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Author: Goldyn Duffy

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After going through extreme financial struggle and desiring a life that I had no idea how to manifest. My greatest dream was to move my family across the country and being in the financial condition we were in at the time, it seemed impossible. But something was holding me back.It was only when I started to apply the principles of Law of Attraction into my life, I saw the energy transform and I took a leap in faith and followed my dreams. By understanding, not only the Science of Creating but implementing the Spiritual principles as well, I found a wellspring of manifestation powers that allowed me to do and live exactly what I had dreamed about my whole life. I have taught these principles to hundreds of others who have gone from feeling stuck, limited and unworthy to feeling, unchained, confident and proud as they flourish into the life of their dreams. Join me as I take you beyond your own limitations and lackful belief systems that continue to keep you in cycles of blockages to your dream life. We’ll uncover the information that will transform your thinking and introduce new energies of confidence, love, abundance, joy and freedom into your life. We’ll shift and unblock your energy field exposing the truth of your very own creator power, we will unlock the keys to Universal Creation in manifesting what you most desire. Join me on an adventure to create the most epic life experience!! I include an activation of energy in each episode to assist you in feeling lighter and remembering how powerful you are. This will enable you to release the heavy energy that is keeping you stuck and feeling like you cannot move forward in the life you say you want to live. This podcast will also help you to gain clarity on what you truly want in life. Fully realize the dreams you dare to dream and listen to learn how to manifest to live life Goldyn.
157 Episodes
This episode will tune you into abundance!! Awaken to the ways you can create abundance by hearing how you are keeping it from manifesting. Often, when it comes to manifesting, there are tiny little shifts you can make that will make a huge difference. If you have been in a cycle of struggle and survival, you are living within a lack mentality. It's time to get out of this cycle of powerlessness and begin creating the money and freedom you deserve!
The subject of relationships and navigating love after loss is one that deals with many facets of your growth and expansion. By understanding how you respond after such traumas, you can influence the healing process in more ways that allow you to open your heart again. When you close yourself off because of past hurts, you don't allow the fullest expression of love that you are. By incorporating the tools and exercises Goldyn shares here, you can place yourself in the greate...
There are laws that govern the life you are living. When you understand these laws, you become quite powerful in what is created. Knowing the Laws is the first step in becoming more powerful, implementing them to the depth of this conversation brings a whole new awareness. Join Goldyn as she uncovers the secrets for you that will assist you in fine-tuning your energy field to all that you wish to manifest!
Self-love is an important journey that deserves your utmost attention. If you are walking through life with a low view and self-hatred, you are not living the potential of the love you came here for. By understanding the mechanisms of self-love and how to heal from the wounds that disconnected you from it, you can place yourself in a whole new vibration of living and loving. You are love; you matter, and this show will activate the love you are. Be sure to stay t...
Goldyn dives deep into the moment-to-moment process involved with manifesting. As you walk through life, you are constantly sending a signal that is creating the environment in which you experience what happens next. Very small things you may deem insignificant when focused upon, can actually bring you more of what you do not want. This is why this conversation is super important to understand because it is the basis for everything that is coming to you over and over again.&...
Your past is always a factor when you are in the creation process. Because you have distinct memories and wounds from past experiences, you can often vibrate with the level of those unfortunate circumstances. If you allow your past memories and circumstances to conduct energy, you are always creating neural loops and manifesting in cycles. It is very challenging to change what you do not acknowledge. Awareness is important but will change nothing until you exercise you...
If you have been feeling like you are stuck in a negative belief cycle, this will give you the information you need to let go of what may be holding you back. When you are in the web of a negative belief cycle it can feel like there is a brick wall blocking you from your dreams. This show contains the dynamite to demolish that brick wall so you can step into your freedom and power to create. Be sure to listen until the end, where Goldyn shares a special meditation exercise t...
Goldyn shares another leading edge episode with information that transforms the life you are living. By understanding the mechanisms of your physical mind and the techniques shared here to live from your Higher Mind, you will put yourself at a unique advantage. Living life from a truly awake state and not from the control of the lower mind allows you to gain Higher Perspective and a much more peaceful experience. The physical mind only works from what has happened and cannot facto...
Have you ever been curious about what it actually means to create your own reality? In this episode, Goldyn dives deep into the discussion of parallel realities and what it means to change timelines. She discusses the information that has transformed her world in understanding how we can create the reality in which we live and tune out of all the other things we do not prefer. This one is a topic she has never covered in such depth before, so hold onto your seat and buckle up!
Do you feel you understand the Law of Attraction but it still doesn't always work out for you? Maybe you feel you are in a slump lately and manifesting good things has been hard to come by. In this episode, Goldyn shares the many ways you may be slowing down your manifestations or pointing in the opposite direction to what you want altogether. Listen to this show to get a shift in your energy field that will greatly serve you, manifesting what you want and creating the best ...
In this episode Goldyn shares an activation that will help get you out of any low vibe you are in. She shares the importance of where you are right now and the reasons you may feel you aren't in control of your emotional field. Take back your power with this show and climb the ladder out of the rabbit hole and back into excitement, gratitude and passion for life!
In this episode Goldyn helps you to connect with the brilliance and essence of your own intuition. She shares important facts about your mind and the field of your heart. If you have ever been confused about how to connect with your intuition you will want to listen to this show to get the right information to connect fully to the guidance you have within. She also shares great wisdom on becoming more abundant and living life to your absolute fullest. This episode is great t...
There are times when you may fall short and get down on yourself in life. In this episode Goldyn shares how to navigate these times and re-empower yourself back into your alignment of truth. She will help you to shift into a powerful state of remembering that will allow you to create what you desire! She will help remind you that you are in a powerful place to manifest what you desire. As you listen allow this information to up level your energy field and begin living ...
Do you feel unlovable? Have you had trouble manifesting love in your life? Has your relationship gone stale and you've lost that loving feeling. Whether you are in a loving relationship or not this show will shed light on the intricacies of the love energy and how to promote more of it in your own life. Goldyn shares tips for creating a deep and loving relationship that you are in and how to manifest one if that's where you are at in life. This show comes with an...
Stress is a major killer of so many things. It puts you in a state of desperation and drives more stressed energy into your life. By living your life in a stress-filled state you deteriorate your mental, physical and spiritual health. Join Goldyn as she shares what you can do to find your way back to peace again. Goldyn gives real, practical tools you can use everyday to keep yourself in a blessed state and no longer drive the stress that can make you sick. Goldyn...
Are you tired of living this life experience from stress, worry, and doubt? Are you finally ready to hear some truths that could radically change your perspective on why you are here? Goldyn shares the spotlight with the brilliant Michelle Robinson. Michelle is an Empowerment Expert, a certified Multidisciplinary Energy Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and LIfe Coach. She brings the wisdom that goes beyond what you may have known before. Join them as they dive deep into ma...
Have you ever wondered why you see repeating numbers? Have you ever been curious about how you could have better communication with those around you? Have you ever considered that the day you were born has great significance in what you are experiencing in life right now? Join Goldyn as she shares the spotlight with Erick Nunez who shares how you can use numbers to your ultimate advantage. Through great study, practice, and application Erick has improved every area of ...
Join Goldyn as she shares the spotlight with her most amazing returning guest Candice Mitchell. They dive deep into the concepts of self-discipline and how to keep the promises you make to yourself. This episode will help you to promote real change in your life and may even have you waking up to be part of the 5 am club! Understanding how the mechanisms of your mind works and the resistance that may come up when you decide to do something good for yourself is a very important part...
In this episode, Goldyn shares why you may have failed at resolutions in the past. Many don't even make resolutions anymore because their belief is they don't work so what's the point? Goldyn shares the exact process of how to make real changes and how to begin identifying with who you say you want to be. This episode is chocked full of great suggestions to get you back on the road to feeling successful. This year can be one of your very best!! Once you listen to this episod...
Manifesting can feel hard and may often be confusing to you if you sometimes manifest and sometimes don't. There are reasons why your manifestation game may be failing you and it's all based on how you feel. Join Goldyn for this super informative show that will help you bridge the gap in manifesting so you can become a master manifestor!
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