3rd Ball Podcast - The Pinball Diaries

The podcast about transformative self-improvement through things like diet & weight loss, turning negative habits into positive habits, and finding joy in adulthood. We're on ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/3rd-ball-podcast-the-pinball-diaries/id1369820657?mt=2

Episode 3: Happiness after Sadness

This episode is about the psychological path, weaving and striving for happiness in middle age. Steven describes his techniques for achieving happiness in his "3rd pinball" of life.


Episode 2: Diet Details

Steven describes some of the details of his weight loss experience.


Episode 1: Introduction

Self Improvement, Personal Transformation, and finding Joy in Adulthood through weight loss and defeating addiction. An introduction to Steven Patzner's story of successful business ownership, marriage and fatherhood before loosing it all to alcoholism, government regulations and divorce. This became the turning point for his recovery, 130 pound weight loss and return to happiness.


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