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The potential for GatherPress to revolutionise event management within the WordPress community by tools leveraging WordPress certainly seems like something worth exploring. If you’re a WordPress event organiser, or have attended a meetup in the past and are curious about how this could be handled by a freely available plugin, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Michelle Frechette. She has a long history of community involvement, writing articles, hosting podcasts, managing events and much more. The topic under discussion today is diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Michelle talks about her experiences at WordPress events, and how they were not always easy for her to attend and be a part of. It’s not all about events though. Michelle talks about the wider goals of making all aspects of the WordPress community more opening and inclusive. Being one of the voices promoting this message has not always been easy, and we hear about how Michelle copes with those who disagree with her quest to create change. If you're interested in thinking about inclusivity, and how embracing diverse perspectives can impact the WordPress community, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we have Anil Gupta who is the CEO and co-founder of Multidots, Multicollab, and DotStore. Of specific interest to this episode of the podcast is Multicollab, is a WordPress plugin that allows for Google Doc-style collaboration, including commenting, suggestions, and real-time editing. We discuss the prospects that during the current phase of Gutenberg development, multi collaboration should come to WordPress. As Anil explains, this is by no means an easy undertaking, given that each installation of WordPress is unique. Anil paints a picture of a bright future for WordPress, once this new feature set is completed, but it’s also interesting to see how many challenges the developers will need to overcome before it can be shipped in a future WordPress update. If you’re interested in finding out about the future of editing content in WordPress, this episode is for you.
On the podcast today we explore the transformative capabilities of web browsers with guest Pascal Birchler. We discuss the power of WebAssembly, the future potential for moving desktop activities to the web, and Birchler's innovative work in image and video processing. The conversation highlights his queuing system for background image processing and a groundbreaking plugin enabling tasks such as converting animated GIFs to videos. He also shares insights into modern image formats and his project to improve WordPress performance through reduced file sizes and server resource usage. The episode concludes with a glimpse into potential future projects. Go listen...
On the podcast today we have Thomas Fanchin. Thomas is a WordPress enthusiast and is the partnership manager for Weglot, which is a solution for translating websites, not limited to WordPress. His role means that he’s immersed in the WordPress community. He’s passionate about connecting with, and learning from, others in the community. Thomas talks on the podcast about Weglot's involvement in WordPress initiatives and events. We get into how they decide what to sponsor and what they hope to get in return. If you're interested in learning about the intricacies of sponsorships, the impact of sponsor engagement at events, and the future landscape of sponsor initiatives within the WordPress community, this episode is for you.