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San Francisco Zen Center Dharma Talks

Author: San Francisco Zen Center

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Public lectures given at San Francisco Zen Center
373 Episodes
03/24/2024, Eijun Linda Cutts, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. This talk by Eijun Linda Cutts was offered and dedicated to Caroline Meister, a Tassajara resident whose accidental death touched so many with sorrow. The talk looks at the Koan “Daowu’s Condolence Call” Case 55 in the Blue Cliff Record, and the non-dual life of zazen and precepts.
Living A Full Life

Living A Full Life


03/23/2024, Marc Lesser, dharma talk at City Center. In this talk Marc Lesser examines some instructions from Zen Mind Beginner's Mind, for living a full life; a life of practice, joy, grief, ordinary, and sacred.
03/20/2024, Gendo Lucy Xiao, dharma talk at City Center. In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Gendo Lucy Xiao explores case number 3 from the koan collection "The Blue Cliff Record” — the case known as “Master Ma is Unwell.” In the talk, Lucy discusses entering the path of awakening from right here, in the life we are living.
03/16/2024, Sojun Mel Weitsman - Norman Fischer - Andrea Thach - Susan Moon, book release at City Center. In this discussion, three long-time Zen practitioners discuss their experiences with Sojun Mel Weitsman, and highlight key portions of his autobiography and teachings. The discussion was held in celebration of the release of a new book about Sojun’s life and practice.
03/13/2024, Koshin Steven Tierney, dharma talk at City Center. In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Koshin Steven Tierney discusses the experience of loss and grief, and how these very natural and individual human experiences unfold within spiritual community. We must attend to our grief, individually and collectively, in order to maintain healthy relationships and communities. Featuring Clint Smith’s poem “Expedience,” Grace Noll Crowell’s “Let Me Come in Friend,” and the Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon.
03/10/2024, Kokyo Henkel, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. The great Way is not difficult for those who hold no preferences, it is like vast space with nothing lacking and nothing extra. At the moment awareness turns around and illuminates itself, there is going beyond appearance and emptiness.
Everything Leans

Everything Leans


In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Teah Strozer reminds us everyone is enough — you, yourself, are perfect just as you are, even if, as Shunryu Suzuki Roshi said, we can also ‘use a little improvement.' In the talk, Teah shares stories about dependent arising and its relevance for today. She highlights the importance of not making divisions — not creating ideas of separate self and others — especially as the world deals with continued armed conflicts and political divisions.
The New Chevy V8

The New Chevy V8


"In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Gengyoko Time Wicks, the current tanto (head of practice) at SFZC City Center, uses the koan “Shishuang's 100 Foot Pole” to discuss deepening our practice. He also uses Eihei Dogen's “Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon” in discussing faith in practice and overcoming karmic responsibilities.
Harry Potter Zen

Harry Potter Zen


03/03/2024, Thiemo Blank, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. In this talk Thiemo Blank uses a scene from "Harry Potter" to playfully teach about penetrating the "Walls" in our lives as a journey of liberation.
Zen Is Good For You!

Zen Is Good For You!


In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, visiting monk Yogetsu Akasaka discusses the contrasts he’s seen between Soto Zen in Japan and in the United States. Yogetsu explains the path he’s taken from touring as a beatbox musician, to preparing to one day inherit the temple that this father currently runs — with a particular focus on his interest in bringing the wisdom and teachings of Zen to the lives of everyday people. Featuring the virtues of toilet cleaning, herding 100 cats, and ending with a musical performance of the Makka Hannya Haramitta Shin Gyo, accompanied by the handpan (a metallic drum).
02/25/2024, Tenzen David Zimmerman, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. The first of the four Great Bodhisattva Vows is to “save all beings”, but what exactly does this mean and how might I engage in such an impossible endeavor? Abbot David explores the concept of “salvation” from a Zen perspective, using as a springboard an amusing koan in which Zen master Nanquan saves his disciple Zhaozhou from falling into a well.
The first of the four Great Bodhisattva Vows is to “save all beings,” but what exactly does this mean and how might I engage in such an impossible endeavor? In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, central abbot Tenzen David Zimmerman explores the concept of “salvation” from a Zen perspective, using as a springboard an amusing koan in which Zen master Nanquan saves his disciple Zhaozhou from falling into a well.
02/21/2024, Shundo David Haye, dharma talk at City Center. In this talk given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Shundo reflects on how a community based on zazen can help human flourishing and offer much-needed connection. Featuring an examination of selected sections of Eihei Dogen’s “Genjo Koan.”
02/18/2024, Sonja Gardenswarz, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. Zazen, a yogic practice, a word, an invitation, a posture, a pause in time, a space, a clearing between the edges of here and then. A space to breathe, to feel, to connect. What we choose to emphasize determines our lives. To be a disciple to and enact in each moment what matters is building a Seamless Monument, is living like a river flows. "To live as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a Marvelous Victory" ( Howard Zinn)
In this talk, given during the second one-day sitting of the winter 2024 practice period, Abiding Abbot Dōshin Mako Voelkel discusses the power and peace of not-knowing. In the Zen tradition, ‘not-knowing’ is not the same as the ignorance or delusion of everyday life. When we deeply and fully ‘don’t know’ we are more able to be at peace with things as they really are, and can see and respond to circumstances of our world as they arise and pass in each moment. This talk was recorded during the February one-day sitting, held at Unity Church, a neighbor of San Francisco Zen Center’s City Center congregation.
02/14/2024, Kim Kōgen Daihō Hart, dharma talk at City Center. In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Kim does a deep dive into the five remembrances to support us to live the life that we are already living with all its pain and preciousness.
Becoming Yourself

Becoming Yourself


02/11/2024, Jiryu Rutschman-Byler, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. In this talk, Abbot Jiryu reflects on Suzuki Roshi's core teaching that Zen practice is fundamentally about "becoming yourself," and explores the strong resonance there with the Silent Illumination teaching that awakening is right there when we sit still, exactly as we are.



02/10/2024, Shogen Jody Greene, dharma talk at City Center. This talk was given at Beginner's Mind Temple by Shogen Jody Greene. While Dōgen Zenji once described 'shikantaza' (just sitting) as “the dharma gate of repose and bliss,” our teachers have also reminded us of the ways in which working with our minds on the cushion can surface irritability, judgment, even hatred. Many of us struggle with our thoughts and struggle with our selves. This talk returns to the story of Seiko and the dragon to explore the repeated arising of ideas about right and wrong, good zazen and bad zazen, false practice and true practice. The second half of the talk turns to the recent horrifying and heartbreaking events in Israel-Palestine to see what our practice has to offer those of us longing for “peace and harmony” in a world that appears to be erupting in war. What it would mean for us, individually and collectively, to ceasefire?
In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Rev. Eli explores how Zen practice, particularly the precepts, can be supportive when going through major life change—especially when dealing with loss of identity, decision making, and working with an inner critic. Through personal anecdotes and philosophical reflections, the talk emphasizes the role of Zen in fostering a deeper understanding of self and existence amidst change.
02/04/2024, Eijun Linda Cutts, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. Avalokiteshvara in the Avatamsaka Sutra lets us know of the powerful practice of Great Compassion to meet the great challenges of our life.
Comments (2)

Keith Gliesman

great talk!

Feb 1st
Reply (1)
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